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Old 03-12-2002, 08:44 AM
Looksee Looksee is offline
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Originally posted by sl505y
US$90 a nite?
Old 03-12-2002, 09:39 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Ha Ha Ha another one cumming!

Originally posted by shagman69
OK We usually hang OUT. Not Hang UP. Bro SGPShanghai69 needed some help with his cows. Care to takeover 1?
Bro SGP call the shots in Shanghai.
Bro SGPShanghai69,
Any programmes for the up cumming week? Me in HGH via SHA on Tuesday. Anything before I proceed to HGH and plan for next Exercise. Got in touch with a few Hunan mei mei in HGH. U guys want to cum over for the weekend?
Hi there to all bros!
1st of all, SHA has been raining cats & dogs for 2 bloody days....sigh...damn moody..everywhere wet...wet...wet...
Bro shagman69, pls advise on actual date of arrival in SHA can?
Also, the rest of the bros that's coming, pls advise on contact nos.
I'm pretty much "occupied" till 8 Dec as my SGP gal fren is in SHA as well so kinda ...sigh...."chiam"...on top of these, my gals here are literally "bugging" consecutively....bro shagman69, pls get here quick to save me out this situation...sigh...

Hope to see all bros soon...
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
Living life simple is a true blessing
Old 03-12-2002, 10:44 AM
69china 69china is offline
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Having a cool off period

Yo changhai69

china69 here. Man, me keeping sending you emails via your personal email account, you no "heed"!

Now I know why. SO you SGP girl friend already in SHA? Be careful not to suffer from over usage and wear fatigue. :-)

Me still stuck in SGP N going reservist next week, else can party like always bro.

At the rate you r going, before long, you might be buying a farm for all your cows! Hmmm, a new business proposition?

CHeers Bro
Old 03-12-2002, 12:47 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Having a cool off period

Originally posted by 69china
Yo changhai69

china69 here. Man, me keeping sending you emails via your personal email account, you no "heed"!

Now I know why. SO you SGP girl friend already in SHA? Be careful not to suffer from over usage and wear fatigue. :-)

Me still stuck in SGP N going reservist next week, else can party like always bro.

At the rate you r going, before long, you might be buying a farm for all your cows! Hmmm, a new business proposition?

CHeers Bro
Hi China69 bro,
A 100,000 apologies on not able to reply an of your PMs. Was really busy with work as well as what u emntioned....the "cows" lah! sigh.....
Thank you for the advices on the over-exertion on the waer fatigue issue bro! Many thanks. But so far so good, can still cope with it....phew!
I'll be back too soon enough by end this month for my coming ICT 2 Jan which is 2 weeks duration as well. Time of the year for payment of our Male Citizens payment of "Instalment"....

As with reagrds to my "Ranch" built-up issue, rest assured that it will not happen being that the 'cows" that are with me will not be kept long to "multiply" if u know what I mean....hehehee.......
Cheers bro...and hope 2 se u soon too in our Shanghai Samsters Alumni....gatherings on actual in Shanghai!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 03-12-2002, 04:25 PM
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Re: Re: Ha Ha Ha another one cumming!

Originally posted by SGPshanghai69
Hi there to all bros!
1st of all, SHA has been raining cats & dogs for 2 bloody days....sigh...damn moody..everywhere wet...wet...wet...
Bro shagman69, pls advise on actual date of arrival in SHA can?
Also, the rest of the bros that's coming, pls advise on contact nos.
I'm pretty much "occupied" till 8 Dec as my SGP gal fren is in SHA as well so kinda ...sigh...."chiam"...on top of these, my gals here are literally "bugging" consecutively....bro shagman69, pls get here quick to save me out this situation...sigh...

Hope to see all bros soon...
Bro SGPshanghai69,
Touchdown in SHA! My god, really depressing as I was caught in the rain last nite, all cold and without many gals walk past without giving me a glance to help me....guess I am not as charming as you,huh?
SO how are things? Read that you are busy....
I am actually tied up with a gal that I knew from my prior visit.....a university!
This week is the "critical" week where we will "finish" our "business", if you know what I mean.....
BTW, read your PM for my mobile number,okie? If my mobile is not on, it means my SIN mobile is in use. Call my hotel your PM!
Cherish what you have today!
God knows what will happen tomorrow!
Old 03-12-2002, 11:48 PM
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Thumbs up Thanks

Thank you Bros who have post to me.

Anyway, I will be in Shanghai from 9 -11. Very rush. only stay 2 nite.
Actually this is my 3rd trip to Shanghai since Spet 02.
First n second no happening. veri sian.
Also have to follow my manager, jepuni, for makan n drinking.
The place they go for drinking veri sian type.
Peace hotel, Koran club n Lan Ying niteclub.
This time try to hint him to stay better hotel but insist the same one.
Olympic Hotel *** only. heard gong an will come one. izzit.
I hope to be able to break away from him n join u guys to wet.
Any bros can pm me how to contact u guys when i am in SHA.
Thank you.

c u in SHA.
Old 04-12-2002, 01:04 AM
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Re: Thanks

Originally posted by plman2002
Thank you Bros who have post to me.

Anyway, I will be in Shanghai from 9 -11. Very rush. only stay 2 nite.
Actually this is my 3rd trip to Shanghai since Spet 02.
First n second no happening. veri sian.
Also have to follow my manager, jepuni, for makan n drinking.
The place they go for drinking veri sian type.
Peace hotel, Koran club n Lan Ying niteclub.
This time try to hint him to stay better hotel but insist the same one.
Olympic Hotel *** only. heard gong an will come one. izzit.
I hope to be able to break away from him n join u guys to wet.
Any bros can pm me how to contact u guys when i am in SHA.
Thank you.

c u in SHA.

Too bad that I will miss you as I would be in Beijing by 09 Dec. However, bros such as SPshanghai69 and shagman69 may still be around. PM them if you need......cheers and try to have some fun!
Take care!
Cherish what you have today!
God knows what will happen tomorrow!
Old 06-12-2002, 02:47 PM
sleazymale sleazymale is offline
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Re: Thanks

Originally posted by plman2002
Thank you Bros who have post to me.

Anyway, I will be in Shanghai from 9 -11. Very rush. only stay 2 nite.
Actually this is my 3rd trip to Shanghai since Spet 02.
First n second no happening. veri sian.
Also have to follow my manager, jepuni, for makan n drinking.
The place they go for drinking veri sian type.
Peace hotel, Koran club n Lan Ying niteclub.
This time try to hint him to stay better hotel but insist the same one.
Olympic Hotel *** only. heard gong an will come one. izzit.
I hope to be able to break away from him n join u guys to wet.
Any bros can pm me how to contact u guys when i am in SHA.
Thank you.

c u in SHA.
HI bro plman2002,
will be in SH ard the same time, check your pm.
Old 06-12-2002, 03:53 PM
sleazymale sleazymale is offline
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Hilton Shanghai

Hi all,
I will be in SH for the first time and putting up and Hiton Shanghai. I heard about the police checks so I wonder whether this hotel is "safe" for "home delivery"?

Thanks in advance.
Old 06-12-2002, 04:01 PM
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All the 5 Star Hotels should be ok. I personally have not had any trouble during my visits there. Anything less than 5 stars you worry about the door man or the recep chap playing you out vis-a-vis reporting you to the gong-an (which ofcourse they get a cut on when you pay-up).

You are not too far from Xin Tian Ti and Fuxing Park - go try your luck - you might end up with a freebie!

Have fun!
Old 06-12-2002, 04:25 PM
sleazymale sleazymale is offline
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Originally posted by marcoman
All the 5 Star Hotels should be ok. I personally have not had any trouble during my visits there. Anything less than 5 stars you worry about the door man or the recep chap playing you out vis-a-vis reporting you to the gong-an (which ofcourse they get a cut on when you pay-up).

You are not too far from Xin Tian Ti and Fuxing Park - go try your luck - you might end up with a freebie!

Have fun!
Bro marcoman, thanks for your info.
BTW, what are there in Xin Tian Ti and Fuxing Park? Pubs/Bars or KTVs? Should I check out the Galaxy disco as well, seen it in an earlier posting?

To other bros that tried to pm me but inbox full, I just cleared my inbox. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Old 06-12-2002, 05:19 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: thanks

Originally posted by sleazymale
Bro marcoman, thanks for your info.
BTW, what are there in Xin Tian Ti and Fuxing Park? Pubs/Bars or KTVs? Should I check out the Galaxy disco as well, seen it in an earlier posting?

To other bros that tried to pm me but inbox full, I just cleared my inbox. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Dear sleazymate bro,
1st of all, a warm welcome to the Pearl of Orient City!

As with regards to your questions on what 2 expect at XinTianDi, basically it's full of F&B outlets , i.e. Paulaur Brahaus Pub & Restaurant, Luna Restaurant & Pub, Nooch Noodle Rest.....etc, etc...a place very similiar to our China Square at Raffles Place, Shenton Way where all old shop houses being retro-fitted to all F&B outlets...alot of tourists & foreigners, expats there....
Aplace definitley to be for all 1st timers in SHA as well as a place for "pick-ups" if u r lucky enough 2 spot afew maybe...

Skip the Galaxy Disco as earlier threads have posted as it is already a place not so "in" as well as not woth the while paying for that kind of quality "stiffs" there if u know what I mean by that....

I've replied your PM so read your PM mail box. Contact me when u arrived and we shall see how things goes from there bro...
Hear from u soon then....cheers...
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
Living life simple is a true blessing
Old 06-12-2002, 05:24 PM
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talking abt galaxy...heard many of my friends and some bro here saying that it is quite happening, is it still so?
By the way, any brudders kind enuff to give us a review and the price n working system of Galaxy.
And r there any better place...thanx
Old 06-12-2002, 05:26 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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California Club (Park 97)

Originally posted by marcoman
All the 5 Star Hotels should be ok. I personally have not had any trouble during my visits there. Anything less than 5 stars you worry about the door man or the recep chap playing you out vis-a-vis reporting you to the gong-an (which ofcourse they get a cut on when you pay-up).

You are not too far from Xin Tian Ti and Fuxing Park - go try your luck - you might end up with a freebie!

Have fun!
Hey Marcoman bro,
U member at California Club (Park 97) also dun need 2 keep "selling" the place lah!!! Better still, make it a point 2 be here 2 sign all of us in lah the next trip u r here in SHA....hehehe....waiting here anxiously bro....
Recently visited the joint again, is "infested" with alot of new "stocks" leh bro!! But there again, I was with my cow then that night, so 'no action" lah! sigh.....
Haer from u soon me perhaps....ok?
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 06-12-2002, 05:33 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Galaxy....hmmm

Originally posted by GreenHorny
talking abt galaxy...heard many of my friends and some bro here saying that it is quite happening, is it still so?
By the way, any brudders kind enuff to give us a review and the price n working system of Galaxy.
And r there any better place...thanx
Hey Bro Greenhorn,
Galaxy is already kinda not the "in' anymore as per my earlier posting here....
If u r really into the "really happening" stuffs....go to Sports Hotel, 5 th Level KTV, where u will be "amazed" lah...!!!!!! Damn "happening" man......
It is located at CaoXi Bei Road, Nan Dan Road, Sports Hotel. Very near to Xujiahui Shopping District.

Tips are at RMB300, should u want to "take away", just add another RMB 700 to a total amount of RMB1,000 and u will the entire night with your "take-away"....but bear in mind, one have to be early (8pm) to have the best "stuffs"...dun turn up late at 10+ or 11+ pm cause it is not like back home in SGP whereby the gals come to work late at 10+pm...ok? Gals here in SHA at KTVs start work as early as 11+pm, all good "stuffs" will be snapped up lah...hurry whilst stocks last man! heehe...

Have fun bro!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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