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Old 11-12-2012, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
wat u mean not true? which of my sentence u wan say not true ah?

??? blur liao..
U believe this BS then really no hope liao
Some people here really full of Sh!t.
For better or worst i am addicted to the game,
while i am at it i'll make it worth.
Old 11-12-2012, 01:47 AM
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Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
U think OKT is so fucking stupid like you?? Do you know how much an OKT earn per annum? Do u think an OKT is so fucking stupid like u who take this risk? Well, unless the OKT bring his WL to casino, I can tell you none of the OKT dare to take this risk! U are bull shitting here!

Singer, FL or KTV gals still can enter casino as their passports are with them
.....did i mention okt bring wl to casino ??? who also know okt never bring their girl to casino,okt also never bring their girls to hotel,cinema..this type of retarded comment who also can talk,okt also never bring their girls to zoo to see MONKEY u little cry baby.....retarded man spout retarded words.....why,no need change bedsheet....knock off n talk cock...failure...

Any foreigner with passport all can enter casino,wat singer,Fl,KTV girls can enter,dish washer auntie also can enter,all this common sense need u to tell people here,bo liao...prc tiolet cleaner with passport also can enter....want a list ?? childish ...

Write one proper FR show people u r cheongster ,dont need u info girl like any okt/helper,real cheongster write frs or give real details....not like u info abt girls like okt/helpers.....clean yr spectacles loser......u ever fuck any wls or not,dont bullshit everywhere.....write one FR......i know u can not so u will try to divert attention with other stupid excuses......wake up yr idea cry baby......

Last edited by nakamitchi; 11-12-2012 at 02:02 AM.
Old 11-12-2012, 02:12 AM
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Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Nakamitchi and googlibong!!!

U two SOB who like to talk cock and rubbish which are more than 50% untrue!! WL going to casino is one of the bull and cock u two commented here. U have Joker88 who is so patience to explain to u that u are WRONG!!

I suggest u two shut your fucking trap if u two do not know much!!!

It does not matter if no one talk to me here as they do not know what they are losing! BTW, there are many samsters who still PM me for invaluable info!!

Unlike u two idiots, I dun utter bull and cock if I am not sure!!
Who need u to be ard,u r just like a cockcroach.....dont talk to u lose wat ?? Nobody care abt a damn thing abt u.....u just an irritating attention seeker eyesore in the forum.,u know how many people laugh at u when i rebuke u everytime ??U r such a childish man,who care if u talk or not,better still dont talk,most people find u like tiolet paper ...why ?? becos u full of shit.....go fuck one wl n write a proper FR........
Old 11-12-2012, 03:54 PM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Bro stabilo, u missed bro A88 arh?

Bro A88, where are you? Many samsters missed u!
Yeah where is A88? Anyone care to explain his disappearance?

How come he went into hiding?

He used to have so many comments, everything also want to "chap zhi ka", and even laughing at me when I'm in moderation but now how come went into hiding?

Come out leh... We all "miss" you. Come join your good "bro" greenlantern, or should I say, your identical twin
Old 11-12-2012, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Yeah where is A88? Anyone care to explain his disappearance?

How come he went into hiding?

He used to have so many comments, everything also want to "chap zhi ka", and even laughing at me when I'm in moderation but now how come went into hiding?

Come out leh... We all "miss" you. Come join your good "bro" greenlantern, or should I say, your identical twin
I miss my master lei. Don't anyhow anyhow badmouth the guru of geylang lei. He is the Omni Being of Geylang. No need to work, have plenty of time to say about WLs and also got money to fuck all the WLs lei, especially since he has tried almost all the WLs in GL.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 11-12-2012, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
I miss my master lei. Don't anyhow anyhow badmouth the guru of geylang lei. He is the Omni Being of Geylang. No need to work, have plenty of time to say about WLs and also got money to fuck all the WLs lei, especially since he has tried almost all the WLs in GL.
never badmouth him leh. Just asking after his health
Old 11-12-2012, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
never badmouth him leh. Just asking after his health
Cockcroaches kill can not finish one........clones around....
Old 11-12-2012, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Cockcroaches kill can not finish one........clones around....
Clones dat no balls to leave nick share the same bowl of shit today at 4.38pm n 8.03pm.......u know who u r......useless buddies......
Old 12-12-2012, 02:43 AM
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Bro.BG....Look at how childish TGL praise A88.....same pax self praise himself,he think people in the forum I.Q as low as him.....thick skin until elephant walk thru his face also no feeling......TGL,every mon i at 3 lao, fri at L.V 4THfloor.....if u think u can match me welcome come n find me,make sure u bring money come,dont disgrace yrself no money to pay bills,u claim u know me,if u have the money to cheong there n can substain long enough u can find me....but do u really have money to go there ?? u r just a cheapskate okt/ in the forum until so bullshit high no use,yr mind gone crazy self talking n self praise yr clone......yr wife dont know u serve sammyboy is it,spend more time with family,dont disgrace yrself money dont act shit.....once again real world count,only know how to act in the forum.....shame on u
Old 12-12-2012, 02:59 AM
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Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Hey BG, dun try to be funny! You are still a far cry to my bud, AL88 in terms of intel on WL/Houses/OKT! U jolly well show some respect to the seniors if you want ppl to respect you in the first place!

Dun ever get on my nerve and act like a sore ass before me!

He is not hidding but he has given up contributing to SBF! U guys have lost a reliable intel here! I myself is no match to him as my intel is more on Malaysian WL. But from time to time, I receive intel from him via PM!
This man mind got struck by lightning,still try to pretent he is not A88 cum TGL cum Royal chimp.........use his own clone talk to money go geylang can enjoy girls already even without this forum,who care u give info or not,no money like u talk until pig fly also bullshitting.U ever fuck one single prc or not,u can not fuck becos of yr job so dont bullshit proper FR also can not write...U should start one FR on 1654a mei zhi.....u think u ti kum recommand people u can alaways ti kum correctly,nvr up the girl somemore talk cock........childish is the proper word to describe u
Old 12-12-2012, 03:09 AM
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Red face Re: Nakamoron is a kiddo trapped in a grown up body!

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Nakamitchi aka the immature moron!

The way you construct your English sentences here suggest that you are a low level & immature Beng! U are definitely not in my league let alone trying to compare my earnings with yours! You and me are definitely a pole apart! I have no choice that I have to be arrogant when dealing and fixing a low level scoundrel like you, Mr Immature Nakamoron!

I urge you not to engage in any KC game with GL WL as you cannot afford to do so both emotionally and financially!!! Time to wakeup your fucking ideal, Mr Kiddo!!

Just becaue of a meagre amount of money, you went all the way to AV officer to make a scene and made AV Officers deported pitiful Wang Fang. She has already made it clear to you she does not like or love you. She was only being friendly to you. Thats all, Mr Idiot!!
Confrim u r the 4 eyes loser.....truth no need write big words.....people can tell...go ahead disturb the forum like yr stupid monkey clones....i am waiting u to get ban......and i will be the monkey slayer cum lantern slayer !!!N last but not least Thanks to those bros. zapping this clown n his clones......CHEERS!!
Old 12-12-2012, 08:03 AM
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I am puzzled why you are getting so agitated when we mention AL88...

Shrugs. AL88 can earn all our respect simply by coming out of hiding and speaking for himself here.

Anyway, since you are "in contact" with him, can ask him PM me some nice SYT picks? I can share here on his behalf also after trying, to "pay my respects to him"

If it's good stuff, I'm happy to give your "friend" AL88 the due credit

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Hey BG, dun try to be funny! You are still a far cry to my bud, AL88 in terms of intel on WL/Houses/OKT! U jolly well show some respect to the seniors if you want ppl to respect you in the first place!

Dun ever get on my nerve and act like a sore ass before me!

He is not hidding but he has given up contributing to SBF! U guys have lost a reliable intel here! I myself is no match to him as my intel is more on Malaysian WL. But from time to time, I receive intel from him via PM!
Old 12-12-2012, 08:06 AM
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Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
I doubt AL88 needs a pretentious "bud" like YOU! U can keep it yourself! U should know what I meant here!
Of course. Why would the "great and legendary" AL88 need me when he's got you? He he he he
Old 12-12-2012, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Clones dat no balls to leave nick share the same bowl of shit today at 4.38pm n 8.03pm.......u know who u r......useless buddies......

Bro, when you got zapped, was it like -3 or -2 pts per zap? Cos if it is, it may be the same clones that zapped me I think two weeks ago in rapid succession. Like 2 to 4 of them. Who these clones belong to, simply by looking at the language of the message left behind, I leave it to your intelligence to guess.

The zaps that I got were like the below:

28-11-2012 09:09 AM you coward guy ya?
04-12-2012 07:24 AM return zap
04-12-2012 12:12 AM disagree too
03-12-2012 02:33 PM dun go if you hated it fatty...

was it similar 4 u?

any way, i find it very sad that someone would spend time maintaining such silly clones. it's like seriously no life.
Old 16-12-2012, 10:36 AM
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Dear Bros

This thread seems to lack the latest news lately, thus i would hope that those Bros who may know who's leaving soon or any latest news to post more in this thread as that's the whole idea of the thread too.

I just learned that that the next batch of new girls would probably debut some time in January and the OKTs are now busy sourcing for New WLs either through existing WLs contacts or Agent contacts , of course houses such as 1654A/B goes to source in China themselves. I understood from Garrick and Ming that the selected ones coming is pretty good and hopefully we would soon get to savour these goodies soon.

Warmest Regards
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