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Old 22-03-2007, 10:37 AM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Originally Posted by fdcivic View Post
tks. great help.

at least got some clue to start off with. tks
some tour agency at People's park complex/ center got provide such play safe..better go to those tour agency with core biz dealing in tours to malaysia..such as Gunung Raya, Grass Land, etc...need photos...and passport during submission....
member of the kaypoh clan.......
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Old 23-03-2007, 08:20 AM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Originally Posted by mahalosux View Post
some tour agency at People's park complex/ center got provide such play safe..better go to those tour agency with core biz dealing in tours to malaysia..such as Gunung Raya, Grass Land, etc...need photos...and passport during submission....
thanks! great help again.
Old 20-04-2007, 04:50 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc


Recently post at another thread for the same problem, however after viewing this thread, I feel I might be able to get more help here.

I had a friend who is here for a year on Student Pass, study in some language school. Just recently she had to renew her visa, and her application was rejected. She can't really figure out what the officer from ICA is telling her, as her English is bad. All she can understand is that she was not able to renew her visa, and had to leave the country in a month time.

Any bro know why actually is the main reason behind it? Is it because she is here for a year and her English is still so bad that she can't communicate with simple English? Is there any way to help to solve her problem now?

Please adivse.

Thank in advance!
Old 22-04-2007, 06:33 AM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Originally Posted by paramax View Post

Any bro know why actually is the main reason behind it? Is it because she is here for a year and her English is still so bad that she can't communicate with simple English? Is there any way to help to solve her problem now?

Please adivse.

Thank in advance!
Yo bro paramax,

Normally students who cant renew their student pass is due to certain reasons as stated. not able to master english well is not the reason.

1. bad attendence (meaning attendance in school is less then 75%)
normally this can be solve if students are able to produce mc or reasons in writing..etc

2. lower standard of courses when renewing student pass. (meaning if student is studying for intermediate english or degree courses, when renewing student pass, the course must be higher or next level, such as intermediate going to advance.. but not intermediate renewing to basic course)

3. School reputation reason (meaning the school might be blacklist by ICA as most of the gals caught working in vice is holding that particular school student pass)

Actually you can get the school she study in to write an appeal letter or recommendation letter (school letter are very powerful) for her or another alternative is to switch to another private school with SQC or better reputation in the industry.

hope the above information helps.

if need help or more information can pm me..


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Old 05-05-2007, 08:14 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

If a Prc is pregnant during her stay in singapore during the 2 month...can she extend her visa till the birth of the kid?

Reason is- want the kid to be singaporean.
Old 13-05-2007, 05:50 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Hi brb, is there any ages limit for the PRC gals to apply for a student visa.

thanks in advances
Old 13-05-2007, 09:14 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Originally Posted by candox69 View Post
Hi brb, is there any ages limit for the PRC gals to apply for a student visa.

thanks in advances
If you are talking about Foreign System Schools student pass application, then best is below 30 years of age.
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Need Info on PRC Visa etc
Old 14-06-2007, 04:32 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

that is not true. actually there are a few schools that i am handling do accept students of the age of 30 plus. so it is not a criteria of age for the foreigners to study in singapore.

in the market, there are alot of people who claimed to do the application. some might even go to the extend of making a big sum of money from the gal. but in the end cant apply anything for the gal and ran away. this is very bad of them.

many of these agents do not have good contacts. i recently apply for 3 foreigners for the diploma in tourism and hotel management. i only charge them admin fees of 450 sing per head. and application approved and their age is 33 years old. and of course they meet the criteria and also they speak fluent english as their first choice language. also they have some certificate that qualified.

this is only for sharing. no hard feelings. cheers

Originally Posted by Rof|maoxz View Post
If you are talking about Foreign System Schools student pass application, then best is below 30 years of age.
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Old 14-06-2007, 04:52 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Originally Posted by insomia View Post

This is only for sharing. no hard feelings. cheers
Originally Posted by Rof|maoxz
If you are talking about Foreign System Schools student pass application, then best is below 30 years of age.
Thanks for sharing..... I'm not saying all those who > 30yo will be rejected. This is based on my findings.... maybe you can advise us what's the success hit rate that you have handled before for those > 30yo who wish to come here to study.

You may say that ICA treat all applications fairly..... but.... it's still "keep your fingers cross" mentality at work. What you have mentioned so far, your above cases are relatively easy to apply for.
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Need Info on PRC Visa etc
Old 05-07-2007, 11:05 AM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Hi bros,

Need a bit help here. I intend to apply PR for my PRC wife who is already into her third term of LTSVP, 6 months.

I am puzzled as to where to get the official translations done. How does it look like? Does the company need to have any special requirements? Or I can get it done with my computer?

hehehe, so sorry for asking such stupid questions.
Old 07-07-2007, 10:03 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Originally Posted by sunnyfeng View Post
Hi bros,

Need a bit help here. I intend to apply PR for my PRC wife who is already into her third term of LTSVP, 6 months.

I am puzzled as to where to get the official translations done. How does it look like? Does the company need to have any special requirements? Or I can get it done with my computer?

hehehe, so sorry for asking such stupid questions.
Official translations are only required for the 判决书, for divorce and educational certificates. It can be either be done in China or in Singapore. Of course if must be translated into english, attached with the original documents.
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Need Info on PRC Visa etc
Old 13-09-2007, 05:51 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Dear brudders,

I really need your advice as I am at my wits' end.

I tried applying for an entry visa for 5 times through SAVE but ALL unsuccessful! Any idea on why my application is always kena rejected?

Subject is from HUNAN and 23 years old, single.
Little formal education (I put primary school) and presently unemployed (I put service worker earning equivalently S$300 monthly). Applied for 28 days for HOLIDAY. Relationship with subject is that she is my FRIEND.

I even went for interviews twice but my appeals were all rejected.

It is extremely frustrating for me. Any advice? Will manual application be better? Thanks in advance for all kind replies.
Old 08-12-2007, 02:27 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Originally Posted by insomia View Post
that is not true. actually there are a few schools that i am handling do accept students of the age of 30 plus. so it is not a criteria of age for the foreigners to study in singapore.

in the market, there are alot of people who claimed to do the application. some might even go to the extend of making a big sum of money from the gal. but in the end cant apply anything for the gal and ran away. this is very bad of them.

many of these agents do not have good contacts. i recently apply for 3 foreigners for the diploma in tourism and hotel management. i only charge them admin fees of 450 sing per head. and application approved and their age is 33 years old. and of course they meet the criteria and also they speak fluent english as their first choice language. also they have some certificate that qualified.

this is only for sharing. no hard feelings. cheers
u doing as agent?
able to get a half study half work course?
prc with primary sch level only.
need to take eng course 1st right?
after that can get half study half work course?
hear there are some course like hotel management for it.
Old 10-12-2007, 03:45 PM
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Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Hi to all bros out ther,

need some advice from you.

I have a PRC gf who is here on student pass. She wanted to bring in her parents for social visit and when she approach her school to help, they reply it is not possible.

so now, i m the only person she can turn to.

1) Can she apply for both her parents to come on her own?
2) If cant, then am i able to apply on her behalf?
3) I have went on to ICA website, but limited information. Except that the sponser had to pay a sum of $$$$. Nver state how much oso
4) Since i m not related to any of them, will ICA still allow me to sponser them?
5) Other than filling out the forms in the website, what else must i take note of.

Please advice.

Tks in adv.
Old 27-02-2008, 02:45 AM
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Question Re: Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Hi Guys,

If I apply social visa for my gf and once her application is approved.
Dose she still need to apply anything from China or just came here with her passport?
Is return ticket is a must?
It is better Do to company her to SG as local contact?
We going to ROM here.

Many Thanks
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