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Old 30-12-2016, 05:10 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Garbagement can do nothing la.

Vivian can call China ambassador n fuck him.
But since he got Chinas backing, he can fuck Vivian back. N Vivian sure lose coz Chinas rhetoric lagi solid .

If Vivian got balls He can kick out Chinese embassy.
But don't Dare la.
Cos China can easily kick out spore embassy in China n hong Kong.

If spore got balls they can target those China state own n controlled Enterprises in spore n charge them for everything under the sun including money laundering.

But China don't Care la.
Even if their CEO go jail he return to China he'll be feted like a hero. And if China retaliate, those glcs in China will b in deep shit. China will throw their CEO or legal representative in Lao gai or firing squad. They sure buay tahan n hari Kiri

Usually in such cases they'll get some spore businessman or Influential person to privately talk to China to see what can b done . But garbagement so self righteous they won't do that
Exchange points will be feted ma
I doubt the Singapore government would dare to do any drastic measures to further inflame the situation . Singapore needs China more now than ever . Now lets see how the Singapore government with all the honourable ministers ability to solve the problem. If they can not even solve this simple problem I really don't know what to say . I wonder when will the other 70 % of the Singapore population ever wake up ? I wonder where is the bohji and bohlampar rocket_boy gone to ?
Old 30-12-2016, 05:12 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Garcia10 View Post
Since when can we call any of those men in white "Honourable"?

They are only going through the motion, pray that nothing major happen so that they can collect their big fat salary at the end of the month
And the rest of the Singapore population suffering due to economic slowdown . Many are without jobs now and more will lose their jobs later .
Old 30-12-2016, 05:13 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Lion_Barbell View Post
Someone pm me to say sadfa is a troll from SPH.....!!??

Is it true ?
Where you get the idea ?
Old 30-12-2016, 05:31 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
You should stick to yr lurid sex tales la.

Or u read too much of the state influenced China media until your brain turn to mush

So terrex unarmed OK to use commercial shippers. So can use FedEx to ship m16 if not transported with bullets?? Armour vehicles can fit machine guns on top ok. N even if no guns, r used in war to protect troops or can crash thru barricades. It's not for commercial application like USA navy drone. You drive it to work Is it

Talking about garbagement using proper paperwork is pointless. Even If paperwork is perfect , itll still be seized

For that reason, there's no point demanding China give reasons for seizure.

If u agree that China WILL NOT say seized by mistake, it means whatever reason China say like 'for national interest' will be valid to the only body that matters.

That body isn't UN security council or garbagement n their Court. That body is HONG KONG COURT. If u agree that hong Kong court wont criticize China government, u should finally agree that garbagement demanding for reasons is MEANINGLESS. Because any reason China give will b the shining truth to hong Kong courts. So garbagement demanding n waiting for reasons is GONG !!

Then u say how is saf suppose to know China will seize it. The Chinese media you read are laughing n gloating at spore. U should know what the media can or cannot do is determined by Chinese government .

They're laughing at spore cos spore song shang men. It means there's no bait but the dumb fish jump into the fishermans basket

Then u say how spore know when no warning
You should know for years even the Chinese media criticise spore. Ties isn't good with China ok. N it's not over Taiwan. Even foreign media knows but spore fuckshit media probably don't talk about it because garbagement must be seen to be perfect n the best to brainwash dumb sporeans.

N I bet thru private channels, PRC officials communicate to spore, telling them wat they're doing displease China but spore obviously bochap

BTW spore plp USA is fucking fuckin stupid.
But I assume you're smart to see it so I won't elaborate.

You ask again how will spore know??????

Wow I mean the nation which don't respect international laws n do crazy things like harvesting organs of their executed political prisoners n build its own island in South China sea won't seize your vessels for no reason. Brilliant!!!!

And please follow hor.
Garbagement sets very high standards for others but not themselves.

So if you're in Thailand n saf weapons get seized from you, If u say they threaten to kill so u give lor. Your cell in db waiting for u ok

But now saf generals n garbagement keep saying I don't know!! How I know!!

Obviously this excuse is invalid if used by wp or small fry sporeans. But for dictators, standards don't apply to them

AND saf generals n garbagement are so naive to use commercial shippers n stop over at territory of someone who hates them.

Wahlan. Next time u order pizza n I hold for u while you're out ok. I make sure shit n cum n pee all over it.
You tell me if u do that knowing I hate u, DOES THAT MAKE U GONG

So u understand. Good. Learn something ok.
Read garbagement media confirmed you're doomed
Exchange points elaborate ma
I finally understand what your nick means ===> Sad F**king A$$Hole
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Old 30-12-2016, 05:41 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
Did I say the SAF soldier loses the Terrexs ? Think you need to learn how to read properly . I only say if SAF soldier loses " his equipment " he will be court martialled . If they really have the travel documents in good order why was the Terrexs impounded ? Why can't the SAF use its own logistics to ship the Terrexs back directly to Singapore ?
After I read the comments after yours, I think you are still quite reasonable lol. So at least we can argue meaningfully. So btw I say again, no one lose any military equipment. It was shipped legally from Taiwan, to Xiamen and then to HK before coming back to S'pore. It is different from NSF losing gun or lose SAF laptop. If the travel doc not in good order, then why on earth S'pore govt own self slap own self face and say everything was done properly? We would have apologised and work with HK/PRC authorities to get them back. Then China can broadcast on their national tv and say stupid S'pore screwed up but we give them chance and warn them not to have improper papers again. And if you noticed, the PRC govt until now kept quiet. Now only HK media and some PRC media speculating on it.
No one can be trusted.
Old 30-12-2016, 05:48 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by watmidoin View Post
OK. Let me get this right. First you say China is damn good at stealing technology. So damn good that even the US can't do anything against them. Then you say China is keeping our Terrex to steal its technology. Hmmmm... This means our Terrex is a real damn good piece of metal on rubber! So good that those thieves are taking a very long time to figure it out. Come to think of it, I'm sort of hoping they keep it forever. That will be proof of how advanced SG's equipment are. In fact, the world should be queuing up to buy a piece of technology that even those faggarts who only know how to steal other people's design and produce knock-offs and imitations can't figure out! I'm suddenly even more proud of Singapore! I never knew we are the ones building Iron Man suits, Gundam robots and Optimus Prime!
Bro I think he is just kidding lah... i agree with you China don't need to steal our technology but it is also true our Terrex vehicles were considered for purchase by other European countries.
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Old 30-12-2016, 06:13 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Sign of time : this is the new norm in the Sino-Sg relationship.

Let them keep the cars.
Old 30-12-2016, 07:39 PM
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Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
I doubt the Singapore government would dare to do any drastic measures to further inflame the situation . Singapore needs China more now than ever . Now lets see how the Singapore government with all the honourable ministers ability to solve the problem. If they can not even solve this simple problem I really don't know what to say . I wonder when will the other 70 % of the Singapore population ever wake up ? I wonder where is the bohji and bohlampar rocket_boy gone to ?
My earlier post shows there's nothing garbagement can do. They're at China's mercy.

When China have enough fun, they'll TELL spore here's how to Solve the problem n take back yr vehicles

If garbagement still dare to tcss n say they've got standards etc. I bet China will damn dulan n bomb those nine junk vehicles

BTW after my post yesterday Obama kick out 35 Russian diplomats as retaliation. Not exactly the same but very close to wad I said. Take action against the embassy.

exchange points got doubt ma
Old 30-12-2016, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
Where you get the idea ?
Becos he stupid la.
Stupid ppl believe all kinds of nonsense n makes up nonsense so they can make sense of the world
Exchange points stupid ma
Old 30-12-2016, 08:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Koei View Post
I finally understand what your nick means ===> Sad F**king A$$Hole
Know your failings.
Be humble . Learn from it. Improve

Even rich ppl know some things are beyond them. So they hire experts to do or teach them. But you're neither former or latter la

Exchange points u so full of ego n can't admit ppl better than u ma. Or post on Internet yr Ill conceived nonsense n get malu ma
Old 30-12-2016, 09:58 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Terrex issue a low point in 2016, but issue mustn't be allowed to dominate: Ng Eng Hen

Posted 30 Dec 2016 18:24
Updated 30 Dec 2016 18:53

SINGAPORE: The detention of Singapore's Terrex armoured vehicles by Hong Kong authorities was a low point in 2016 - but it does not pose an existential threat or even a potential threat as say, terrorism does today, said Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen on Friday (Dec 30).

As such, the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) must not lose focus or allow the one issue to dominate all else, wrote Dr Ng in a Facebook post.

"Neither should Singaporeans allow this one incident to shake our confidence or weaken our solidarity," Dr Ng wrote. "We are a sovereign and independent country, and we will chart our own future."

The shipment of nine armoured military vehicles has been held in Hong Kong since they were seized at Kwai Chung Container Terminal in late November.

Dr Ng added the SAF "will learn from this episode and has already changed its practices to better protect our assets".

He also revealed that the Defence Ministry has been "working at all levels of Government these past two months to effect their return, quietly and out of the limelight where it is more effective".

Dr Ng said he would give more details on the Terrex incident when Parliament sits next. The next sitting is scheduled for Jan 9.


Apart from the Terrex incident, Dr Ng said that the year 2016 saw "significant achievements" that have strengthened Singapore's security.

"Over 50 years, we have built up strong partnerships across the world, and have achieved a high standing in the international community,” wrote the Defence Minister. “Our relations with countries like the US, China and India are fundamentally strong and healthy.”

Added Dr Ng: “We may not see eye to eye on every issue, but that is the norm of bilateral relations between any two independent and sovereign nations. More importantly, with these countries, both sides value the mutual benefits that arise from strong bilateral ties and want to enhance these ties, not make them worse.”

continue reading here :

Fact : Matter still not resolved . Where is the accountability and transparency ?
A good government strives to make its citizens' lives better and not make it harder .

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Old 30-12-2016, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by skyleon View Post
Terrex issue a low point in 2016, but issue mustn't be allowed to dominate: Ng Eng Hen

Posted 30 Dec 2016 18:24
Updated 30 Dec 2016 18:53

SINGAPORE: The detention of Singapore's Terrex armoured vehicles by Hong Kong authorities was a low point in 2016 - but it does not pose an existential threat or even a potential threat as say, terrorism does today, said Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen on Friday (Dec 30).

As such, the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) must not lose focus or allow the one issue to dominate all else, wrote Dr Ng in a Facebook post.

"Neither should Singaporeans allow this one incident to shake our confidence or weaken our solidarity," Dr Ng wrote. "We are a sovereign and independent country, and we will chart our own future."

The shipment of nine armoured military vehicles has been held in Hong Kong since they were seized at Kwai Chung Container Terminal in late November.

Dr Ng added the SAF "will learn from this episode and has already changed its practices to better protect our assets".

He also revealed that the Defence Ministry has been "working at all levels of Government these past two months to effect their return, quietly and out of the limelight where it is more effective".

Dr Ng said he would give more details on the Terrex incident when Parliament sits next. The next sitting is scheduled for Jan 9.


Apart from the Terrex incident, Dr Ng said that the year 2016 saw "significant achievements" that have strengthened Singapore's security.

"Over 50 years, we have built up strong partnerships across the world, and have achieved a high standing in the international community,” wrote the Defence Minister. “Our relations with countries like the US, China and India are fundamentally strong and healthy.”

Added Dr Ng: “We may not see eye to eye on every issue, but that is the norm of bilateral relations between any two independent and sovereign nations. More importantly, with these countries, both sides value the mutual benefits that arise from strong bilateral ties and want to enhance these ties, not make them worse.”

continue reading here :

Fact : Matter still not resolved . Where is the accountability and transparency ?

Knn fucking shameless.
He claim this is don't see eye to eye only n this is norm .
Wahlan seize other countries property is don't see eye to eye only n norm!!!!!

So if China give land to spore embassy in China n suddenly seize it back with zero compensation is norm ar.

So what is considered serious case???
Capture hen n waterboard him till he mabo then is serious ??

Knn. Fucking dictators Damn xiasuay n shameless.
Down play until like this. So if China invade spore n thousands die will this idiot say minor bump only
Exchange points norm ma
Old 31-12-2016, 12:40 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
Where you get the idea ?
Not my idea.

I received pm informing of this fact.
Old 31-12-2016, 12:41 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Koei View Post
I finally understand what your nick means ===> Sad F**king A$$Hole
. This is the best post in this thread
Old 31-12-2016, 12:56 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Koei View Post
I finally understand what your nick means ===> Sad F**king A$$Hole
Originally Posted by Lion_Barbell View Post
. This is the best post in this thread
I fully second that! Not just the best post, damn fucking hilarious too!
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