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Old 07-07-2014, 04:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Just an article I found online.

With the recent closure of infamous Red light district "Dolly" in Surabaya, an influx of sex workers into Batam is expected:
Old 07-07-2014, 05:00 PM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
I apologize in advance if this is off-topic, but I'm wondering if any kind soul can give me an objective comparison about cheonging in Batam vs. Jakarta?

I've been reading old pages for answers, but its difficult to find reports which compare the 2 places. Since I'm not based in S'Pore anymore, its not a 1 hr ferry for me to Batam, and I"m not sure if its worthwhile to try here instead of my usual hunting grounds in Jakarta.

Some questions I would have are:

1. Gal Looks Quality in Batam vs. Jakarta (generally, but me boobs man!)
2. MP quality/pricing comparison (Anything comparable to Malioboro/Alexis)
3. Atmosphere/attitude of places? Batam more relaxing/laid back?
4. Hotel/Transport/Restaurant prices

Again, glad to up your points for your opinion answers. Cheers all!
1) Jakarta got better looking ones and more SYT. Here more older stock.
2) Octopus, Delta, Altalanta, Newton ( all these are higher ends which have better ones, but more expensive than others)
3) Batam is more for uncles from Singapore. More relaxing and laid back, yes, easier to travel from place to place unlike Jakarta, so machid.
4), Definitely cheaper. Food wise, so much cheaper than Jakarta, especially if you go to kelong makan.

Hope this helps
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 07-07-2014, 05:20 PM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
1) Jakarta got better looking ones and more SYT. Here more older stock.
2) Octopus, Delta, Altalanta, Newton ( all these are higher ends which have better ones, but more expensive than others)
3) Batam is more for uncles from Singapore. More relaxing and laid back, yes, easier to travel from place to place unlike Jakarta, so machid.
4), Definitely cheaper. Food wise, so much cheaper than Jakarta, especially if you go to kelong makan.

Hope this helps
Oh WOW!!

Never having been to Batam, I had been avidly reading this thread with a view towards possibly making this my next regular mongering destination - especially since the posters on here like nono and yourself are so helpful and very liberal with your information/assistance to newbies. Kudos to the posters here!!

But your statement that Batam is more suited for "uncles" from Singapore has given me quite a jolt and I guess a needed dose of reality. And BTW - me-thinks that "uncles" usually do not like to be addressed as "Uncle!" LOL

Thanks for this very good revelation/Regards

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Old 07-07-2014, 05:20 PM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
1) Jakarta got better looking ones and more SYT. Here more older stock.
2) Octopus, Delta, Altalanta, Newton ( all these are higher ends which have better ones, but more expensive than others)
3) Batam is more for uncles from Singapore. More relaxing and laid back, yes, easier to travel from place to place unlike Jakarta, so machid.
4), Definitely cheaper. Food wise, so much cheaper than Jakarta, especially if you go to kelong makan.

Hope this helps
Thanks Newyorker. If the travel were the same, which one would you prefer?

I dun mind older stock, as long as they are well stocked (.Y.) .....

Batam seems enticing to me, but due to my schedule, cannot goto both, must be one or the other. I like that Jakarta has high end bodies (Alexis, Malio, etc..) and easier for me to locate, but higher end prices it seems. However the laid-back attitude and cheap prices in Batam are appealing.
Old 07-07-2014, 05:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Salute to u, 9 shots.....
lol...i kind of regret having 1 shot at Linda's massage,otherwise i would have scored trip i plan to venture more of other massage places.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
not offended...dun worry...learned that long ago...not personal and anger when comes to far I only post on this forum and no where else...
Thank you for your understanding,bro. I post on a few forums tho,basically just to seek answers for Batam stuffs. And to learn. You have a big heart.

Originally Posted by speedpass View Post
Thanx for the info , m going wif some relatives , so not really tat convenient for rm svc . Maybe juz try the inhouse massage parlour n c if there is any happenings anot .

Previously tried the inhouse massage at Gideon hotel . Gals so pretty n young , too bad its deemed to be clean after several indications from me oso nothing happen . Haiz . But loved their mixed massage package . Quite relaxing .
2 or 3 trips ago,when i went to Relax massage opp formosa,i was given a HJ...the place was also deemd to be clean,but occasionally out of no where GQ will pop out. But this trip when i go Relax Massage,they tell sme their MP no special service. I guess these clean Massage places is really more of a hit and miss.

Reading from this thread some way back,someone also got offered a HJ from everyday massage which was deem clean. Again,luck plays its role here,hehehe...and may you have the best of luck in your coming trip.

Originally Posted by Townsend View Post
Hi all,

I managed to ask a university girl out for a date next week at late night because I will be with my relative before that. She looked decent etc, but she is quite pretty and slim. Looks about 8/10

Any ideas where to bring her out for a date, nice food or drink or fun? Midnight Timing. Is it safe? Not sure if she can drink, hopefully she will.

Trying to get close with her, and if the opportunity arises, will get her on bed too. hehe
Good luck,bro...and looks like we have different perspective of cheonging in Batam. You mentioned you don't speak Bahasa and are afraid to venture out and twice you are in the hotel alone,now you are in this dating game with an Uni girl in Batam. You will need a lot more luck than a normal cheongster (time & money too) and hopefully you will successfully fly high before you learn to walk.

I am guessing i am talking to a Batam season cheongster now,kindly forget my advices to you in your previous postings,you probably dont need them at all. And i am sorry for being a cow not knowing you are a tiger.

Lastly,may you have a happy & Bonkperous time with your new found Uni girl. Be sure to stay safe.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Just an article I found online.

With the recent closure of infamous Red light district "Dolly" in Surabaya, an influx of sex workers into Batam is expected:
Hi,bro...i read the news before in the below post regarding the closure of Dolly in Surabaya :

Thank you for sharing it again. (base on the news looks like after Ramadan going to have a lot of fun time in Batam)

Originally Posted by Klone80 View Post
I will be going to Batam with my family this weekend, any bro got driver to recommend for 1 day trip of shopping and sightseeing?

Please pm me
If your family is 4 person,simply flag a cab,check their price,bargain it down and go. Cheaper and more efficient. Most taxi drivers can speak broken English,plan you own itinerary and if possible print it out and instruct your taxi driver where you want to go. I did the same using this method to visit some places of interest like Tua Pek Kong and Guan Yin Temple.

If you are in Batam Centre,then you may after all not even need a taxi for shopping.

Good luck and have an enjoyable quality get-together time with your family.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Last edited by nono1973; 07-07-2014 at 05:40 PM.
Old 07-07-2014, 06:03 PM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Thanks Newyorker. If the travel were the same, which one would you prefer?

I dun mind older stock, as long as they are well stocked (.Y.) .....

Batam seems enticing to me, but due to my schedule, cannot goto both, must be one or the other. I like that Jakarta has high end bodies (Alexis, Malio, etc..) and easier for me to locate, but higher end prices it seems. However the laid-back attitude and cheap prices in Batam are appealing.
Back from a 3d2n trip from JKT, overall only about 30% more expensive in JKT depending on how you play it.

For ST wise in JKT, at Classic/KingCross/Fashion you can have an ST for 325k to maximum 800k for a SYT. In batam it will be a SOP massage package price usually 100 to 150k, FJ 300-600k.

For KTV in Batam, Higher end KTV like M1 & BC, per bottle chivas is 1 Juta ++.
JKT about 2 Juta ++. However, went to a "shakehead" KTV near lokasari in JKT, per tower of bintang only 200k.

Overall if you are easy going and can eat any vegetable, Batam welcome you.

If only want Chio/SYT, end of the day the expenses in batam can be as high as in JKT.

Anyway, budget are in your hand, it is really up to how/where/what you want to spend it. Everywhere will have Pros & Cons.

Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.

Last edited by KohOnly21; 07-07-2014 at 10:45 PM.
Old 07-07-2014, 08:37 PM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Back from a 3d2n trip from JKT, overall only about 30% more expensive in JKT depending on how you play it.

For ST wise in JKT, at Classic/KingCross/Fashion you can have an ST for 325k to maximum 800k for a SYT. In batam it will be a SOP massage package price usually 100 to 150k, FJ 300-600k.

For KTV in Batam, Higher end KTV like M1 & BC, per bottle chivas is 1 Juta ++.
JKT about 2 Juta ++. However, went to a "shakehead" KTV near lokasari in JKT, per tower of bintang only 200k.

Overall if you are easy going and can eat any vegetable, Batam welcome you.

If only want Chio/SYT, end of the day the expenses might be as high as going to JKT.

Anyway, budget are in your hand, it is really up to how/where/what you want to spend it. Everywhere will have Pros & Cons.

This is coming from my Indonesian Chinese friends..... many of them are afraid of Prabowo being elected as the next President of INA. They still remember the May 1998 riots in Jakarta targeting the Chinese community which they lay the blame on Prabowo. He is a confirmed racist and there will be racial riots again if he is elected to power.
Old 07-07-2014, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Grounded Eagle View Post

This is coming from my Indonesian Chinese friends..... many of them are afraid of Prabowo being elected as the next President of INA. They still remember the May 1998 riots in Jakarta targeting the Chinese community which they lay the blame on Prabowo. He is a confirmed racist and there will be racial riots again if he is elected to power.
Wow.. I still remember that time I'm working in Abn Amro Bank and photos of these riots are being forwarded like nobody's business, especially those IndoChinese girls being raped photos. Really scary. Can understand why they are so worried now.


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Old 07-07-2014, 10:01 PM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by Grounded Eagle View Post
This is coming from my Indonesian Chinese friends..... many of them are afraid of Prabowo being elected as the next President of INA. They still remember the May 1998 riots in Jakarta targeting the Chinese community which they lay the blame on Prabowo. He is a confirmed racist and there will be racial riots again if he is elected to power.
If a very small percentage of a particular race control the economy and very huge majority of another particular race barely earned US$1 a day, what do u expect when theres a riot? Thats why former PM of Msia, Dr Mahathir, make sure the bumis are not very far behind the Chinese interm of jobs or wealth. Malays also own properties. So if theres riot, both will suffer. Unlike Indon.

Btw Suharto, SBY and Prabowo. Tiga tiga sama.
Old 07-07-2014, 10:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Townsend View Post
Anyone have any idea if the BAG XRAY or BODY SCAN machine at Singapore and batam custom, can see the sex pill or liquid we bring?
Whilst our Spore side really scan for prohibited items like firearms, drugs etc. to safeguard our country. Our Indon counterpart scan for sex pills to fatten the individual pockets. I had a bad experience at Balai. That fucker custorm guy spotted a very small bottle (containing liquid gambir sarawak). Detained me. Demanded S$10 coffee money to settle the case. CCB!

So be careful. Even if u bring ur own medicine and if they want coffee money from u, they can come out with all kind of reasons. Remember, this the fasting month. They need money badly for the festive season

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
X scan is to detect bottle of spirits and cigarettes, which are forbidden or require high import fees.
They will certainly not detect, neither they are interested, to your "sex pills" ROFL hahaha!!
I went through those machines many times, always with my big bag of pills and various medical products in my luggage (when I travel overseas I bring with me all the basics, incl. antiobiotics, pain killer, antiseptic, antiflue, etc. etc. to cope with any medical need without the hassle of finding a doctor or a pharmacy if I am sick).
I wouldnt try the above if i am going to Balai or batam. But thats just me.
Old 07-07-2014, 10:49 PM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by Grounded Eagle View Post
This is coming from my Indonesian Chinese friends..... many of them are afraid of Prabowo being elected as the next President of INA. They still remember the May 1998 riots in Jakarta targeting the Chinese community which they lay the blame on Prabowo. He is a confirmed racist and there will be racial riots again if he is elected to power.
I vote Jokowi, as well as the people in Jakarta too !

According to them, he's a good man
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Old 07-07-2014, 11:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tiuminator View Post
I wouldnt try the above if i am going to Balai or batam. But thats just me.
Believe me, I passed through the border of Batam Harbour Bay 16 times already (as duly reported here), many more times the Singapore or Malaysia borders, not to mention countless other countries of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc worlds.
I always travel with my big plastic bag of pills and various medical products in my luggage. It's not just one blister of Sildenafil: it's a plastic bag with not less than 20 various boxes.
It's my normal SOP: when I travel overseas I bring with me a set of drugs such as antiobiotics, pain killer, antiseptic, antiflue, antiacid, etc., even vitamins to cope with basic medical needs in case I fall sick.
Strange country: they stopped you with your small bottle, while thousands of extasy pills are routinely imported and sold every night in discos?
Old 08-07-2014, 01:59 AM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Never having been to Batam, I had been avidly reading this thread with a view towards possibly making this
It's time the reading stops and take your first step to Batam

"That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for your manhood "

Do so after The Holy Month
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3

Last edited by S.B.Y.1; 08-07-2014 at 10:51 AM.
Old 08-07-2014, 09:23 AM
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Townsend is under Moderation till he learns how to behave
Re: Batam Info Thread

No la brother nono. You misunderstood me already. I am a newbie chiongster
Who really cannot speak bahasa. . I still cannot get myself to venture out to those tank,
Ktv, pub alone. . I hope i can do it someday, or maybe get some brothers here to go along. . . As for the uni girl, i gt to know her by pure
Chance. So i used translator to msg chat with her, she know alittle little english only. . After hearing some bro advice here, i hesitated to meet her alrdy. . Hahaha
Old 08-07-2014, 09:31 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Townsend View Post
No la brother nono. You misunderstood me already. I am a newbie chiongster
Who really cannot speak bahasa. . I still cannot get myself to venture out to those tank,
Ktv, pub alone. . I hope i can do it someday, or maybe get some brothers here to go along. . . As for the uni girl, i gt to know her by pure
Chance. So i used translator to msg chat with her, she know alittle little english only. . After hearing some bro advice here, i hesitated to meet her alrdy. . Hahaha
Can meet, meet at malls.

Can fuck, fuck in your hotel room. (book a better hotel with security)

Can serious, if you don't mind buy 1 free many..
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