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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 04-12-2005, 12:27 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
HornY Member of The League of Extra-HornY-nary GiaN-tleMeN

The number 69 th MemBeR of the B.O.S.S Club
Bro HCC,

U collecting Memeberships like ppl collect credit cards ah...
Still got KEFOS, TCSS etc leh...
Oops suddenly hear pokimon theme song liao..."Gotta Collect Them All !!"

BTW, u know when ur S & J coming back... think I better pay them a visit soon... now that even JJ oso suddenly retired...

Member of The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 04-12-2005, 05:45 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by SamiHyypia
haha...yesterday had a session with my xiaoxi....
Bro Sammi, u kept me waiting xioxi till 10:30pm on friday. yeah xioxi is really good. seems her looks change alot plus the eyelid. abit swollen on her face. anyway she is still the best of all FL.
Old 05-12-2005, 01:14 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....Double shots at V2 Spa

I waited for a week or so for Bro. Taurus to post his fr. on his "explosive" reunion with his long lost babe, SUMMER but so far no sound from him, so decided to take action in my own hand. So went down last week to V2 spa and this is my fr. on a "back to back" sessions with 2 gals,ke,ke horny mah!
The Location: I've not been to this HC for a few years now when it was then known as Lai Lai Spa. It's about a few blocks from Katong Mall along East Coast Road next to Eastgate building. V2 Spa is the new name under a different owner and management. The building itself is quite deserted and dilapidated and V2 is on the 3rd floor. You can take the lift up.
The Place: I was pleasantly surprised that although the building was a bit old, V2 was quite nicely done up and decorated. The new owner has put in some efforts to jazz up the place, giving it a nice ambience. The place is of a reasonable size rivalling Leisure HC. Whilst Leisure is bright and cheery, V2 is a bit more quite and dull.
Facilities: This is another pleasant surprise! Full facilities with free flow of drinks and snacks ( sandwhiches, tim-sum, yam/carrot cakes, etc). The hot and cold pool is of decent size enough for 10 people, a movie room, a pantry that has 4 amusement machines, suana and steam rooms. Entry fee is $42 per 45 minutes session. About 15 gals on rotation but when I was there, only 6 gals were available. The massage room is fully carpetted with indiviual bath room attached and of reasonable sizes.
My sessions: After hearing how Bro. Taurus was "crying" for his lost GF in the DICKSON HC thread, I was curious about this gal, SUMMER. So I booked her. However, 1st impression, I was disapointed. She was a matured lady ( in her early 30s) and for those looking for SYT, better looks elsewhere. She was pleasant looking but not the sort to leave any impression, maybe I would rate her looks as 6/10. She is fair skin and quite tall. Her best featuire is her long legs. Her boobs are almost flat and a A cupper! Her bottom is heavy and so a bit disportionate. She is slim though and busy down under. She is friendly and tries hard to make you comfortable but lack GF feeling. Her massages are commenable but not in the class of MONICA (of Royal HC) or CECILLIA (of Aven View). She has resonable techique and strength and quite through. No rush. Her TLS was rather SOP and BJ was short lacking OOOMP. She is obliging during FJ and can do various positions. I did not cum during FJ but she did a nice HJ for me until I unloaded. Sorry Bro. Taurus, to be honest, she is not my cup of tea. Not that she is no good but I cannot get any chemistry going with her.
My 2nd Session: As I was walking out, I saw a young very lianish looking gal at the recept counter spotting a partially highlighted hair. She is quite tall and lanky but boobs also almost flat. What caught my eyes was her rather "exotic" look. I spoke to her and found out that her name is YURIKO. She is half chinese and half Malay giving her the "exotic" look. She is fair skin though! Found out that she has just check in and'm extra horny mah ana so immediately booked her for another 1 hour session. The recept was taken aback but could see that she was laughing in her heart at this horny,ke,ke.
Yuriko was wearing a micro mini skirt that showed off her lwell toned limbs and she does look sexy and "fuckable". She would have look better if she puts on some make-up. She is good for those looking for a young Ah Lian....she is only 21 years old! She is no stunner but does have some nice facial features. I would rate her about a 7/10 in the look department. She is a nice chat too as she can converse in both English and mandarin. Things were looking better now after the unsexisfying session with SUMMER. She started her massages from my back using lotion. She is OK as she covers almost every part of my body. She then did a soft sexy massages that has my little wolfy up hard again. Nice touches but too short a duration. She then took off her dress. Yuck! her boobs are really flat. Pussy was clean shaven except for a thin strip. Looks cute. She capped me and started to lick my nips and moving down South slowly. My hands were busy fingering her pussy but could feeled that it was rather dry initially but as the session moved on she became wetter. Her BJ was a bit special because she has got a pierced tongue. For those who has not experience this before, the feel is different and quite shiok. This gal is quite a wild child as she also has a pierced nose and belly button inaddition to her many tattoes on various part of her body. She told me that she is into body art! We tried a few positions in FJ but I must said that she is not proactive, giving you the impression that she is quite detached.
She is a local gal and has been in this trade for only 5 months and only join V2 about a month ago. You can tell she has no experience but should get better with time. As it is, she is a bit unpolish.
BTW, V2 has also a gym besides the other facilities.
Old 05-12-2005, 06:55 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

AD at JB New York Hotel

FR on no 99 gal Joan

With the hurrican blowing strongly at singapore so decided to try my luck at JB New York Hotel kekeke. Reach there in the afternoon and was assign a gal called Joan.

1st Impression

Hmmmmm... Looks okie not too bad... looks young too like wat i hve requested.. dress very sexy though.. thinks tats the different bet sing and JB kua kekeke

Looks : 6.5/10
Boobs : A


Gave me a short oil Massage before asking me to go into the shower and help me bath. A bit like GL thought kekeke while she was bathing me my hands started to autoroam liao kekeke

Catbath and Blowjob

Started to give me a short catbathand proceeded to blow me. Blow job oso so so nia.... not much suction...

BJ : 5/10

The main course

Then she rode me for a while and ask me to take over. so i change a few positions b4 unloading......Not much sound effects too....

FJ : 5/10

Next bath and proceed to the counter to pay up.....

RTF : NO. Should hve better ones out there keke

Was kinda disappointed as i hve higher expectations on the place.... will go back again after doing more homework 1st kekekeke
Old 05-12-2005, 07:48 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Wah Bro. HCC ah, you "steal-eat" in JB whilst the storm is still blowing thru' S'pore..... IMHO, Eden Spa is still the best in JB in term of facilities, ambience and gals. But New York Spa is not bad too! Good value for $$$
Yesterday I went to "steal-eat" in Leisure with my GF, Debra. It's been sometime since I last saw her but I must say her services have gone up a notch on the Richter scale and more GF like than I can remember. She has a strong tongue which she put to good use! Licking every part of my body sending shock waves thru. Gave me the hot tea treatment and soon I could feel the room rocking and the tusunami building up to a crescendo. Her skin tone is on the dark side and with her facial features, she looks malay. But she does possess a devish bode and that killer CFM look. We were engaging in some intensive forlickings and soon I could feel my volcanoe erupting!
BTW the recept told me about their latest recruit call SKY. Reputated to be tall slim and pretty and a SYT! The recept sure knows how to entice me! Maybe I'll Q/C her this week.
Old 05-12-2005, 09:04 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....Double shots at V2 Spa

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
I waited for a week or so for Bro. Taurus to post his fr. on his "explosive" reunion with his long lost babe, SUMMER but so far no sound from him, so decided to take action in my own hand....
Hehe Chief, I actually sampled Summer right after you confirmed her whereabouts... but I thought I'd let Bro Taurus write the first FR.... But you beat him to it!

Anyway, like you, i was a bit disappointed with her looks and service was only average... Bro Taurus must have his personal connection with her that we lack...
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Old 05-12-2005, 09:28 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....Double shots at V2 Spa

Originally Posted by imom
Hehe Chief, I actually sampled Summer right after you confirmed her whereabouts...

Anyway, like you, i was a bit disappointed with her looks and service was only average... Bro Taurus must have his personal connection with her that we lack...
Wah sia! you move faster than the speed of bullet bro. Imom. Yeh bro. Taurus must have special chemistry with,ke,ke. BTW, I noticed the stretch marks on that Malay/Chinese mix gal, YURIKO esp. around her tummy and butt. I suspect that she may once be a biggy and has slim down drastically leaving those rather unsightly marks. It could turn some bros. off. But she is a must try for those with Ah Lian fetish.
Old 05-12-2005, 10:31 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Bro HCC,

U collecting Memeberships like ppl collect credit cards ah...
Still got KEFOS, TCSS etc leh...
Oops suddenly hear pokimon theme song liao..."Gotta Collect Them All !!"

Hahaha Bo lah bro OP. I was in the chat room when they started the chairman of BOSS came in. then bro Spidermel recomended me to join. so in the end they invited me to join lor kekekekeke Cant reject the offer can i kekekeke and the number looks NICE to me too heehehehee
Old 06-12-2005, 11:55 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Wat COLD MOUNTAIN !! All the League Bros in full force ah...

Bro Zack x 4 ADs liao.. in V2, Leisure and Casanova

Bro Macho x?? ADs too... experimenting on his Liquid V

Bro HCC x1 JB AD... at New York Spa (try Continental - can parade, or Bluewave -best gals no facilites)

Bro WY x2 ADs at BHC..where else...

Bro imom x1 EDs with Jap PINK nipples... x1 AD on hot SUMMER day...

Bro Sammi x2 EDs.. last burst of fire w Xiaoxi and other cheong places ??

Bro Sometimes x1 ADs with delicious FLs...

Bro Miyagi x1 ADs tuning his magic wand at Merlin

Well looks like I have to make my way down from Mt Cold Turkey too.... all the FRs are making me nose bleed... forget abt trying to be ADAM to her... and jus be a HORNY cheongster !!

I'm BACK w a Vengenace !!
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lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 06-12-2005, 12:16 PM
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1st FR on Libidus

Bro OP, after your subtle suan on me, I have no choice but to post my Virgin FR in this thread. Here it goes:

The preamble to my experiment with Libidus is contained in my new thread, "Great New Sex Shop @ Geylang. If you keen to know, just click on the link in my siggy.

I consumed the Libidus capsule as instructed by the manager of RA21, the sex shop @ 283, Geylang Road. I opened up the capsule & gulped it down with some carrot juice at the nearby coffee shop, since I was told that the effect would take only about 10 minutes if I do so. Before that, I had called my regular ("Shuqi") & she was eager to see me.

I was by her side in a jiffy.She was dressed in a translucent pink lingerie which made me hot. Was the Libidus working or was it her sexy lingerie? Probably, a combination of both.We hugged & kissed upon seeing each other & fell into bed. I took a slow leisurely puff & made some small talk with her.
Old 06-12-2005, 12:35 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

[QUOTE=Optimus_Prime]Wat COLD MOUNTAIN !! All the League Bros in full force ah...

Wah really ah? but Bro. SGB & Groo MIA liao or playing hide and seek up in the cold mt. Rumour has it that Bro.Groo has received a RED card from his tigeress....but dun't say I say one OK
Anyway after today, I'll be hibernating for a long while up in the mt. due to outstation duties and family time. Take care and cheong safely.
Old 06-12-2005, 12:48 PM
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1st FR on Libidus

Bro OP, after your subtle suan on me, I have no choice but to post my Virgin FR in this thread. Here it goes:

The preamble to my experiment with Libidus is contained in my new thread, "Great New Sex Shop @ Geylang. If you keen to know, just click on the link in my siggy.

I consumed the Libidus capsule as instructed by the manager of RA21, the sex shop @ 283, Geylang Road. I opened up the capsule & gulped it down with some carrot juice at the nearby coffee shop, since I was told that the effect would take only about 10 minutes if I do so. Before that, I had called my regular ("Shuqi") & she was eager to see me.

I was by her side in a jiffy.She was dressed in a translucent pink lingerie which made me hot. Was the Libidus working or was it her sexy lingerie? Probably, a combination of both.We hugged & kissed upon seeing each other & fell into bed. I took a slow leisurely puff & made some small talk with her.

To Be Continued.
Old 06-12-2005, 12:50 PM
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Unhappy Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Heart broken returning to Cold Turkey Mountain for period of mourning and recovery. Emptiness in heart...Emontionally exhausted.

Will try Eva the Queen soon!


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Old 06-12-2005, 01:04 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Wang Ye
Heart broken returning to Cold Turkey Mountain for period of mourning and recovery. Emptiness in heart...Emontionally exhausted.

Will try Eva the Queen soon!
Yeah lor... such a sudden turn of events... I oso a bit at a loss...

Will try Michelle the SYT soon too !!
Member of The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 06-12-2005, 01:08 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Will try Michelle the SYT soon too !!
Wa syt! let me show you her 'stuff' 1st you want? keke
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