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Old 24-05-2011, 01:19 PM
The Milk Man The Milk Man is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
I dunno the amount, but, now, Abu Sayaf kidnap a Malaysian, and want 8 Million peso, and 5 million peso down payment first .. which is a discount off the original 30 million .. and the PNP will not be far off ..
Gosh Aby Sayyaf !.... is it safe nowadays?
Should I cancel my forthcoming trip?
Old 24-05-2011, 01:41 PM
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Wink Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I cant assure your safety.

But if you dun wanna go or you wanna cancel your trip do me a favour.

change it to my name. il pay the change charges.

Originally Posted by The Milk Man View Post
Gosh Aby Sayyaf !.... is it safe nowadays?
Should I cancel my forthcoming trip?
Old 24-05-2011, 01:43 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Good idea for every one.

I carry a couple of thousand peso in my pocket and yes the cheap $ 33 nokia phone

Originally Posted by etsys View Post

Milk man: one of the reason why I lock up all my stuff and walk 'bare' pocket, with a cheap throwaway phone .. and not much $ in my pocket .. is .. i always envisage a worst case scenario .. where i may find myself locked up .. and don't want the fuckers to raid my wallet .. or anything ..
Old 24-05-2011, 01:52 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
I cant assure your safety.

But if you dun wanna go or you wanna cancel your trip do me a favour.

change it to my name. il pay the change charges.
You sure onot? My ticket is a promotion ticket bought at Sgd$90.00.
I think the charges for amending the ticket will be more than the ticket price.
Old 24-05-2011, 02:05 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Milkman, the malaysian was kidnapped in Mindanao .. ryId=200

Manila and the rest .. no worries .. don't venture 'down south' where OK Corral is normal ..

as long as you don't venture to any wild-wild west, don't take up offers from guys who promise virgin girls, or accept offer for gambling.. you are same.

Go, bar, bar fine, be fine .. and have fun. ..
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Old 24-05-2011, 04:04 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Well, I had booked my flight to AC! Will be flying in on 6th and off on 8th June 2011. A short trip, for a bachelor's party of a dear friend of mine. Hope everything will be fine there, no raids & no runners, hopefully...
Old 24-05-2011, 04:19 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Little Gun: To be safe, don't over do the party, like booking a bar and doing strip shows .. those are sure recipe for raid .. or temptation to make $ ..

Runners ?? is totally under your control .. if you see a wavering mind, cut it loose, and cut the loss, than to go deeper and then find that it sucks ..
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Old 25-05-2011, 01:44 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Well, I had booked my flight to AC! Will be flying in on 6th and off on 8th June 2011. A short trip, for a bachelor's party of a dear friend of mine. Hope everything will be fine there, no raids & no runners, hopefully...

Little Gun, my suggestion, from past experience in a bachelor's party in AC :
- load up on duty free booze on the way to AC
- get a few rooms next to each other in Lewis Clark
- go to a few bars to round up gals, telling them you are staying in Lewis Clark and having a party is usually enough of a incentive for the gals not to refuse
- best to pay bar fine shortlisted gals in the bars, and ask them to turn up at the hotel at fixed time or go over to pick them up when you have gotten the right number
- arranging ratio of 1.5 to 2 gals to 1 guy is about right, taking into account runners, MIA etc
- although the good looking gals are in the big bars in Fields, the ones to give their best efforts are usually in the Perimeter bars, and outer Fields bars
- get food from Jollibee for the gals, which is their favourite eatery
- get other drinks, tidbits etc from supermarket
- start the party at the poolside in the early evening, and then move on the wild stuff in the pool and the room/s

This way, you won't have to worry about raids, being ripped off on the drinks and food bills, you get a wide selection of gals, and you are mostly in control of the situation

Above is only a suggestion, have fun whichever way you get it done, write up a FR if you can for fellow brudders to learn from your good and bad experiences

I'd be in AC in early June, PM me if u need my help
Old 25-05-2011, 03:20 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Runners ?? is totally under your control .. if you see a wavering mind, cut it loose, and cut the loss, than to go deeper and then find that it sucks ..
With our cheongster guts instinct it might be able to sense and avoid the run ers when buying them drink to interview.

But I also got time that the girl act totally into u while in the bar,like u are her past life lover but once in the room passionate for one round then come out with strawberrys that she needs to leave?even wants to get ur number so she can call u on her off day to hang out.

To be,it's not really under total control for runner case.but if really kana 1 like u say cut loose better to let her go then hold on to a unhappy girl who keep testing and looking at the watch.anyway ac is full of girls who wants your meat,we can get another gal back who wants to sleep in your bed within 30mins out on the street or bar again!

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Old 25-05-2011, 09:10 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Milk Man View Post
Bro PT, what happened afterwards in the police station..... would like to know in case we get caught in the same situation....... touch wood

Nothing you can do except keep quiet and pretend you are innocent bystander. Don't ask for a lawyer , don't ask to speak with your embassy , don't make a scene ,etc as this will flag you as a trouble maker and uncooperative. Go with the flow and act relaxed. I was at the station for about 1-2 hrs and the police never brought up "bribe money" bit as the raids were being supervised by higher officials and monitored. Since they only saw me as this quiet "innocent bystander" who couldn't sleep and just wanted a beer at the bar on a hot night (BTW: that's exactly what I said). They let me go.
The only ones they kept all night (or longer) were all the people working at the bar (waitress, bar girls, door girls, bartender etc) and a few guys stupid enough to try and make things harder for them.

Just remember, at these raids, the police are not after you but the workers and bar owners. Hope this helps.

Old 25-05-2011, 09:14 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Hmm, just notice another Typhoon could be heading towards the PI.
Unusual as the tropical storms are arriving early this year.
Stay safe bros.
Old 25-05-2011, 09:21 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
With our cheongster guts instinct it might be able to sense and avoid the run ers when buying them drink to interview.

But I also got time that the girl act totally into u while in the bar,like u are her past life lover but once in the room passionate for one round then come out with strawberrys that she needs to leave

So so true.
Happens to me all the time. I wish I could screen the runners out 100% of the time but even for me its impossible. The "gut" instinct and question and screening will avoid most of the potential runners but not all. Some runners are experts and knows exactly how to "act" and answer any questions you have. Then back at the room, they will never say outright they are "running" but have all the 101 excuses to do so. Like one of my favorite excuse from last year. She said "I really have to leave because I forgot to pick up my baby from the babysitter"--I said , but its 2am
Old 25-05-2011, 11:55 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

PT2: you forgot .. some guys decide they are heroes rescuing the damsels in distress and swear his bar fine is his GF .. Bad strategy .. and sure way to get your balls caught up ..
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Old 25-05-2011, 06:12 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Thanks to everyone for your great suggestions, although I am not the organizer. I would forward your suggestions to the organizer. I'm there just to join in the fun. But going from past experience with these group of friends, most likely will be bar-hopping like nobody's business and end up in Skytrax or something like that.

It is true about the runners. There is never a fool-proof way ensure there is no runner. I remember the first time I went to AC, I barfined a fine young thing which I brought clubbing with me. She was totally enjoying the clubbing, grinding into me and giving me sexy french kisses while dancing. After that, we went back to my room. Had a round of sex (OK, the sex was rather good. I even managed to stick a thumb into her arse without much resistance! hehehe.... ). But once we are done and rested for a while, she started giving me all kinds of excuses and I realized she has no intention of staying for further rounds. Got to let her go. Rather she go than stay with me with a sulking face.

Ah well.... will see what turns up this trip. Can't wait for it. Less than 2 weeks to go.... wohoo....!!!
Old 25-05-2011, 07:30 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

PT: atleast your barfine didn't say that her cow needed heart medication, or her grandfather need to be milked .. or something like that

I have heard innovative excuses .. trust me .. the only way to get as close to minimise loss is bluntly ask if she plans to stay till 8 AM .. or later .. even then a midnight text can announce the birth of a child of her virgin sister, or her mother reached AC from Mindanao, and with a 2 day sailing, the daughter didn't know .. don't even bother to ask if she knew about it ..

Filipinos are good at giving 'hints' which non-filipino don't get it.. heck, even filipino men miss the hints .. and when you loose your temper and sarcastically tell her to get off .. instead of pickign the sarcasm, it will be like "oh, I know you are nice person and understanding .. " You can only smile and control your temper when the barfine reminds you of the taxi fare .. and the oft quoted reason is "i didn't want to make you mad .. by telling you I can't overnight .. " of course, that's the whole freaking point ..

Ah hell, the games we play to pick pussy ..
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