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Old 23-09-2009, 02:15 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by rocksoff View Post
Sure :-) Want to go to some disco with a happy girl ..
Pii... Nong mai kow jai krai/arai "happy girl"
Izzit your new find tat followed u back from AC?
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Old 23-09-2009, 10:50 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
Izzit your new find tat followed u back from AC?
No, she's local. You won't like her, too dark ;-)
Old 24-09-2009, 12:40 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Like that better so no competition 4 puyings! I like white meat, u like dark
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Old 24-09-2009, 09:34 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
To those whom have been asking for the exact place of the intermara(suthisan) a gogos. Here's a post i made in this very same thread .

I guess a map would be easier for people to pinpoint the location.

The nearest and easiest way is actually not from Suthisan MRT.
Suthisan MRT is at least 2 Major Itersection away!

A better way would be alighting at Saphan Kwai BTS, take a taxi towards Suthisan Winitchai Road. Prolly no more den 50thb journey.
Branching out of Suthisan Winitchai road would be all the intermara Sois.

When you bypass Intermara soi 10 on ur right, stop. Infront of you will be a caltex petrol station. That's the place man.

Went there yesterday night and see nothing around Caltex. The whole Caltex complex are being surround by fence. Look like under construction.
Old 24-09-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by ownage_sex View Post
Went there yesterday night and see nothing around Caltex. The whole Caltex complex are being surround by fence. Look like under construction.
Most of gogo bars is near to Suda Palace hotel and used to known as RCA 2. See map below.

Free Bangkok Maps : Map of Ratchadaphisek - Ramkhamhaeng with details needed by tourists
Old 24-09-2009, 02:13 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Save money lah. Go usual SC or NN better... seriously. Its not tat cheap... everything adds up to the same as farang/tourist place. Go search former BKK master Tony's posts in tiz thread 4 hiz comments & opinions.
the original, unabridged version of 1 Night in Bangkok

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Old 04-10-2009, 03:46 PM
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Soi Cowboy Update

Feeling bored last night coz my tilak not around so tot go SC for a drink and ogle some tits.

Suzie Wongs
Reached my 1st destination around 10pm. Nice Chinoiserie theme decor did a quick scan and found the girls so-so. What the heck, not here to bonk right? Sat down ordered a drink. Whisky+soda Bht150 (hmm... seems expensive). Girls basically looked bored and only my waitress was the perky one. Told her cannot buy her drink, no money, but gotta give her points for trying. Place was crowded with the usual Jap & farang punters. Around 11pm they had a soapy lesbian show with one lady taking a Jap's beer bottle and shoving it up her pussy. Only could find one go-go girl to my liking but she like the "free" ones sitting next to me were rather listless.

Deja Vu
All glass & metal interior with go-go dancer at main and side stages. More girls than customers when I came in. Mayb it was because the scowling face MMS standing at the bar keeping all the good luck vibes away. Girls here more pro-active keep being asked if I want girl to sit with. Teased them saying I got no money. Couple of nice ones here and their drinks menu have the price for the girls at the end. Nice! Barfine: Bht500, Happy Hour: Bht800... hmmm must come early next time. But didn't like the big flashing strobe lights in your face so left after one drink. Bht 140 for a standard drink.

"Can't remember the name"
555... there was this girl with a sign "Maybe 20 pretty girls inside and rest old and ugly" outside this joint. Thought the owner had a sense of humour so thought would check this out. What a contrast from Deja Vu. Old, dark with stale cigarette smoke in the air. Go-go girls were really bored and listless and thought one of them was having a spasm coz she juz kept twitching her shoulder to the music. The sign out side should have been changed to "all ugly girls!" To make things worst grandpa had a cute waitress lick the lime for her tequila from his nipples in front of everybody! Yeackkkk! So agreed my friend and the farang next to us. Bht 140 for a whisky+soda.

Headed for my friend's favourite hang out. All naked dancing girls on a small narrow stage in the middle of the room. Really a mixed bag of girls here from a short Miss Piggy look-a-like to some JC/polytechnic student kinda of SYTs - not stunners though but sweet enough. Ordered a couple of beers and I think this is the only place that has beer nuts. Not that its a big deal but a nice gesture. Belgian dark beer Bht155 for a small mug.

My friend was tired already so he went home whilst I said I would like to check out one more joint.

555... again don't know name!
Was targeting a go-go at the end of the soi but along the way was ambushed by this kawaii looking SYT who grabbed my arm and dragged me into this bar. SYT kind with gold twisting locks and long eye lashes... jialat too much alcohol can lower your resistance!

It was a more of a bar than a proper go-go. There was a small stage on one side for 2 or 3 girls and the dancers were dressed like french maids. My SYT sat me down and immediatly started to rubba-rubba my lil' bro... wah! getting more aggressive as the night wears on without a potential BF. Another of her (1/2 drunk) go-go colleague joined us. Bought her and the waitress a drink too and realized that I had 3 pussies to handle! All hands over me and I don't know where to concentrate.

Then came the magic question. Both asked if I want to BF them. Wah... hard choice leh... come tonight for a drink only so told them no money. Wanted to take 2 of them (waitress by this time left our party) but really not enough. Kawaii SYT too expensive (quoted Bht2000 ST and Bht3000 LT) and I wanted to bang her but resisted the urge. So played along, teasing & TCSS with both of them. Finally Kawaii SYT left to change as bar was closing after realizing that she was going home empty handed. "1/2 Mao" was fast, she said that since you no money you wait for me to knock off and no need pay BF. After fondling al that tit & ass has made me horny too... paid up... Bht90 for each drinks only? Tatz reasonable.

Waited for "1/2 Mao" at the nearby ST hotel. I think it is called Windsor and has a small after-hours disco on the 3rd floor. Its located near Asoke entrance of soi. Paid Bht450 for a clean & large (surprised!) room. "1/2 Mao" then told me she just came back from visiting her hometown last week and has not had sex for a month already! "I horny mak mak naa!" Bring it on! She was already wet before we started anything. Needless to say it was a good bang, managed to come twice before I felt totally exhausted. Not been sleeping well, work stress, bad food... well you guyz know the score.

Name: Tim from Lopburi
Age: 24, she has some miles on her but still pretty.
Looks: 6/10 with a small tummy, didn't see this at the bar.
FJ: 9/10
BJ: 8/10
Mistress Effect (not GFE naa!): 8/10, maybe she was drunk. She allows me to kiss.
AJ, CIM etc... never asked.
Damage: Bht1,500 (ST for 2 hours) + room (Bht450).

RTF? Yes, must try that kawaii SYT but must try to nego like what I did with "1/2 Mao" coz Kawaii specifically targets Japs, hence her looks, so her pussy costs more (damn those Japs! spoil market!). 555... this happens to be my virgin SC bonk too!
the original, unabridged version of 1 Night in Bangkok

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Old 05-10-2009, 12:03 AM
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Re: Soi Cowboy Update

Was targeting a go-go at the end of the soi but along the way was ambushed by this kawaii looking SYT who grabbed my arm and dragged me into this bar. SYT kind with gold twisting locks and long eye lashes... jialat too much alcohol can lower your resistance!

Hey bro, guess you are talking about Rawhide, right? If you have gone there, would have prob see me, cos I was hanging ard at the bar about 12+pm, watching the ManU game and my SYT at the same thing.
Old 05-10-2009, 01:54 PM
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Re: Soi Cowboy Update

Originally Posted by leaseoflife View Post
Hey bro, guess you are talking about Rawhide, right? If you have gone there, would have prob see me, cos I was hanging ard at the bar about 12+pm, watching the ManU game and my SYT at the same thing.
Alamak I was there from 10pm to closing! I ask u want to meet but u never reply leh! Saw a couple of guys watching the Man U game but saw mostly farangs. U farang based in Spore?

I'm not sure whats the name of my bar. Its a small place. Not an open concept bar with a long counter running parallel to the room on one side.
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Old 06-10-2009, 12:11 AM
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Re: Soi Cowboy Update

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
Alamak I was there from 10pm to closing! I ask u want to meet but u never reply leh! Saw a couple of guys watching the Man U game but saw mostly farangs. U farang based in Spore?

I'm not sure whats the name of my bar. Its a small place. Not an open concept bar with a long counter running parallel to the room on one side.
Bo lah.. i am the true blue sillyporean. Pai say... think must have missed your msg earlier. Anyway, I went to Pattaya with Bro ML, and did not plan when to come back to BBK until last min. But would have been fun meeting up with you. Was alone that nite as Bro ML has prior engagement.

I dun think that's the place I went. I went to the AGG bar beside the ST hotel at the end, near Asoke side. Anyway, i am sure got chance to meet again lah.
Old 07-10-2009, 05:20 PM
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I night in SC..

Belated agg FR from my last month's stealth trip to bkk

This was on my "free" night (from clutches of my tg side dish)... err, rather my "undeclared" departure back home. Kns, my lil black book failed me. So had to spoil my junior and comply with his wish by going to SC.

Dejavu had pathetic (and bored) looking gals, and Shark was a bit better. Never hit LongGun before, so gave a shot. All dancers were stark naked (a bit turn off for me, prefer a bit mystery mah over nothing left to imagination). Beers were a bit more pricey than Dejavu or Shark though.

Sat on ringside, to get 180 degrees view. Only a couple worth a 2nd look, and tried to remember their no. tags (despite alcohol kicking in).

Spied 1 exotic looking gal (though a bit tanned) who was dancing behind 1 pillar (she later told me shy). Smiled at her when she took a break at corner next to the loo. She popped by, not alone but with another gal. Double trouble, as not only 2 LDs but also how to keep 2 happy?

Fast forward, had to dissappoint other -but gave me her no. for next time (if that ever happens!). Still early 10pm, so rought X (forgot name liao) to my fave german brewery Tawandaeng at Param 3 for some makan and liquid diet. Place was jam packed, with Carabao concert. Good thing was up to now, no talk on ST/LT or even price. My usual kite layang: "you take good care me.. I take take care you"

Plenty of GFE, feeding me (at my expense) etc. Past midnight, junior was getting impatient. So back to my castle for junior's fix. X was good at delaying tactics in room, snuggling and tcss.... After awhile, I was getting impatient with my arb nam song khun (double bathtub do). Kns, still insist she's shy.

More cock teasing after our individual bath. Convinced me to let her massage me. Not bad, very sensual... that I almost zzzzz.

Then main event, good and catbath foreplay. Then she says, wanna boom2 me. Me more than willing victim, with me cowgal ride (I also asked for reverse ride). Sweaty hour, and good mutual release. By then it was 0330, and the usual "strawberry" (excuses) on home etc. No problemo, I was happy to get a decent shuteye over next few hours before my airport checkin late morning. Paid her 2k + 500 tips/taxi to buzz off. Important thing is to cut your losses, and a good night's sleep is priceless.
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
Old 08-10-2009, 03:13 PM
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Talking Re: I night in SC..

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Belated agg FR from my last month's stealth trip to bkk

This was on my "free" night (from clutches of my tg side dish)... err, rather my "undeclared" departure back home. Kns, my lil black book failed me. So had to spoil my junior and comply with his wish by going to SC.

Dejavu had pathetic (and bored) looking gals, and Shark was a bit better. Never hit LongGun before, so gave a shot. All dancers were stark naked (a bit turn off for me, prefer a bit mystery mah over nothing left to imagination). Beers were a bit more pricey than Dejavu or Shark though.

Sat on ringside, to get 180 degrees view. Only a couple worth a 2nd look, and tried to remember their no. tags (despite alcohol kicking in).

Spied 1 exotic looking gal (though a bit tanned) who was dancing behind 1 pillar (she later told me shy). Smiled at her when she took a break at corner next to the loo. She popped by, not alone but with another gal. Double trouble, as not only 2 LDs but also how to keep 2 happy?

Fast forward, had to dissappoint other -but gave me her no. for next time (if that ever happens!). Still early 10pm, so rought X (forgot name liao) to my fave german brewery Tawandaeng at Param 3 for some makan and liquid diet. Place was jam packed, with Carabao concert. Good thing was up to now, no talk on ST/LT or even price. My usual kite layang: "you take good care me.. I take take care you"

Plenty of GFE, feeding me (at my expense) etc. Past midnight, junior was getting impatient. So back to my castle for junior's fix. X was good at delaying tactics in room, snuggling and tcss.... After awhile, I was getting impatient with my arb nam song khun (double bathtub do). Kns, still insist she's shy.

More cock teasing after our individual bath. Convinced me to let her massage me. Not bad, very sensual... that I almost zzzzz.

Then main event, good and catbath foreplay. Then she says, wanna boom2 me. Me more than willing victim, with me cowgal ride (I also asked for reverse ride). Sweaty hour, and good mutual release. By then it was 0330, and the usual "strawberry" (excuses) on home etc. No problemo, I was happy to get a decent shuteye over next few hours before my airport checkin late morning. Paid her 2k + 500 tips/taxi to buzz off. Important thing is to cut your losses, and a good night's sleep is priceless.
Nice and juicy FRs..bro!
Old 16-10-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

any bro(s) wanna go chiong tonight (friday) in bkk?
pm me!
Old 16-10-2009, 01:14 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Hi Guys,

Im back from my 1 week Bangkok & Pattaya trip... Really Enjoyed Myself to the Max...
I miss Thailand, AArhhhh...

I love the Shark Bar in Soi Cowboy, lots of pretty hot babes.. basically for the 3 nights in Bangkok, Im stuck in this bar.. Haha.. I'm definitely going back again..

As for Pattaya, I like Peppermint Agogo..

Can't wait for my next Thailand trip..

Guys, can i ask when is the best time to go Thailand, BKK & Pattaya..

Thanks in advance.
Old 16-10-2009, 02:00 PM
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Re: I night in SC..

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Belated agg FR from my last month's stealth trip to bkk

This was on my "free" night (from clutches of my tg side dish)... err, rather my "undeclared" departure back home. Kns, my lil black book failed me. So had to spoil my junior and comply with his wish by going to SC.

Dejavu had pathetic (and bored) looking gals, and Shark was a bit better. Never hit LongGun before, so gave a shot. All dancers were stark naked (a bit turn off for me, prefer a bit mystery mah over nothing left to imagination). Beers were a bit more pricey than Dejavu or Shark though.

Sat on ringside, to get 180 degrees view. Only a couple worth a 2nd look, and tried to remember their no. tags (despite alcohol kicking in).

Spied 1 exotic looking gal (though a bit tanned) who was dancing behind 1 pillar (she later told me shy). Smiled at her when she took a break at corner next to the loo. She popped by, not alone but with another gal. Double trouble, as not only 2 LDs but also how to keep 2 happy?

Fast forward, had to dissappoint other -but gave me her no. for next time (if that ever happens!). Still early 10pm, so rought X (forgot name liao) to my fave german brewery Tawandaeng at Param 3 for some makan and liquid diet. Place was jam packed, with Carabao concert. Good thing was up to now, no talk on ST/LT or even price. My usual kite layang: "you take good care me.. I take take care you"

Plenty of GFE, feeding me (at my expense) etc. Past midnight, junior was getting impatient. So back to my castle for junior's fix. X was good at delaying tactics in room, snuggling and tcss.... After awhile, I was getting impatient with my arb nam song khun (double bathtub do). Kns, still insist she's shy.

More cock teasing after our individual bath. Convinced me to let her massage me. Not bad, very sensual... that I almost zzzzz.

Then main event, good and catbath foreplay. Then she says, wanna boom2 me. Me more than willing victim, with me cowgal ride (I also asked for reverse ride). Sweaty hour, and good mutual release. By then it was 0330, and the usual "strawberry" (excuses) on home etc. No problemo, I was happy to get a decent shuteye over next few hours before my airport checkin late morning. Paid her 2k + 500 tips/taxi to buzz off. Important thing is to cut your losses, and a good night's sleep is priceless.
good FR, can add in more juicy details next time mah....

i am going next month, hope to have some of the good stuff u mentioned...
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