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Old 25-05-2011, 10:24 PM
Wetdevil Wetdevil is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Milkman, the malaysian was kidnapped in Mindanao .. ryId=200

Manila and the rest .. no worries .. don't venture 'down south' where OK Corral is normal ..

as long as you don't venture to any wild-wild west, don't take up offers from guys who promise virgin girls, or accept offer for gambling.. you are same.

Go, bar, bar fine, be fine .. and have fun. ..
Yup most of the time is at the south where all the kidnapping take place. Support your last sentence ... Go, bar, bar fine, be fine .. and have fun. .. No point rush and get gals from the road side. You nvr know what will happen

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
With our cheongster guts instinct it might be able to sense and avoid the run ers when buying them drink to interview.

But I also got time that the girl act totally into u while in the bar,like u are her past life lover but once in the room passionate for one round then come out with strawberrys that she needs to leave?even wants to get ur number so she can call u on her off day to hang out.

To be,it's not really under total control for runner case.but if really kana 1 like u say cut loose better to let her go then hold on to a unhappy girl who keep testing and looking at the watch.anyway ac is full of girls who wants your meat,we can get another gal back who wants to sleep in your bed within 30mins out on the street or bar again!

Well no matter how one is prepare, if you got a runner they will do whatever to clinch the deal before doing their act. Just find a new gal if runner do appear, unless its late. Then choice of gal will be very limited depending on one expectation.

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
Nothing you can do except keep quiet and pretend you are innocent bystander. Don't ask for a lawyer , don't ask to speak with your embassy , don't make a scene ,etc as this will flag you as a trouble maker and uncooperative. Go with the flow and act relaxed. I was at the station for about 1-2 hrs and the police never brought up "bribe money" bit as the raids were being supervised by higher officials and monitored. Since they only saw me as this quiet "innocent bystander" who couldn't sleep and just wanted a beer at the bar on a hot night (BTW: that's exactly what I said). They let me go.
The only ones they kept all night (or longer) were all the people working at the bar (waitress, bar girls, door girls, bartender etc) and a few guys stupid enough to try and make things harder for them.

Just remember, at these raids, the police are not after you but the workers and bar owners. Hope this helps.

Good advice and sharing.

Originally Posted by Little Gun View Post
Thanks to everyone for your great suggestions, although I am not the organizer. I would forward your suggestions to the organizer. I'm there just to join in the fun. But going from past experience with these group of friends, most likely will be bar-hopping like nobody's business and end up in Skytrax or something like that.

It is true about the runners. There is never a fool-proof way ensure there is no runner. I remember the first time I went to AC, I barfined a fine young thing which I brought clubbing with me. She was totally enjoying the clubbing, grinding into me and giving me sexy french kisses while dancing. After that, we went back to my room. Had a round of sex (OK, the sex was rather good. I even managed to stick a thumb into her arse without much resistance! hehehe.... . But once we are done and rested for a while, she started giving me all kinds of excuses and I realized she has no intention of staying for further rounds. Got to let her go. Rather she go than stay with me with a sulking face.

Ah well.... will see what turns up this trip. Can't wait for it. Less than 2 weeks to go.... wohoo....!!!
Hope you have a more wonderful trip this time.

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
PT: atleast your barfine didn't say that her cow needed heart medication, or her grandfather need to be milked .. or something like that

I have heard innovative excuses .. trust me .. the only way to get as close to minimise loss is bluntly ask if she plans to stay till 8 AM .. or later .. even then a midnight text can announce the birth of a child of her virgin sister, or her mother reached AC from Mindanao, and with a 2 day sailing, the daughter didn't know .. don't even bother to ask if she knew about it ..

Filipinos are good at giving 'hints' which non-filipino don't get it.. heck, even filipino men miss the hints .. and when you loose your temper and sarcastically tell her to get off .. instead of pickign the sarcasm, it will be like "oh, I know you are nice person and understanding .. " You can only smile and control your temper when the barfine reminds you of the taxi fare .. and the oft quoted reason is "i didn't want to make you mad .. by telling you I can't overnight .. " of course, that's the whole freaking point ..

Ah hell, the games we play to pick pussy ..
Wow nvr know they are so good at bluffing their way out with "creative" excuse.
Old 26-05-2011, 10:22 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Wetdevil: the most painful thing is .. the girl who does a runner will go and tell all her friends in the bar what a kind person you are, to barfine you and then let you off early ..

So ... stay away from the bar atleast for a day or two .. and look for other bars, and two days later, drop a hint to the mama .. i know guys fight when they get a runner .. but .. in my view, as Phil law says you are doing illegal thing .. (stealing the modesty of innocent filipinas .. etc. etc.. ) don't risk it .. just drop a hint to mama and if nothing catches your eye .. leg it out ..
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
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Old 26-05-2011, 09:25 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Wetdevil: the most painful thing is .. the girl who does a runner will go and tell all her friends in the bar what a kind person you are, to barfine you and then let you off early ..

So ... stay away from the bar atleast for a day or two .. and look for other bars, and two days later, drop a hint to the mama .. i know guys fight when they get a runner .. but .. in my view, as Phil law says you are doing illegal thing .. (stealing the modesty of innocent filipinas .. etc. etc.. ) don't risk it .. just drop a hint to mama and if nothing catches your eye .. leg it out ..
Well faced some similar situation, not sure is it I am too sensitive or just that there's nothing but I kept thinking there is. 1 of the bars I visited seems that the waitress are putting me in their black-list. Cause whenever I visit that bar the waitress just keep showing me the black face no matter how wide my smile were. Did nothing much there yet always have the same black face look from them. And the funny thing is, they loves to eat the tidbits I purchase but still with the black face on. LOL
Old 26-05-2011, 09:31 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Day-6 FR

the nasty duck
Again Bro Southaddress and I head to the far side(Perimeter). Went in around 6 gals dancing on th stage. Order our drinks and have a look whom we should purchased LD. Bro Southaddress took the 1st move of the day fast by buying a LD for 1 of the gals. Got to know that Bro Southaddress actually BF-ed the gal before, but seems like the gal dont recongized her. Nothing much to add on in this bar. As usual I just sat there to enjoy the SML, while Bro Southaddress have the gal to chat with.

foxy bar
Well seems like Korean like this place. Went in and there were around 4 group of Korean customers while only 1 table of US/UK or some europe customer. The pool table in here pull Bro Southaddress to the game again. While I just sat there to view the gals dancing on the stage. Around 8 gals but only 2 - 3 are dancing while the rest were just chatting or went to sit down after dancing for 5 min. Think the pool table attracts the gals attention, so most of them looked over there. Think the Papasam saw it and screamed at the gals for not doing their job but just looking at the pool table.
I love the features of 2 gals, but nvr buy them any LD. Eventually Bro Southaddress had 3 pool games with a customer there before we left.

A very quiet place with only 1 customer in here. Just 5 gals on the stage. Took a sit and start the scanning. The noticed 1 of the gals have a similar features or looks like a hk actress, Leila.

Told Bro Southaddress about it and he reacted again by buying the gal, Rhea, a LD. Other than Rhea think the rest are not really in my rader scan. :P

a photo of the look of the actress. nso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=01XeTa-GIMKHrAfW98TwCQ&ved=0CC8QsAQ

sweet tooth
Cant remember about a thing about this even though it's in my phone as a bar we visited

As most Bros know this is 1 of the high bar in AC where the BF is high too. They have a big stage and when 1 entered there will have around 30 - 40 dancers dancing. And they have 2 or 3 shift correct me if I am wrong. Have lots of dancing group in here. The waitress are all wearing "cheongsam". Bro Southaddress was teasing with the waitress that servce us. I just enjoyed the dancing by the gals. A few stunners in here but the cost = almost 2x from small bars. Service wise not sure as I dont intend to spend too much in a gal. If she's a runner then will be bad. Somemore I have someone in mind to spend the night with

Pop in here again to find for Mel hoping to BF her for the night but did not saw her so after the drink went to the next bar. The gals are the same since we came from 2 days ago.

baby doll
Nvr explore this road(real street) so today's the day where both of us went and take a look of the bars that is off the main road of field ave. This is actually part of DollHouse bar. Went in and there's only 1 customer.On the stage there were around 8 to 10 dancers. The whole place was just managed by 1 waitress. As for the gals ... . The gals on the stage kept screaming at us to buy them LD cause we were their only chance in there. Bro Southaddress decided to just purchased 1 LD to a random gal so that those on the stage will quiet down. And it works. LOL.
The waitress seems abit new in her job caused she kept making some weird mistakes that we wont see in other bars. But but now when I checked their website, she's in there on the mainpage ... LOL
This bar is behind the DollHouse bar where one can access 1 another caused a door was built in between.

We left this place asap cause no point waste our time in here.

Its a no no for anyone to come here.

body shop
Cant remember much about this place cause its another no no for me to come. At the entrances the gals just do their stuff and kept blocking us from entering. So went in saw only less than 5 gals straight away head out to the next bar.

Well this is a very "full" bar. Cause the previous time we came here its was full due to its anniversary. So since its full both of us decided to go next bar.

Las Vegas
Well heard from Bro Southaddress that, Bro Ah Hia loves to visit this bar. Seems to be a big or medium bar where the round stage are in the center of the place. The tables are all circling outside the stage.
Not sure is it their style, but its not like the normal type of bars where we would see gals on the stage dancing to let the customer view and decide who to buy LD. When we entered, gals are like doing fashion show. So was viewing and waiting for the gals to be on the stage. But eventually before we leave, we only witness the catwalk gals. :P

bunny rancher
Back to 1 of our favourite hang-out again. As usual we were lead by the waitresses we knew to the table. And just enjoy the SML and their companion. Just for your info there are a few stunners + SYT here. Abit more new gals as they have just returned from the holiday(Good Friday).

As promise to Jan will looked for her once I am free. :P Went there and knew that she's not working so decided to leave here once our SML are finished. Not much gals left when we arrived here at around 10+ or 11+ pm.

Brown sugar
Visited here before during my 1st or 2nd day in AC quite late. This time abit earlier. Well can't remembered much about this place. Only remembered smsed Jan and she replied and head down here to meet me before we headed bck to the room and do what we are supposed to do. LOL

Well think it was the starting of her period(cause when I visited her again on 3rd of May she told me she was on code red). That night she was more horny than the previous times we met. Had 2 rounds of sex within 1 hr. Totally KO and Zzzz after both of us finished the bath together.

Day-7 Fr will be out in the coming weekend. Like to thanks all the brothers who have add points to my FR. And to bros who are patiently waiting for each FR.

Due to work so cant really posted all or most of them in a day.
Old 27-05-2011, 07:04 AM
phantomtiger2 phantomtiger2 is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
PT: atleast your barfine didn't say that her cow needed heart medication, or her grandfather need to be milked .. or something like that

Ah hell, the games we play to pick pussy ..

Ha ha, hey bro, did you manage to get hold of my copy of 101 excuses in AC

And just to add, sometimes it is the "game" that keeps me cumming back here year in and year out (rain or shine). Keeps my heart going strong--oh forgot, the cow took my heart meds.

So for all you newbies, don't let the occassional runner turn your trip sour, its part of the game here , go with the flow as even sometimes a runner can be fun (untiil shes gone). So, as long as you are not the type that does nothing but pick runners 100% of the time, then I can understand AC may not be the best place for you)

Cheers all,


Last edited by phantomtiger2; 27-05-2011 at 07:20 AM.
Old 27-05-2011, 07:07 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post

Wow nvr know they are so good at bluffing their way out with "creative" excuse.

Yup, like I always say. We build a better mousetrap and she becomes a smarter mouse.

Old 27-05-2011, 11:07 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

to add to PT2, if you get mad, don't show it .. after all, you are in her territory .. a protective security of the hotel may become her instant saviour .. take a deep breath, relax, and cut her loose .. and then go on to your next venture and hope and pray it is not another money-loosing venture
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 27-05-2011, 11:22 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
.. a protective security of the hotel may become her instant saviour .. take a deep breath, relax, and cut her loose .. D
Excuse my trespass here. My shadow hasn't yet darken Angeles doors, but this similiarly holds true for LOS. LT zipped to ST, checkout in early hours morning etc with plenty excuses. Just write off bad experience to short draw, and you'd feel all the better for it. And pricing Clarke here seems more affordable than other sin city (competitive advantage?).
as long as you don't venture to any wild-wild west, don't take up offers from guys who promise virgin girls, or accept offer for gambling.. you are same
Cherry popping.. can be misled by paste on job too? take the tried and thrusted route
Originally Posted by phantomtiger2
build a better mousetrap and she becomes a smarter mouse
Good 1, but who stole my cheese?
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
Old 27-05-2011, 02:32 PM
Little Gun Little Gun is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

06 of June is only 11 days away.... oh, it feels so far away!

everyday reading up this thread liao. checked that Orange Lion & Le Mirage both also have rooms available during my visit. Which one to go? Both also around P1500 per night. Orange Lion is under renovation though, which I think means it is going to be a bit noisy....
Old 28-05-2011, 01:58 AM
winfieldgold winfieldgold is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
Day-6 FR

As most Bros know this is 1 of the high bar in AC where the BF is high too. They have a big stage and when 1 entered there will have around 30 - 40 dancers dancing. And they have 2 or 3 shift correct me if I am wrong. Have lots of dancing group in here. The waitress are all wearing "cheongsam". Bro Southaddress was teasing with the waitress that servce us. I just enjoyed the dancing by the gals. A few stunners in here but the cost = almost 2x from small bars. Service wise not sure as I dont intend to spend too much in a gal. If she's a runner then will be bad. Somemore I have someone in mind to spend the night with

Pop in here again to find for Mel hoping to BF her for the night but did not saw her so after the drink went to the next bar. The gals are the same since we came from 2 days ago.

baby doll
Nvr explore this road(real street) so today's the day where both of us went and take a look of the bars that is off the main road of field ave. This is actually part of DollHouse bar. Went in and there's only 1 customer.On the stage there were around 8 to 10 dancers. The whole place was just managed by 1 waitress. As for the gals ... . The gals on the stage kept screaming at us to buy them LD cause we were their only chance in there. Bro Southaddress decided to just purchased 1 LD to a random gal so that those on the stage will quiet down. And it works. LOL.
The waitress seems abit new in her job caused she kept making some weird mistakes that we wont see in other bars. But but now when I checked their website, she's in there on the mainpage ... LOL
This bar is behind the DollHouse bar where one can access 1 another caused a door was built in between.

We left this place asap cause no point waste our time in here.

Its a no no for anyone to come here.

body shop
Cant remember much about this place cause its another no no for me to come. At the entrances the gals just do their stuff and kept blocking us from entering. So went in saw only less than 5 gals straight away head out to the next bar.

Well this is a very "full" bar. Cause the previous time we came here its was full due to its anniversary. So since its full both of us decided to go next bar.

Las Vegas
Well heard from Bro Southaddress that, Bro Ah Hia loves to visit this bar. Seems to be a big or medium bar where the round stage are in the center of the place. The tables are all circling outside the stage.
Not sure is it their style, but its not like the normal type of bars where we would see gals on the stage dancing to let the customer view and decide who to buy LD. When we entered, gals are like doing fashion show. So was viewing and waiting for the gals to be on the stage. But eventually before we leave, we only witness the catwalk gals. :P

bunny rancher
Back to 1 of our favourite hang-out again. As usual we were lead by the waitresses we knew to the table. And just enjoy the SML and their companion. Just for your info there are a few stunners + SYT here. Abit more new gals as they have just returned from the holiday(Good Friday).

As promise to Jan will looked for her once I am free. :P Went there and knew that she's not working so decided to leave here once our SML are finished. Not much gals left when we arrived here at around 10+ or 11+ pm.

Brown sugar
Visited here before during my 1st or 2nd day in AC quite late. This time abit earlier. Well can't remembered much about this place. Only remembered smsed Jan and she replied and head down here to meet me before we headed bck to the room and do what we are supposed to do. LOL

Well think it was the starting of her period(cause when I visited her again on 3rd of May she told me she was on code red). That night she was more horny than the previous times we met. Had 2 rounds of sex within 1 hr. Totally KO and Zzzz after both of us finished the bath together.

Day-7 Fr will be out in the coming weekend. Like to thanks all the brothers who have add points to my FR. And to bros who are patiently waiting for each FR.

Due to work so cant really posted all or most of them in a day.
hi bro wetdevil. how are u doin? Missing AC?

veri much agree with u on babydoll..i went in there as well when i was there..babydoll was terrible..but walk thru the connecting doll and u reach dollhouse. Very chinese-looking chicks there with the crowd primarily korean..quite a few lookers but mostly the spotlight cat i.e 3000p

On Typhoon, would very much recommend bros visit here as IMHO got quite a few syts here and i personally barfined a very good bonk here!

My person fav is still Champagne u din go into Champagne ah bro wetdevil?
Old 28-05-2011, 02:01 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

rather concerning to read abt that sting operation in AC and the subsequent raids taking place after that. Like myself, i believe that are bros out there that could be thinking/planning a trip to AC sometime this yr.

Much appreciated if any bros who are there or goin there soon can update all AC cheongsters on the situation over there

Cheers and thanks in advance
Old 28-05-2011, 09:15 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

bro winfieldgold, i will be there on 6th June! Hmm... hopefully I don't get to meet with the raids.... hope they don't spoil my fun... it is very hard for me to create a "need" to go to the Philippines that is believable for my HM....
Old 28-05-2011, 03:34 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Little Gun View Post
06 of June is only 11 days away.... oh, it feels so far away!

everyday reading up this thread liao. checked that Orange Lion & Le Mirage both also have rooms available during my visit. Which one to go? Both also around P1500 per night. Orange Lion is under renovation though, which I think means it is going to be a bit noisy....
The more i read this thread, the urge to go is growing...LOL
Old 28-05-2011, 07:00 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by best123 View Post
The more i read this thread, the urge to go is growing...LOL
Just do it !
Old 29-05-2011, 04:57 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Excuse my trespass here. My shadow hasn't yet darken Angeles doors, but this similiarly holds true for LOS. LT zipped to ST, checkout in early hours morning etc with plenty excuses. Just write off bad experience to short draw, and you'd feel all the better for it. And pricing Clarke here seems more affordable than other sin city (competitive advantage?).

, but who stole my cheese?

Yes, I also travel in LOS all the time many years ago until the runner situation got worse ever year. Not being able to speak Thai only made the matter worse as it was much harder to understand the "reason why".

The runner situation is a little more manageable in AC as no language barrier, so one up to AC as a competitive edge.

---oh, from what I understand reading bro PT insightful thoughts, I think it was the mouse smarter than you that took your cheese

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