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Old 06-12-2002, 05:58 PM
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Re: California Club (Park 97)

Originally posted by SGPshanghai69
Hey Marcoman bro,
U member at California Club (Park 97) also dun need 2 keep "selling" the place lah!!! Better still, make it a point 2 be here 2 sign all of us in lah the next trip u r here in SHA....hehehe....waiting here anxiously bro....
Recently visited the joint again, is "infested" with alot of new "stocks" leh bro!! But there again, I was with my cow then that night, so 'no action" lah! sigh.....
Haer from u soon me perhaps....ok?
Bro, Hows it going man? Found any fresh action or are you busy with your cows!! Did the S'pore one showed up in the end??

As for SHA, believe the plan is to be there after the 14 days of CNY. Bro Looksee is getting the troops together.

Glad to hear that California is still happening. The ladies there are more the yuppies and they've got class - if you can speak english, you are nearly there. Ask to see their manageress - her name is Maxine and she's from UK - I'm sure you can wriggle a membership out of her cos thats what i did!!!

I'm off this weekend to HKG, Macau and Zhuhai. Gotta do one last dash before the year is over!

Take-care and see you in 2 weeks time back in S'pore!
Old 06-12-2002, 05:58 PM
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Re: California Club (Park 97)


Last edited by marcoman; 06-12-2002 at 06:02 PM.
Old 06-12-2002, 06:03 PM
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wah...realli man....u brudders r the shanghai experts....
thanks man, brudder SGPshanghai69
lucky i post my question here first before i go for some fun...

So this makes Sports Hotel a place i have to go....
tips rmb 300 for whole night ah? dun realli wan to bring home leh....cos my gf maybe going too..sianz.....
Just wan to touch touch n hav a desert of PRCs...

There onli got ktv rooms ah? got lounge not?
So beside tip for the gal , wad r the other damages like mamasan tip? Room rental? alcohol? such n such....
Hope you can enlight me on this..I really greenhorn leh.....thanks....
Old 06-12-2002, 08:31 PM
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yo ppl....been reading this thread for a few days liao....will be in shanghai from 17 Dec for about a month.......any bros willing to show me around???

its no fun to cheong alone u c...
Old 07-12-2002, 12:39 AM
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Ho Ho Ho!

Dear Marco Bro,
The plan in end Feb and early Mar is definitely on-on!
Juz had a "reunion" last night with some of the bros here in SHA!

How about on your end? I guess you must have quite some fun huh on Tues night? :P

Remember to "push" on my behalf in HKG/Macau/Zhuhai, okie?
Cheers matey and see you in 2 weeks time!

Originally posted by marcoman
Bro, Hows it going man? Found any fresh action or are you busy with your cows!! Did the S'pore one showed up in the end??

As for SHA, believe the plan is to be there after the 14 days of CNY. Bro Looksee is getting the troops together.

Glad to hear that California is still happening. The ladies there are more the yuppies and they've got class - if you can speak english, you are nearly there. Ask to see their manageress - her name is Maxine and she's from UK - I'm sure you can wriggle a membership out of her cos thats what i did!!!

I'm off this weekend to HKG, Macau and Zhuhai. Gotta do one last dash before the year is over!

Take-care and see you in 2 weeks time back in S'pore!
Cherish what you have today!
God knows what will happen tomorrow!
Old 07-12-2002, 12:21 PM
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Re: Ho Ho Ho!

Originally posted by tsuyoyi
Dear Marco Bro,
The plan in end Feb and early Mar is definitely on-on!
Juz had a "reunion" last night with some of the bros here in SHA!

How about on your end? I guess you must have quite some fun huh on Tues night? :P

Remember to "push" on my behalf in HKG/Macau/Zhuhai, okie?
Cheers matey and see you in 2 weeks time!
Will definately do that on your behalf and make sure you do likewise in Beijing!

SHA end-Feb is definately on - was just telling Bro Looksee that my double-entry visa ends beg-March. Lets tentatively pen-in week of 24th.

Cheerio dude!
Old 08-12-2002, 11:55 AM
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Hi All Bros !!

Hope to meet u all soon in Sha coz' I'll attaching there. By the time, I really need ur guidance.

Btw, did anyone know about Hengda Mansion at Changshou Road ?? How's about the apartment rental there ? Is the place " strategic " located ?? Or any places to recomend for rental ??

Old 09-12-2002, 01:15 AM
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hi all bros......anyway to contact fellow ppl in shanghai??

me going on the 17 dec........

any bros willing to cheong together???
Old 09-12-2002, 12:51 PM
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I am Back - in One Piece

Dear Marco, Looksee, SGP and the young turk (JF),

I landed in my mother land yesterday night and was very tired (due to the journey lah..). This trip took me to Xian, Beijing and Shanghai, and was a very tiring one in all senses that you guy always tend to imagine.

In Xian, I was with the girl from Chongqing (hey.. hey.. Marco.. Chongqing..Chongqing...) who joined me in Xian and stayed with me for 5 days. The GF factor is high, and I did not need to take care of laundry and the normal things a single needed to do while travelling. I was just hoping that I could do her every nigh, but cannot... Why.... Old Man mah - me....

In Beijing, I did not contact the girl from Hanzhou who was supposed to be with me in Beijing. This was because, while in Xian, I called this Real Estate Agent whom I knew in Beijing, and she was in Beijing. She agreed to meet me at the airport. When I arrived in Beijing, she was waiting for me and told me that a vehicle will be picking us up. Went outside, and I saw a Military Staff car with red light (those turning siren), and she told me to get into the car while the driver (in army uniform) put my luggage in the booth. I checked into the hotel, and she was with me for 4 days. The best things is that this girl is really a Friend, no $$$ transaction involved, and insisted on paying sometimes when we went for meals or singing in KTV. She was good in all aspects. As she is a friend and hence I would not go into too much details about her.

The next stop was Shanghai, and this Real Estate Agent decided to join me in Shanghai. I was there only three days, and since I was quite tired to hunt, so I agreed. Another additional reason was that that SGPShanghai69 and the Young Turk both were with their Cows, and if I do not bring the Real Estate Agent along, then I need to buy a lot of rubber bands.

I am back now and will be leaving for Paris tomorrow night for two weeks. I will give dear brothers a verbal report when we meet in the Chinese Capital in Singapore (You know what I mean).

With best regards.
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 10-12-2002, 01:59 PM
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Went to Shanghai last week with a few kakis. The weather was not so cold... just pleasantly cool. Landed at Pudong airport and took a MPV taxi to the hotel. This is a better deal cos the taxis in Shanghai have a very small trunk, otherwise we had to take 2 taxis which cost more.

Checked into a brand new 3-star hotel that was very near Nanjing Lu. Shit.... so new until even their F&B outlets were not opened yet.. but the rooms were clean and the water was hot. Best of cost approx S$80 per nite.. so what's there to complain ?

As my kakis were new to SH, I had to bring them around.. I knew the assistant mummy at this place called "Wan Zhi Qian Hong" which is a rather up market joint. It was recently completed and the decor was very classy and purple. We took the lift upstairs and coming out.. .there were lights on perspex floor and everything was new. In the room, there was a curtain for you to pull over the window should the action get too hot.

This joint has approx 400 girls and from what we saw... most of them were more than passable, well-groomed and well-dressed. I think a seasoned samster in this forum who has been there can testify to this. Made his nose bleed.. methinks.

The damage was RMB 1280 for the room inclusive 1 bottle of Chivas Regal. Mummy tip - 300 and server - 200. You tip your own girl 300 and if you want to take her out... it should be 1500 for one shot.

My fren picked one really gorgeous looking girl from Chongqing dressed in black (what other color is there ??). Very smooth and fair skin. Fun to chat and game to roll dice too. In all. a very delectable morsel of dessert. I had the asst mummy who was sexy and voluptuous since we knew each other.

After the song session, we proceeded to Maya for a dance to party until it closed. Thereafter the usual "lights out" session took place. My frens took their girls back .. but I didn't cos I already have my g/f in the room. No problem at all with the security there.

For those who feel that it was expensive, would suggest that you go to either Hengshan or Maoming lu to cheong the pubs/discos there. We also went to Real Love and scored on 2 sweet young things.. one was a university undergraduate and the other a trainee nurse. Both really cute and attractive..... and the best part is that both will be coming to SG sometime in Feb on a tour.
Old 11-12-2002, 08:32 PM
sleazymale sleazymale is offline
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First FR in SHA

Firstly, thanks to bro SGPShanghai69 for taking me around on my first night in SHA. He's been really helpful, hope I can repay the kindness soon...

The second night I went to this KTV at Shanghai Plaza with twp of the bros. I shall not mention their name cos don't know whether they r ok for me to mention or not. In any case I thank the bro who's brought me there. The place is called Golden Years or something. Shit, they have over 1k girls and more than 200 rooms!

I chose from a parade of 4 and got the one that can speak English (since my Mandarin really poor)... She's quite nice the whole night.

After a few hours I took a "take-out" and brought her back. I didn't ask how much cos' I was already told about the market rate. The damage was 1000 for VSOP, 300 for the mamasan and 200 for the mei2.

Then we proceed back to my htl for one-shot, cos she said "never stay whole nite etc, etc...". After doing our business, I washed and ready to pay. When paying, I purposely ask how much and she said one-shot is normally 1600. I ignored her and gave her 1000 and said that's the market rate. She was all upset and insist that it's not enough... even called the mamasan and ask her to talk to me. In the end I gave her 1100 and said "that's it, I got no more money"... In the end she took it and left.

Anyway, all in all it was a good f*(k since she was nice looking and fair and slim.... my type, although no service.

FJ: 7/10
Looks: 7/10
BJ: None, shit!
Old 11-12-2002, 11:18 PM
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Originally posted by shangkuan
Went to Shanghai last week with a few kakis. The weather was not so cold... just pleasantly cool. Landed at Pudong airport and took a MPV taxi to the hotel. This is a better deal cos the taxis in Shanghai have a very small trunk, otherwise we had to take 2 taxis which cost more.

Checked into a brand new 3-star hotel that was very near Nanjing Lu. Shit.... so new until even their F&B outlets were not opened yet.. but the rooms were clean and the water was hot. Best of cost approx S$80 per nite.. so what's there to complain ?

As my kakis were new to SH, I had to bring them around.. I knew the assistant mummy at this place called "Wan Zhi Qian Hong" which is a rather up market joint. It was recently completed and the decor was very classy and purple. We took the lift upstairs and coming out.. .there were lights on perspex floor and everything was new. In the room, there was a curtain for you to pull over the window should the action get too hot.

This joint has approx 400 girls and from what we saw... most of them were more than passable, well-groomed and well-dressed. I think a seasoned samster in this forum who has been there can testify to this. Made his nose bleed.. methinks.

The damage was RMB 1280 for the room inclusive 1 bottle of Chivas Regal. Mummy tip - 300 and server - 200. You tip your own girl 300 and if you want to take her out... it should be 1500 for one shot.

My fren picked one really gorgeous looking girl from Chongqing dressed in black (what other color is there ??). Very smooth and fair skin. Fun to chat and game to roll dice too. In all. a very delectable morsel of dessert. I had the asst mummy who was sexy and voluptuous since we knew each other.

After the song session, we proceeded to Maya for a dance to party until it closed. Thereafter the usual "lights out" session took place. My frens took their girls back .. but I didn't cos I already have my g/f in the room. No problem at all with the security there.

For those who feel that it was expensive, would suggest that you go to either Hengshan or Maoming lu to cheong the pubs/discos there. We also went to Real Love and scored on 2 sweet young things.. one was a university undergraduate and the other a trainee nurse. Both really cute and attractive..... and the best part is that both will be coming to SG sometime in Feb on a tour.
What Is the New Hotel Name?
Is it risky to bring girls to a 3Star Hotel than to a 4 0r 5 star hotel.
I heard gong ann mostly check on 3star hotel.
Need advice bro.
Old 11-12-2002, 11:43 PM
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3-star hotel

It's called Zhongfu Hotel (service apartments) on Jiujiang Lu. Very close to Nanjing Lu (bu xing jie) where the shopping belt is.

It's generally safe to bring the girls back. No problem for me so far in all my trips to Shanghai. Some rules to note though :

1. Find out the girl's real name / province
2. If someone knocks the door, do not open it
3. Wear all your clothes and pretend to be chatting
4. Flush all evidence down the toilet ie. rubbers
5. Call the reception for the Duty Manager instead
6. Wait for Duty Manager before opening door
7. Deny all sexual activity at all costs
8. Claim that you are talking to friend
9. Quote her name & province if questioned
10. Know birthdate... better still
11. Say you are there for business opportunities
12, If asked why door not opened earlier, just say you didn't know them... could be conmen

The above was what I was advised by my local friend in China. So far...I never had to use it.

You may wish to access this website : for good hotel deals. I have used it several times and it's very reliable. Happy hunting.
Old 12-12-2002, 06:19 PM
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Re: I am Back - in One Piece

Dear Simple Man,

Guess you are in Paris now, huh?
Glad that you got back in 1-piece! At least for me, I got back half-dead! Too much bonking and the extreme cold has exhausted me completely! I guess the 10 days in SHA and BJE really worn me out! Too bad could not stay any longer....otherwise, can kill more chicks!

The reunion dinner we had was really quite intersting, eh? At least, our gals could get along.....and that always helps,right?
Anyway, these reunion dinners sure boost our connectivity and networks in SHA.....must do this more often as possible!

Have a good time in Paris...guess you will not miss out on the bonking action there as well! Juz remeber to"bonk" on my behalf as well! Waiting for your FRs......
Cheers and enjoy!
Young Turk

Originally posted by PuTonRen
Dear Marco, Looksee, SGP and the young turk (JF),

I landed in my mother land yesterday night and was very tired (due to the journey lah..). This trip took me to Xian, Beijing and Shanghai, and was a very tiring one in all senses that you guy always tend to imagine.

In Xian, I was with the girl from Chongqing (hey.. hey.. Marco.. Chongqing..Chongqing...) who joined me in Xian and stayed with me for 5 days. The GF factor is high, and I did not need to take care of laundry and the normal things a single needed to do while travelling. I was just hoping that I could do her every nigh, but cannot... Why.... Old Man mah - me....

In Beijing, I did not contact the girl from Hanzhou who was supposed to be with me in Beijing. This was because, while in Xian, I called this Real Estate Agent whom I knew in Beijing, and she was in Beijing. She agreed to meet me at the airport. When I arrived in Beijing, she was waiting for me and told me that a vehicle will be picking us up. Went outside, and I saw a Military Staff car with red light (those turning siren), and she told me to get into the car while the driver (in army uniform) put my luggage in the booth. I checked into the hotel, and she was with me for 4 days. The best things is that this girl is really a Friend, no $$$ transaction involved, and insisted on paying sometimes when we went for meals or singing in KTV. She was good in all aspects. As she is a friend and hence I would not go into too much details about her.

The next stop was Shanghai, and this Real Estate Agent decided to join me in Shanghai. I was there only three days, and since I was quite tired to hunt, so I agreed. Another additional reason was that that SGPShanghai69 and the Young Turk both were with their Cows, and if I do not bring the Real Estate Agent along, then I need to buy a lot of rubber bands.

I am back now and will be leaving for Paris tomorrow night for two weeks. I will give dear brothers a verbal report when we meet in the Chinese Capital in Singapore (You know what I mean).

With best regards.
Cherish what you have today!
God knows what will happen tomorrow!
Old 12-12-2002, 07:07 PM
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Newbie here posting a FR on my trip in SHA.

went to this ktv called jin she nian hua n got a jiangsu chick.

da bao her back to hotel n bonk here twice.

as it was oredi 1 am n i have to wake up 6 am the next morning. i bonk here straight away after reaching hotel.

she has quite a beautiful body with a B cup. not very huge but nice for her body size.
first i foreplay her by kissing her neck n go down to the breast.
Taking each into my hand and raba raba her.
Then i suck her breast hard n she gave out a light moan.
then i slowly go down to her pussy n fingerfuck her for quite her while. She gave out louder moan and eventually beg me to fuck her. i ignored her n continue to fingerfuck her till she quirl her body.
then i also beh tahan n fuck her in missionay n change 2 other position b4 i came in back position with her lying flat on the back(not doggie)

then i rested for half an hour and continue my bonking again.

the second round was even more battling with more than 7 or 8 position changed.
her moaning was so real that it was as if i am fucking my gf.
in the end i came in the missionary.

overall ratings
looks : 8.5/10 CFM look
body : 7.5/10 (would give more if the breast is curve type)
hj : 0
b/j : 0
f/j : 8/10 (her moaning is great. i like it)

if only she would be more initiative by touching me n kissing my body, that will be the best chick i bonk.

damage : RMB1500.

hope to be in SHA again for more bonking

sorry if it is a losuy FR.
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