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Old 19-12-2012, 10:50 PM
4am'rs 4am'rs is offline
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

So as I mentioned before, everything turned out to be as normal as our pre Hong Kong trip, well with a little flirt here and there of course but nothing really way crossing the line. We did go lunch or dinner together more often but really nothing more than that. I was really happy that its no longer awkward between Cheryl and I until:

Cheryl: Max, do you want to go together for D&D?
Max: Yea I was about to ask you for that. Should I head over to your place and head out together?
Cheryl: Great mind think a like huh..
Max: 6.30pm sounds good?
Cheryl: Yes, it sounds good. Wait, why don't you just send me back to my place now, drive my car to your place and pick me up later on. Are we going off now?
Max: Its only 3.30pm?
Cheryl: I need sometime to dress up and be pretty for my date tonight alright
Max: So am I your lucky date?
Cheryl: Uh huh..
Max: Alright, gimme 10mins to wrap it up and we can go off.


So I quickly wrapped my work up and told Cheryl that its time to go off. I sent her off to her place and went back to rest for a while before getting ready for D&D. The moment 5.30pm hit the clock, I showered and went off to pick Cheryl right after that. I texted her the moment I reached to her place and she asked me to go up to her room since she was not ready yet. Girl will always be girl I thought myself, takes way longer than we guys to dress up. So I went in to her house, chit chat a little with her mom and went up to her room.

Max: Oops sorry Cher..

I saw her half naked body from behind as she was trying to zip her dress up.

Cheryl: Perfect timing Max, could you do me a favor and zip my dress up Max?
Max: Okay..

So I went closer to her and zipped her dress up from just a little below her waist all the way to her shoulder part. And man, she smelt so good I remember; her hair, her body, everything. And because her dress's zipper start slightly lower from her waist line, I could notice that tiny little black g strings wrapping around Cheryl's slim waist and perky bum.

Max: I noticed black g-strings.. love it.
Cheryl: uhum, match together with my black dress right. Do you like it Max?

Cheryl turned around..

Max: You look stunning Cher. The dress really wrap your body good.
Cheryl: Do you see my g-strings line or anything? You know I hate those panty line and all.
Max: Turn around for a sec and let me see it again?

Cheryl was making 360 degrees..

Max: Nop, couldn't see any g-strings line nor bra line.
Cheryl: Perfect, now we are ready to go
Max: Did you put nip tape too?
Cheryl: *smiled* well that's for you to find out Max
Max: Tsk tsk tsk.. naughty naughty..

She wrapped my arm with her arm and we went downstairs together..

Cheryl's mom: Whoah.. look at you together. So pretty and so handsome. Go quickly go get married and have beautiful babies..
Cheryl: Mom! Don't be annoying pleaseee
Max: Your daughter is far ready from settle down aunty
Cheryl: No mom its Max that is far ready from settle down!

We both joked around a little with Cheryl's mom before we went out.


to be continued..
Old 19-12-2012, 10:59 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Awww you 2 sounds so cute together. Envious. And I just saw the pic of Cheryl. Sexy!
Old 19-12-2012, 11:04 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Originally Posted by 4am'rs View Post
[COLOR="Blue"] Go quickly go get married and have beautiful babies..[/COLOR ="Blue"]
Yay an updates!
Hahaha... the above phrase is so familiar... if my memory served correctly, sis Vivian mentioned that before right
Old 20-12-2012, 08:37 AM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Originally Posted by Iluminati View Post
Yay an updates!
Hahaha... the above phrase is so familiar... if my memory served correctly, sis Vivian mentioned that before right
So you are saying Vivian is Cheryl's mother? Haha, she will be sad to hear that. I guess they both share the same sentiments in a way.
Old 20-12-2012, 11:21 AM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Good story.
Old 20-12-2012, 09:26 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Originally Posted by 4am'rs View Post
So you are saying Vivian is Cheryl's mother? Haha, she will be sad to hear that. I guess they both share the same sentiments in a way.
wa so bad la u.. LOL... no it means everyone feels the same way about u two ha ha ha
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Old 21-12-2012, 04:52 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Extremely good story, I really like the way how this is being written.

Dwindling in between the the line and maintaining the balance is not easy, what's more, the mind fucking makes it even more difficult...

Thumbs up.
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Old 22-12-2012, 12:58 AM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

pls continues.
Old 23-12-2012, 12:41 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Hey guys...

Been out of the scene for quite awhile am I missing out on anything????

Love it!!! Max n Cheryl getting married ?? Having beautiful babies !!!!

Hmm... Sounds great!! Haha!
Old 24-12-2012, 03:57 PM
4am'rs 4am'rs is offline
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Originally Posted by lexman100 View Post
Extremely good story, I really like the way how this is being written.

Dwindling in between the the line and maintaining the balance is not easy, what's more, the mind fucking makes it even more difficult...

Thumbs up.)
Thank you for your compliments

Originally Posted by viviankoh View Post
Hey guys...

Been out of the scene for quite awhile am I missing out on anything????

Love it!!! Max n Cheryl getting married ?? Having beautiful babies !!!!

Hmm... Sounds great!! Haha!
Don't miss my update tonight..
Old 25-12-2012, 08:33 AM
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Old 25-12-2012, 10:40 AM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

pls come back
Old 25-12-2012, 12:17 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Originally Posted by 4am'rs View Post
Don't miss my update tonight..
Where was the update?? Anyway, Merry Christmas! Spend the day with Cheryl and enjoy!
Old 25-12-2012, 12:57 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Now still filming in progress...
Old 25-12-2012, 01:50 PM
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Re: I Have Let Her Mindfucked Me, Now I Will Let Her Mindfuck You..

Max: I guess I could have won your parent's trust if I ever want to become your boyfriend huh?
Cheryl: Haha, well my parents only saw 1-2 guys that I brought home and introduced to them. They were all my exes. The first time I brought you home, they thought that you are my boyfriend because I rarely bring home and introduce any guy to them.
Max: So I am the awkward ones huh?
Cheryl: Haha I don't think so, they like you Max. They think my exes suck up to them too much and you on the other hand just too carefree minding your own business.
Max: Oh well..

A little more chit chat along the way in the car before we reached out to valet service, and once we have walked inside Marina Bay Sands, we went up to the main ballroom. We looked around for our table and saw familiar faces waving to us from far. Once I dropped Cheryl on her table, I went of to my table just few tables apart from hers. Yes, we purposely picked different table to make things look less awkward or suspicious among our colleagues. Cheryl immediately showered by compliments by the rest of the people sitting on the same table as her. She did look stunning indeed, even before we reached to our table I could notice dozens pairs of eyes were starring at her or even glued to her on the way to the ballroom. Anyway, it was all normal D&D routine, meals, performance, announcement. I was busy minding my own business and joked around with the guys in my table rather than noticing Cheryl's table while enjoying the not-so bad dinner. Until someone tapped my shoulder from behind and when I turned around..

Cheryl: Max, we are going to Avalon soon. Do you want to come along?
Max: err, I doubt so Cher..
Cheryl: Are you gonna wait for me?
Max: I was thinking to head to casino for a while actually, so yea I can wait
Cheryl: Come find me in Avalon once you are done alright Max
Max: Did you drink alot just now?
Cheryl: Just countless glasses of wine hehe but I am fine now and I will be fine Max
Max: Call me if you need me then
Cheryl: Bye Max

Probably 10-12 familiar faces went to Avalon with Cheryl, a mixture of guys and girls so I thought its gonna be just fine. I continued to stay for dinner until dessert round before I went to casino. Crowded I remember, but still the rush and excitement of moderate gambling is indeed fun as long you know your limit. So I played for a while with a few colleagues since we got a fairly decent table that night. Time passed by pretty fast, when you are not losing and played with people you actually know. I decided to check on Cheryl after almost 2 hours passed by.

Max: How's everything Cher?
Cheryl: Its great! We have alot of booze, corner table and good companion. How are you btw? Are you winning some money?
Max: Not bad, few hundreds..
Cheryl: Yay, so you have to buy me a present alright
Max: err because of?
Cheryl: If I asked you to go home, you could have miss the chance of winning money okay
Max: Alright, this is the part whereby I am going to ignore you.. enjoy Avalon Cher!
Cheryl: Thanks in advance for the present Max!

Everything was fine, so its good that I don't have to be worried for Cheryl I told to myself. So I continued playing until about almost an hour later I got a text from Cheryl..

Cheryl: Max I are you done playing? I am bored. Can you bring me somewhere else?
Max: Huh? Well I can go off from casino now. Whats wrong?
Cheryl: Club is getting more and more crowded, there are more and more guys hitting on us in our table. It starts to get little annoying.
Max: Where do you want to go Cher? I mean its nearing 1am now.
Cheryl: Anywhere but home..
Max: Do you want to go KuDeTa just on top?
Cheryl: Mmm, lets go out from MBS. Somewhere that we won't see familiar faces..


to be continued..
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