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Old 08-09-2013, 02:56 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Lust. Love. Nice story brewing ...
Old 08-09-2013, 02:58 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Good story bro~!! supporting~!! keep it up ya..
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ExChanGe oF RepuTaTion WelComE. It's All AbouT HeLping One AnothEr.. LeaVe Your Nick~
Old 08-09-2013, 03:43 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Can't help but to up your reps.....very very good story!
Old 08-09-2013, 09:46 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Originally Posted by MightyQueen View Post
Fun life you got there! Cheers !
Originally Posted by jomround View Post
Lust. Love. Nice story brewing ...
Originally Posted by snoopdoggz View Post
Good story bro~!! supporting~!! keep it up ya..
Originally Posted by queey View Post
Can't help but to up your reps.....very very good story!
Thanks. Just reach home from MY. Updating soon.
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My wife's good friend's sleep over

A Short Story
Old 08-09-2013, 11:16 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Really good story!
Old 08-09-2013, 11:23 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

nice! support!
Old 09-09-2013, 01:07 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Old 09-09-2013, 11:07 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Thanks for the continuous support and your patient. Here's my 28th instalment. Enjoy!


Ok, that was it, my last straw. With the contract safely in my hands, I said, looking straight into his eyes, “Or you can call my office if you want to look for her but of course, with my approval.”

I turned and thanked old Mr Ng and shook his hand and bid our good-byes. While walking out of the office, I held on to Faith’s hand. I know young Mr Ng was still looking. I did it on purpose.

In the lift, Faith and I did not speak, as we were not alone. However, I felt my action had touched her as least a little, because she was holding onto my hand very tightly with both hands. She felt protected and I wanted to protect her.


It was a long walk from the lift to my car. The low humming noise from the ventilation and Faith's heels were the only sound I could hear, bouncing back from the walls around and into my ears. We did not speak. Faith just followed me behind with her hand in mine. I was holding it tightly. Perhaps it was my natural reaction towards someone I had just failed. Someone I had let down.

I was a little upset with myself. Allowing the lecher to make Faith uncomfortable during the contract signing. I kept thinking back about the whole thing and missed my car.

Faith tugged at my hand, stopped me from walking any further and said, "Baby where are you going? Your car is here."

"Oh, sorry. Didn't see it." I replied, looking down at the floor, deliberately missing her eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asked, looking at me.

I paused a little, looked at her, held both her hands and said, "I'm sorry. I did not stop him earlier. I was selfish. I was worried about the contract if I fall out with him."

"It's ok baby. I understand. It's a small matter. Anyway, you did warn him at the end and that's enough for me." Faith replied, giving me a smile.

"I shouldn't have brought you here with me. I'm sorry."

"I'm glad you did. If not, I wouldn't know where do I stand in here," Faith said, pointing at my heart, then hugged me, placing her head on my chest and added, "I'm happy to know I have a place in here."

I kissed her forehead and said softly, "You do have a place in there."

We remained in one another’s arms despite there were cars driving passed us, dropping their speed to look at us. Maybe it was the guilt...I do not know. I allowed myself to show more affection towards her that day. Or maybe...I began to have feelings for her.

We drove off and were on our way to Faith’s. She told Kate that she would be staying over night at our place due to a viewing scheduled that night.

The incident earlier kept flashing back and giving me my migraine. My head started pounding.

At her house, I was lying back on her bed, while she packed, trying to take some rest. My head was thumping hard and was getting a little unbearable. A few moments later, her phone buzzed. She read the message, smiled while replying before tossing the phone on the bed and said, “Take a look what your wife just messaged me.”

It read, “Yo sexy, tonite do u wan 2 be alone wif my ah lao or not? I can make myself scarce if u wan…lol”

“Wa…so generous ar. Ok then, I’ll try 2 seduce him tonite. U dun cm back huh ” Faith replied.

“Ok! Dun fall in love wif him hor…lol” Kate replied as I read through the messages.

I was not even a little amused by that message. In fact, I started to doubt Kate’s love for me? How could anyone be so generous? Sharing her husband with someone else. That message did not make me any happier. It made me wonder if I really do matter to her. I left the phone on the bed and did not say anything. I just closed my eyes, trying to nurse that pounding headache.

My phone soon buzzed and as expected, Kate had messaged me, “Hi papa, I’m staying @ my parents’ tonite again. Dun worry bout bb, he is very happy wif my parents. @@ u tmr nite. My parents will fetch us back”

I did not reply. I silent my phone and threw it one side. My mind was in a mess. I could not think. I did not know what to think. I only wanted some peace.

Faith noticed something was bothering me. She came over to my side and wrapped her arms around, placing her head on mine and said, “I don’t want to see you like this. Be happy ok baby?” Faith gave me a peck on my lips, and then another one.

Soon we started kissing with both of us lying on the bed and she on top of me. At one point, she stopped her kissing and looked at me plainly.

I looked at her, waiting for her to speak but she did not. I asked with my eyes looking away and back at her again, “What?”

She gave me a smile and shook her head. “Nothing,” Faith replied and she gave me another peck on my lips, which led to the series of passionate kisses that followed.

I could tell the kisses were different from what we had. There was no animal charge like before. The hungriness was replaced by affections, lustfulness was replaced by emotions and the wildness was replaced by passion. It was slow and sensual. It did not happen before. I opened my eyes to look at Faith. Her eyes remained closed, enjoying the intimacy we were having. Looking at her closed eyes, I know, it was more than just two friends kissing without string attached. There was a string, an invisible string linking my heart and hers.

Faith tilted her head backwards and I went down at her neck, kissing it very slowly. Her breathing was getting heavier with each kiss I landed on her neck. I made my way down to her collarbone and again, unbuttoned her shirt. I left her busts untouched. Unbuttoning her pants and slowly let her legs wriggle off her pants till her ankle and I gave it a tug. It came off easily.

I felt up her legs from her thigh to her hips and ended its journey at her tummy. Our passionate kiss continued. Faith reached down to my jeans and undid the buttons and I slid it off expertly.

I rolled her to my side and brought her on top of me. We maintained our kisses and slowly brought my private to hers. She rocked her hip a little when my stiffened manhood reached her femininity; opening her mouth, enjoy every single bit of it. It was time for penetration.

Gently raising my hip upwards, I slid it into her. The warmth in her felt so nice around my manhood. With every movement going into her, she exhaled on my face. We were facing each other with our face nearly touching each other. Our bodies wriggled in a synchronised movement, contributing to one another’s pleasure.

Her arms curled up under mine and hugged tightly at my shoulders and mine pressing down gently on her hips. Our genitals were rubbing against each other. It was so wonderful. I realised, we were not having sex; we were making love.

Faith sat up and went on Cowgirl position. Rocking slowing back and forth with her shirt parted and her nipples were still in hiding, showing her flat tummy and belly button. She continued with her rocking while I sat up as well, hugging her waist and rested my head on her chest.

She held my face with both her hands, tilted my head backwards and lowered her lips till it met with mine. She looked at me and muttered something, which I could not hear it properly followed by giving me a full kiss. “What did you say?” I asked with my heavy breathing.

She shook her head and continued kissing me. I was sure she said some thing but swallowed it back. I did not push further.

I guided her down on the bed and I knelt on the bed, and went on with missionary. Her flower was quite wet and reddened. She was getting a little high with her breathing speeding up and calls getting more and more audible. I held her hands in mine and interlocked our fingers, giving it a little tug whenever I thrust into her. I sped up with my pounding. Perhaps due to the lack of our saliva on our genitals, there was more friction on my manhood than before. It was giving me more feeling down there. I felt the urge to climax.

My thrusts started to get harder and harder. She knew I was seeding soon, she said, “Baby, you can shoot in me.”

I dropped on Faith and hugged her tightly while my hips went up and down at her groin. I called out her name softly and finally ejaculated inside her.

We continued the lips lock and breathing heavily at each other’s face. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed me into her. I had stopped humping her but her hips were still wriggling under me. I know she wanted more. To please her, I carried on humping her.

Miraculously, I was able to maintain the hardness for penetration. Faith wrapped her legs around my waist and pushed me into her harder and deeper. She sunk her fingers into her bed and grabbed the sheets while arching her back, pushing her upper body into the bed.

She finally came.

-To be continued
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My wife's good friend's sleep over

A Short Story
Old 09-09-2013, 11:30 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Originally Posted by Thug View Post
Thanks for the continuous support and your patient. Here's my 28th instalment. Enjoy!


Ok, that was it, my last straw. With the contract safely in my hands, I said, looking straight into his eyes, “Or you can call my office if you want to look for her but of course, with my approval.”

I turned and thanked old Mr Ng and shook his hand and bid our good-byes. While walking out of the office, I held on to Faith’s hand. I know young Mr Ng was still looking. I did it on purpose.

In the lift, Faith and I did not speak, as we were not alone. However, I felt my action had touched her as least a little, because she was holding onto my hand very tightly with both hands. She felt protected and I wanted to protect her.


It was a long walk from the lift to my car. The low humming noise from the ventilation and Faith's heels were the only sound I could hear, bouncing back from the walls around and into my ears. We did not speak. Faith just followed me behind with her hand in mine. I was holding it tightly. Perhaps it was my natural reaction towards someone I had just failed. Someone I had let down.

I was a little upset with myself. Allowing the lecher to make Faith uncomfortable during the contract signing. I kept thinking back about the whole thing and missed my car.

Faith tugged at my hand, stopped me from walking any further and said, "Baby where are you going? Your car is here."

"Oh, sorry. Didn't see it." I replied, looking down at the floor, deliberately missing her eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asked, looking at me.

I paused a little, looked at her, held both her hands and said, "I'm sorry. I did not stop him earlier. I was selfish. I was worried about the contract if I fall out with him."

"It's ok baby. I understand. It's a small matter. Anyway, you did warn him at the end and that's enough for me." Faith replied, giving me a smile.

"I shouldn't have brought you here with me. I'm sorry."

"I'm glad you did. If not, I wouldn't know where do I stand in here," Faith said, pointing at my heart, then hugged me, placing her head on my chest and added, "I'm happy to know I have a place in here."

I kissed her forehead and said softly, "You do have a place in there."

We remained in one another’s arms despite there were cars driving passed us, dropping their speed to look at us. Maybe it was the guilt...I do not know. I allowed myself to show more affection towards her that day. Or maybe...I began to have feelings for her.

We drove off and were on our way to Faith’s. She told Kate that she would be staying over night at our place due to a viewing scheduled that night.

The incident earlier kept flashing back and giving me my migraine. My head started pounding.

At her house, I was lying back on her bed, while she packed, trying to take some rest. My head was thumping hard and was getting a little unbearable. A few moments later, her phone buzzed. She read the message, smiled while replying before tossing the phone on the bed and said, “Take a look what your wife just messaged me.”

It read, “Yo sexy, tonite do u wan 2 be alone wif my ah lao or not? I can make myself scarce if u wan…lol”

“Wa…so generous ar. Ok then, I’ll try 2 seduce him tonite. U dun cm back huh ” Faith replied.

“Ok! Dun fall in love wif him hor…lol” Kate replied as I read through the messages.

I was not even a little amused by that message. In fact, I started to doubt Kate’s love for me? How could anyone be so generous? Sharing her husband with someone else. That message did not make me any happier. It made me wonder if I really do matter to her. I left the phone on the bed and did not say anything. I just closed my eyes, trying to nurse that pounding headache.

My phone soon buzzed and as expected, Kate had messaged me, “Hi papa, I’m staying @ my parents’ tonite again. Dun worry bout bb, he is very happy wif my parents. @@ u tmr nite. My parents will fetch us back”

I did not reply. I silent my phone and threw it one side. My mind was in a mess. I could not think. I did not know what to think. I only wanted some peace.

Faith noticed something was bothering me. She came over to my side and wrapped her arms around, placing her head on mine and said, “I don’t want to see you like this. Be happy ok baby?” Faith gave me a peck on my lips, and then another one.

Soon we started kissing with both of us lying on the bed and she on top of me. At one point, she stopped her kissing and looked at me plainly.

I looked at her, waiting for her to speak but she did not. I asked with my eyes looking away and back at her again, “What?”

She gave me a smile and shook her head. “Nothing,” Faith replied and she gave me another peck on my lips, which led to the series of passionate kisses that followed.

I could tell the kisses were different from what we had. There was no animal charge like before. The hungriness was replaced by affections, lustfulness was replaced by emotions and the wildness was replaced by passion. It was slow and sensual. It did not happen before. I opened my eyes to look at Faith. Her eyes remained closed, enjoying the intimacy we were having. Looking at her closed eyes, I know, it was more than just two friends kissing without string attached. There was a string, an invisible string linking my heart and hers.

Faith tilted her head backwards and I went down at her neck, kissing it very slowly. Her breathing was getting heavier with each kiss I landed on her neck. I made my way down to her collarbone and again, unbuttoned her shirt. I left her busts untouched. Unbuttoning her pants and slowly let her legs wriggle off her pants till her ankle and I gave it a tug. It came off easily.

I felt up her legs from her thigh to her hips and ended its journey at her tummy. Our passionate kiss continued. Faith reached down to my jeans and undid the buttons and I slid it off expertly.

I rolled her to my side and brought her on top of me. We maintained our kisses and slowly brought my private to hers. She rocked her hip a little when my stiffened manhood reached her femininity; opening her mouth, enjoy every single bit of it. It was time for penetration.

Gently raising my hip upwards, I slid it into her. The warmth in her felt so nice around my manhood. With every movement going into her, she exhaled on my face. We were facing each other with our face nearly touching each other. Our bodies wriggled in a synchronised movement, contributing to one another’s pleasure.

Her arms curled up under mine and hugged tightly at my shoulders and mine pressing down gently on her hips. Our genitals were rubbing against each other. It was so wonderful. I realised, we were not having sex; we were making love.

Faith sat up and went on Cowgirl position. Rocking slowing back and forth with her shirt parted and her nipples were still in hiding, showing her flat tummy and belly button. She continued with her rocking while I sat up as well, hugging her waist and rested my head on her chest.

She held my face with both her hands, tilted my head backwards and lowered her lips till it met with mine. She looked at me and muttered something, which I could not hear it properly followed by giving me a full kiss. “What did you say?” I asked with my heavy breathing.

She shook her head and continued kissing me. I was sure she said some thing but swallowed it back. I did not push further.

I guided her down on the bed and I knelt on the bed, and went on with missionary. Her flower was quite wet and reddened. She was getting a little high with her breathing speeding up and calls getting more and more audible. I held her hands in mine and interlocked our fingers, giving it a little tug whenever I thrust into her. I sped up with my pounding. Perhaps due to the lack of our saliva on our genitals, there was more friction on my manhood than before. It was giving me more feeling down there. I felt the urge to climax.

My thrusts started to get harder and harder. She knew I was seeding soon, she said, “Baby, you can shoot in me.”

I dropped on Faith and hugged her tightly while my hips went up and down at her groin. I called out her name softly and finally ejaculated inside her.

We continued the lips lock and breathing heavily at each other’s face. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed me into her. I had stopped humping her but her hips were still wriggling under me. I know she wanted more. To please her, I carried on humping her.

Miraculously, I was able to maintain the hardness for penetration. Faith wrapped her legs around my waist and pushed me into her harder and deeper. She sunk her fingers into her bed and grabbed the sheets while arching her back, pushing her upper body into the bed.

She finally came.

-To be continued

Thumbs up..looking forward to your next post!!!
Old 10-09-2013, 04:44 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Luv your story bro... Keep it up. Thanks...
Old 10-09-2013, 06:16 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Originally Posted by S|B3HSI@N View Post
Luv your story bro... Keep it up. Thanks...
Originally Posted by Townsend View Post
Thumbs up..looking forward to your next post!!!
Originally Posted by MrStyleKing View Post
Yes and u finally came with another super installment bro!
Thanks. More coming!
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My wife's good friend's sleep over

A Short Story
Old 10-09-2013, 06:20 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Have always been a silent reader in the forum, but your story has compel me to show you my salutation! TS, I am officially your ardent fan!
Old 10-09-2013, 07:31 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Well done bro... love your story...
Old 10-09-2013, 07:41 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

More pls.......
Old 10-09-2013, 09:39 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

give me more...
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