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Old 04-01-2003, 04:39 PM
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Re: Speak Yr Mind

Originally posted by omnia

ps. i managed to squeeze in some quality time with mei zhi before she left town....bliss dude, pure bliss
Hmmm....Bliss? I will mark that more of faith rather than bollocks....hahaha....

I love Jaguar, Yoko etc.... bollocks, bollocks!

The Hustler
Old 04-01-2003, 11:03 PM
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Re: Speak Yr Mind

Originally posted by omnia

glad to see an alternative pov...always feel free to speak yr not follow the crowd and be a long as you are doing it in good faith...these gals shall survive notwithstanding negative posts in this forum or otherwise...

i wld rather read a negative fr written in good faith than a good fr which is a load of bollocks...

as for iris...well, i did a comparison for king between iris and pei yi in his thread...conclusion...go for pei yi...vintage wine dude!

better luck next time


ps. i managed to squeeze in some quality time with mei zhi before she left town....bliss dude, pure bliss

I re-read my initial FR and feel that maybe I was too pissed off with her to write a just FR on her. Anyway, just forget it lar. Now I am hesitant in trying Peiyi after hearing samsters comparing the similarities of her with Iris.

No bullshit! You mean you are the one of the 2 bros who got her on the last day? You damned lucky bloke! You should have seen the sian faces of me and cuntking on that day. Haha. I even rushed down after work knowing that my physical condition upon reaching would not be fit for "battle" but alas it was not to be. Oh know how much you broke the hearts of cK and me..heheh

P.S. PM me if you wanna read the initial FR on Iris. Decided not to publish in public here.
Do NOT ask me to exchange points.

Most women prefer sex with the lights out - they can't bear to see a man enjoying himself.
Most men like sex with the lights on - so that they can get the woman's name right.

Definite RTF if coming back: Cocido (Porn Appetit), Celica (San), Petchara (Thaiboy)
Old 04-01-2003, 11:08 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Summary FR on Iris

Originally posted by new_cummer
Smell of protection?...No lah. After Bro Kiddo had a bad session with Iris...feels I should warn bros about Blue Diamond also. Bro cuntking said she is over-rated a way he is right. And I also want to clarify again that although I repeated her nearly 30 times doesn't mean she must be good. She became my No.1 only because we can click. So...hopefully...those bros who are going to try her will not arm with too high an expectation lor.

One word to sum it up...SHE IS NOT A BRIGHT STUDENT lor...tor huay ahhh....gek sim ahhh....
You should have tried Meizi. She's even more hopeless. Cannot be trained. She'll just wink wink and use her sai nai powers on you until you vomit blood but that's the cute part of her. She'll train you to suit her style and not vice versa.
Do NOT ask me to exchange points.

Most women prefer sex with the lights out - they can't bear to see a man enjoying himself.
Most men like sex with the lights on - so that they can get the woman's name right.

Definite RTF if coming back: Cocido (Porn Appetit), Celica (San), Petchara (Thaiboy)
Old 04-01-2003, 11:13 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Summary FR on Iris

Originally posted by new_cummer
Bro Kiddo...poor thing...instead of sai nai...kenna sai neng pa.

Will surely want to hear the stoly from you about what happened between you and her...I also veli kaypoh now.

New darling have to wait liao...coz...No.1 darling is back...will be going down to sayang her tomolo liao...wah lao eh...including tomolo's 2 sessions...this week alone already spent on 6 sessions liao...scary man...this addict is really getting into me liao...dun even dare to count how much I've spent cheonging for last year.

Bro NC,

Lucky GL150 don't have any overnight sessions. Otherwise... *shudders at the thought* Strangely reminds me of LOTR, we are like the Gollum and the WLs are the Power Ring. We want to break free of them but alas the mind is willing but the body is weak. Now I am not sure whether I want to break free anymore.

The Gollum-to-be...
Do NOT ask me to exchange points.

Most women prefer sex with the lights out - they can't bear to see a man enjoying himself.
Most men like sex with the lights on - so that they can get the woman's name right.

Definite RTF if coming back: Cocido (Porn Appetit), Celica (San), Petchara (Thaiboy)
Old 05-01-2003, 03:07 AM
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Re: FR on Blue K

bro andy, see you act act like expert you will get what you want .... hee hee hee

Originally posted by Andy Coming
( Thanks for the advice Bro Cuntking, this time asked confidently and loud. No enquiries regarding size, shape and all. just the name. )

We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 05-01-2003, 03:09 AM
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Re: Re: Greetings from GL

bro kid, sad to hear that you will not be back during CNY ...... just try to be happy.

Well ....... time will cum for me to fade away ...... who knows?

Originally posted by KID278
yo bro cuntking, many thanks......looking at current situations it will be a long time before I can even think of going back......cny sad........anyway you enjoy a good one are a star that never fades you know that.....hehehe......

We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 05-01-2003, 03:28 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Summary FR on Iris

bro kiddo, looks like you expectations on her was wrong lah .... she very quiet type ....... NOT sai nai type ..... from my experience is that repeat sessions will get better ....... haizzzz .... each to his own, ask you to try Xiao Zhen you don't want, you wait for sai nai queen to cum back lor.

Originally posted by Kiddo
Bro NC, I was anticipating her her famed sai nai service, thought there would be someone to rival Meizi leow and what I got was more like sai wa neng pa (Give me two slaps) service. Her service is not even SOP! Totally fucked up service!

Will tell you what happened if I get to see you next time in GL.

Hehe, next time sure good service coz I'll be waiting for my darling no. 1 to come back sometime in February. This time I'll definitely act cute, throw my kiddo fake tantrums at her and use my devastating sai-nai service on her.

Have fun with your new darling! hee
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 05-01-2003, 03:40 AM
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The Key is Chemistry

Each to his own ...... one brother's darling, may be another's PCN ....... the key to good sessions is Chemistry between guy and gal, NOT service or looks.

Originally posted by new_cummer
Smell of protection?...No lah. After Bro Kiddo had a bad session with Iris...feels I should warn bros about Blue Diamond also. Bro cuntking said she is over-rated a way he is right. And I also want to clarify again that although I repeated her nearly 30 times doesn't mean she must be good. She became my No.1 only because we can click. So...hopefully...those bros who are going to try her will not arm with too high an expectation lor.

One word to sum it up...SHE IS NOT A BRIGHT STUDENT lor...tor huay ahhh....gek sim ahhh....
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 05-01-2003, 05:19 AM
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Re: The Key is Chemistry

Originally posted by cuntking
Each to his own ...... one brother's darling, may be another's PCN ....... the key to good sessions is Chemistry between guy and gal, NOT service or looks.
Well said Bro Cuntking!! Well said!

Chemistry is the critical element that would determine a sextifying bonk from a KNN Cb bonk.


Old 05-01-2003, 05:29 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Greetings from GL

Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, sad to hear that you will not be back during CNY ...... just try to be happy.

Well ....... time will cum for me to fade away ...... who knows?
bro cuntking, yupz it will be a sad cny out of the scene for me as my destiny took a tumble forced by circumstances....nevertheless comes what it may be will make do with what that comes along to stay happy.....hehehe...... missing my little darling as I reminisced.

No body knows...but why fade away when you are a star that can still shines......hehehe.....

No One Plans To Fail
But Many Fails To Plan
.....Signing off from a foreign land

Last edited by KID278; 05-01-2003 at 06:02 AM.
Old 05-01-2003, 05:55 AM
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Re: The Key is Chemistry

Originally posted by cuntking
Each to his own ...... one brother's darling, may be another's PCN ....... the key to good sessions is Chemistry between guy and gal, NOT service or looks.
bro cuntking, perhaps chemistry alone is not enough as ability to adjust to each other's idiosyncracies also plays a part.

bro kiddo, should you be game enough to burnt your wallet one more time your disillusionment may result in delights....hehehe....

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But Many Fails To Plan
.....Signing off from a foreign land
Old 05-01-2003, 03:11 PM
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Talking Faith or Bollocks

Originally posted by The_Hustler
Hmmm....Bliss? I will mark that more of faith rather than bollocks....hahaha....

I love Jaguar, Yoko etc.... bollocks, bollocks!

The Hustler
how abt annie or bollocks...hahahaha...

never mind the bollocks

Last edited by omnia; 05-01-2003 at 03:23 PM.
Old 05-01-2003, 03:22 PM
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Wink Lucky but not that lucky

Originally posted by Kiddo

No bullshit! You mean you are the one of the 2 bros who got her on the last day? You damned lucky bloke! You should have seen the sian faces of me and cuntking on that day. Haha. I even rushed down after work knowing that my physical condition upon reaching would not be fit for "battle" but alas it was not to be. Oh know how much you broke the hearts of cK and me..heheh

i maybe lucky, but not that lucky lah...hehehe...managed to get her just before the new year as i was away fm town over the last wk..

all things considered, quite lucky though as on my last visit to gl before the end of the yr asked for her just for the fun of it thinking that she was on elusive mode...low and behold, the okt told me that she was in the, ended the yr with a lucky, lusty 1hr+ bonk...satisfaction guaranteed...

anyhoo...she told me that she sld be back in the 3rd wk of feb...absence makes the heart grow fonder eh

Old 05-01-2003, 08:11 PM
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Re: Faith or Bollocks

Originally posted by omnia
how abt annie or bollocks...hahahaha...

never mind the bollocks
Between lah, it was faith turned wrong... the bollocks was a touch n go affair.

So what about Pei Yi? Any chance on the Hershey highway??

The Hustler
Old 05-01-2003, 11:20 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Summary FR on Iris

Originally posted by cuntking
bro kiddo, looks like you expectations on her was wrong lah .... she very quiet type ....... NOT sai nai type ..... from my experience is that repeat sessions will get better ....... haizzzz .... each to his own, ask you to try Xiao Zhen you don't want, you wait for sai nai queen to cum back lor.
Bro cK,

Oh! I thought her service was sai nai type. Anyway, doesn't matters as even the service still leaves much to be desired. Repeat sessions? Sorry No thank you! I'll pass! hee. Sai nai queen? Perhaps I won't be able to recognise her given that her weight goes hay wire easily and not forgeting that this is a festive season. Oh boy...Hehehe.

Bro Kid278,

Perhaps I'm already on her banned list. Hehe. But really, I would rather spend this money on more worthy targets than to risk another time.

Originally posted by omnia

i maybe lucky, but not that lucky lah...hehehe...managed to get her just before the new year as i was away fm town over the last wk..

all things considered, quite lucky though as on my last visit to gl before the end of the yr asked for her just for the fun of it thinking that she was on elusive mode...low and behold, the okt told me that she was in the, ended the yr with a lucky, lusty 1hr+ bonk...satisfaction guaranteed...

anyhoo...she told me that she sld be back in the 3rd wk of feb...absence makes the heart grow fonder eh

I was actually thinking of going down on New Year's Day but was afraid that she might not be working as many gals are off on holidays. Didn't occur to me to call the OKT. It's really no fate between us.

3rd week of feb? That's too bad coz my no. 1 would probably be coming back earlier than her and if she's back, I probably won't think of any other GL gals. Sorry Meizi, if you are reading this. *Apologetic look*

Do NOT ask me to exchange points.

Most women prefer sex with the lights out - they can't bear to see a man enjoying himself.
Most men like sex with the lights on - so that they can get the woman's name right.

Definite RTF if coming back: Cocido (Porn Appetit), Celica (San), Petchara (Thaiboy)
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