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Old 17-10-2010, 09:55 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by bigdog495 View Post
Hi bros,sorry for my lousy english. Meet her ard 9am then straight away proceed to love nest at G land.actually still have those motels that does nt require 2 IC to check in one. well I told the recept 2hrs which costs me $24.after that send her to city plaza to meet her frens.before she gt down frm my car ,I gave her $50 .alot of bros might say I gave her too much but it depends on individual lo.thats all bros. have a good nite.
I went to Crazy Horse for the Sun afternoon disco. So many maids showing half ball but I just dare not approach them as they normally 'bao' by Banglas
Old 17-10-2010, 11:07 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

My English also lousy, pls forgive.

today got luck, go to date with a pinay gal introduced my ex's friend after a few days sms.
after dinner, we discuss where to go, she said up to me, I said hotel, like joking, not like joking after, I explained I'm a decent guy and I wouldn't do anything you don't wan me to do, finally she agreed, blushing on her face.

after a little alcohol and light off, I asked her to sit on my lap.
Kiss crazily, I mean her, like going to eat me.
I'm so surprised, because she's a shy and gentle gal. totally ran out of my expect.

She really like me to rub her breast and suck the nipples badly, no matter how hard I bust the two meet ball, she always took it. The rest is always same. She got fine skin, very soft, unlike most of maids got strong muscle, this is the part I like most. Dun know why she hasn't made love for 1 year, but pussy quite loose, dun know it's because of soft body or got baby already(26 years old, divorced). She always like doing hard, eventually when she accepts my two finger working hard in side, loads of water coming out with my hands. This is my first time experience this out of video. After that she got very tired, and dun wan to make love.

I believe most of the time, luck is really important.
And more importantly follow the basic things senior bros share here,
some experience I've absorbed leading to this successful article.
1. pinay gals are not true friends to each other, feel free to approach to you current gf's friends, either could for her body or her friends'. No worries that they will tell your gf. Knowing new gals in this way could be very helpful. The same gal getting to know you by friends are much easier to win a trust and ease for the rest steps than those getting to know you through encountering.
2. They always like love chat, keep saying what they want to listen
3. Do have a try to ask them directly to hotel, they're not Chinese gal, dun use same experience. But make this decently. Probably this is also wht they want.
4. Keep sucking to their breast and massage their pussy, sometimes they want to control themselves of the progress to make things look much nicer. Of course they will also feel shame to get laid by a guy just know for few hours. So must be patient to wait for the lost control threshold. Sometimes rejection always makes us thinking that we're not attractive enough. But the fact in their mind is just trying to make things nicer by cutting the process in to parts.
Old 17-10-2010, 11:46 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

brothers here got skill and luck!
Old 17-10-2010, 11:48 PM
lweiss100 lweiss100 is offline
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Re: Screwing maids

Good job Qwertwert234 and not bad FR. Keep this up and you have spoken the truth about the Pinays...they do want some sex, and want it in a nicer way. The way that they dont feel cheapened, cos that's basic human need for some intimacy in their world that is sometimes harsh as a maid.

Thanks to the following Bros for upping me : Liquid@cid, Chew78s, Ziebart, Mbam, Mchnsg, Birdie8819, Beary, Etsys, GeckoSG, Admiralty, Hidetox, Hero7, Loverboy789, A Forumer, Joyseeker, Diputs1269, Rickey, Naka_Timo, Fazer6s, Prez SBY1, Dunworri, Shark89, Kumsiatiko, Thai31, Zhu Star

Last edited by lweiss100; 17-10-2010 at 11:50 PM. Reason: Forgot to add the name of Bro.
Old 18-10-2010, 11:31 AM
Seymourbutts Seymourbutts is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Screwing maids

My FR as follows. Sry typing on iPhone from work so will keep it short n sweet. A friend and I hit the towers at 5pm on Sunday. Way too many migrant workers! No offence to these cats, it's their only day off from slavery but damn they do go out in force haha. So we hit the basement bar first, instantly had various eyes on us, all eager and full of smiles. One lil thing comes up and tells me her friend has a crush on me, so we call her over n all of a sudden her friends are screaming like she won the lottery, haha so immature yet endearing. Got digits, moved on to notty g on the first floor. Gotta love em indo ceweks, so full of energy! The pretty waitress w the nice tits comes by and gives us our coronas and a kiss on the cheek each. We decide to perch by the tables near the entrance and watch the girls shake their thing. One of the dancers makes eye contact and does the fingers to the eye thing " got u in my sights" type haha. She's got really nice legs and I can't keep my eyes off them. Long story short, she comes over to join us, does not want to drink but hands over the digits, shy to reveal her job as a maid, whatever, I'll defo tap that ass at some point. Net net, gotta say the quality of talent is good but HK wins hands down. Still, not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Old 18-10-2010, 11:47 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Brother, you need to take her to the Four Seasons. Women really really like it when the place is nice. Nice bed, bathroom, etc. Order some wine and light a few candles and start behaving like rabbits all of a sudden. Don't go cheap brother.

For goodness sake you're an APE
Old 19-10-2010, 12:06 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Brother, it's my company with my business partner. But if one is to lead, one can't lose the respect of the people working for him. I'm worried about the women gossiping. Most of my employees are closet racists too so when a non SG Han Chiense woman walks in with a lunch for the partner, the gossip starts especially among the aunties working at my company. She actually put one garter belt in the bag along with a pair of panties in the brown bag. I got a text message that she left the panties unwashed after thinking about me. I can smell woman on them. The garter is the same one she wore on Sunday at the hotel. I think I need to tell her to cut this stuff out.
Respect is earned, not given just because you're a partner in the company.....Just when will you regain your sanity!! My friend, it's been a long time since she left you!!! Please wake up. Just STOP! STOP! using Han Chinese this and Han Chinese that, if this country bother you so much, please pack your bag and LEAVE this country, Brudder!!!!!!! I still think you are a nice guy despite all the High Class Maid nonsense!!! Brudder!!!

Last edited by Ichigo_Kurosaki; 19-10-2010 at 12:18 AM.
Old 19-10-2010, 12:23 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by S.B.Y View Post
For goodness sake you're an APE
That's a good one! Wahahaha
Old 19-10-2010, 09:31 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
Respect is earned, not given just because you're a partner in the company.....!!!
How true Bro Ichigo.

Dude (REG) I work as a GM in a construction company, and those bros in SBF who knows me for years in real life can testify to that. Respect doesnt come just because u demand it. In my years of working life, i learn to treat people with respect and listen to them, doing so people learn to like me for who i m and respect comes along with it. I never demand respect from my staffs, i try my best to earn it and show them a reason to respect me for who i m. When people respect you from the heart, the motivation and attitude towards their work will be exemplary. And this is something your APE brain will never understand. Shame on you for even trying to make racist comments on 'Han' woman. This is a multi-national; multi language & multi cultural society that we are living and working in. If you can't come to grips with that, i suggest you IMPORT all the fellow APES from your country of origin and get them to do monkey business for you in your company.

Anyway, REG loves to talk about his HIG CLASS MAID exploits in every other thread he can get his apey hands on

Honestly i cant be bothered with someone like him because from the way he writes and booasts about his own sex life, he obviously wants attention and is deprived of it in real life.

Oh REG, please dont go around calling samsters in this forum 'brothers' because we are not your 'brothers'.

You dont know what is the meaning of the word 'brothers' and i dont think you ever will in your miserable and pathetic life.

Get real dude. You ain't good enough to be a 'brother' in SBF..not today not ever dude.

Just my 2 cents.


PS - Bros pardon me for my strong words and sarcastic comments..but these are directed at only this Primate PUN intended
Kind Bros who Upz me pls PM me your latest postings, I will return the favor as soon as i can.

Old 20-10-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Ronsee View Post
How true Bro Ichigo.

Dude (REG) I work as a GM in a construction company, and those bros in SBF who knows me for years in real life can testify to that. Respect doesnt come just because u demand it. In my years of working life, i learn to treat people with respect and listen to them, doing so people learn to like me for who i m and respect comes along with it. I never demand respect from my staffs, i try my best to earn it and show them a reason to respect me for who i m. When people respect you from the heart, the motivation and attitude towards their work will be exemplary
Presidential Salute for an exemplary character Mas Ronse. Pak SBY's Songkok off to you
Old 20-10-2010, 12:22 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Pardon Pak P for not reading this entire thread as Pak P is busy into pleasing the LUST of the Indo Cewe thread.

But Pak hope that Pak can contribute a tiny bit in this excellent thread.

Here are a few one liners which might impress some Philipenis pinoys

X.O.X.O - Hugs & Kisses

J.A.P.A.N - Just Always Pray At Night

I.T.A.L.Y - I Truly Always Love You\\

Pak hope this helps
Old 20-10-2010, 11:40 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by S.B.Y View Post
Presidential Salute for an exemplary character Mas Ronse. Pak SBY's Songkok off to you
Pak u flatter me. I really dont deserve this accolade from you. Just sharing my thoughts and feelings on the matter.

Thanks Pak for your kind words.

Kind Bros who Upz me pls PM me your latest postings, I will return the favor as soon as i can.

Old 20-10-2010, 11:52 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Ronsee View Post
Oh REG, please dont go around calling samsters in this forum 'brothers' because we are not your 'brothers'.

You dont know what is the meaning of the word 'brothers' and i dont think you ever will in your miserable and pathetic life.

Get real dude. You ain't good enough to be a 'brother' in SBF..not today not ever dude.

Just my 2 cents.

Clap Clap !!! Well said "BRO" .... kekekekeke ..... nice to meet you last friday ... hope to see you soon
Old 20-10-2010, 11:58 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by birdie8819 View Post
Clap Clap !!! Well said "BRO" .... kekekekeke ..... nice to meet you last friday ... hope to see you soon
Wa was also nice to meet up with you and other 'Senior' bros from SBF the other night.

So how was your visit to the Thai Disco at Concorde the other night bro?

Hope you guys had a great time there. I went to OT with Bro HolyMann and we had a great time that night too hehe.

Kind Bros who Upz me pls PM me your latest postings, I will return the favor as soon as i can.

Old 20-10-2010, 12:15 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Ronsee View Post
So how was your visit to the Thai Disco at Concorde the other night bro?

Hope you guys had a great time there. I went to OT with Bro HolyMann and we had a great time that night too hehe.

Oh... you mean that Thai Disco "Oracle" something like dat ..... eh...the place is still new not much customer when we're there and we just had two towers & 2 cokes for the "old men" after that we went home some of the Thai singers are formally from V3 at Boat Quay there . BTW where's OT ?
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