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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 18-07-2011, 02:30 PM
blacktadpole blacktadpole is offline
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

Haiz..... how I miss B.S. Just the cheap and slutty PRC grabbing your attention for $20.Miss them liao.
Old 18-07-2011, 04:02 PM
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

Originally Posted by blacktadpole View Post
Haiz..... how I miss B.S. Just the cheap and slutty PRC grabbing your attention for $20.Miss them liao.
wahaha still hav a bit lah.. can squeeze boobs rub ur cock etc.. but more wild no no liao even sit lap oso ban.. anyway i dun really like BS veri dirty n smelly leh.. rm always hav tat stinky "spermy" smell lol

life is short, have fun while you can..
Old 18-07-2011, 08:06 PM
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

Originally Posted by eRicKz View Post
plc not so wild liao.. coz wind very big nowadays.. BS n QG aldy closed down liao so the rules quite strict now..
Sigh. . .those were the days man. . .
now give 20bucks some girls even ask for another 10bucks. . .when they only return to u like for 2 times????

anyway. . .bros here. . .any other nice KTV to share?
Old 20-07-2011, 10:03 PM
newcheongster newcheongster is offline
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

this plc the gels cant da bao and also not happening like BS and even give $20 still not happy.

anyway is there a rule that we must tip them $20 or above???

i wonder if GS ktv is happeing?
Old 21-07-2011, 01:47 PM
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

gals cannot tabao? woah, if it really becomes lydat, then there's no point going liao... $20 come in twice, might as well go $50 dollar fuck, get 20mins of full attention... then drop by KBox to qiogua
Old 21-07-2011, 03:20 PM
blacktadpole blacktadpole is offline
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

I feel because some carrot head thinks those PRC are worth to dao bao, think tip more than market rate. Then most of the bitches expect more as time goes by. They think they 'boa ghim' plated gold!!!! Think every Bro, go loaded with $$$. See who can Fish.
Old 21-07-2011, 09:15 PM
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

Originally Posted by newcheongster View Post
this plc the gels cant da bao and also not happening like BS and even give $20 still not happy.

anyway is there a rule that we must tip them $20 or above???

i wonder if GS ktv is happeing?
$20 is std lah.. but if u happy wif gal u can giv more lar.. so far i giv $20 ok ler.. giv them $50 still can chg bk de.. lol.. tabao wise- agreed most of the syt dun go out.. but some can.. some hint too but i bo feel.. i got feel wan rejected me leh..

life is short, have fun while you can..
Old 23-07-2011, 07:21 PM
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

Will be Going tonite!
Old 24-07-2011, 11:05 PM
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

Dear All,

I wil be organising an outing to NSH this Friday, SH. Any bros who are interested, kindly pm me. Thanks.
Old 25-07-2011, 02:33 PM
hengkia hengkia is offline
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

went there last night (sunday)
this joint is no longer wild like last time.
girls only come in rubba rubba and go, unlike the past where there is actually some action in there.

tarbao is 100-200 SGD and they will only go with regulars.
Old 25-07-2011, 04:10 PM
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

went NSH recently, seem all the prc girl have gang up to visit the room once , in every 1 hr, and siting only lasting 5min ++ and after that can see them loitering near the entrance waiting for new customer, it so much different from the bs and nbj days when girl arrive late because they have many guest to entertain. will difintely give this place a miss till service improve. just my 2 cent worth
Old 25-07-2011, 04:25 PM
Fujitsubo Fujitsubo is offline
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

Originally Posted by zender1234 View Post
went NSH recently, seem all the prc girl have gang up to visit the room once , in every 1 hr, and siting only lasting 5min ++ and after that can see them loitering near the entrance waiting for new customer, it so much different from the bs and nbj days when girl arrive late because they have many guest to entertain. will difintely give this place a miss till service improve. just my 2 cent worth
I already know how this place works ever since the last time i was at this place. Nowadays those geylang ktvs or other ktvs are boring and the PRC's gals will take customers for granted. There are always roberts to support them. This trend of PRC's gals using such tatic to eat snake will never end and it's not something new to me since few years of chionging. I have seen many times that those NSH gals like to hang around the corridor although they have customers waiting for them inside the room. In the first place, you should reject her early and give her $10 and ask her to fark off if she butterfly for quite long or you see her only come in once in an hour. Then you will know something is wrong with this ktv gal. Dont have to give her face and pay her $20 lah... just give her how much you deem fit. Most of the time, i would give her $10 and ask her to get lost early. If you condone their behaviour or to allow such act, those gals will try again next time and try to provide poor service to other customers.

There is nothing to be worried of or to be scared. Just throw the gentleman's ego aside and do what you think if right. When comes to bill time, give her the amount you deem fit. Of course don't try to run tips unless she is really too much who piss you off badly. Case to case basis depoending on situation at times.

Those gals will try to eat snake and waste the customer time so that they wont have to work so hard for that amount of money. To them is like can relax and talk cock with other gals and eat snake so why not to them... sad to say some of the ktv gals in geylang or elsewhere have such mentality that they rather relax one corner and eat snake than to serve customers. I have chiong for so many years and i feel that it's not fun and not worth to go to such ktvs anymore since the play level is so low and the bill keeps increasing and the gals like to take customers for a ride and take us for granted. No point going but perhaps at times just to accompany friends during some occasions. I dont understand why some customers or roberts like to spoil market still give her $20 and let those gals continue to pick a fast one again on other customers. At least teach them a lesson by not giving them or to give $10. Some gals are really too overboard till they merely come in 2 times during the entire ktv session. So don't let them let you for granted and take you for a ride. It's time to show them we are firm enough and not weaklings and lastly not ROBERTS!

IMHO, i feel that it's really not fun to chiong in those budget KTVs in geylang anymore. The reason is simple. Low play level and limited romaing or actions from the gals inside the room. The boss or managements have iposed many rules and regulations on the gals to prevent the customers to play to certain extent. Why? It is becos the management is scared of AV revoking their licence if the customers and gals are caught with blouse or skirt down. They cant operate their biz anymore. So why waste the money to go and you dont enjoy at all. Why waste the money to go there and get pissed off? No point at all. You are better off saving the money to spend the money to good use in other better joints. This is just my opinion and it doesn't represent all.

My 2 cents worth

Last edited by Fujitsubo; 25-07-2011 at 04:51 PM.
Old 28-07-2011, 02:46 PM
rossng rossng is offline
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

Agree to all negative post! Went there 2mths back wif 2 honry frens. Walk in lobby nobody serve, had to walk to the counter myself to ask for room. After asking for drinks price was shiok. So we decided to get just beer for chilling out. Went to the room, drink haven't even come the girls flooded in sitting on all of us, a small room pack wif like 12ppl. I got angry ask them out but all girls aiya here aiya there. end up my fren scold them & ask them all get out. Understand they wanna make a living, but give us chance to choose la. My fren act beng drink up pay & left to BS. But same thing happened, we got rape haha. But manage to get the staff to help to clear the room & only left with those we choose. But, still boring place not like wat it used to be. Girls come 5-10mins shake shake shake then missing for 1hr. End up wan us to pay $50 tips, my ah beng fren scold them and pay $20 and we left. Lolz...
I still prefer higher class ktv like kabuki which always have a good memory for me
Old 28-07-2011, 08:45 PM
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

Gone are the days where TH BS and NSH are the budget and funniest place in spore!
Old 09-08-2011, 02:15 AM
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Re: New shanghai KTV on top of BS

been there for the past 3 weeks after a year long break.

Quality of the girls seems to be better maybe due to the in flow from BS.

Have to pay tips($10) to the waiter/waitress that serve you too.

I would prefer level 4 cos you won't get that botak who keep walking around and looking into your room. felt like ka na ji-ing his bald shiny head.

Can no longer switch off the lights, no more horse ride.

Fei Fei, Xiao Yu, Zi Yan, Mei Gui, Miao Miao, Coco, AA, Gao Chao(Orgasm), Ruyi(not the one from BS), KK, Ah Xin(Viet).

All the mentioned above are not too bad girls to play with, pleasant looking.

Wang Rong you can try to get her but she butterfly alot and she do outcall.

Anyway bros, you guys can join me cos i'm always there alone or with just a friend.
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