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Old 13-08-2004, 03:31 PM
Monkeybiz Monkeybiz is offline
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

I'm very sorry for that, I'm just rather confused on the relationship during that time when I'm saying that. But I do have intentions to continue the life with her. It is indeed my fault that I didn't get to mention the points clearly in the first place but it's kind of hard for me to get things right in words.

I guess I should get things clear in point forms instead in the first place.
Sorry for the trouble and misunderstanding guys. I'm really sorry for that.
Old 13-08-2004, 03:35 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Monkeybiz
I'm very sorry for that, I'm just rather confused on the relationship during that time when I'm saying that. But I do have intentions to continue the life with her. It is indeed my fault that I didn't get to mention the points clearly in the first place but it's kind of hard for me to get things right in words.

I guess I should get things clear in point forms instead in the first place.
Sorry for the trouble and misunderstanding guys. I'm really sorry for that.
Maybe u have problems expressing yourself which could be a reason for the poor relationship with your wife. Afterall, if even men cannot understand u, how could u expect women to?.........
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Old 13-08-2004, 10:05 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by foolish_
Maybe u have problems expressing yourself which could be a reason for the poor relationship with your wife. Afterall, if even men cannot understand u, how could u expect women to?.........
I do not think it was unitentional in leading us when he started the thread. He does not have a poor command of english.

The facts were intentionally hidden.

That's all I have to say.

But I'm tired of his case to even offer any advise anymore. He was not truthful, now I doubt whether he really is having problems with his wife.

Let it be as that. Cos, if I feel he is now trying to twist & turn his story again, I'm going to start a zap campaign which is not very good.

I hope Henry, you don't talk about this anymore, go and do some fruitful postings here or some other threads.
Old 14-08-2004, 05:21 AM
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Question Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Monkeybiz
Finally talked to her parents of our problems about this little problem over dinner as well, they too know of her temper and said that it's up to me now.

Anyway, I mentioned to her that it's rather stressed up at work lately since I'm working hard to preserve my job at this terrible time of the year, so I will appreciate it more if she could just come straight to the point instead of giving me 'riddles'.


maybe I should spend more time with her talking about my work sometimes, since I don't think I can handle my work stress alone and I just wanted her to be more understanding of my current situation.
Well, she will be still be emotionally unconnected with u as long as u always bottled up yr feelings and doesn’t share them with her unless she has the power to read yr mind.

Anyway, I think that because u are having problems in yr work, u find yr wife's temper & her 'riddles' annoying when u are at home.

But then, u shld hv known of her characters already and I suppose all this tempers & 'riddles' from her doesn't happen overnite.

Originally Posted by Monkeybiz

things are getting back into the trust stage between me and her again. I just hope that she could change her nagging and fickle minded decisions for good... or perhaps try to talk less and be patient with me at least.


I don't really wanna dump her but to be with her at least till our kids grow up to be independent. seems to me that u hv her trust but does she hv yr trust in this marriage now ?


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Old 17-08-2004, 08:58 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Monkeybiz
I guess I should get things clear in point forms instead in the first place.
Sorry for the trouble and misunderstanding guys. I'm really sorry for that.
I hope next time when you wanna share, you can provide more precise details so as to not create a confusion. Take care and bless your marriage.
Old 19-08-2004, 04:22 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
I do not think it was unitentional in leading us when he started the thread. He does not have a poor command of english.

The facts were intentionally hidden.

That's all I have to say.

But I'm tired of his case to even offer any advise anymore. He was not truthful, now I doubt whether he really is having problems with his wife.

Let it be as that. Cos, if I feel he is now trying to twist & turn his story again, I'm going to start a zap campaign which is not very good.

I hope Henry, you don't talk about this anymore, go and do some fruitful postings here or some other threads.
Bro, this is the cyber world, we take things with a pinch of salt. Since he screw up and never came back, then we wish him the best. Anyway we got nothinh to lose. The purpose of this thread is just for some letting out of steam build up during all the LPPL session with our gals. Haizzzz.....Gers are still Gers.
Old 19-08-2004, 04:41 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
You missed the bus, you can always take the next bus but you can never evertake the same bus again. The tming is just not right.
You are right. This time I make sure I take a different bus. In fact I took a different form of transport, to be exact. And got to learn a whole new culture in a new country (still learning).

This time round, I have someone who prefers to be led, cherished and loved. And happy parents too.
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Old 19-08-2004, 04:57 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by foolish_
Not all guys are bad. Not all gers are bad.

Most guys dun dream of having a dream gal. They just dream of having a gal who dun dream that Price Charming really exist..........
I usually dun think of gals or guys as bad. More of not suitable for each other. A flower may blossom in one's hands but will wither in another's.

As for Dream Gal/Guy, how rite you are. I had one who read so many of those romance novels, seems to believe Prince Charming exist and expect me to be one, and therefore is never satisfied with me, no matter what I do.

Yet at the same time, I have female colleagues (and neighbouring companies) + platonic friends who often tell me they wish their husbands/bfs can be as thoughtful as me. And they are happy with their partners! For 10 years, I never considered having or even meeting anoter woman. To me, "love is a decision, and I will love her inspite of what she did or dun do". But after a long time of suffering and endless threats of divorce, I had enough and said "yes" to her latest threat. Decided I simply cannot match those prince charmings in the romance books. Never looked back since.

Now I am happy with my LDTR. Sure not easy due to distance, but at least I get love and respect (maybe the word "submissiveness" was being taken with a narrower perspective here). I love her dearly & almost everything decision I made will be done with her welfare in mind. After 6 months apart, our love for each other (that couldn't die, even tho we mutually tried to kill it) brought us back together again.
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Old 19-08-2004, 10:23 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Bro, this is the cyber world, we take things with a pinch of salt. Since he screw up and never came back, then we wish him the best. Anyway we got nothinh to lose. The purpose of this thread is just for some letting out of steam build up during all the LPPL session with our gals. Haizzzz.....Gers are still Gers.
OK bro, point noted,
Old 19-08-2004, 11:01 PM
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Smile Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by free
I love her dearly & almost everything decision I made will be done with her welfare in mind. After 6 months apart, our love for each other (that couldn't die, even tho we mutually tried to kill it) brought us back together again.

Well, it is good that u are back with her again & I wish u all the best.

Best regards.

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Old 20-08-2004, 12:00 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
The purpose of this thread is just for some letting out of steam build up during all the LPPL session with our gals. Haizzzz.....Gers are still Gers.
Bro, if u want your ger to play your LP, u better do the LPPL session with them........

Though we are bashing gers here, at the end of the day, we can't do w/o them........
Nothing has changed much here
Old 20-08-2004, 02:15 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by foolish_
Though we are bashing gers here, at the end of the day, we can't do w/o them........
Vice-Versa, the gers also cannot do with us.

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Old 20-08-2004, 08:53 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by foolish_
Though we are bashing gers here, at the end of the day, we can't do w/o them........
Bro, we are not exactly bashing them here, it is just a place where we share some of the amusing things of the gers where we laugh at them and realize that we are not alone on this planet. Brothers are free to comment or discuss any issues related to their the other half here. A girl’s heart, one of the longest standing unsolved mystery ……
Old 20-08-2004, 09:04 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

sometimes the girls are really brainless... dunno how to say them, people sms them say they horny, still go reply them in front of me... and i am that bf of hers. bth.... who as my LP wan her... bo pian....
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Old 20-08-2004, 09:07 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by medicheng
sometimes the girls are really brainless... dunno how to say them, people sms them say they horny, still go reply them in front of me... and i am that bf of hers. bth.... who as my LP wan her... bo pian....
Like that also can??? I mean she show you the sms and then reply??? Ha ha ha....Sometimes such stuff just need a reply to be the catalyst.....
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