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Old 12-12-2002, 08:09 PM
hayashi hayashi is offline
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which shanghai KTV is this?

Bro Plman2002 & Bro Sleazyman,
glad both of u enjoy the nite in Golden Year KTV..

attached some pictures my SH friends email to me....
any bro care to varify where is the location? to attached the files..
any bro can help??
Old 12-12-2002, 08:21 PM
gzplayer gzplayer is offline
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plman2002 : so you finally got away from your boss, for some real action of your own.....

sleazymale : sorry i can't call you although we were in too much action with some of my suppliers / colleagues......understand you are going to beijing...when will be leaving ?
Old 12-12-2002, 08:25 PM
sleazymale sleazymale is offline
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Re: which shanghai KTV is this?

Originally posted by hayashi
Bro Plman2002 & Bro Sleazyman,
glad both of u enjoy the nite in Golden Year KTV..

attached some pictures my SH friends email to me....
any bro care to varify where is the location? to attached the files..
any bro can help??

quite tedious to attach an image. Need to first upload it somewhere on the net (like maybe and then paste the link here.

Thanks again for your help while in SHA. Had a great time! I will have to find a way to get back.

Old 12-12-2002, 08:27 PM
sleazymale sleazymale is offline
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now in beijing

Originally posted by gzplayer
plman2002 : so you finally got away from your boss, for some real action of your own.....

sleazymale : sorry i can't call you although we were in too much action with some of my suppliers / colleagues......understand you are going to beijing...when will be leaving ?
Bro gzplayer,

Now in Beijing (thu), just arrived. Will be back in SHA bcos my boss just asked me to meet a partner on Monday... ha ha ha of course I immediately said "YES!!!".

Will be back in SG on Tuesday eve. Wanna meet? pm me pls.

Old 12-12-2002, 08:44 PM
gzplayer gzplayer is offline
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now in beijing

probably not, as I'm already back in shenzhen....anyway thanks for the invitation....maybe next time when you are back here in china...have a good time...

i personally think the amount you paid (1500 for one shot, right?) is a bit on the high side......1K for overnight is about the market price....
Old 12-12-2002, 08:51 PM
sleazymale sleazymale is offline
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2nd FR from SHA

Originally posted by marcoman
All the 5 Star Hotels should be ok. I personally have not had any trouble during my visits there. Anything less than 5 stars you worry about the door man or the recep chap playing you out vis-a-vis reporting you to the gong-an (which ofcourse they get a cut on when you pay-up).

You are not too far from Xin Tian Ti and Fuxing Park - go try your luck - you might end up with a freebie!

Have fun!
Bro Marcoman,

As per your advise, went to Fuxing Park and Xin Tian Ti,

Fuxing Park:
Went there first, n got to the California disco. Bcos I non-member, had to enter from the wine bar and into the backdoor of California. As I entered, I realised the place was really small. Quite a few chicks there. But I was alone and felt quite sian, nowhere to sit oso... so after one bottle of beer I went out. Got a taxi and asked the driver to take me to Xin Tian Ti.

Xin Tian Ti:
Went to the Paulaner Brauhaus, and asked to be seated at the bar. I was sandwiched between two couples.... not a good start. Anyway, the band was not bad so I can enjoy myself. Oso, many girls to ogle at.... Then the couple to my right left and after five minutes come this girl, alone sitting two seats from me. I took notice and she's petite, fair and slim.... just my type. So I proceeded to chat with her but sharks, she can't speak English.... while my mandarin is quite poor. Anyway, we got to talk, most of the time she talked n I couldn't reply much with my limited mandarin vocab. After a while, two guys came sit next to her (later I knew they were from Taiwan) and tried to chat with her too. I thought, shit! I am handicapped here (cos they obviously speak fluent mandarin).

Anyway, the girl stuck with me and asked if I wanna have supper. During supper, I told her that I'm coming back again this Sat after travelling to Beijing. She offered me to stay at her place instead of the hotel. After supper, she offered to check out her place and see whether I want to stay there in my next visit.

So off we went. The apartment building looks ok from outside but the interior is quite dingy. The inside was nice though, I ended up staying there overnite and bonking her. She refused to kiss on the lips at first but finally got her frenching during bonking... By the time we finished, it's 3AM and I had to wake up at 6.30! sharks, I'm now still feeling drowsy while typing this away.

Before I left, I gave her 1000 although she never mentioned anything about money. She was a bit uncomfortable taking the money (maybe acting) but I insisted. I liked the feeling that it's not a transaction... (grin)

I now need advice from the bros whether it's wise to stay at her place or should I just stay at hotel and invite her to stay with me? Since my company will pay for the hotel, really not much incentive for me to stay at her place, plus I'm worried some guy may show up and claim that he's the bf or all that crap.

Sorry if the FR is rather long... But Shanghai is truly the Pearl of the Orient!

Old 12-12-2002, 08:53 PM
sleazymale sleazymale is offline
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Re: now in beijing

Originally posted by gzplayer
probably not, as I'm already back in shenzhen....anyway thanks for the invitation....maybe next time when you are back here in china...have a good time...

i personally think the amount you paid (1500 for one shot, right?) is a bit on the high side......1K for overnight is about the market price....
Bro, I paid 1100 for the one shot. I know it's on the high side cos that should be for overnight. I think it's bro plman who paid 1500.
Old 12-12-2002, 09:34 PM
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shanghai babes seems to be overflowing man....
u skillful brothers r so good at taking those gals for a one night stand ah....

sp nightclub maximum only 40 to 60 hostess.....
but shanghai got few hundred in a single one....kaoz...

Any idea which ktv got the youngest babes?
If best, got student...heee...

By the way, shanghai ktv onli got rooms ah? no open area?
Old 12-12-2002, 09:43 PM
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Re: now in beijing

Dear Bro sleazymale,

Good to hear that you found a good bonk in SHA from jin Se Nian Hua! Always a pleasure to hear good reviews from fellow samsters here, especially with us from the Alumni!

I do agree with gzplayer that 1500 is a bit on the high side. The market is 800-1200 only. Did you negotiate with the gal? I think another bro here just had a 1600 encounter with his gal and he only paid her 1100 only! Maybe you will have better luck next time??

Anyway, enjoy your stay in least I always enjoy mine when I am there!
Happy bonking!
Cheers and see you guys in SHA soon!

Originally posted by gzplayer
probably not, as I'm already back in shenzhen....anyway thanks for the invitation....maybe next time when you are back here in china...have a good time...

i personally think the amount you paid (1500 for one shot, right?) is a bit on the high side......1K for overnight is about the market price....
Cherish what you have today!
God knows what will happen tomorrow!
Old 12-12-2002, 11:26 PM
sleazymale sleazymale is offline
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Re: Re: now in beijing

Originally posted by tsuyoyi
Dear Bro sleazymale,

Good to hear that you found a good bonk in SHA from jin Se Nian Hua! Always a pleasure to hear good reviews from fellow samsters here, especially with us from the Alumni!

I do agree with gzplayer that 1500 is a bit on the high side. The market is 800-1200 only. Did you negotiate with the gal? I think another bro here just had a 1600 encounter with his gal and he only paid her 1100 only! Maybe you will have better luck next time??

Anyway, enjoy your stay in least I always enjoy mine when I am there!
Happy bonking!
Cheers and see you guys in SHA soon!
I paid 1100 to the girl. I guess that's why she keep on asking whether it's my first time in SHA. In any case, I still think this place is damn happening man... girls are definitiely prettier that what we can find back home... ha ha ha....

Old 13-12-2002, 12:30 AM
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Missing all the fun!!

Shit! Too tied up in Hangzhou! Got to get there somehow. Bro SGPShanghai69 and the gang will be dropping by Hangzhou next week. Lets have some fun.
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 13-12-2002, 01:06 AM
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Hang Zhou

Bro Shangman69,
will you be still around in Hangzhou this weekend, may be I can go over to join you...Bro Sleazymale may join us too as he will back from Beijing this Saturday..
Old 13-12-2002, 01:32 AM
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I will be in Hangzhou till 28th Dec. All Bros who want to join me please let me know in advance. 4 star hotel rates at RMB268. No worries!
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 13-12-2002, 09:14 AM
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Prettier Gals!

Dear Bro sleazymale,

Cannot agree with you more! The gals are definitely much prettier and much more passionate than the gals back home.....the gals back home always like to "hang up to sell" if they are the best in the world.....wait till they see the ones in Mainland!

This place is so damn happening and I cannot wait to get back there!.....dreaming already!
Maybe we should check out more places...both in China and back home when you can......

Cheers man!

Originally posted by sleazymale
I paid 1100 to the girl. I guess that's why she keep on asking whether it's my first time in SHA. In any case, I still think this place is damn happening man... girls are definitiely prettier that what we can find back home... ha ha ha....

Cherish what you have today!
God knows what will happen tomorrow!
Old 13-12-2002, 11:59 PM
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Originally posted by solid
Hi All Bros !!

Hope to meet u all soon in Sha coz' I'll attaching there. By the time, I really need ur guidance.

Btw, did anyone know about Hengda Mansion at Changshou Road ?? How's about the apartment rental there ? Is the place " strategic " located ?? Or any places to recomend for rental ??

I can check for u but might b slightly distance away from town. What r u exactly looking for?
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