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Old 03-07-2016, 09:47 AM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Originally Posted by batty View Post
Big Sexy. The Singapore Judiciary has allowed oral sex and anal sex between consenting women and men a number of year ago. Both are no longer offences.

Oral sex and anal sex between consenting men are still offences.
Singapore reforms sex laws - but not for homosexuals

MPs in Singapore have legalised oral and anal sex for adult heterosexuals but kept the ban on gay sex, saying that the bill was what citizens in the conservative island state wanted.

The reforms, which were passed on Tuesday, represent the most extensive revision of the conservative city state's penal code in more than two decades.

The changes mean oral and anal sex between consenting heterosexual adults is no longer an offense but section 377A, which deals with oral and anal sex between consenting men, remains in force.

The "gross indecency" offence carries a maximum penalty of two years in jail although it is rarely punished in Singapore, which has a thriving gay community.

"Singapore is basically a conservative society," the prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong, told MPs before the vote. "The family is the basic building block of this society. And by family in Singapore we mean one man, one woman, marrying, having children and bringing up children within that framework of a stable family unit."

Mr Lee also warned gay rights activists against forcing the issue, which he said had become an emotional and divisive matter that was best left to evolve gradually.

"The more gay activists push this agenda, the stronger will be the push-back from conservative forces," Mr Lee said. "The result will be counterproductive because it's going to lead to less space for the gay community in Singapore."

A petition for homosexual sex to be legalised was signed by 2,341 people over three days. Supporters said the government's plan to legalise only oral and anal sex for heterosexual adults was unjust.

Stuart Koe, one of the petitioners and chief executive of the Hong Kong-based group, an online community of gays and lesbians in Asia, said: "We're obviously very disappointed ... but the petitioners feel that the way moving forward probably would not be to continue politicising or lobbying directly for a repeal, but working with society and within the community to try to foster a greater understanding."

Other amendments included a ban on necrophilia, tougher penalties for sex with minors under 14, and penalties for men who rape their wives, in some instances.
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Old 03-07-2016, 09:51 AM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Originally Posted by mroxorr View Post
hi, please enlighten me on these issues here.

1) Is it an offence if, I touch my gf's body, with her consent n desire, but of whom is underaged (below 14? i'm 21.. the large age gap worries me. But then again. we have human rights right?) -- no sexual acts such as finger or bj are commited. Just carassing and masturbating.

2) I read the pages and understood that if some one widnessed it and felt offended by the act and called the cops, it would be considered an offence.

But if we're fondling with clothes on?

3) Are we allowed in an hotel?

4) can we do it in a pitched a tent at a park.
Kissing and hugging is fine. No oral and penetration sex at all till she is 16 yo.
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Old 05-07-2016, 12:33 AM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Is it an offense if I engage the services of an foreign fl who is under police investigation? (The kind that was brought in by okt but kena raided by av)
Old 05-07-2016, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by MJun View Post
Is it an offense if I engage the services of an foreign fl who is under police investigation? (The kind that was brought in by okt but kena raided by av)
You may not get into trouble, but for sure the FL will get add on/heavier penalties to her offence.

As one who is under investigation is within the radar of the authority.
Old 04-08-2016, 12:41 AM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Hi guys. I know commercial sex legal age is 18. What if the girl is 17 and I meet her as a friend and decided to have sex with her and paid her an amount as pocket money out of goodwill?would that constitute to illegal commercial sex?
Old 05-08-2016, 01:21 PM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

sorry am new to this..from what i read by all the bros here it is not illegal for the girl to advertise her services online right and we also not wrong to use them correct?
Old 06-08-2016, 10:45 PM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Originally Posted by Praisethebro View Post
Hi guys. I know commercial sex legal age is 18. What if the girl is 17 and I meet her as a friend and decided to have sex with her and paid her an amount as pocket money out of goodwill?would that constitute to illegal commercial sex?
Sometimes the law is set in a way whether directly or indirectly also can be arrestable. No matter what just keep low profile and treat the girl well. Everything should be ok.
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Old 06-08-2016, 10:49 PM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Originally Posted by pipemaster55 View Post
sorry am new to this..from what i read by all the bros here it is not illegal for the girl to advertise her services online right and we also not wrong to use them correct?
As it is not from legal brothel of geylang, all will be consider illegal. Is just that the gov impossible to arrest them all at once, closing one eye, either people will create new ones or it will cause imbalance in the commercial sex industry and making sexual offences raise.

Do what you want just don't get caught will do, if they never raid the place on the day you visit the girl, then consider yourself as lucky.
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Old 13-08-2016, 04:16 AM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Thanks for answering the Qs Squiggle. I'm very newb to the scene and I'm wondering if you know what usually happens to the foreign FLs when they're caught and finished investigated? Do they get deported and blacklisted from coming to SG permanently?
Old 22-08-2016, 11:00 AM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

What will happen to the customers when police raids those MPs and catch the girls?
Old 24-08-2016, 12:25 AM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

You be asked to take statement then they will release you, because finding girls for sex is legal here in SG
Old 28-08-2016, 10:41 AM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Originally Posted by helphelphelp View Post
Can i ask ah if you unlawfully filmed a video of girls changing/showering and it is discovered by them and they press charges against you (or does the court also press criminal charges on you? maybe five years later, will you be charged? Heard that there's this 'statute of limitation'. Does it apply to SG? What if 20 years down the road?
Once you had been charged by court for one criminal charge then you will serve a jail sentence or fine or both. You will not be charged again for the same crime. You can be prosecuted for new charges.

"unlawfully filmed a video of girls changing/showering" is an offence in Singapore law and will be prosecuted by the AGC after a Police report had been made with evidence after investigation.
Old 28-08-2016, 01:56 PM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Originally Posted by Instagram View Post
Once you had been charged by court for one criminal charge then you will serve a jail sentence or fine or both. You will not be charged again for the same crime. You can be prosecuted for new charges.

"unlawfully filmed a video of girls changing/showering" is an offence in Singapore law and will be prosecuted by the AGC after a Police report had been made with evidence after investigation.
Are you an undercover police?
Old 29-08-2016, 12:38 AM
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Originally Posted by helphelphelp View Post
Can i ask ah if you unlawfully filmed a video of girls changing/showering and it is discovered by them and they press charges against you (or does the court also press criminal charges on you? maybe five years later, will you be charged? Heard that there's this 'statute of limitation'. Does it apply to SG? What if 20 years down the road?
Knn wad are you even asking.
I think u also don't know.

The only statue si merlion n raffles.
Don't say 20 years, 200 years also can for this type
Exchange points you know wad u asking ma?
Old 29-08-2016, 10:34 AM
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum

Originally Posted by MasterPro View Post
Are you an undercover police?
I am a Mr Know because Google my best friend.
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