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Old 06-12-2010, 01:50 PM
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Cool Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by cummonster View Post
hi guys im going to BKK in jan and it would be great if i could get an update? what are the average prices for overniters nowadays? etc...thanks
Agogo bars in Nana - 4K baht or more (excludes BF 600 baht, lady drinks, tips)
Agogo in Sutthisan- 2K or more

Siam Hotel streets- 3K though few will do overnite/LT.
Thermae (Ruumchit) Sukhumvit soi 13 /15- 3K or more (lots of Japs, Koreans here)
CM2 - 3K to 4K or more

Of cos, above are indicative prices and not fixed. Prices in freelance are subject to negotiation, depends on what time you bring her back, how much they like you and maybe how good looking you are
Old 06-12-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by cheonglah View Post
Of cos, above are indicative prices and not fixed. Prices in freelance are subject to negotiation, depends on what time you bring her back, how much they like you and maybe how good looking you are
KNS... no wonder I have been asked to pay higher rates. Must be I not humsome enough.
รอผมกลับมานา.....raawM phohmR glapL maaM

To all the bros who have upped me, thanks a lot! Will find opportunity to up (not literally) you back.
Old 13-12-2010, 06:36 PM
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Cool Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by leaseoflife View Post
KNS... no wonder I have been asked to pay higher rates. Must be I not humsome enough.
Humsomeness is a factor but small % lah. So long as do not have 3 eyes or 2 mouths or 2 noses These gals see lots of humsome guys everyday so they get immune to humsomeness after a while.
Actually, humsapness is more important factor than humsomeness- opposite price effect.
The more humsap you are, the higher the price LOL
Old 13-12-2010, 11:03 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

HI bro, where is the exact location of siam hotel??
will be going to BKK this xmas
Old 14-12-2010, 05:43 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by alexshell_t View Post
HI bro, where is the exact location of siam hotel??
will be going to BKK this xmas
What Siam Hotel ?. and

FYI, it does not exist !.

Erased many years ago. All you find are FLs on the streets where the hotel used to be located.

Your non existing hotel is near the railway tracks near Petchaburi.
Old 22-12-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Continuing my LOS journey in run up before xmas..

Did Nana last 2 nights, with naemlo. Pit stops were Rainbows 1, 2 & 4 and was he some celebrity with service staff there (must have done his tour of duty hehehe).

1st night we did all 3 bars but no takeways. This was after my initial solo run at SC. Jaded with SC.. noticeably quiet and gals scanty in most bars. Only Sharks had more gals. Popped in and out few bars (1 eye see all, and exit curtain). Bored, so ended up at Baccara (consistently most gals and customers).

Transferred to Nana (motor sai cartel @bht50). Did Rainbow 1 and 2, and they were refreshingly more selection (perhaps even better looking) on stage. Spied 1 doll-like gal, ear marked #. But she was taken to next table with indian customer showing sights to his lady partner. I managed to compliment her sitting next to me (freebie at expense of ah neh guy). Oh, open mouth see braces... phew escape. Earmarked another, but we guys always think grass maybe greener other side..

Final pit stop was R4. 1 section with nudity and other regular bikini clad. More customers here (seems to be popular unit). We tcss on "what ifs" with some earmarked another. Popped down for LD, but delayed on deciding to buy her freedom until about close 0200 (didn't work out).

So we stood close to exit, see got any worthwhile scraps hehe. Both of us saw 2 not too bad from another bar next to entrance (right when exiting). But bit haughty looking, and didn't give 2nd look either. Fun evening though, with company doesn't always necessarily have to end up with treat for junior. Had decent sleep for 1st time in days.

Last night, we only hit R2. Zeroed in on 1 slim attractive hottie, and she suprised us with her good spoken english (and singlish too, so you can guess who her customers are). Looked younger than her 25 (whispered in my ears, as they normally "discount" to 22/23). Tried to check out 69 (exotic looking on stage), but she was kind of reserved. Naemlo's been wanting to do a tall one, and there was 84 earmarked next time (as he was indisposed last night). Bfed the slim version (let's call her D). Commercial break: Jap sponsored her for 3 years, parted ways recently. Showed me her passport stamp=s claiming 3 SG visits this year. Partying type, been to Dragonfly and Zouk back home. She's even contemplating doing thai disco stint as GRO.

Off we went to Tawandaeng Param 3, but herded into D's 1 year old honda (how, you do the maths.. multiple sponsors?). She was "toasted" by naemlo on bottoms up game. Boy, was the scotch laid on thick in coke and yet she held out.

Fast forward to what night was all about. I didn't have high expectations, as thought good looking ones maybe less good on bed. Nice Y bush, and she was TIGHT in love cave. She showed me a new trick: she crossed her legs when doing missionary (adds new dimension). After she came on bed, she gently pulled me to sofa in living room section. And she strode me there sideways (hmm.. I like initiative, don't you guys?)

10mins into our slumber, she had stomachache from som tam eats earlier in day. Had to borrow my magazine and book, else she souldn't do the "shxt" (in her own words!

Released her at 0530, no complaints. Good thing is she left her mobile in car, so she did not disturb with frequent calls (as many tgs do).

Dunno what surprise on my last night here before home run tmrw.
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
Old 23-12-2010, 02:06 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Did Nana last 2 nights, with naemlo. Pit stops were Rainbows 1, 2 & 4 and was he some celebrity with service staff there (must have done his tour of duty hehehe)....................Dunno what surprise on my last night here before home run tmrw.
no wonder, you recommend Legacy Express...........
Old 23-12-2010, 12:45 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Continuing my LOS journey in run up before xmas..

Did Nana last 2 nights, with naemlo. Pit stops were Rainbows 1, 2 & 4 and was he some celebrity with service staff there (must have done his tour of duty hehehe).

Thanks for the series of reports. No doubt Naemlo is a great host taking care of visiting bros.

This jolly old man is coming --- currently waiting for the big bird in the airport. I promise to pick up whatever left behind and engage them left, right, centre to make the SBF Bros proud.

Bro Naemlo, let's go to get them in your favorite agogo.

Old 23-12-2010, 06:17 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by knowntender View Post
...great host ...currently waiting for the big bird in the airport. I promise to pick up whatever left behind and engage them left, right, centre to make the SBF Bros proud.
Oh, he's also got a fetish for tall ones (other than nurses). Think he earmarked one liao, tried but didn't suceed in doing a middle man's job for his mcdelivery last evening +555.

Back to station earth just now. What a week of debauchery patts > bangers. Will be a loooong before I replay this. Argggh, those bills in the mail. And never, never do Le Bua (Srirocco) top end skyview restaurant at Silom similiar to Vertigo Banyan Tree -unless on expense. Cost you 2 arms and legs. Had a fxxking expensive date with 2 OL tgs. Views, ambience maybe great but simply not worthwhile. And I still had to have night cap at NEP after 2330

Bon voyage, knowntender and merry xmas to everybody here
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
Old 23-12-2010, 07:10 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Back to station earth just now. What a week of debauchery patts > bangers. Will be a loooong before I replay this. Argggh, those bills in the mail. And never, never do Le Bua (Srirocco) top end skyview restaurant at Silom similiar to Vertigo Banyan Tree -unless on expense. Cost you 2 arms and legs. Had a fxxking expensive date with 2 OL tgs. Views, ambience maybe great but simply not worthwhile. And I still had to have night cap at NEP after 2330
WOW 2 arms and legs........ LOL only left head and body......

I agreed too.. had an event/ conference there at Banyan Tree and stayed there ... company paid .... .. the amount is like as sky high as the building......

3 days stay there.. more than enough for me to chiong for whole week.....

Last edited by sexster; 23-12-2010 at 07:34 PM.
Old 24-12-2010, 07:41 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Oh, he's also got a fetish for tall ones (other than nurses). Think he earmarked one liao, tried but didn't suceed in doing a middle man's job for his mcdelivery last evening +555.

Back to station earth just now. What a week of debauchery patts > bangers. Will be a loooong before I replay this. Argggh, those bills in the mail. And never, never do Le Bua (Srirocco) top end skyview restaurant at Silom similiar to Vertigo Banyan Tree -unless on expense. Cost you 2 arms and legs. Had a fxxking expensive date with 2 OL tgs. Views, ambience maybe great but simply not worthwhile. And I still had to have night cap at NEP after 2330

Bon voyage, knowntender and merry xmas to everybody here

Hi Bro Yinyang,

Merry Christmas to you. Did you any fruitful return from those fancy dinner dates at the top of the town ? It seems that you had plenty of slumber action in this trip, that made me envy.

I have been to both Sky bar in LeBua and Moon bar in Banyan Tree for drinks only. It was fine for the view.

Thanks for your blessings. I am currently in Incheon, soon reach BKK.

Old 30-12-2010, 06:15 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Hi bros, super newbie here with friend in bkk until 3 jan. PM if want to cheong or call at my BKK number 0853509115
Old 05-01-2011, 07:29 PM
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Cool Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Final pit stop was R4. 1 section with nudity and other regular bikini clad. More customers here (seems to be popular unit). We tcss on "what ifs" with some earmarked another. Popped down for LD, but delayed on deciding to buy her freedom until about close 0200 (didn't work out).

So we stood close to exit, see got any worthwhile scraps hehe. Both of us saw 2 not too bad from another bar next to entrance (right when exiting). But bit haughty looking, and didn't give 2nd look either. Fun evening though, with company doesn't always necessarily have to end up with treat for junior. Had decent sleep for 1st time in days.

Last night, we only hit R2. Zeroed in on 1 slim attractive hottie, and she suprised us with her good spoken english (and singlish too, so you can guess who her customers are). Looked younger than her 25 (whispered in my ears, as they normally "discount" to 22/23).
Thanks for bar hopping report
BTW did not know that R4 has nudity. Tot all just bikinis. Will check R4 out again next week.
Usually prefer the Rs on ground floor i.e. R2 and R1 as more convenient
Old 08-01-2011, 01:06 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Yeah. R4 got 2 stages. The left side one as you entered in have girls in birthday suits. When I was there on New Year Eve, there were also some crazy Ang Mohs dancing naked on the stage....
Old 08-01-2011, 02:00 AM
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Talking Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Jackboy View Post
Yeah. R4 got 2 stages. The left side one as you entered in have girls in birthday suits. When I was there on New Year Eve, there were also some crazy Ang Mohs dancing naked on the stage....
The Ang Mohs were totally naked without pants also? or just topless naked ?
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