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Old 22-11-2002, 03:05 AM
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Re: Re: Re: The Value of $150

Originally posted by The_Hustler
Oh shit... CK... u're really out of touch... stopping messing so much with footballs....poolballs n titballs...

I'll just prolong ur agony a little.... patience my friend.

Hint: It's a little LAN related

The Hustler
Huh?? Computer games ah?? Everybody knows I don't play arcade games or computer games......

Alamak old fogeys like me where got play comp games meant for pre-pubescent kids one?!!!

Counter Striker,

Old 22-11-2002, 03:17 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: The Value of $150

Originally posted by CumKing
Huh?? Computer games ah?? Everybody knows I don't play arcade games or computer games......

Alamak old fogeys like me where got play comp games meant for pre-pubescent kids one?!!!

Counter Striker,

Nabei... did u know that politicians play these games as well! Even my 40 year old pilot cousin is also intrigued by these games. Dun so mean lah... it's afterall... a good alternative for vices that we engage in.

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The Hustler
Old 22-11-2002, 03:21 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Value of $150

Originally posted by The_Hustler
Nabei... did u know that politicians play these games as well! Even my 40 year old pilot cousin is also intrigued by these games. Dun so mean lah... it's afterall... a good alternative for vices that we engage in.

Defenders of the Universe
The Hustler
Alamak, I'd rather read a Tom Clancy............


Old 22-11-2002, 10:02 AM
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rubberband deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Originally posted by cuntking
bro rubberband, nice to hear from you. So you are back in motherland?

My GL calcium supplement is low, all the new gals got not enough MILK!
had been back since 2nd week of Oct, but backlog work + hounded by debt collectors had put me in quite deep mess over..

passed by T's place looking at Fls with my friend and saw you sitting there inside.. sorry can't join in as yet... but definitely looking forward to the day when I can step back to Mr T's place and say the magic words "Mr T, please get me a gal that is best for me!"

had allowed myself some small pleasure due to a FL returnee.. for old time sake..

think bru hustler knows who that is... from L20.. the one that Mr R teased fudge hole service

Last edited by rubberband; 22-11-2002 at 11:43 AM.
Old 22-11-2002, 10:15 AM
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rubberband deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: The Value of $150

Originally posted by The_Hustler
Hi bro! Sorry I replied so late.... was not logged on today. Settling work stuffs.

Sorry 2 hear ur plight... n I hope u will cross these trouble waters in due course. Like the whole world... we'll just bear this tormenting period n pray for sunnier days. Try to perk ur mind with simple pleasures in life... well I just found that out today...

$150 one bonk.... I'll trade it for a few stuffs... like Ghost Recon... nice little dinner, a superbly blended teh tarik... a nice movie... n much more.

Sorry to King for damping the mood a little here... but in line with the "fading away" quote... I believe that cheongsters will be cheongsters... the way we look at girls, the way we wanna squeeze their tits, the way we want them to scream for more... end of it all, we'll still crave for that magical moment. In the meanwhile, just be mindful of ur carefree spendings...unless u have the extra resources to spare.

NSS shares?? PCB! It ain't enough even for a $150 bonk (for me).

Let's meet soon to smell the alluring aroma of GL... cupped with a nice teh...what u say?

Ang Mo teh
The Hustler
seems like you are indulging in things I do to curb my GL cravings, games..
going thru these times make me remember the time when you describe how there was not enough for Cat40. I know how you feel now.. the feeling of to go for Cat 40 and be hungry for the weak just doesn't go well with me.. and the recent comments to 'keep wages down or lower them' is not helping anyone..

yeah... tea will be good... that's the only thing i look forward to at GL.. other things are allocated when the economy turns around..
Old 22-11-2002, 10:30 AM
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Good Point

Good Point Rubberband,

There's much more to life then cheonging. Sometimes I wonder how some bros here can do a cat $150 a few time a week. Man, I hope these bros make a lot of money, else they are being quite foolish.
Then again, we all view things differently, so whatever makes them happy, I guess will work.

As for your NSS comment? Not even enough for on Cat150 bonk? How is that possible? The minimum is 200 shares leh.
For me, it's 200 share plus 200 extra for NS. So I've got 400 shares.
Old 22-11-2002, 11:38 AM
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rubberband deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: Good Point

Originally posted by dragon8866
Good Point Rubberband,

There's much more to life then cheonging. Sometimes I wonder how some bros here can do a cat $150 a few time a week. Man, I hope these bros make a lot of money, else they are being quite foolish.
Then again, we all view things differently, so whatever makes them happy, I guess will work.

As for your NSS comment? Not even enough for on Cat150 bonk? How is that possible? The minimum is 200 shares leh.
For me, it's 200 share plus 200 extra for NS. So I've got 400 shares.
bru dragon... don't wonder, don't envy... coz everyone's life is different. If I can't afford 10 bonks a week never means someone cannot afford it... understand this point and you'll be a happy person

afterall, i believe all the brudders here are smart, discerning enough to spend in what they want, as and when, in whatever ways they can... they earn their keeps in their own way [thru hardwork], they are fully entitled to spend it. Afterall, what is earning money for, to spend it of course..

Last edited by rubberband; 22-11-2002 at 11:41 AM.
Old 22-11-2002, 11:44 AM
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Hey Rubberman,

Like I said whatever makes them happy. It's their money, and they can spend in whatever manner they fancy.
Old 22-11-2002, 04:10 PM
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Re: Good Point

Originally posted by dragon8866
Good Point Rubberband,

There's much more to life then cheonging. Sometimes I wonder how some bros here can do a cat $150 a few time a week. Man, I hope these bros make a lot of money, else they are being quite foolish.
Then again, we all view things differently, so whatever makes them happy, I guess will work.

As for your NSS comment? Not even enough for on Cat150 bonk? How is that possible? The minimum is 200 shares leh.
For me, it's 200 share plus 200 extra for NS. So I've got 400 shares.
Maybe u were addressing 2 me.... I think.

In a society like ours, u'll be surprised that a lot of ppl can well afford to bonk cat150 girls quite often in a week.

NSS... no leh... dunno but I only got 300... but literally I just wont punt my money on a bonk...I'll punt it on 4D... for a hopeful return.

The Hustler
Old 23-11-2002, 02:02 AM
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bro rubberband, you could just cum in and catch up ...... till you are ready, I may fade away liao ..... ha ha ha

Originally posted by rubberband
had been back since 2nd week of Oct, but backlog work + hounded by debt collectors had put me in quite deep mess over..

passed by T's place looking at Fls with my friend and saw you sitting there inside.. sorry can't join in as yet... but definitely looking forward to the day when I can step back to Mr T's place and say the magic words "Mr T, please get me a gal that is best for me!"

had allowed myself some small pleasure due to a FL returnee.. for old time sake..

think bru hustler knows who that is... from L20.. the one that Mr R teased fudge hole service
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?

Last edited by cuntking; 23-11-2002 at 02:36 AM.
Old 23-11-2002, 02:43 AM
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Party Gals List as at 22112002

I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AA - not working
AA1 (Cat 80), AB, AC Milan, Ada, Agnes,
Ah Cat - run water leave
Ah Girl, Ai Lee, Ai Lin (Cat 80), Alice,
Altis - not working
Angeline ava Zi Lin (Cat 80), Ann Ann WH Rd (cat 80), Ann Ann L16 (Cat 80), Annie (cat 80- old), Annie (cat 80- young),
Amanda - on one month leave, bk end Nov
Amy - on leave, back beg Nov
Apple, August

Bai Her - on leave
Bai Lan Di ava Brandy (Cat 80),
Bai Xue - on leave, back mid Dec
Bess, BiBi1, BiBi2, Blue Diamond, Blue Ice, Blue Ocean, BM, Bo Bo (Cat 80)

Candy, Carol L18(Cat 80 - sexy), Carol L20(Cat 80, big boobs), Carol L22 (Cat 80- tall),
Carol L14 - elusive
Cartier, Casino, Castle, Cathy (malay Cat 80), Cefiro, Celine, Chelsea, Cherry, Cherry (Cat 80), Chi Chi ava Jia Jia, Chilli Padi, Ching Ching, Chivas, Chris, Chris 2, Civic, CK, CoCo L16, Coco1 L22 (Cat 80), Cola L16,
Cola L22 - on leave
Corolla - on leave bk end Nov
Crystal (Cat 80, SG), Crystal (Cat 150)

D24, Depola, Derby,
Diamond - run water leave
Dolphin - on leave
Dong Dong, Dong Fang (cat 80)

East, EL (Malay gal), Elaine,
Emelda - elusive
Eva, Evoane, Evon

Fang Fang, Fang Ling, Fanny, Fanny (Cat 80), Faye ava Fei Fei, Fei Xue

GiGi, Gucci

Hai Chew, Hai O (Cat 80),
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan, Hai Yang, Happy, Happy1, Helen (Cat 80), Hello Kitty, Honey (Cat 80), Hong Hong,

Irene L16, Irene L28, Iris, Italy (cat 80), Ivy (cat 80)

Jacky (Malay gal), Jaguar, Jamie, Janet L20 (Cat 80), Jasmine L14, Jasmie L18, JC,
Jean - run water leave
Jenny (Cat 80), Jia Ling (Cat 80), Jia Xin, Jing Zhi (Cat 80), Joanne, JoJo L20, Jolin L20, Joyce L18, Joyce L20 (cat 80), June (Cat 80)

Kar Leng, Karen, Kelly, Kelly1, Kimi, Kinky, KISSME, KK L16, KK L20

Lai Lai (Cat 80), L E (Cat 80), Lee Wen,
Leeds - elusive
Lena, Lena (Malay), Li Zhen, Lilian, Lily L20, Lily L28, Lily (malay gal), Linda, Lisa MiMi (malay gal), LS, LV

Maggie L20, Maggie L22, Mandy, Maybo,
Mei Hui - elusive
Mei Ji - elusive
Mei Ting, Mei Yee (Cat 80),
MG - on one month leave, back Mid Dec
MG1 (Cat 80), Miao Miao,
Miki L16 - elusive
Miki L20, Miko2, MJ, Mong Er, Mong Na (Cat 80), Mong Ting (Cat 80), Moon L20, Moon L22, Mun Mun (old)


OG WH06, Orange, Orchid (malay gal)

Peggy, Peh Peh (cat 80),
Pei Yi - on leave
Ping Ping- run water leave
Pinky - elusive

Qian Hong, Qi Qi (Cat 80), Qiu Lian, Queen
Queenie - elusive

Rena (malay gal) - elusive
Rose L14, Rose L24, Ru Yi, Ruby

S1 - elusive
Sakura - elusive
Salem - elusive
Sally, Sammei,
Sammi1 - on one month leave, bk end Nov
Sandra, San San, Seiko,
Sexy Yuki - elusive
Sharon, Small Ivy, Sony,
Spore Ice, Sugar, Susan (malay gal), Sze Sze (cat 80)

T one, Teresa, Tian Tian, Tim Tim,
Tong Tong - not working
Tracy - elusive
Tze Yee - elusive

Vanessa, Violet, Vivian L16, Vivian L28, VTEC

Wei Wei5, Wendy,
Win - elusive
Wine - not working

Xiang Ping (Cat 80), Xiao Ling, Xiao Mei, Xiao Qing, Xiao Yin (Cat 80), Xiao Ying (Cat 80),
Xiao Yu - leave
Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun Qua (Cat 80), Xin Xin, Xin Yee, Xin Zi, Xiu Wen

Ya Wen (Cat 80),
Yan Er, Yan Zi,
Yee Yee - on leave
Ying Ying, Yoki, Yoko L16, Yoko L28, Yuki, Yuki (Cat 80), Yvonne (Cat 80), YY1

Zhen Zhen L18 - on leave
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen - on leave
Zhen Zhen L28 (old) - on leave
Zing Zhi, Zu Er,
Zu Er L20 - not working

On 22112002
New Party Gals

First Party Gal of the Day
San San

Top Party Gal of the Day
San San ( followed by Celine)

HQ Top Party Gal Award
San San with 13 session in a day (06/9/02)

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 24-11-2002, 03:13 AM
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cuntking cuntking is offline
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Party Gals List as at 23112002

I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AA, AA1 (Cat 80), AB, AC Milan, Ada, Agnes,
Ah Cat - run water leave
Ah Girl, Ai Lee, Ai Lin (Cat 80), Alice, Altis, Angeline ava Zi Lin (Cat 80), Ann Ann WH Rd (cat 80), Ann Ann L16 (Cat 80), Annie (cat 80- old), Annie (cat 80- young),
Amanda - on one month leave, bk end Nov
Amy - on leave, back beg Nov
Apple, August

Bai Her - on leave
Bai Lan Di ava Brandy (Cat 80),
Bai Xue - on leave, back mid Dec
Bess, BiBi1, BiBi2, Blue Diamond, Blue Ice, Blue Ocean, BM, Bo Bo (Cat 80)

Candy, Carol L18(Cat 80 - sexy), Carol L20(Cat 80, big boobs), Carol L22 (Cat 80- tall),
Carol L14 - elusive
Cartier, Casino, Castle, Cathy (malay Cat 80), Cefiro, Celine, Chelsea - on 1 month leave, back end Dec
Cherry, Cherry (Cat 80), Chi Chi ava Jia Jia, Chilli Padi, Ching Ching, Chivas, Chris, Chris 2, Civic, CK, CoCo L16, Coco1 L22 (Cat 80), Cola L16,
Cola L22 - on leave
Corolla - on leave bk end Nov
Crystal (Cat 80, SG), Crystal (Cat 150)

D24, Depola, Derby,
Diamond - run water leave
Dolphin - on leave
Dong Dong, Dong Fang (cat 80)

East, EL (Malay gal), Elaine,
Emelda - elusive
Eva, Evoane, Evon

Fang Fang, Fang Ling, Fanny, Fanny (Cat 80), Faye ava Fei Fei, Fei Xue

GiGi, Gucci

Hai Chew, Hai O (Cat 80),
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan, Hai Yang, Happy, Happy1, Helen (Cat 80), Hello Kitty, Honey (Cat 80), Hong Hong,

Irene L16, Irene L28, Iris, Italy (cat 80), Ivy (cat 80)

Jacky (Malay gal), Jaguar, Jamie, Janet L20 (Cat 80), Jasmine L14, Jasmie L18, JC,
Jean - run water leave
Jenny (Cat 80), Jia Ling (Cat 80), Jia Xin, Jing Zhi (Cat 80), Joanne, JoJo L20, Jolin L20, Joyce L18, Joyce L20 (cat 80), June (Cat 80)

Kar Leng, Karen, Kelly, Kelly1, Kimi, Kinky, KISSME, KK L16, KK L20

Lai Lai (Cat 80), L E (Cat 80), Lee Wen,
Leeds - elusive
Lena, Lena (Malay), Li Zhen, Lilian, Lily L20, Lily L28, Lily (malay gal), Linda, Lisa MiMi (malay gal), LS, LV

Maggie L20, Maggie L22, Mandy, Maybo,
Mei Hui - elusive
Mei Ji - elusive
Mei Ting, Mei Yee (Cat 80),
MG - on one month leave, back Mid Dec
MG1 (Cat 80), Miao Miao,
Miki L16 - elusive
Miki L20, Miko2, MJ, Mong Er, Mong Na (Cat 80), Mong Ting (Cat 80), Moon L20, Moon L22, Mun Mun (old)


OG WH06, Orange, Orchid (malay gal)

Peggy, Peh Peh (cat 80),
Pei Yi - on leave
Ping Ping- run water leave
Pinky - elusive

Qian Hong, Qi Qi (Cat 80), Qiu Lian, Queen
Queenie - elusive

Rena (malay gal) - elusive
Rose L14, Rose L24, Ru Yi, Ruby

S1 - elusive
Sakura - elusive
Salem - elusive
Sally, Sammei,
Sammi1 - on one month leave, bk end Nov
Sandra, San San, Seiko,
Sexy Yuki - elusive
Sharon, Small Ivy, Sony,
Spore Ice, Sugar, Susan (malay gal), Sze Sze (cat 80)

T one, Teresa, Tian Tian, Tim Tim, Tong Tong
Tracy - elusive
Tze Yee - elusive

Vanessa, Violet, Vivian L16, Vivian L28, VTEC

Wei Wei5, Wendy,
Win - elusive
Wine, Winnie

Xiang Ping (Cat 80), Xiao Ling, Xiao Mei, Xiao Qing, Xiao Yin (Cat 80), Xiao Ying (Cat 80),
Xiao Yu - leave
Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun Qua (Cat 80), Xin Xin, Xin Yee, Xin Zi, Xiu Wen

Ya Wen (Cat 80),
Yan Er, Yan Zi,
Yee Yee - on leave
Ying Ying, Yoki, Yoko L16, Yoko L28, Yuki, Yuki (Cat 80), Yvonne (Cat 80), YY1

Zhen Zhen L18 - on leave
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen - on leave
Zhen Zhen L28 (old) - on leave
Zing Zhi, Zu Er, Zu Er L20

On 23112002
New Party Gals

First Party Gal of the Day
San San

Top Party Gal of the Day
San San ( followed by Spore Ice)

HQ Top Party Gal Award
San San with 13 session in a day (06/9/02)

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 25-11-2002, 02:14 AM
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cuntking cuntking is offline
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Party Gals List from GL Party Joint as at 24112002

I am compiling a list of gals that partys at 1612. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AA, AA1 (Cat 80), AB, AC Milan, Ada, Agnes,
Ah Cat - run water leave
Ah Girl, Ai Lee, Ai Lin (Cat 80), Alice, Altis, Angeline ava Zi Lin (Cat 80), Ann Ann WH Rd (cat 80), Ann Ann L16 (Cat 80), Annie (cat 80- old), Annie (cat 80- young),
Amanda - on one month leave, bk end Nov
Amy - on leave, back beg Nov
Apple, August

Bai Her - on leave
Bai Lan Di ava Brandy (Cat 80),
Bai Xue - on leave, back mid Dec
Bess, BiBi1, BiBi2, Blue Diamond, Blue Ice, Blue Ocean, BM, Bo Bo (Cat 80)

Candy, Carol L18(Cat 80 - sexy), Carol L20(Cat 80, big boobs), Carol L22 (Cat 80- tall),
Carol L14 - elusive
Cartier, Casino, Castle, Cathy (malay Cat 80), Cefiro, Celine, Chelsea - on 1 month leave, back end Dec
Cherry, Cherry (Cat 80), Chi Chi ava Jia Jia, Chilli Padi, Ching Ching, Chivas, Chris, Chris 2, Civic, CK, CoCo L16, Coco1 L22 (Cat 80), Cola L16,
Cola L22 - on leave
Corolla - on leave bk end Nov
Crystal (Cat 80, SG), Crystal (Cat 150)

D24, Depola, Derby,
Diamond - run water leave
Diana, Dolphin, Dong Dong, Dong Fang (cat 80)

East, EL (Malay gal), Elaine,
Emelda - elusive
Eva, Evoane, Evon

Fang Fang, Fang Ling, Fanny, Fanny (Cat 80), Faye ava Fei Fei, Fei Xue

GiGi, Gucci

Hai Chew, Hai O (Cat 80),
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan, Hai Yang, Happy, Happy1, Helen (Cat 80), Hello Kitty, Honey (Cat 80), Hong Hong,

Irene L16, Irene L28, Iris, Italy (cat 80), Ivy (cat 80)

Jacky (Malay gal), Jaguar, Jamie, Janet L20 (Cat 80), Jasmine L14, Jasmie L18, JC,
Jean - run water leave
Jenny (Cat 80), Jia Ling (Cat 80), Jia Xin, Jing Zhi (Cat 80), Joanne, JoJo L20, Jolin L20, Joyce L18, Joyce L20 (cat 80), June (Cat 80)

Kar Leng, Karen, Kelly, Kelly1, Kimi, Kinky, KISSME, KK L16, KK L20

Lai Lai (Cat 80), L E (Cat 80), Lee Wen,
Leeds - elusive
Lena, Lena (Malay), Li Zhen, Lilian, Lily L20, Lily L28, Lily (malay gal), Linda, Lisa MiMi (malay gal), LS, LV

Maggie L20, Maggie L22, Mandy, Maybo,
Mei Hui - elusive
Mei Ji - elusive
Mei Ting, Mei Yee (Cat 80),
MG - on one month leave, back Mid Dec
MG1 (Cat 80), Miao Miao,
Miki L16 - elusive
Miki L20, Miko2, MJ, Mong Er, Mong Na (Cat 80), Mong Ting (Cat 80), Moon L20, Moon L22, Mun Mun (old)


OG WH06, Orange, Orchid (malay gal)

Peggy, Peh Peh (cat 80),
Pei Yi - on leave
Ping Ping- run water leave
Pinky - elusive

Qian Hong, Qi Qi (Cat 80), Qiu Lian, Queen
Queenie - elusive

Rena (malay gal) - elusive
Rose L14, Rose L24, Ru Yi, Ruby

S1 - elusive
Sakura - elusive
Salem - elusive
Sally, Sammei,
Sammi1 - on one month leave, bk end Nov
Sandra, San San, Seiko,
Sexy Yuki - elusive
Sharon, Small Ivy, Sony,
Spore Ice, Sugar, Susan (malay gal), Sze Sze (cat 80)

T one, Teresa, Tian Tian, Tim Tim, Tong Tong
Tracy - elusive
Tze Yee - elusive

Vanessa, Violet, Vivian L16, Vivian L28, VTEC

Wei Wei5, Wendy,
Win - elusive
Wine, Winnie

Xiang Ping (Cat 80), Xiao Ling, Xiao Mei, Xiao Qing, Xiao Yin (Cat 80), Xiao Ying (Cat 80),
Xiao Yu - leave
Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun Qua (Cat 80), Xin Xin, Xin Yee, Xin Zi, Xiu Wen

Ya Wen (Cat 80),
Yan Er, Yan Zi,
Yee Yee - on leave
Ying Ying, Yoki, Yoko L16, Yoko L28, Yuki, Yuki (Cat 80), Yvonne (Cat 80), YY1

Zhen Zhen L18 - on leave
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen - on leave
Zhen Zhen L28 (old) - on leave
Zing Zhi, Zu Er, Zu Er L20

On 24112002
New Party Gals

First Party Gal of the Day

Top Party Gal of the Day
Xin Xin

HQ Top Party Gal Award
San San with 13 session in a day (06/9/02)

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?

Last edited by cuntking; 25-11-2002 at 02:21 AM.
Old 25-11-2002, 02:28 PM
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FR on Chelsea (22 Nov 2002)

Got Chelsea at HQ on 22 Nov 2002, Friday night. This is my first time trying her. She looked like any other normal gal with light brown coloured long hair. She looked friendly with a smile on her face. Her body looked good with clothes on. She was wearing a light purple dress.

In the room, she started the sop chat about dinner and stuff like that. We stripped individually. In the shower, it was also sop. I was happy to look and touch her butt, cause they were nice and soft. She has quite a tanned skin, but not very dark. Her titts looked good too, and real with about 34B. Her nipples were dark brown in colour.

On the bed, she smiled and ran her fingers softly over my tummy. I asked why she smiled that way, and said to see if I am afraid of tickles. Then she began her catbath. Her catbath was not as detailed as other gals, which I liked. All this while, she avoided my dick. Then she asked me to turn to face down on the mattress. She catbath again. She did the AR, but was not shiok at all, as couldn't feel anything. I almost fell asleep, then she stopped and asked if I was falling asleep. I said no (of course lah…). I guess she was too gentle (to me…).

She asked me to turn back to face her. Now she started to lick my balls, and was quite shiok. Then she bbbj me. Wow…. It was great. I was controlling myself. She did not deep throat, but just licked and sucked on the dick head, which was very sensitive. She slowly turned her back such that her butt is now facing me, and became in 69 position. I did not lick her cunt, but was rubbing her clit. She moaned slightly, but her bbbj was so good that I had to ask her to stop. I said it was very shiok. She said then why stop? I said wait can cum. She asked me how, and I told her to lay down.

I began to lick and suck on her nipples. They were great too. The nipple got erected after a few sucking and licking. She was already moaning with joy. Her eyes were closed. I then slowly placed my finger on her pussy and started rubbing the clit. She was moaning louder, and she was gyrating her hip. She also did not reject when I inserted my finger into her cunthole. The sucking of nipples and rubbing and fingering of her cunt took about 10 minutes. I couldn't see if she had cummed, cause she did not jerk her hip, but she sure seemed to enjoy my foreplay on her. All this while, she was rubbing my dick with her hand.

I cannot tahan liao, so asked her to put on the condom for me. I then inserted my dick into her hole. It was tight and warm inside. She was moaning. I pumped a few times, then changed to sideways. She was in ecstasy now. Her moaning got louder and louder. I then turned her back to face me then changed to doggie position. I was pumping slowly. She used one hand to stroke my balls while I was still pumping her. She was also moving her hip to make the pump deeper. I began to pump faster as I cannot tahan anymore. She was screaming with joy then. After a few more hard pumps, I cummed. I stayed in that position for a while. She was still massaging my balls then. I told her first time a gal still massage my balls after I cum, which was quite shiok feeling. She giggled. After that was sop shower and got changed. We held our hands on the way out of the room to the counter.

Overall a very good bonk. Worth a re-visit.

Ratings (in my opinion):
Looks: 6.5/10 (normal look with brown long hair, quite cheerful face)
Body: 7/10 (tanned skin, but not too dark. Slight fleshy but not plump)
Titts: 7/10 (Quite big about 34B, soft real natural with brown nipples)
Pussy: 7/10 (well trimmed pussy hair. Has very nice protruding pussy lips with the left lip longer than the right one. Tight and wet)
Butt: 7/10 (soft, smooth, and nice to feel)
Bbbj: 7.5/10 (very shiok, almost cum)
AR: 6/10 (not much feeling)
FJ: 7.5/10 (shiok, responsive, and enjoys the fuck)
French Kiss: Yes, very passionate.

Old 26-11-2002, 12:39 AM
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cuntking cuntking is offline
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Re: FR on Chelsea (22 Nov 2002)

bro zyxel, you want to re visit her, must wait for one month liao .... you make her so 'song' till she go on leave .... hee hee hee

Originally posted by zyxel01
Overall a very good bonk. Worth a re-visit.

Ratings (in my opinion):
Looks: 6.5/10 (normal look with brown long hair, quite cheerful face)
Body: 7/10 (tanned skin, but not too dark. Slight fleshy but not plump)
Titts: 7/10 (Quite big about 34B, soft real natural with brown nipples)
Pussy: 7/10 (well trimmed pussy hair. Has very nice protruding pussy lips with the left lip longer than the right one. Tight and wet)
Butt: 7/10 (soft, smooth, and nice to feel)
Bbbj: 7.5/10 (very shiok, almost cum)
AR: 6/10 (not much feeling)
FJ: 7.5/10 (shiok, responsive, and enjoys the fuck)
French Kiss: Yes, very passionate.

We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
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