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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 24-07-2024, 04:05 PM
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+60 for exchange

7 and above.
7 and above to exchange ...

Dengue PSA

IOU Round 2 - paganwinter Xyberduke wpns
Old 24-07-2024, 04:14 PM
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Looking for exchange. No q. Thanks
Old 24-07-2024, 04:23 PM
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Min 3pts 4 Xchange. No Q.
Old 24-07-2024, 04:27 PM
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8 points exchange daily. Any points welcome. Fast return (7779)

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exactmatxspeed; ejectjoy; Havanna Slicks; CLouboutin; WOOHOO; Swagelock;

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Old 24-07-2024, 08:11 PM
kason kason is offline
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+21 points for exchange , No Queue
Old 24-07-2024, 08:51 PM
crew crew is offline
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Originally Posted by kason View Post
+21 points for exchange , No Queue
Pls help up mine bro.
Old 24-07-2024, 09:00 PM
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Anyone wanna exchange feel free to add, thanks in advance.
Old 24-07-2024, 09:35 PM
beginat63 beginat63 is offline
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Hi, I log in daily to Xchange +3 points & up 2 different bro/sis everyday.
No Q currently.
Do leave your nick to enable me to up u back.
Thank u very much. ... Cheers ... !!
Old 24-07-2024, 09:53 PM
Joined2005 Joined2005 is offline
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Originally Posted by Spikerman View Post
Upped you ... Hope you can return favor when possible. Thank you.
Upz u my humble +8 for exchange, cheers!
Remaining bros need to wait a bit more to get to u: rawmaster101(ard Apr), marklui520 (ard May), .... thanks for your patience!
Old 24-07-2024, 10:03 PM
zip4671 zip4671 is offline
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Originally Posted by crew View Post
Pls help up mine bro.
Hi, senior bro crew, thanks for coming to this part of sbf as a RETURNEE & seeking our help to up u. It can only be done by all of us samsters collectively as a TEAM & not individually.

First u need to perform the daily begging by doing the DAILY GRIND. In short the DAILY GRIND, it's like repeatedly practising yr dance fundamental steps daily in the beginners' dance class or a karateka practising his kata], rain or shine,

It's good to note tt u already hv 15posts already & hence concentrate on begging kind bros to fulfil THE SECOND PART to have 100points by begging another 103points [existing -3 + begging 103 more = 100points] to get rep power of ONE (and viola...!! rep power automatically be either 19 or 20).

Once, u get yr FIRST rep power, it'll be either 19 or 20 since u join SBF in Oct 2005, & many hungry samsters will rush to up u as well as clamouring for yr return to up them.

Reason is bcos we can only UP a samster once & after tt we need to spread to 1000 others before coming back to the same samster again. 1000 others & given the proviso of only 2 samsters to be upped per day, it'll take close to 16.5 months to return to up the same samster again - if u do yr daily grind daily w-out fail.

That's the reason why we need to adopt the MLM [multi-level marketing] principle to build a large pyramid base of fresh samsters so tt we can get to up as many as possible to reach 1000 others quickly. DO NOT PLACE any restrictions (except must hv a minimum of 1 rep power) in order to achieve this - to rise together everyday.

U need to do yr daily begging from senior samsters in all 15 threads of the POINTS EXCHANGE group to widen yr exposure for begging from kind bros & u need to do it consistently day in & day out, rain or shine.

For yr info, the 15 threads were posted & complied by senior bro toshiba sometime back & are listed below c/w the hyperlinkst for u to post daily.

[01] - Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos = Thread For Exchange Of Points =

[02] - Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos = ZAP FREE PT EXCHANGE! =

[03] - Adult Discussions about SEX = premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion = = [zap free forum]

[04] - Adult Discussions about SEX = Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone! = =================== [zap free forum]

[05) - Adult Discussions about SEX = someone buying sammyboyforum userid = =============== [zap free forum]

[06] - Adult Discussions about SEX = Exposed Donor Clones Zapper = ====================== [zap free forum]

[07] - Adult Discussions about SEX = All Newbies & those wanna to get their 1st power fall in here = === [zap free forum]

[08] - The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene = Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs =

[09] - Petain Romps = Thread for Exchange Points / Complaints / Reputation System Questions =

[10] - Orgies/Swinging/Fuck-Buddies/Sugar-Daddies? It's all here! = Thread for UpZ exchange for bros and sis =

[11] - Orgies/Swinging/Fuck-Buddies/Sugar-Daddies? It's all here! = Old birds please report in =

[12] - The Sammyboy link/Picture exchange Plaza = Bros who registered in 2002 or b4 - without Power to up - PM me! =

[13] - International Field Reports = Genuine points exchange thread =

[14] - JB Delights - Great Action just across the Causeway [NEW] = JB Point Exchange/TCSS/Discussion =

[15] - Matters of the Heart = Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points =

Finally don't start upping people when you still have zero power. Wait until you have at least 1. Otherwise the receiving party gets nothing.

Now here comes the hardest part ... perform the DAILY GRIND - there're 15 threads in the POINTS EXCHANGE group tt u hv to post daily without fail so tt u can get [THE SECOND PART] in order to hv rep power of ONE, asap, a total of 100 points is needed & many generous samsters will help u out.
Old 24-07-2024, 10:09 PM
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26 Apple to gv away, Will return once recover.

Wish to hit 26K before CNY 2025!

Pls Msg Me if u up me. Will return and delete msg once return. Thanks

คนใม่มีแฟน 21241/27

Clip That I Like
Old 24-07-2024, 10:21 PM
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Thanks for the detailed explanation!!
Hustling is hard ah…
Old 24-07-2024, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Spikerman View Post
Upped you ... Hope you can return favor when possible. Thank you.
+10 for exchange.
Point exchanges are welcome! (Min 1 point)
Pls leave your Nick for ease of point return!

Still waiting for point return from:
Eternit, earth, sam782003, kkevinn6, kaederecca, Tavpk, Kruzer0102, 242424, tenoclock123, Pleaser, baogege, icecream11, yosephlim, ilovegirlgirl
Old 24-07-2024, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Amazo6469 View Post
Thanks for the 11pts. Pts returned.
+10 for exchange.
Point exchanges are welcome! (Min 1 point)
Pls leave your Nick for ease of point return!

Still waiting for point return from:
Eternit, earth, sam782003, kkevinn6, kaederecca, Tavpk, Kruzer0102, 242424, tenoclock123, Pleaser, baogege, icecream11, yosephlim, ilovegirlgirl
Old 24-07-2024, 10:46 PM
beginat63 beginat63 is offline
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Originally Posted by testoste View Post
Ready for xchg - 16pts
Thank you, senior bro testoste, for returning to up me back +16points tonite.

I ack yr msg Exposed Donor Clones... 24-07-2024 10:31 PM Returned pts fav. From testoste

Grateful for the points.

Cheers ... !!
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