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Old 19-03-2016, 12:47 PM
lobang_king lobang_king is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 5 April 2015

this is confirmed

Originally Posted by Attilio2003 View Post
bro should not have any connection between your 0 points and your login. most likely it is you tio zapped u after your last post. i sometime login only like once a month but never have rep points deducted because of that.

just continue to post la. i believe someone will up you very soon. if not look for those points exchange threads in the forum , i see many people exchange points in this thread.
Old 19-03-2016, 01:16 PM
ZapHim2Negative ZapHim2Negative is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 5 April 2015

Bro mumuthuthu can login already. He should check his UserCP to see if someone zap him to negative.
Old 20-03-2016, 11:19 PM
Deelite Deelite is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 5 April 2015

Originally Posted by EseMuse View Post
Dear Admin

I was zapped 14 times in a space of 9 minutes. Is this a planned zapping by 14 different accounts, or by a single person with 14 different accounts?

If I have made an offensive comment on my post, then I will gladly accept being zapped.
What I posted was a simple "Nice view!! "

I have the same problem.
Zapped 12 times in 19 minutes. Probably by the same person or group.
My comment was "Very true!!!"

Please look into this seriously Admin

Old 30-03-2016, 02:20 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Reputation system update


Reading up on your past stuff - i can't help but think you are such a brilliant BOSS HUMAN being -

you know what HUMANS are made of - we are made of IM-PERFECTIONS !!! CHEERS

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
In life, if you have an opinion, you must be man enough to expound it despite the possibility of negative consequences. So what if you get zapped on a daily basis as long as achieve a net gain when it comes to the responses.

I have already biased the reputation system so that additions are double the subtractions and 99% of people who contribute positively will experience a steady increase in their reputation scores over time even though they may suffer setbacks along the way. You can't win them all.

The reputation system is automated. I can't be expected to micro manage each and every reputation point added or subtracted. I have various scripts running which highlight clone zapping and the use of vulgarities. I also audit the system every few days to see how things are going. However, to expect me to arbitrate each time there is a dispute as to the "validity" of points awarded or subtracted is simply not realistic. I'd need a full time arbitrator to do the job with an appeals board as back up in case the arbitrator's decision was challenged. Perhaps I should hire Yung Pang How to sit on the board since he is now retired and has lots of free time.

I have said this many times before and I'll say it again.. THERE ARE MORE UNEARNED POINTS AWARDED than there are unfair subtractions. If I took on the task of overseeing each and every reputation vote, I would end up deducting many more unfair additions compared to restoring unfair subtractions. Almost every single member would suffer a considerable reduction in their reputation scores.

The system is not perfect.... no system is in this world. However, it brings an additional level of interactivity into the forum which most people enjoy using. If they didn't, there wouldn't be more than 1000 votes cast on a daily basis.

The system is there for the fun of it. Points are worthless. They can't be redeemed for anything. Whether you are 1000 points or -999 makes absolutely no difference to your career, your relationships with your family and friends and your sexual prowess. Just treat the reputation points thing as a cyberspace computer game for that is exactly what it is.
Old 30-03-2016, 02:24 PM
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Thumbs up kena zapped !


YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL - you have -9 points.

i used to have much much worse ........kena bullied bad bad by Tom Dick Harry idiots out there.

Go read Founder Sam's many past postings - lots of Interesting Philosophy out there .........Meditate + Read along
Old 30-03-2016, 02:31 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Reputation system update

i found a super duper old piece of your posting - well said

come visit my thread if you are free - and feel like just a good old massage will do for you

[QUOTE=ANDYSIAO14;2951305]since u dun really get what the rep points meant for...
than u should
just sit back , browse the forum and if u feel like replying to any post just reply...
and if u happen to fxxk a FL from an OKT here , dont forget to write a FR (Fuck report) on how it goes....
from there u will be judge...either bros here give u
some points or take away some points.

Or simply read all the stickies in these forum...
they are here for good reason
Btw , to gain points...
u need to share sumting useful until bros here (with power 1 at least ) are moved with the posts u made..
be it story telling(sexy ones la) or FR like i said earlier or best still the pictures of you made out with your girlfriends or wife or any pros around the world....
Old 31-03-2016, 06:40 AM
Rego Rego is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 5 April 2015

thanks for explaining

Last edited by Rego; 31-03-2016 at 07:04 AM.
Old 31-03-2016, 04:24 PM
TinML777 TinML777 is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 24 March 2016

If my rep point went from 100 plus to - 100 plus can appeal?
Old 01-04-2016, 09:56 PM
mikeshinodaz mikeshinodaz is offline
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Originally Posted by TinML777 View Post
If my rep point went from 100 plus to - 100 plus can appeal?
Diehard.. Is that you? Lol
Old 06-04-2016, 01:15 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Reputation system update - 5 April 2015

Johnbass;14293701]I concur...
Last time I was also premium...
That's why till now the zappers still scared of me...

bro - how did you manage to make yourself SOOOO popular ???
Old 07-04-2016, 08:26 PM
roysux roysux is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 24 March 2016

noob question , how to give point to other people.
is it by clicking this image:

why some people does not have the rup image to click
Old 08-04-2016, 09:14 PM
sbf4life sbf4life is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 24 March 2016

bro u can find your answer here

Originally Posted by roysux View Post
noob question , how to give point to other people.
is it by clicking this image:

why some people does not have the rup image to click
Old 08-04-2016, 10:59 PM
roysux roysux is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 24 March 2016

Originally Posted by Attilio2003 View Post
bro u can find your answer here
i read but don't understand why some have the rep logo, while others does not have the rep logo to click on it, can explain?
Old 09-04-2016, 07:08 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 24 March 2016

mate, it is in that post
you wont see the rep icon under these circumstances.

1. There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.

2. Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum.

Originally Posted by roysux View Post
i read but don't understand why some have the rep logo, while others does not have the rep logo to click on it, can explain?
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Old 27-04-2016, 06:25 PM
BADDDman BADDDman is offline
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UOTE=sammyboyfor;1704933]In life, if you have an opinion, you must be man enough to expound it despite the possibility of negative consequences. So what if you get zapped on a daily basis as long as achieve a net gain when it comes to the responses.

I have already biased the reputation system so that additions are double the subtractions and 99% of people who contribute positively will experience a steady increase in their reputation scores over time even though they may suffer setbacks along the way. You can't win them all.

The reputation system is automated. I can't be expected to micro manage each and every reputation point added or subtracted. I have various scripts running which highlight clone zapping and the use of vulgarities. I also audit the system every few days to see how things are going. However, to expect me to arbitrate each time there is a dispute as to the "validity" of points awarded or subtracted is simply not realistic. I'd need a full time arbitrator to do the job with an appeals board as back up in case the arbitrator's decision was challenged. Perhaps I should hire Yung Pang How to sit on the board since he is now retired and has lots of free time.

I have said this many times before and I'll say it again.. THERE ARE MORE UNEARNED POINTS AWARDED than there are unfair subtractions. If I took on the task of overseeing each and every reputation vote, I would end up deducting many more unfair additions compared to restoring unfair subtractions. Almost every single member would suffer a considerable reduction in their reputation scores.

The system is not perfect.... no system is in this world. However, it brings an additional level of interactivity into the forum which most people enjoy using. If they didn't, there wouldn't be more than 1000 votes cast on a daily basis.

The system is there for the fun of it. Points are worthless. They can't be redeemed for anything. Whether you are 1000 points or -999 makes absolutely no difference to your career, your relationships with your family and friends and your sexual prowess. Just treat the reputation points thing as a cyberspace computer game for that is exactly what it is. [/QUOTE]
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