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Old 03-04-2004, 02:21 PM
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nice board theme.. more FRs ?
Old 03-04-2004, 08:51 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by MoonFace
nice board theme.. more FRs ?
Ok, let me repost some from xyz7766 aka Pablo Ssicasso's "tongue painter" thread in t o k c o

Originally Posted by PHENOM
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 2:55 am Post subject: Pablo's Jkt trip
Pending the Master himself’s arrival back home later tonite, let me post a preliminary brief report of his first 2 days in Indoland.
Pablo was received at CGK airport on Wednesday evening by no less a personage than Ximen-Chao, umpteenth descendent of one of the greatest tongue artists of ancient China; Ximen-Ching (from the Golden Lotus).
Surviving the horrendous traffic of Jakarta’s chaotic new “busway system”, they were met by yours truly slightly before dusk at the lobby of the aptly named Olympic Hotel which was to be the venue of Pablo’s “Indo tongue painting olympics”. After leaving his bags, we set off to a short rendezvous with Rainman and his buddies at a nearby karaoke.

First stop after dinner was at the highly popular La Artists club in the Pen-Jay canvas stockists enclave. The other two top outlets there are the Sari Artists club and the Master Tongue-artists Rhapsodic club.
The canvas selection at the three clubs was wide enough to cater to differing artists’ preferences and tastes.
All sorts of Javanese canvas was available; with an occasional chinese silk or two thrown in for good measure. Pablo cast his experienced eye over the dozens of stocks on the shelves and settled on a juvenile material which was the newest arrival at the L-A club. But sad to say, before he could get to work on the delicate tapestry, crimson weevils began to attack the fine threads, rendering the fabric unsuitable for painting. Pablo had no wish to subject his tool-of-the-trade to such onerous contamination, so he returned to see the club manager and with the help of Ximen demanded and summarily received an immediate full refund. He rejected the manager’s offer of other stocks in his inventory as they were not as recently-manufactured as his unfortunate first choice.

He hopped across the street to the Sari Artists club and managed to get one of equivalent quality and newness at a even slightly lower price than the first instance.
Back in the hotel, Pablo set to prepare his material and other implements and in ten minutes he was ready to begin work. He phoned me and invited me over to view his first attempt of his eventual three practice runs of the night; before his scheduled performance at the Top Contemporaries college of fine arts the following afternoon.

I shall leave it to Pablo himself to describe the vivid details of those painting sessions.

As I have my business meetings for the whole of Thursday, I did not accompany Pablo to the T-C college.
We met again only for dinner and then it time to do his purchase of fresh canvas once again.
So off we went to Pen-Jay but history repeats itself in S-A club where we landed and the fine-thread-count canvas he purchased turned out to be another dud. Ximen got him another refund but Pablo had by then lost his inspiration after his aborted practice run at the club’s premises and he retired for the nite without any brush work.

On Friday morning, Pablo set off to a couple of malls to check out the independent canvas vendors before his afternoon performance at a artist colony in a rougher neighbourhood.

Over to you, Pablo…………we await your FRs.
Unofficial Chairman of Melons ( . ) ( . ) Club

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Old 03-04-2004, 08:54 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by rainman
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:41 pm Post subject: Pablo's Jkt trip
Haha. So unfortunate? U guys should stay and do the painting in the room instead. We had fun and wish u were here....

We are on the way back now.

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Old 03-04-2004, 08:56 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by phenom
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 1:13 pm Post subject: Pablo's Jkt trip
Not not bad for Pablo after all lah.
He got his full refund both times and he painted thrice on the replacement canvas the first nite.
Though he did not paint in earnest on his second nite, he did get to closely inspect and test the canvas' fine texture for free. Morever, earlier that afternoon he did perform at the T-C college. And just yesterday morning he got another freebie inspection on an independent silk stockist too.
Ask him about his Friday afternoon canalside seminar at Tanah Abang and his evening workout lastnite on your flight back together.

Let me know your plans tonite. Shall we activate hustler and gang for a midnite kopi at you know where?
Unofficial Chairman of Melons ( . ) ( . ) Club

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Old 03-04-2004, 08:58 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by xyz7766
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 12:08 am Post subject: Pablo's Jkt trip
At last I have found a moment to write an Arts Review following my trip to JKT from 14 to 17.01.04:

First of all, I would like to thank Ximen once again for his kind hospitality. He took the trouble to pick me up at the airport and bring me to the hotel, that was very kind of him. After checking in, Ximen, Phenom and I met Rainman at a nearby KTV, after which we made our way to an art gallery. JKT is indeed a very nice cultural centre.

Canvas number 1, thread count of 14/sq cm had to be returned to the seller due to red particles suddenly appearing on the canvas a hour or so after the purchase. What a shame, that was a very fine item recently brought in from a countryside cotton mill. I would have loved to tongue paint that specimen.

Canvas number 2, thread count of 16/sq cm served me well. I painted three masterpieces on it, at 11pm, 3am and 7am. Phenom witnessed the first demonstration and took some notes whilst the Master tongue painted. Your efforts will eventually be rewarded, dear Student.

Canvas number 3, thread count of 15/sq cm was of average quality. It served its purpose for some afternoon practice and smearing of paint here and there.

Canvas number 4, thread count of 16/sq cm was thoroughly inspected for 20 minutes. The Master eventually returned the canvas for a full refund as it reacted badly an instant before the tongue got into contact with it.

Canvas number 5, thread count of 15/sq cm. Reacted very well to tongue painting. Good chemistry, resulting in nice special effects on a very wet surface. Once the first coat of paint was dry, a second coat was applied just as successfully.

Canvas number 6 (thread count of 14/sq cm) and canvas number 5 were painted on simultaneously! The Master found great inspiration in painting on 2 canvases of this grade at the same time for more than 90 minutes. All angles were covered several times on each piece of art. Touch-ups will be made during my nest visit to Indonesia.

During this trip, I was unable to source any canvas from canal and railway trackside vendors. Greater attention will be paid to this alternative source in the future, especially since the thread count me be even finer there for a lower cost.

I will keep you informed of future seminars.

With my best regards,

Unofficial Chairman of Melons ( . ) ( . ) Club

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Old 03-04-2004, 09:00 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by phenom
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:36 am Post subject: Pablo's Jkt trip
Great FR, Pablo though a little too brief.
Would like to see a more thorough description of your simultaneous painting of masterpieces numbers 5 and 6.
That they are from the same factory though manufactured a year apart makes your work even more interesting. And I'm also looking forward to your next trip when you would endeavour to attempt an unprecedented triple paint job on your nos. 5, 6 and an even finer thread count canvas of 12/sq cm fromn the same factory yet again. Have you placed your advance booking with the plant manager yet? I might lend you a hand...on the coarser thread count material with my airbrushing as I am hopeless with tongue painting.
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Old 03-04-2004, 09:03 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by xyz7766
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 9:21 am Post subject: Pablo's Jkt trip

The FR was done in a rush after a heavy dinner, sorry fellow artist.

Yes, I have asked to purchase the canvas thread count canvas of 12/sq cm but was told that I would have to come back another time. Patience is a vertue... I will be back!

Canvas 5 reacted very well to tongue painting, better than canvas 6 as a matter of fact. However, canvas 6 would have been ok for airbrush painting without latex cover which is something I do not practice outside my residence. The joy of simultaneous painting two canvases coming from the same factory (some cotton mill, produced by the same two staff) is difficult to describe. I would tongue paint one canvas for a while and all of a sudden change to the other and vice versa. Eventually I finished tongue painting No. 5. I tried the same technic on No. 6 but towards the end high pressure airbrush technic was required. Once I tought No. 6 was completed, I tried a few airbrush strokes on No. 5. By then both canvases were very damp and any tool was suitable. I could not resist the creative stimuli and started airbrush painting, alternating frequently. The latex cover started sliding so I took it of to change it. No. 6 placed the airbrush at the centre of the canvas and said "Masuk!" and it took me a while to torturously refuse the offer and replace a cover on it. A little more airbrush painting followed before the cover was taken off again and that brush needed to be blown in an effort to dislodge a paint clot further up the pipe. Both 5&6 took turns blowing. In the end I asked 6 to finish that job as her sucktion was more effective and touched up No. 6 one more time with my tongue. Without warning, a sizeable clot came off and landed in No. 6's sucktion head. Some dribled out whilst No. 5 was watching closely. Without second thoughts, 6 moved and stuck her tongue brush in my tongue brush holder and the two tongue brushes were used to mix the remaining paint. 5 joined in and that was fun too. Tongue brushes 5 and 6 did not come into contact, the closest I managed to position them was simultaniously on each side of the airbrush for a final clean-up.

As I relive these intense moments and recall the the beauty of the canvas frames (15: B to C, 14: B-), my airbrush beeps signaling that the battery is charged. Thus, I will now close my eyes and imagine what thread count 12 looks like whilst I manually clear another paint clot.
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Old 06-04-2004, 12:00 PM
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BM or sassina.. you guys in Batam this coming sat, sun or maybe monday ?
Old 06-04-2004, 03:04 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

I can be in if you guys are cuming, anyway maybe you'll like to move over to Btm related thread b4 kena @^*#x* here...
Happy Bataming
Old 07-04-2004, 01:52 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Rain, moon. I'll be in Jkt in a few hours' time, taking the first flight out but only have a few hours before continuing on to Makassar. Then I'll be in Surabaya and Yogya till the middle of next week. I will give you a call when I get back to Jkt probably on Wed.
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Old 07-04-2004, 12:35 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by phenom
Rain, moon. I'll be in Jkt in a few hours' time, taking the first flight out but only have a few hours before continuing on to Makassar. Then I'll be in Surabaya and Yogya till the middle of next week. I will give you a call when I get back to Jkt probably on Wed.

Huh?? So meet in Dadap?? hahaha
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Old 07-04-2004, 04:57 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

wah.. so how ?.. in Dadap ?...heh heh..
Old 08-04-2004, 11:44 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by MoonFace
wah.. so how ?.. in Dadap ?...heh heh..

What happened to t o k c o k ??
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Old 08-04-2004, 12:28 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
What happened to t o k c o k ??
111111 no more cok to tok.............
Please, use the right head to think.
Old 08-04-2004, 01:06 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

i dunno..but i know where to find you guys if tc is down!..
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