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Old 02-06-2009, 10:51 AM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

Campfire burning bright...
After much deep and profound brain things inside my head....I feel like a mile-high pastrami on rye, on the fly from the deli in the sky! Let's go WILD!
Old 03-06-2009, 10:26 AM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

Originally Posted by SP3RM View Post
she: dear, where is my undies?
me: huh? wat where?
she: i cannot find lei...

we looked ard the area.. thot it might be due to the rough actions.. it could have been misplace... cant find... no choice.. we head hm with she 'air-ing' her love hole... along the way keep laughing abt it... she also pai seh til she keep laughing...
haha...that explains why i found a wet panties on the bus the other day. i'm keeping it as a souvenir...
Old 04-06-2009, 06:36 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

Camping here for more.
Old 04-06-2009, 07:18 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

Originally Posted by lasupkia View Post
haha...that explains why i found a wet panties on the bus the other day. i'm keeping it as a souvenir...
I think yours might belong to my granny. She's old already. Can't hold her bladder that well so she pees into her panties quite often. Don't think that exotic smell is pussy juice ok? Smell a bit salty right?
Old 04-06-2009, 07:59 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

Camping for more?
Thanks brothers for your precious points, you will not be forgotten, I will return favor asap so pls post and pm me if I forgotten.
Old 04-06-2009, 08:21 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

wow... nice experience you are having with your gal... although i am new here but i am seriously enjoying your story.. haha.. do give us some other interesting stuff that you and her do too.. :P
Old 04-06-2009, 08:44 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

walao bro nice 1~~
I also hope I can same like you XD
Old 08-06-2009, 03:44 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

Originally Posted by jchongking View Post

common for property consultants - many gals throw themselves at successful property consultants
They sure do! Wishing that you're one?
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Old 09-06-2009, 02:41 AM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

Nice story would be great if u could update
Old 09-06-2009, 10:30 AM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

my first time also like that.. seems like this is a common girls trick.. :O
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Old 10-06-2009, 05:02 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

Still cannot find the panties ?
Old 10-06-2009, 07:32 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

hmmmm wonderful..

exciting also..
i think there must be ppl trying to make love in taxi when driver is driving..
in the cinema when ppl are watching movies..
or even in the toilet.. haha~~

advantagous.. & exciting..
easy turn on hor?? keke
Old 04-07-2009, 11:26 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

sorry... went oversea these days... back to my story...
after the incident...

we became more sexually daring le... we'll try to do anywhere (when we think is safe) like club/pub toilet, changing rooms, mt faber, swimming pool and a few more... and there was time, really worth telling..

we were out on a gatherings with frends that night... after a dinner at a local fast food, we went to a pub at jln basar.. the whole night everyone was drinking like its free... guess the mood was good for everyone... half way tru the drinking session... june's frend came... two gals i've never seen before.. so she intro them to me first (im the bf ma) then the rest... the 1st gal was ivy and followed by xinyu.. during the intro we shake hands... while shaking xinyu's hand... i kinda have this feeling in me... lust thots of course la... cos she really very sexy and quite pretty.. she was wearing a white hooter neck top and short skirt(think only 10 - 15 cm long ba) in short its really short la.. exposing her long legs... then becos they r new to the group, they were not to active and spoke only to june... but my thot is still haunting me... so bei ta han.... try to talk to them and june as a group... when ice break le... we starter some games 5 10, cards then true or dare...

turn the bottle, kena ivy... so we let her choose... for the 1st time that night.. dare was chose... we all goes like awww... then evil plot come to mind... i try turn it to more a sex game(knowing june will not reject cos she also horny type) i dare ivy to use her mouth to pick up one ice cube and using her mouth, she must put it into xinyu's hooter neck top from the front... hearing this june went haha so loud (i know, i got it le) now waitting for her actions.. 1st all pai seh pai seh... then slowly with cheers and encouragement.. ivy did it... she slide it in tru the side of her breast area(cos hooter neck can only access there...) to the gals they were just treating as a joke and fun... to me.. i kinda hard on and wish its me who get it... after a few rds.. i finally kena.. to keep everyone high.. i chose dare... then ivy began to show me the evil face (wanna revenge le) the two gals discuss a while then the turn back... *evil face*..

they order me to use a cube of ice in my mouth again but this time i'll have to 'ice' june with the cube till it melts.. to me(ha... easy man...) so i did it with no rejection... seeing i so easy get away...they still wan more... play again i said... i kena again... think i kena 'lucky'.. knowing they trying to get me... i purposely chose dare again... now think they'll really try to get me... (hope its with xinyu) went to a toilet break and back... the surprise is ready on the table... it was a cup of ice cream... again im order to use my tougue to feed june the ice cream... i did it but i was really a challenge... we were all messy in the face... the two laugh their heads off at us... after some cleaning up.. we play again... now xinyu kena le... worry she say truth... i quickly say from now on all play dare la... dare bo... surprise.. they agree.. now its xinyu turn... i know it my chance... so i discuss with june... try to convince june to get even on them... ask xinyu to lick my neck and ear.. june being very on type, agreed... when i told xinyu to do that she kinda shock... but a game is a game... even ivy cheer her on... on choice... she lick my neck up to my ear... that moment i feel my bro trying to get hulk up... feeling pai seh.. xinyu request to stop game... stop the game and continue to drink.. slowly my other frend join in... we drank and happily... everyone was almost drunk near closing...

when we left the place, we hang ard outside the pub... tcss, trying to get sober up... my other frend left leaving only me, june, ivy and xinyu.. after 15 mins... we decide to leave le. by then ivy and xinyu was so drunk and didn't wanna go back hm... so june suggested them to come over her place. they agreed... seeing them all going to june place. i scare being left out... whisper into june ears..

me: then me how?
june: go back 1st oki?
me: can dun wan... cos im horny and i wanna cum on u...
june: (being horny too) okie but after they knock out k..
me: on

all of us jumped into a cab... when we reach june place. we went up str. being all heavily drunk... the three gals knock out within mins upon lying down.. even june was sleeping... hey wat abut me?? im still horny... then my evil thot appears again... looking at the 3 gals... i slowly started rubbing june all over.. notice all three still in KO state... i began to touch ivy and xinyu... im so turn on... i wank myself off while touching them... arrggh... im done! i thot! but i can still feel like a sec rd.. now i focus myself on xinyu... i pull off her top and started sucking her nipple softly... within mins im hard on again... wanting more. i pulled june's pants and undies off... i started fu#king her... while i still grab xinyu's breast... the feeling was good... i became more daring(maybe cos of drunk) i moved down to xinyu short shirt... i dig my way into her hole... WOW... she's wet after some fingering... dunno why suddenly just wanna cum on her.. but scare too... so took out a CD. put on... i try to bonk her with her undies pulled aside... quite hard cos of the space and scare wake anyone up... i slowly sneak into her... yes... my rod is in... i gave a few slow pump and loaded off into CD... thou it may just be a few pumps... im sextify.. i clean up and knock out too..

all of us woke up the next afternoon... then think back wat i did... scare xinyu realise... i try to act cool 1st... luckily she did not realise much... after all its just a few slow pump... think no kick on her... sober up, we all went back to out own hm... still feeling gd... i left with a big smile and a big bye to xiinyu and ivy...
Old 04-07-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

sial, sentosa, sex on the beach
If you scare, don't play. Want to play, don't scare.
Old 04-07-2009, 11:38 PM
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Re: 1st time a gal throw herself at me...

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