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Old 21-01-2010, 12:45 AM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by HayHot View Post
Just 1 Do.
First time, DO it with the light on and make sure that she is not a HE. You never know..... Might be the reason why only anal....
Halo Mas HayHot

Good one -another perpective

I'm pretty sure Mas Ts can at least differentiate (hopefull
Beware before it's too late
Old 28-01-2010, 02:22 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

problem solved... told her i was uncomfortable with anal... convinced her to do the real thing
Old 28-01-2010, 05:33 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by blogwatch View Post
problem solved... told her i was uncomfortable with anal... convinced her to do the real thing
u only solve ur problem, but u didn't solve our problem!!! we wan to read ur FR on fuck her ass....u better go screw her ass and write a full erotic FR for us...
Old 28-01-2010, 07:00 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Reporting to TS:

My advice:
AT LEAST 300ML of LUB just in case long session.
Use LUB like buffet.

1: Lub your whole manhood
2: Lub her asshole
3: Put lub on your fingers and lub the insides of her asshole
4: While inserting your dick lub more at the tip so that they will actually go into the asshole and lub the insides - which is your focus
5: Let her scream in pain(depending on her sexperience and your size) as you squeeze your tip in
6: After your tip is in, use it to lubricate the insides abit more, thus add more lub
7: At intervals of your dick add lub
8: Even after it's all the way in, add lub at time intervals to make sure lub does not run out and cause discomfort
9: If you worried about diseases from the asshole(which is highly possible) remember to pee after the intercourse or alternatively use a condom.
Old 21-02-2010, 04:01 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

I posted this in another tread, thought it will answer some basics.

Hi TS and SB bros,

I love AJ, and have been doing so for about 5 years regularly with my Ex-FB, FB and GF. I thought I can share my experience in making a AJ session enjoyable for the gal.

1) Preparation of the Ass.
I asked my FB before, how she ensure it is definitely clean.
EXPLICITLY (warning), she will always move her bowels first. After, she will use a water hose and some liquid soap, run/direct the water at the rectum, use her 2 fingers, coated with liquid soap (also act as lubricant) to insert into her rectum, and physically feel for anything inside. The water is constantly running, so it will help push the feces out. All these take place when seated on the toilet bowl.

After she see that inside is clean (no more feces felt), she will use the water hose to shoot/jet directly into her asshole, filling it up with water. To do so, the water hose 'head' needs to be very close to the asshole (like pressing on the asshole) The power of the water flow should be small, so you won't hurt your organs inside. She will need to exert her rectum muscle to hold the water in the ass when the water is filled.. You will be able to feel the water filling your inside - Do not fill too much, A few seconds is good enough - if bloated, will be uncomfortable.

And then at one release, force all the water out, you will notice finer feces that are deeper in the ass, will be force out. Because the finger can only reach a short dept. It is as if you are doing a rinse. Repeat the ass rinsing a few times, until the water that is forced out is clean. Then you will have a peace of mind during sex.

I have tried this method myself before, and it works well, and painless. I do so because I want my FB to rim me, and NOT because I'm getting fucked.

If it is not 100% clean, during sex, the gal may tend to exert force, may lead to 'accident'.

2) Relaxation
Always 'open up' her asshole, using 1 finger that is lubed first. Don't be hurry, slowly massage her rectum, and the shallow dept of the inside. Once you can tell she is comfortable, add 1 finger, then 1 more gradually, and slowly stretch it to relax the asshole. Especially for beginers,.
Remember, use plenty of water/silicon-based lube. Water/Silicon based one will not be so easily sticky. We usually use AstroGlide. When 3 fingers can enter and stoke comfortably for her, you can ask if she is ready for you to insert your dick.

For inserting of dick, also do it slowly and with a lot of lubes. the head of the dick is the biggest barrier, so for the head,needs to be especially slow. Once the whole shaft enters, pause for a while for her ass to get use for the sensation. There are a lot of veins at the rectum, so it is very sensitive.

If she is experiencing pain during the first few moments of entering, better withdraw slowly, and let her rest for a while. This means her ass is not relax enough, or lubes is not enough. The pain can be quite sharp, so be careful.

Still, to a certain extent, there will still be some sensation of pain when entering.The gal also need to put up with it first.
After a few slow strokes, the gal should be able to get used to the sensation, and can enjoy herself.

And lastly, even after a few sessions of AJ, all these basics should still be observed. The ass is not like a vaginal, will not get loose.
Old 21-02-2010, 04:49 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by blogwatch View Post
Hi got to know this girl and she wants me to have anal sex with her... something I've never done... she said she don't want the regular type cos scared pregnant.

Any bros can enlighten about anal? do's and don'ts... what to be aware of etc?

Don't want to fumble too badly lol

are u sure is HER?????
Old 21-02-2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by HayHot View Post
Just 1 Do.
First time, DO it with the light on and make sure that she is not a HE. You never know..... Might be the reason why only anal....
Haha... I was abt to post the same thing
Old 21-02-2010, 07:43 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by blogwatch View Post
Hi got to know this girl and she wants me to have anal sex with her...
Bro u sure she is 100% gal???
Old 09-10-2012, 07:52 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Some men may enjoy being the insertive partner in anal sex because the anal sphincter is usually tighter than a vagina, which can yield greater tactile pleasure for the man via his penis.The attitude of women towards being the receptive partner in this practice is diverse: while some consider it painful or uncomfortable, others find it pleasurable and some even prefer it to vaginal intercourse.Unlike the clitoris or anus, the vaginal walls "contain relatively few nerve endings, making intense sexual stimulation, pleasure, and orgasm from vaginal-only penetration unlikely" and "it's generally only the lower third of the vagina that has enough nerve endings to feel any stimulation at all from a penis, finger, toy, or other penetrative object". Vaginal intercourse may, however, promote a satisfying feeling of fullness or closeness with a sexual partner.
Old 12-10-2012, 09:24 AM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

so hard to understand how a girl actually enjoys anal sex
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Old 13-10-2012, 11:05 PM
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Re: Anal Sex... Help

Originally Posted by MitMit View Post
so hard to understand how a girl actually enjoys anal sex
It's even harder to understand the reason for wanting anal sex is to prevent pregnancy. That's something new for me. So next time when a gal rejects me for fear of pregnancy, I will suggest anal
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