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Old 23-10-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Welcome back snr & keep coming yr story.
Old 23-10-2010, 01:02 PM
YourExcellency YourExcellency is offline
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by machoman View Post
BINGO, bro!!! Jackpot!!!

Sorry, bro...hope you don't mind but I just couldn't resist typing the following:

A sweet voice answered the phone:

YE: "Wei, Liz hai mai?"

Liz:"Wei, hai ping goa?

Hahahaha... you are so close that I would have suspected you were sneaking peeks into my life? Yes, this really happened, believe it or not, and it was nice hearing her soft sexy husky voice over the phone again. Hang on in there, its going to be still quite a while before any action starts... remember I was just looking for a drinking companion, nothing more...
Old 23-10-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

New camper reporting here....
Life is Short and Unpredictable...Enjoy while you can but be responsible towards the society. Don't spread things that you don't wish to get
Old 23-10-2010, 02:18 PM
YourExcellency YourExcellency is offline
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

One particular Friday night, I was in the office late as usual when I felt like a drink very badly. I scrolled through my phonebook in my BB, looking for a drinking companion in the +852 when I saw “LIZ CHENG”. Now, I have had the habit of backing up my address book with my Outlook for many years now, and now when I stared at that name I could not recall who that was. Oh of course! Liz from my China tour group! But its been so long… would she still be using this number? Would it be convenient to call at this time? What if she was married? Or worse, putting her kids to bed? In my selfish need to find a drinking companion, I hit the “Send” button and soon I heard a ringing tone, yes! It still worked!

BB: “~drood… drood…” … “喂?
Me: “喂? 唔該Liz啦…”
Liz: “系, 你系邊位?
Me: “我系Leo啊, 上次在XX城市跟團識得你嘅, 你總記唔記得我啊?
Liz: “當然記得啦!你幾好嗎?好耐無見啊!
Me: “系啊, 我衣家系香港作野, 唔知你得唔得閑,捻住叫你出來飲杯野?
Liz: “好啊!衣家?你有無開車啊?我過來車你?你在邊既位置?“
Me: “我在IFC樓下既的士站等你好嗎?
Liz: “好啊, 20 分鐘見!

Bingo! Finally an end to my boring night of staring at endless documents! I quickly gave her my office address in Central and she said she lived really close by and would be ready in 20 minutes. We arranged to meet at my office building’s taxi stand and I took the 20 minutes to freshen up using my spare office shirt and a travel toothbrush I kept in my bag at all times. I packed up my stuff and headed downstairs from my 62nd storey office.

I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag; trying to release the stress I had accumulated over the past month and wondered how I should react when I saw Liz. I mean, it has been 8 years since I saw her and I wondered how she looked now. And god, I wonder how I looked now compared to back then. Fortunately, I was pretty confident that time had been merciful to me, and I had only looked more mature with some distinguished grays sticking out my temples, but other than that, my 40 years were really quite easily mistakable for 35 ☺
Old 23-10-2010, 02:21 PM
YourExcellency YourExcellency is offline
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Thank you for the readers who showed strong support. Your encouragement serves as my greatest inspiration to continue writing!

I am struggling to turn out as much as possible this weekend before I leave for China in the coming week as I will not be able to update as often as I can for the next little while...

Stay tuned!
Old 23-10-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

interesting story!
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

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Old 23-10-2010, 03:05 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by YourExcellency View Post
Hahahaha... you are so close that I would have suspected you were sneaking peeks into my life? Yes, this really happened, believe it or not, and it was nice hearing her soft sexy husky voice over the phone again. Hang on in there, its going to be still quite a while before any action starts... remember I was just looking for a drinking companion, nothing more...
LOL!!! Hahaha!!!

I believe you, bro! "Drinking companion only, nothing more", right?

1st objective achieved- get the gal out on a date, then.........over to you YE or do you prefer Leo?

BTW, if you don't mind, is it possible for you to type Simplified Chinese characters? Thanks.
Old 23-10-2010, 03:40 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Have a good weekend TS. And come back next week with more installments!
Old 23-10-2010, 05:13 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

enjoy ya weekend TS!! =)
Old 24-10-2010, 01:52 AM
YourExcellency YourExcellency is offline
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

A black Cayenne Turbo pulled up at the taxi stand and the windows rolled down… “Leo?”

I lowered my head and peered into the car. God, in there sat the cutest and most seductive woman I had seen in months ;P I opened the door and got into the car…

Me: “嗨 Liz! 點解你看上來總後生過上一次?!你比八年前總靚女哇!!

*Ok its getting really difficult to type in Cantonese slang and I am spending too much time searching for the Cantonese letters and many of them don’t exist on my notebook, so I will be reiterating all Cantonese conversations in English*

She laughed easily and said,

Liz: “Hey, I don’t remember you being such a smooth talker… Are you sure you are Leo?
Me: “As sure as I am sitting beside the prettiest woman I have laid eyes on for months! By the way, you have a nice car!
Liz: “Thanks! Its very popular in Hong Kong right now, almost all my friends have one in their families!”

She smiled radiantly and leaned over to give me a friendly hug and I returned the favor by giving her a social kiss on the cheeks. She had her long beautiful hair bunned-up and she wore very light make up, just enough to accentuate her high and well-defined cheekbones. The heavenly scent that I remembered from the first time I met her was still lingering around her. (Yes, Chanel!) To be brutally honest, she still wasn’t drop dead gorgeous, but she definitely was the kind of woman you would want to take more than a look at.

Liz: “So what have you been up to since I saw you?
Me: “I’ve been working really hard, trying to keep my bank balance out of the red… what about you? You look really great, like you have been on holiday since we last met!
Liz: “Hey I have been working too! Anyway, let’s get a drink and then we’ll talk! Do you have any idea where to go?
Me: “I’m easy, just give me a drink and I will be contented!

With that, she turned the car around and very soon, we found ourselves at Lan Kwai Fong, at the top level of one of the hotels, turned out we both liked brandy, so we were taking shots of Paradis out of a bottle, listening to soothing female vocal jazz.

I found out that she was still single but had gotten lucky and made some money from her investments and now she was in a semi-retired state, waiting for her next investment opportunity. She still seemed every bit the rich tai-tai, with her simple elegance and easy laughter, always seeming to see things in the best light. She didn’t look a day older than when I last saw her, and if it was even earthly possible, she looked even younger with flawless porcelain skin on her face, hands and legs. She wore her hair in a bun, and had the slightest tinge of highlight that showed a rebellious streak. Her black simple top had a large neck opening and her cream-colored pants were silky soft and flowing. She was perfect no matter which way I looked at her.

I filled her up on my life, how I spent the last decade working my ass off, how I was married and had a beautiful son, but sadly, as well as I was doing, I could feel that there was a marked difference between us. I recomposed myself and told myself that I had achieved what I had wanted – a drinking companion for tonight and that was it. I was happy with my life at this point and enjoyed my work so there was absolutely no reason to ruin a good thing.

We finished our drinks at 0300hrs, and soon it was time to say good-bye. She insisted on paying the bill, saying that it was her duty as host. I had to give in as she said otherwise she would be unhappy. I thanked her for the wonderful drink and gave her a hug and peck on the cheek, and told her she should not attempt to drive home after all that alcohol. She agreed to leave her car in the hotel car park and at my insistence, allowed me to see her home in a cab. I hailed for a cab and asked for her address – turns out she lives at the Mid Levels area, in a house. When we got to her place, she got out of the cab and bade me good night, promising to meet me the following day for lunch.

I gave her another peck again and got back into the cab. The cab took me back to my hotel – Island Shangri La back in Central, with the nosy driver inquiring where I was from, what did I do, who my friend was, and making comments that my “friend’s” house was probably worth between HKD$150-200million. I was rather shocked to know that Hong Kong property prices were that much higher than what we get in Singapore. I did not answer most of his questions and pretended I was too drunk to hear what he was asking. By the time I got back into my room, I only managed to take a very quick shower before crashing into bed, completely exhausted by the alcohol and the entire week’s late nights.
Old 24-10-2010, 01:56 AM
YourExcellency YourExcellency is offline
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Dim Sum

The next morning, I was awakened by the loud ringing of my BB and in my half asleep state, I saw Liz’s name in the caller ID.

Liz: “Hey sleepy head! Good morning! Wake up for breakfast!”
Me: “Hey, good morning… What time is it?”
Liz: “Its 10am now, you wanna get something to bite?
Me: “Yeah sure, give me 15 minutes to wash up?
Liz: “Ok, see you at the hotel lobby! At 1030hrs?

I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth, and took a long hot shower. I got dressed in a short sleeved piqued pink polo shirt with casual khaki slacks and a dark blue sport jacket with matching dark blue loafers. I sprayed some Armani onto my chest and headed towards the lift lobby.

When I got down to the lobby, I saw Liz. Like me, she was dressed in a red short sleeved cotton polo shirt, and a pair of cotton cream casual ¾ slacks that hugged her shapely hips perfectly. She had a light taupe pullover draped over her shoulders and she topped her extremely chic look with an over-sized cream baseball cap. She had on a pair of elegant taupe leather slip-ons. She looked amazingly casual and yet, there was this air of elegance around her that I just couldn’t put my finger on. When she saw me, she walked over to me and gave me a hug and a friendly peck on the cheek. Not wanting to appear standoffish, I reciprocated.

Liz: “Hey Leo! What do you feel like having?
Me: “I’m starving, how about the dim sum at the Marriott? Man Ho is pretty good for dim sum, are you ok with that or would you like to go somewhere else? But it has got to be my treat this time ok?

Liz laughs and says, “Ok sure! Let’s go see how good they are!

She hooks her hand around mine and we take the lift up to the 3rd level. The lift door opens and we walk out to the restaurant reception. The waitress, upon seeing us, greets us and shows us to a small table.

I fiddle with the dim sum menu and order a few of my favorites and enquire what Liz would like before putting in the order. Soon, we were enjoying ourselves, chatting away happily like long lost friends and sipping 功夫茶.

Just then, the captain walks past, and purposefully makes a round of 功夫茶 for us, at the same time saying,

Captain: “鄭小姐, 你好! 唔好意思, 剛剛無見到你地入來!
Liz: “唔緊要, 我今日無定位, 系同我friend來飲茶的。”
Captain: “今日要唔要蒸條魚啊, 還是如過你們已經吃飽了, 要唔要來些甜品?
Liz: “Steven啊, 這餐系我朋友做東, 禮貌上你應該問佢!讓我介紹, 這位系Leo先生, 系你地酒店的客人

The captain apologized profusely and explained to me that Liz was a regular at their restaurant and so naturally thought that she was entertaining me, that why he had approached her first. I told him it was alright and ordered some desserts that he said were the specialties of Man Ho. He insisted on not charging us for the dessert to apologize for his mistake, which I accepted graciously. We had a really good time at dim sum and soon I signed for the bill and we decided to do some sightseeing.

I had been to Hong Kong many times for business but I was usually alone, and so never bothered to do much sightseeing. I knew Hong Kong well but Liz insisted on showing me around Hong Kong and since it was Saturday, I happily obliged to having such an attractive lady by my side, being my tour guide. We went down to the lobby again and this time, once we walked out of the hotel, Liz’s Cayenne Turbo was waiting for her at her at the entrance. I didn’t notice her number plate the night before, “LC8”, must have cost her a pretty penny. She waved at the valet and turned to me and asked if I could drive?

The valet came up to her and said, “郑小姐, 你好!系晤系衣家走啊?”

Wow, so she is a regular here... she explained that she frequently put her guests at the Marriott and for convenience sake, she also liked to entertain at Man Ho.

Me: “I can drive but I need some road guidance!
Liz: “No problem! I can guide you but I just don’t like driving!

I took over the driver’s seat and soon we were cruising along the roads of Hong Kong Island, admiring the beautiful harbor and the endless sky skyscrapers that lined the Victoria Harbor and the Northern shore. I had driven in Hong Kong many times during my trips and knew a little about the layout of the roads. We chatted easily and made lots of jokes with each other.

Last edited by YourExcellency; 24-10-2010 at 02:06 AM.
Old 24-10-2010, 01:57 AM
YourExcellency YourExcellency is offline
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by machoman View Post
LOL!!! Hahaha!!!

I believe you, bro! "Drinking companion only, nothing more", right?

1st objective achieved- get the gal out on a date, then.........over to you YE or do you prefer Leo?

BTW, if you don't mind, is it possible for you to type Simplified Chinese characters? Thanks.
Sorry, but I only have Traditional Chinese installed. And plus I feel it adds more realism to the conversations
Old 24-10-2010, 02:15 AM
YourExcellency YourExcellency is offline
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Sight Seeing
Driving in Hong Kong is very different from driving in Singapore. There are hardly any U-turns and roads are a lot more narrower and complicated. People drive very fast in spite of the winding roads. Basically if you don’t know exactly where you are going, you wont get there by car, because you would be circling round and going up and down bridges, constantly being able to see the place you want to be, but never being able to actually reach there due to many roads being one way with many no left or right turns. We drove on Connaught Road - from Admiralty to Central, and Liz showed me the older areas like Sheung Wan, then we went back east again, this time exploring the Mid Levels and Wan Chai area. She took me on little back alleys and interesting little pockets of bustling activity like the Wan Chai market and Soho. She really knew this place very well. Finally we went up Victoria Peak. I was now getting used to the Porsche and it handled very well, my only grouse was that it was a little hard to control going up The Peak as it needed too much revving to stop it from switching gears incessantly.

We parked the car at the little shopping centre at the top of the peak and we walked around, snapping pictures happily. We were unknowingly holding hands now and acting like a student couple. We shared ice-creams and Liz held onto my hand every single minute without letting go. It was the best feeling in the world. We were finally tired and took a seat on a bench in a pavilion, looking down at the sea and the buildings.

Suddenly there was an awkward silence, and time just stood still as we looked into each other’s eyes. Liz’s eyes had the most vulnerable and tender look that I had ever seen in any woman. It was as if I could look right into her soul just by staring at those eyes. I leaned forward and I had just the most irresistible urge to kiss those tender lips. Knowing what I was intending to do, Liz closed her eyes and prepared herself for my gentle assault on her soft tender lips. Not wanting to be too aggressive, I had intended it to be a dry kiss, and that was all there was. There was no tongue on tongue action and I didn’t want to scare Liz by pushing my luck. To my surprise, she offered her tongue to me and for the first time, I tasted Liz. Her breath was indescribable. I suddenly wished I did not just smoke a cigarette 20 minutes ago and wondered how horrible my breath must have smelt. Liz was not a smoker and judging from her pearly white teeth, she must practice good dental hygiene. My hands now moved upwards, back up to the small of her back, caressing her shoulder blades and for the first time, I realized just how small of a frame Liz had. I stopped at her hair, held her head in my hands and slowly stroked her long luxurious hair, taking in deep breaths of her deliciously intoxicating shampoo. I was totally intoxicated by her. I broke away from the kiss and said,

Me: “Sorry, I shouldn’t have smoked just now. This is so embarrassing, my breath must stink like hell
Liz: “No actually I couldn’t smell any tobacco… Maybe I was too engrossed, and sometimes a little whiff of tobacco smells really macho”, she smiles.
Me: “Shall we go somewhere else? Are you hungry?

Turned out she was already hungry and we decided where to eat next – she wanted to bring me to one of the oldest and most traditional noodle places on Hong Kong island – 九記牛腩! I had been there previously but that was a few years ago and I sure as hell missed the succulently marinated beef tendons and stomach. For brothers who do not know where and why this place is so famous, it is because they have been around for decades and it is said that even the Governor General frequents this place. We ate heartily and the waiters kept looking in our direction, wondering why we were so at ease, with no pretense even though Liz looked too impeccably dressed to be eating at a rundown place like that. I wasn’t too shabby looking myself, and plus with Liz’s car parked a couple spaces outside the little shop, we looked rather out of place. Nonetheless, the beef brisket was superb and we washed it down with Cream soda, in a traditional bottle packaging.

Liz: “What’s next? Anything else you would like to do?
Me: “Hmmm… any suggestions? Are you tired? You need a rest?
Liz: “Mmmmmmm… a rest sounds good but shouldn’t we work off some of the beef brisket?
Me: “Er… Are you suggesting… ?
Liz: “ Of course! Let’s go!

She laughs and gives me a playful wink.
Old 24-10-2010, 02:17 AM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

We get back into the car and very soon, we were frolicking on the beach, in the setting sunset at Repulse Bay, feeling the warm sand in between our toes, holding hands as we strolled slowly along the beautiful beach. The feeling was indescribable, and I didn’t want it to end. Suddenly,


I looked at my phone and it said, “XXXX calling” ←Insert wife’s name here

I answered, and it was my wife, asking how I was, and if I had eaten dinner? I had to tell her I was out with my colleagues and briefly chatted with her about how hectiv work had been, and how nice it was to be able to enjoy a weekend of pure relaxation. I told my wife the truth about everything I had done, with of course the exception of Liz’s existence. My wife had always trusted me, and after chatting for a couple minutes, we hung up.

I turned around to look for Liz and found that she had continued walking ahead of me. I caught up with her and held her hand, and when I looked into her eyes, I could swear I saw a look of sadness in her eyes.

Me: “Sorry, that was my wife, she called to see if I had dinner
Liz: “Its alright, you already told me about her, and its only natural that a woman will call her husband when he’s not by her side

She gave me a weak smile, but I could tell that the entire atmosphere was different now. It seemed like we were jolted back into reality by that short and simple phone call. We walked back slowly to the car, and by then it was almost dusk. I couldn’t bear to let her go home with that unhappy look on her face, so I decided to cheer her up.

Me: “Would I have the pleasure of buying you a drink tonight?
Liz (cheering up immediately): “I’m always game for a drink!
Me: “You’re always hanging out on Hong Kong island, why don’t I bring you to somewhere different?
Liz: “Sure! I love surprises!

Cutting through the mountains, I made my way towards the Cross-Harbour Tunnel that links Hong Kong Island to Kowloon, and very soon we found ourselves at Tsim Sha Tsui. I hunted around for a parking lot and 5 minutes later, we were sitting at a cozy oyster bar at Knutsford Terrace, sipping white wine. The live band was playing a soft jazzy number and the atmosphere was perfect.

By about midnight, we were already almost finishing our fourth bottle and I was getting a little buzz. Okay, may be not just a little but I’m a very normal guy and I will always say that I’m perfectly fine even when I’m on the verge of being drunk. Liz, on the other hand, was perfectly sober. She had a very high tolerance for alcohol and the wine was not taking too much of an effect on her. I called for the bill and we left. I asked Liz if she was high and if she wasn’t, could she drive? She replied that she was perfectly alright and she could definitely drive. She took over the keys from me and I plunked myself into the passenger seat and closed my eyes.

Last edited by YourExcellency; 24-10-2010 at 02:43 AM.
Old 24-10-2010, 02:27 AM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Back at the Hotel
When I came to, we were pulled up at my hotel porch. Liz got out from the driver’s seat and helped me get out of the car. Luckily, it was an SUV and it sure was a lot easier to exit, otherwise I think she wouldn’t have managed to get me out. ☺ The valet took over the car and we proceeded to the lift lobby. I inserted my card into the card reader and seconds later, the lift pulled to a stop at the 56th storey. Liz half supported me and helped me towards my room. I had some difficulty inserting my card into the card slot and she took over that from me, and helped me into my room.

I staggered towards the bed, and in my semi stupor, dropped face down onto it as soon as it was close enough. Liz went into the washroom and returned with a wet face towel, and helped me wipe my face with the hot towel. It felt really good and suddenly I was very aware of this exquisitely beautiful woman in my room, helping me wipe my face. I pulled her towards me, and held her face with both my hands, holding her just inches from my face. She sat down by the edge of the bed and looked at my eyes intently; I could see the tenderness in her eyes and it was just too irresistible.

I reached for the remote, hit the play button of the multi media player and soon smooth jazzy tunes began to fill the room, emitting a romantic, sexy atmosphere.

I leaned forward, and I felt her soft lips for the second time. Note, we had held hands and hugged the entire day but we had not kissed each other the entire day no matter how unbearable it was to keep my lips away from hers. Her lips were soft and silky like tulip petals and they were simply too delicious to leave alone. I nibbled on them slowly, teasing her. She offered me her tongue but I didn’t want to accept it (yet), not just yet… when I was satisfied with the nibbling, I slowly circled her lips with my tongue, wetting her lips just enough to see her full glistening lips shine in the bedside light. She gave a soft moan and pressed her eyes tightly shut. That was so incredibly sexy, like she was in ecstasy and pain at the exact same time. My hands caressed her back and ravished in her silky hair. I pulled the hair clip that held her hair in place and her hair fell in one soft motion, emitting a wonderful fragrance like nothing I had ever smelt. (Of course after the heat of the moment, I do realize that that can be easily replicated by using the exact same Keratase shampoo and conditioner that Liz uses ☺)

I pulled her closer to me and laid her down gently onto the king-sized bed. The vulnerable look in her eyes told me that she was mine for the taking, and nothing could tear us apart, at least not for tonight. We kissed again, this time with more passion than the last, and I could hear a soft sexy moan escaping from her throat. I stroked the nape of her neck and my fingers lingered around her ear lobes. I turned her face around and started giving her little kisses on her neck, alternating between kissing and blowing gently till I reached her left ear. I nuzzled against her ear and she gave out a loud moan. I saw that as my cue to go on to her right ear, my lips traveled below her left jaw line, and I stayed a little longer than expected at her lips, giving her little gentle bites before I began roaming towards her right ear. Her breathing was noticeably heavier now and her breaths became shorter and more erratic. Her hands started moving, first from holding my head, down to my chest and gripped my forearms. It was as if she was afraid, afraid I might stop the delicious sensations that she was feeling. I took the cue again to move down to the cute little buttons of her polo shirt, unbutton each one as I continued my gentle administrations on her neck.

When all the buttons were undone, I slipped the polo shirt over her head, and I was greeted by a fantastic figure, she was very fair, ivory colored 34C breasts heaved up and down with her heavy breathing as she laid before me. Her bra was a magnificent pink color, almost virginal looking, with tiny delicate roses adorning the edge of her bra and bra straps. The cups were incredibly smooth, silk-like and looked like they were made of satin. Next, I unbuttoned the top of her slacks, and slowly slide them past her shapely hips.

Holy Jesus, beautiful perfectly matching panties!”, I thought to myself. I pulled the slacks off her ankles and admired her perfectly toned body. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on her body and she looked absolutely like a goddess in front of me. For a moment, I wanted to literally worship her perfectly sculptured body. Her underwear was not overtly sexy no sleazy, it was just the perfect balance of feminine beauty and elegance. She looked at me intensely, but she didn’t say a word. Instead, she started to slowly unbutton my polo shirt and my pants. She was very tender but there was a animalistic look in her eyes. Not wanting to look silly, I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my sock. (Yeah if you don’t know how silly that looks, try standing in front of the mirror with just your socks) Very soon, I was lying next to her in my boxers, with a very obvious tent sticking out at her.

She gave a little smile and pointed at my tent, “Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?

I retorted by unsnapping her bra, it was a front clasp and with my college experience, it came undone immediately under my fingers, allowing her nipples to come into contact with the cold air in the room. Her nipples were just the right size, neither too big nor small. (I hate huge nipples and even bigger areolas) They were standing erected and she gasped slightly at the sudden cold. I used my hands to slowly massage her breasts, kneading them slowly but firmly, with just the right amount pressure. She moaned again and closed her eyes, enjoying my attention to her beautiful peaks.

Three Peaks in a day, how about that, eh?” I couldn’t resist commenting ☺ She blushed slightly and gave a little smile. “Maybe we will see peaks of a more poetic kind tonight!” I winked at her.

Next I circled her breasts, kissing them all over, taking special care to avoid her nipples. I carried this on for a good minute, till she initiated by purposefully pushing her nipples in my direction. I avoided them again and I could tell she was becoming impatient. I stopped my administrations and waited. She opened her eyes suddenly and she hit me gently on the arm,

Baby, stop teasing me!

I resumed my attention on her breasts, but this time, I was more aggressive. I sucked in her left nipple, drawing a sharp inhalation of breath from her, following by a loud and long moan from her lips. I continued on, alternating between the left and the right nipple, watching her grimace with pain and pleasure. Satisfied with the attack on her breasts, I slowly moved my focus to her lower body. I slowly kissed my way down her flat ivory stomach, marveling at her cute little belly button, leaving a trail of sliver as I moved slowly towards my goal. Her panties were also tastefully decorated with the little roses, with the cutest little bow at the top of the panty, just below the belly button. My finger moved ahead of my lips, and slowly caressed her inner thighs, drawing a soft gasp from her lips. I could see a smudge of wetness where her pussy was, and upon further investigation from my middle finger, I was greeted by a broken dam. She was very wet. Her pubic region was neatly trimmed, revealing only a narrow line of pubic hair about 4 inches long and 1 inch wide. It looked clean and very very delicious. I couldn’t wait to taste her but I restrained myself. Wanting to tease her further, I used my teeth to slowly pull her panties down to her ankles, taking a moment to admire her smooth slim ankles as her panties slide past them. Moving back up, I took my first whiff of her pussy (Most brothers would think that after an entire day of sightseeing, it probably wouldn’t smell like roses, but the truth is – it didn’t smell bad, and trust me when I say it doesn’t smell bad cos I’m extremely anal when it comes to body odors). I slowly applied my tongue, and gently allowed my tongue to just have contact with her feminine crack. As I withdrew my tongue, I swear a line of her juice trailed from her crack, stuck on my tongue. She tasted heavenly. I slowly circled her clitoris, again taking care not to apply direct stimulation but limited to just her pussy lips. Liz was moaning like a bitch in heat now. Every time I went near her clit, she would tremble slightly and involuntarily move her pussy towards my face.
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hong kong, liz, scent of a woman

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