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Polls They say the stats never lie! Place your polls here and discover whether your behaviour and opinions are mainstream or on the fringes of extreme perversion.

View Poll Results: Would you accept an indecent proposal on your wife?
No! Never not even for a billion bucks 58 71.60%
Yes! Just pay for hotel room and cab fare 2 2.47%
Maybe if the price is right, say 10K 21 25.93%
Voters: 81. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 15-08-2004, 12:49 PM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by foolish_
On average, a person holding mgmt position in Sg companies earns between 60 to 80 k a year. Assuming its 70K a year, means he would have earned a million in 14.2857142857 years. What's so impossible of this?

Look around you and you will see that Sg is filled with Condos and Landed property. The prices of these housing range from $500K to $1 million and above. Assuming I took up a loan of 30 years. it means that 30 yrs later, I can sell it and have a tidy sum of $500K and above.

What's so hard to earn a million buck in Sg? Why do you keep having doubts? A person's incapability to attain something does not mean that thing is not achievable..........
Thanks Bro. Woohoo... I'm gonna be a millionaire!!!!
Old 16-08-2004, 08:32 AM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by thefirstname
Thanks Bro. Woohoo... I'm gonna be a millionaire!!!!
It really depends on your definition of a millionaire. If it means having a million bucks in your bank acct, than of course not many will be able to achieve that. However, if its about the ability to earn a million bucks (which is what this debate is about) than many ppl can.

But does having a million bucks really make us happier in life?.........
Nothing has changed much here
Old 16-08-2004, 10:38 AM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by foolish_
It really depends on your definition of a millionaire. If it means having a million bucks in your bank acct, than of course not many will be able to achieve that. However, if its about the ability to earn a million bucks (which is what this debate is about) than many ppl can.

But does having a million bucks really make us happier in life?.........
sure, but 10 mil or 100 mil will be better!
Old 16-08-2004, 04:52 PM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by Randi_Candi
sure, but 10 mil or 100 mil will be better!
Bro Candi, one of the greatest paradox of life is that most ppl work very hard to earn more $$$ becoz they think that will make them happy. However, many a times, the pursuit of happiness is what making them unhappy.

Nothing has changed much here
Old 16-08-2004, 06:22 PM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by foolish_
Bro Candi, one of the greatest paradox of life is that most ppl work very hard to earn more $$$ becoz they think that will make them happy. However, many a times, the pursuit of happiness is what making them unhappy.

Yep yep.....agreed.
I have read Robert Kiyosaki's book.
Still trying to find ways to let money work for me, rather than going into a money chase.
Old 20-08-2004, 03:43 AM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

One million like in the movie I will do it, provided my wife also agree!
Old 20-08-2004, 03:49 PM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by Randi_Candi
I have never been a 'hao siao' person.
Alot of people can make a million, even yourself

Since u read only what u see, let me put it in your light

If u make 2k a month and dun get a pay increase u would have made 1million in 39yrs including 13mth allowance.
If u make 5k a month and dun get a pay increase u would have made 1million in 15yrs including 13mth allowance.

If you had struck lottery or 4D big time, you can be a millionaire over.
So what is making a million?
I am sure u are smart enough to do your maths
Think the difference is not making a million but have a million
Old 19-09-2004, 11:56 AM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by CHEEBYFACE
Would you put your wife up to it? If so how much?

no way! never! not for a billion dollars! the relationship will never be the same after that. everytime you see her, you will see that guy's face. that's too much to handle!
Old 19-09-2004, 01:45 PM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by copulist
no way! never! not for a billion dollars! the relationship will never be the same after that. everytime you see her, you will see that guy's face. that's too much to handle!
well, thats exactly what i would say! hehe..
Old 20-09-2004, 11:27 AM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

not for all the money in the world. it's a question of ego and pride?!
Old 27-09-2004, 11:22 AM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by foolish_
On average, a person holding mgmt position in Sg companies earns between 60 to 80 k a year. Assuming its 70K a year, means he would have earned a million in 14.2857142857 years. What's so impossible of this?

Look around you and you will see that Sg is filled with Condos and Landed property. The prices of these housing range from $500K to $1 million and above. Assuming I took up a loan of 30 years. it means that 30 yrs later, I can sell it and have a tidy sum of $500K and above.

What's so hard to earn a million buck in Sg? Why do you keep having doubts? A person's incapability to attain something does not mean that thing is not achievable..........
From which economics school did you graduate from ??

A Millionaire is defined as someone who have a MILLION BUCKS in spare change stored somewhere.

You are not a MILLIONAIRE if you worked 14 years for it through your monthly pay. Bloody hell , in between you eat what ?? Grass ah ?? You are counting based on saving all your money without spending any. There are many of us who have worked for more than 14 years, and earned what you defined as our million , but have less than S$10K in our bank account.

Fixed assets such as housing should not be considered. If you sell your house, you are a MILLIONAIRE ... hoooray , then you live where, under a bridge ah ?
Old 27-09-2004, 11:37 AM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by Boobster72
From which economics school did you graduate from ??

A Millionaire is defined as someone who have a MILLION BUCKS in spare change stored somewhere.

You are not a MILLIONAIRE if you worked 14 years for it through your monthly pay. Bloody hell , in between you eat what ?? Grass ah ?? You are counting based on saving all your money without spending any. There are many of us who have worked for more than 14 years, and earned what you defined as our million , but have less than S$10K in our bank account.

Fixed assets such as housing should not be considered. If you sell your house, you are a MILLIONAIRE ... hoooray , then you live where, under a bridge ah ?
Yo!.....why get so heated up?
Did Brudda Foolish mentioned anything about millionaire?
We were talking about making a million in your life........

Don't jump the gun, stay cool.......

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Old 27-09-2004, 03:23 PM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by Randi_Candi
Yo!.....why get so heated up?
Did Brudda Foolish mentioned anything about millionaire?
We were talking about making a million in your life........

Don't jump the gun, stay cool.......
Precisely.. Making millions...

I thought men are good in making millions? Sperm of course.
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Many thanks for the above goodwill but please post and inform me so that I can do something about it.
Old 27-09-2004, 04:56 PM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

Originally Posted by Randi_Candi
Yo!.....why get so heated up?
Did Brudda Foolish mentioned anything about millionaire?
We were talking about making a million in your life........

Don't jump the gun, stay cool.......
Did it sound that bad ... apologies are in order I guess
Old 29-09-2004, 11:13 AM
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Re: Indecent Proposal

no way i can accept that. maybe other people can lah, but i am old fashsion type cannot accept such thing.
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