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Sexual Health Issues If you need medical advice regarding your sexual health, ask Dr Tan. We are honored to have an In House Doctor who is here to help.

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Old 01-10-2004, 12:42 PM
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

Originally Posted by hipi911
Recently, me also have this DRY skin problem, the skin on my balls also shreddin, and very itchy too. Worst, the skin at the end of the head(Not the head itself but the skin cover it) become so dry that when i pull back, it CRACK, painful, do u guys think it becos of the weather???
bro mebbe of the soap u using??
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Old 01-10-2004, 01:36 PM
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

Originally Posted by TheHappyMondays
Thanks for all the advises.
There are is no such word as "advises" as a noun. The correct word is "advice".
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Old 01-10-2004, 03:09 PM
emperor emperor is offline
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

While we are on the subject of the english language, I'd like to say that the state of english in Singapore is fast deteriorating. I really think it's all been a waste of money and time educating a population that can't seem to get educated. Neither good/proficient enough in mandarin nor english and generally unable to speak the national language - malay. Very, very SAD!
Old 01-10-2004, 04:25 PM
TheHappyMondays TheHappyMondays is offline
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

Now my point is +2. May I know who is the person who 'save' me? I will up your points. Thanks!
Old 01-10-2004, 05:54 PM
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

Originally Posted by TheHappyMondays
Now my point is +2. May I know who is the person who 'save' me? I will up your points. Thanks!
Based on the symptoms you describe and the fact that the symptoms are persistent, you might well have an HPV infection (genital wart virus).

Do a search on keywords "genital warts" in google or yahoo for more info.
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Old 05-10-2004, 02:19 PM
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

I also recently got this prob on the tip of my foreskin.
I can't seem to pull it back when it's erect without stretching and tearing it!
There will be little tears that bleed,
Doc saw it say confirm not STD, and that it's too dry.
Gave me cream.
I don't need cream it also cure,
but the problem is, everytime I pull back the skin it tears again! It's just too tight! I think I might need to go circumcise liao
Old 08-10-2004, 01:37 AM
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

Bro Krappy, I have EXACTLY the same case as u, 100% same!!! So at least we know it not STD, hehehe!! I think DRY is the answe, hopely as time pass it will cure by itself, but til now, everytime ok liao, than pull back tear again, knn. If u want go POTONG chio me along, hahaha
Old 11-10-2004, 11:59 AM
TheHappyMondays TheHappyMondays is offline
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

I visited the Doctor and checked for fungus infection. Came out negative. She said maybe some inflammation. She gave me some cream and solution to clean. She asks me to see her in three weeks time again.
Old 19-10-2004, 05:30 PM
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

I think circumcise is a possible permanent solution
Old 22-10-2004, 11:52 PM
AK47 AK47 is offline
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Smile Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

Originally Posted by Krappy
I also recently got this prob on the tip of my foreskin.
I can't seem to pull it back when it's erect without stretching and tearing it!
There will be little tears that bleed,
Doc saw it say confirm not STD, and that it's too dry.
Gave me cream.
I don't need cream it also cure,
but the problem is, everytime I pull back the skin it tears again! It's just too tight! I think I might need to go circumcise liao
Let me solve this for you. I had the same problem sometime back. The penis skin become flaky when contracted after an erection. It look serious and tends to tear off in layers. I though it will go away by itself, it never did. I went to see a doctor, a female one. She check and touch my penis and claim there's nothing wrong. I came to realised later that the extend of the problem can only become visable after a strong erection and quick contraction. When she check my penis it was in placid state, how to spot the problem? besides being a female she probably has lesser experience too.....

Believing her, i went home feeling relief thinking i must be too pananoid. No medication was given since she could not find any fault.

My skin continue to peel, till one day I saw blood appearing on the crack skin. It has tear so much that the tissue has no chance to repair itself thus the bleeding. This time I really worried. I went to see another doctor, this time a male one. He too said no big deal, no infection, dont worry. He gave me some cream to apply on the penis say its will help to lubricate the skin and maybe stop the peeling.

Guys, guess what, it works! after applying the cream for 2 days the problem went away.

So I hope my experience will help some bros here. I know the anxeity of not knowing what causes the problem on your most important organ can be very stressful. I gone through that and its torture.

By the way, all this start after i tore my penis foreskin (skin that cover penis) during a bbbj. It somehow spread to penis skin (bare skin) later.

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Old 23-10-2004, 01:03 AM
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

What's the cream that all you brothers have been using?

Old 08-11-2004, 03:45 AM
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

I finally going for circumcision, refer from poly clinic, then go SGH. Around $250+only. Can use Medisave. Just some info for the bros who thinking about it. Will go on Wed 10 Nov, will update on recovery and return to action!
Old 08-11-2004, 12:28 PM
TheHappyMondays TheHappyMondays is offline
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

Went earlier to DCS for follow up checkup. Got cleared by doctor. So everything ok now.
Old 15-11-2004, 08:23 AM
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

Originally Posted by TheHappyMondays
Went earlier to DCS for follow up checkup. Got cleared by doctor. So everything ok now.
your problem is part hygiene and part natural causes. you probably didnt keep it very clean probably after urinating or sex. it reacts to the natural film protection which every dick produces. so there is nothing to worry about except for hygiene.

had that problem a few years back and it took me 3 agonising weeks to decide to go to a doctor and he explained to me in full detail, of course with terms that i would have understood. wash your little bro well, especially after sex and if possible after your big and small businesses, with warm water and soap which contain slight antiseptic properties. cleanliness is the key...
Old 17-11-2004, 11:40 AM
TheHappyMondays TheHappyMondays is offline
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Re: White shredding of skin on penis head

Originally Posted by Vryce
your problem is part hygiene and part natural causes. you probably didnt keep it very clean probably after urinating or sex. it reacts to the natural film protection which every dick produces. so there is nothing to worry about except for hygiene.

had that problem a few years back and it took me 3 agonising weeks to decide to go to a doctor and he explained to me in full detail, of course with terms that i would have understood. wash your little bro well, especially after sex and if possible after your big and small businesses, with warm water and soap which contain slight antiseptic properties. cleanliness is the key...
Yes, cant agreed further.
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