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Old 11-10-2011, 11:02 AM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

Good start. More, please.
Old 11-10-2011, 09:05 PM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

keep the story cumming!!!
Old 11-10-2011, 09:08 PM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

waiting for the lecturer to conduct her 'lesson'
Old 11-10-2011, 10:15 PM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

waiting for more!
Old 12-10-2011, 12:20 AM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

One night, James was on the way back home on the bus, when he started recollecting the day's events in school, especially the class by Vivien. James swore he saw her white undergarment when she crisscrossed her legs while seated on the table. James was seated on the first row, when that happened. Vivien was wearing a tight skirt, which only help to outline her nice cute butt, and a white blouse. James only wished she could have unbutton more, so to provide a better view of her cleavage when she bent down in front of him while explaining some things to him at his desk. Oh, how he fantasizes to have a chance to pump her from behind, holding on to her slim waist, slapping hard on her butt cheeks...and squeezing her nice boobs as well. To James, Vivien was his utmost object of desire and fantasy. Even her looks are so captivating, with oval shaped face, sharp nose, perfect complexion and yet look so demure and intelligent.

The sound of the bus chime and the sight of his bus stop "awoken" James from his "recollection" and he prepared to alight the bus. It was already close to 11pm, much later than usual. He had gone to buy a camcorder to pursue his interest in movie making. He had just joined a filming interest group and had to convince his dad a long time to buy a camcorder for him. He can't wait to get started with his camcorder, and had fiddled with it during the bus journey. He hurried to keep the camcorder and rushed down to alight for the bus, before the bus moved off.

Right after he alighted, he saw a cab stopping not that far from him and out came Viven from the cab. She was still in the same nice skirt, and James couldn't help look at her gorgeous behind as she bent down to take her bag from the cab before closing the door. James picked up his pace trying to catch up with Vivien.

James : Hi Vivien, so late ?
Vivien : James !, yes had a dinner with my boyfried just now. U are late too ?
James : Went shopping..say don't ur boyfriend send you home ?
Vivien : Usually yes, but he had an urgent call and had to go off for a conf call, so I told him I would take a cab back.
James : Why does ur cab stop here ?
Vivien : I normally ask the cab to drop me at the block, but I am short of cash better not take the chance..wait no money to pay the uncle..

James and Vivien then continued to walk along the shortcut path back to their blocks. By then, the path is already quite deserted with no one in sight, except for occasional cars driving by from roads nearby. About halfway through the their walk, a group of 3 men suddenly appear in front of them. It startled both of them, and they quickly noticed that they are all brandishing knives. One of them is a Chinese, and the other two are dark, all don't look local, and smelled of alcohol.

The chinese guy : If you do not want to get hurt, follow us ! ..
Vivien : What do you want ? We..
but before she could complete her sentence, the chinese guy got hold of her and put up the knife to her throat " Listen again, if you do not want to get hurt, follow us !"
The two other guys had gotten hold of James as well who was too shocked to say or do anything. Vivien and James had no choice but to follow the 3 men out of the walk path and towards one of the construction site. It has a small opening along the fence, which they were forced to go through it.
( to be continued )
Old 12-10-2011, 10:08 AM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

Gang rape soon o.o
Old 12-10-2011, 11:34 AM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

Please continue.
Old 12-10-2011, 12:33 PM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

Bravo company, platoon 4, section 2, no 2 man reporting SIR!!
please update SIT Rep asap over!! ( seems juicy lol)
Old 12-10-2011, 01:10 PM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

go go go.....

sounds like Rape in the making
Old 16-10-2011, 01:03 PM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

Tent set up le...
Old 16-10-2011, 05:52 PM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

until now still no action

hope TS can carry on quickly
Old 16-10-2011, 06:01 PM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

Wow, Singapore also got this kind of things
Old 16-10-2011, 08:03 PM
joew2005 joew2005 is offline
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

whoa ... could it be james becum the hero & rescue vivian ??
Old 16-10-2011, 09:38 PM
bravo123 bravo123 is offline
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

Vivien was terrified, this can't be happening to her. It cannot be, this is Singapore. It's supposed to be the safest country on earth. How could this be ? At this juncture, she had no choice but to follow the orders. She is still being held by the Chinese man, and she may not feel it due to her fear, but this Chinese man was feeling up her body as he he put his arms around her waist, clutching her closely to him, as he hold on to the knife close to her face ensuring she could see it.
James on the other hand, had mixed feelings. He was initially shocked but had since calmed down and much more composed than Vivien for obvious reasons. He had nothing much to lose, except for some pocket money in his wallet and well, his new camcorder.
The had entered the construction site and into a store like room, something like a makeshift shelter for machineries. The site seemed deserted there was definitely no one else in this room. Lighting was soft, and it came from two bulbs hanging from the celing of the shelter. There was a metal table in the midde of the room.
"Raj, Teeju !, bring them to the table" ordered the chinese man. The chinese man is is likely in his mid forties, with a beer belly, balding and around 1.7m. The two dark complexion guys are likely foreign workers, from Bangla likely.
"What do you want " cried Vivien." If you want money, pls take my purse, and whatever is in there". "Raj, take their bags and see what they've got" barked the chinese man. As their bags were ransacked...."Ah Boon....see this, a new camera" ...." I see, what do you have here, a brand new camcorder ! ...interesting" ...Ah Boon walks towards the Raj and take over the cam corder, while still holding on to Viiven. Vivien dared not struggled, though Boon had kept his knive, she knows there's no way she could run away. Boon let her go and gestured to Viiven to move towards the table and instruct Teeju do let James go as well.
"Okay, we are after $$ but my or my, what a catch.....i've never seen such pretty lady here .....what a bonus we have" Ah Boon grinning as he look towards Vivien, then to both Teeju and Raj, clasping his hands.
"Hey, you can't do anything funny okay ....we will report this to police and u will be caught !" James retorted.
"Report to police ???!! ...haha, sure later okay ? "
Vivien had never felt so terrified in her life. She still couldn't believe this is happening, she's so close to her home..what can she do ?? she wondered. It's clear what the guys want....she suddenly fear got the better of her, panicked and started to run and screamed "help ! please somebody !! " Her earlier instinct was right, she didn't go far, Ah Boon ran towards her clasped her mouth, brought out his knive " This is my last warning, if you do such stupid thing again, I will cut thru your face with this knive, and u will never want to see yourself in the mirror again !, you got me "
Vivien nodded her head, sobbing.....Ah Boon pushed her back to the table, and Vivien collapsed to the floor. James went down to pick her up. James was helpless, he is mischevious perhaps, but no way he could ever do such thing to another human being. He wanted so much to fight, but he knows no way he can fight 3 men, and all bigger size than him. "I tell u what, why not i go home and get more money for you....u let us go , okay ?" pleaded James.
"Who is she to you my boy " Ah Boon asked. "She is my teacher......"
"ho ho, a student and his teacher ! " Ah Boon walked around in circles, comtemplating for a moment, and then turned to both James and Vivien, his hands still holding on to the camcorder.
"Please, let us know what do you want, but please let us go...please" Vivien pleading though she knows it will be of no use. Her mind is already playing tricks on her, as if trying to tell her to be mentally prepared to what would be happening soon. When she look at Ah Boon and the two foreign workers, she shook her head and is going to be raped by them ??.....she can't imagine this is happening....Raj and Teeju look like any bangla worker...thin, unkempt, shiny curly hair, and they were just standing still waiting for orders from Ah Boon.
"Why not we do this....I have great respect for teachers....I had wanted to strip you off right now and arghhh.....showing his face of ecstacy" Ah Boon muttering as he look at Vivien and James. "Hey u boy, show me how to use this camera !"...James went over and spend a good 2 mins instructing Ah Boon. "Wait...wait, Raj u come here and learn ! " Ah Boon then asked James to teach Raj".
" Ok my pretty lady, here's what we gonna do " Ah Boon walked towards Vivien, and put his face so close to Vivien, she could smell strong alcohol coming out from his mouth. " u choose, u want to serve us ...<arms gesturing to himself and the two bangla worker> ...or u want to serve him <gesturing to James> " " I don't understand..." Vivien sobbed.
" I will make this clear....this boy having such a gorgeous teacher, must have been fantasizing fucking you for a long time !! ...haha" " hey, <while pointing to James>, if you do not, there must be something wrong with you !! "
" So why not you my dear lady, ,put up a good show for us, entertain us, and we may consider letting u free ??"
James was stunned, but deep inside, he can't help but felt aroused, he was mixed about this, getting Vivien to "serve" him ? what do they mean ???
"You boy, move towards the lady..." Ah Boon barked. Vivien kept shaking her head. James moved closer to Vivien.
"Raj, are u ready with the camera ....?"
"yes boss" replied Raj.
James was thrilled, shaking, but thrilled and aroused. Vivien, on the other hand kept shaking her head. She was thinking, okay perhaps not the three men, but my student, still a shameful act ?? but there's no other way...perhaps that's all there will be, and they will be let go if they do a "show" ?? but how far should this go ? All these were running thru her mind.
Old 16-10-2011, 11:13 PM
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Re: Blackmailing of a lecturer

There was a real rape incident similar to this story in Whampoa area some years ago. Girl walking home along a path and drag off somewhere construction site and raped.
Can't recall the details.
TS didnt mention about the story being true did he??
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