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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 03-02-2005, 09:14 AM
simplyhorny simplyhorny is offline
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Originally Posted by Ice2005
Go along Tg road it is on the 2nd floor. The ground floor is a China bridal customue. In english is Relex & xxxxxxxx
Thanks for the info... Think I walk past it b4.... Thought it might be some healthy joint so didn't walk in. Should be near Xin Yue TN...
Old 03-02-2005, 02:43 PM
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Originally Posted by simplyhorny
Jia Lat liaoz... I literally combed the entire tanjong pagar/ duxton district starting from Maxwell all the way to Craig road but didn't see any Bai Xue TN.
Sg so hot, not winter, how to get bai xue...if you can find, must let me know ok, very long never ski liao
等时间过去 等现在的一切变成回忆
在某个夜里 我将站在海边大声喊你
曾有的悲喜 将会温暖也会刺痛我的心
就快看不到你的背影 分手就要成定局 我快要不能呼吸
能够相爱并不容易 无法想象没有你
那些洒满阳光日子里 那些眼泪和笑语 你真的已不在意
my love 轻轻的喊着你 曾经爱你 永远爱你
你已含着泪水转身而去 我还抱着盼望停留在原地
一段并不长的距离 爱却跨不过去 天空无语海无情
喔……对着你的背影轻声说 我爱你
Old 03-02-2005, 05:28 PM
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Originally Posted by Spursgetz
Sg so hot, not winter, how to get bai xue...if you can find, must let me know ok, very long never ski liao
Yup... I was thinking how come got this "Bai Xue" TN... Who knows they pour snow on your prick while jerking you till kingdom come... Talk about thinking out of the box... hehehehe...
Old 08-02-2005, 09:05 PM
phallusman phallusman is offline
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Originally Posted by Water Boy
two weeks ago, my bro and i decided to have a good massage. While went pass the corridor, saw a pretty gal "mei mei" so , follow her go up...

FR on MeiMei:
Looks : 7/10
Figure: 8/10
HJ: 7/10
BJ: She dun do it.
FJ: She dun do it.
boobs: C cup wif nice nipples
Damage: $38 for 1hrs + scurb $10, $40 HJ

* Will go next time
I had the same gal few day ago. Tend to concur with your ratings. But the boobs seems to tbe far too big for her slim figure - 100% sure it's a boob job, but a good one that feels nice, albeit a little bit on the firm side.

Ask her if we can arrange for a bonk in a hotel - yes, but asked for 200 bucks - wah lan eh - this type of ah lian look I will only pay 100 or 120 ++. Maybe, if its movie star look up to 150 bucks. At that kind of rate, she will have to wait longlong before someone would want to bonk her. Moreoever, there are at least 3 TN along the same row, plus another few in the vicinity and even more at TPP.
Life is about SEX and FOOD.

Old 08-02-2005, 11:43 PM
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Originally Posted by phallusman
I had the same gal few day ago. Tend to concur with your ratings. But the boobs seems to tbe far too big for her slim figure - 100% sure it's a boob job, but a good one that feels nice, albeit a little bit on the firm side.

Ask her if we can arrange for a bonk in a hotel - yes, but asked for 200 bucks, non bargainable - wah lan eh - this type of ah lian look I will only pay 100 or 120 ++. Maybe, if its movie star look up to 150 bucks. At that kind of rate, she will have to wait longlong before someone would want to bonk her. Moreoever, there are at least 3 TN along the same row, plus another few in the vicinity and even more at TPP.
Maybe, it is a matter of different expectations - she thinks that she can command that kind of price. At that rate, her Charlie Bravo would be mouldy (siecor) in no time instead of making big bucks. Well we all know the market price, unless there is someone very loaded. Those rich businessman would go for the sweet young thing with a movie star face liao.
Life is about SEX and FOOD.

Old 09-02-2005, 02:14 PM
zirpel zirpel is offline
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton
Hi bros, in this thread I gave a short review of the place.
Was heading in the direction again yesterday afternoon, however was told that I had to wait a while, couldnt be bothered and went to 73A, somewhat opposite. Dare not to recommend unless u into old PRC aunties with big nene.
Massage soso $36,- for one hour, HJ 40bugs
Old 14-04-2005, 09:05 PM
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Originally Posted by zirpel
Hi bros, in this thread I gave a short review of the place.
Was heading in the direction again yesterday afternoon, however was told that I had to wait a while, couldnt be bothered and went to 73A, somewhat opposite. Dare not to recommend unless u into old PRC aunties with big nene.
Massage soso $36,- for one hour, HJ 40bugs

For those that like bai xue, these are some useful info:

Rong Rong, plump but sexy body, great skins, usually in skirts
Xiao Yu, good body but face skin not so smooth, usually in skirts
Tong Tong, chubby, but with great skin, usually in skirts
Peony, chubby and very enjoyable feminine talker
Old 15-04-2005, 01:54 AM
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

wah.. another joint near my workplace to test.. hehee
still wondering if it's along duxton or tg pagar rd?
i'm beginning to to like tajong pagar area more and more..
afternoon horny got tsing dao.. then nite time got san miguel.. *slurps*
Old 16-04-2005, 01:42 PM
2dv8 2dv8 is offline
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Tried this place abt a week ago... ot so left office around 9.30 feeling sore in the neck and shoulder blades region.

After paying the much better looking recep, I was shown to a room by a pdmm, face okay but the body is good.. after a good shower, she gave a good massage cos I requested a hard one, concentrating on the shoulders, back and neck.

Durin massage, tcss alot... told me abt china, how to find service etc.. I almost fell asleep cos her massage skill good. Din bother to autoroam cos was really tired and had no urge to do so.

But by end of session, she told me to sit up and did some nerves pointing down my spine, and feeling came. She saw the rod and laugh and asked if I need help. so I said yes.. and it was the perfect shot to end the night.

Name: xiao yi [little rain]
Massage skills: 7.8/10
Damage: 38 + 20.. [she said I could pay anything i wan]
Old 20-04-2005, 09:15 AM
laurakeets laurakeets is offline
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Tried this outlet. Had Tong Tong.
Opt for 2 hours; Just wanted a good scrub and massage after a long and tiring day.
I got really good scrub and a damn good massage !
Her touch was sensuous around the didi area during the scrub and the massage. Both occassion .... steam
She smile and asked if I wanted help. I was rather tired so both times I declined.
Despite that, she continue to give me a good massage and we tcss throughout. She gave no indication of frustration nor black face.
Massage skills solid !
Excellent service. Worth the time and money.
Old 30-04-2005, 09:59 AM
dennisbkp dennisbkp is offline
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Originally Posted by phallusman
I had the same gal few day ago. Tend to concur with your ratings. But the boobs seems to tbe far too big for her slim figure - 100% sure it's a boob job, but a good one that feels nice, albeit a little bit on the firm side.

Ask her if we can arrange for a bonk in a hotel - yes, but asked for 200 bucks - wah lan eh - this type of ah lian look I will only pay 100 or 120 ++. Maybe, if its movie star look up to 150 bucks. At that kind of rate, she will have to wait longlong before someone would want to bonk her. Moreoever, there are at least 3 TN along the same row, plus another few in the vicinity and even more at TPP.
Does any bro knows where is Mei Mei now? I kind of miss her leh. Heard that she had gone back to China (told by her colleague), but i also heard that she had moved to another TN shop (told by another colleague)? Can any bro confirm which is true? Pls PM me her present location. Thanks
Old 30-04-2005, 03:56 PM
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

went to Xin Yuan at Tanjong Pagar (in front of a bus stop) 2 weeks ago..

saw a young plump gal at the recept...

din thk much of it, and saw around 2-3 gals (in their 30s) sitting on the couch playing cards...

went to a room, and stripped down to undies...

horrors of horrors wen the fat recept came in to do d massage...

good strong massage which i like but the face cant make it....

claimed to be 21 years old, called yuan yuan (round round), and she look happy wen pay her 30 for hj..

i like the atmosphere n would like to go back again but the only stopping me is the fear of getting d fat gal again...
Old 30-04-2005, 04:58 PM
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Mei Mei has indeed gone back to China.
She is not back.
Got a SMS from her recently.
Say she will be back after settling some matters in China.
No exact date though.
She promise to call when she's back.
Old 01-05-2005, 01:38 AM
dennisbkp dennisbkp is offline
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Originally Posted by lexus69
Mei Mei has indeed gone back to China.
She is not back.
Got a SMS from her recently.
Say she will be back after settling some matters in China.
No exact date though.
She promise to call when she's back.
Hi bro lexus69,
Thanks for your info.
Old 08-05-2005, 04:28 AM
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Re: New TN "BAI XUE" at 86A Tanjong Pager or Duxton

Went to Bai Xue at Tanjong Pagar about a month ago. The reason why posting FR so late is because I just registered and finally decided to contribute to the forum I benefitted so much from...

The environment in this joint is quite good. Nice clean and big rooms with soft music playing from a mini-compo. Tried a girl called Bai Xue(said she took the name as she liked the name of the shop). Her tits were huge, at least a C or C+. Quite lao chio also, maybe in her mid 30s. Massage was good as there was a certain rhythm to it and it was quite soothing. Was low on Vit M and also wanting to try her out first, opted for a HJ. She tried to avoid me when I wanted to pull down her tops and bra. She did not do it in a defiant way though, but more in a cheeky and playful way. Think she would make it more fun when she played hard to get. I got my way in the end. Shot my load in 10 mins while squeezing her huge tits. Her HJ technique was nice and gentle, though I had to slow her down a few times as I was cumming...

Face: 7/10
Body:7/10 (Tits deserve 8/10)
HJ: 7/10
Damage: $38 + $40
RTF:Likely, maybe this week!

Hope this helps...

PS: Been trying to be more active in this forum rather then being a guest all the time. Do up my pts if you think my FR is helpful. Though it's about a month ago. Realised I can't really do much in this forum without some reputation
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