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Old 26-02-2005, 12:04 PM
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Post Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?


Old 26-02-2005, 12:10 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

it's natural birth for my kid, as you shld know, the vagina is consists of several muscles that can be expand and doubt my wifey feel the pain when my kid head pop out, the sewing is to sew back any tear of the vagina wall during birth.

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Old 26-02-2005, 12:18 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by Rof|maoxz
I think working + family chores somehow affecting married life man.
I have a friend whose marriage nearly broke down due to work + family stresses. He was lucky that he got help and managed to get his life back on track after speaking to a Counselor. The cause of the breakdon...lack of communication between the two of them as they were not mentallyrepared for the responsibilities that come with marriage life.

Originally Posted by stephenL
we still do it 4 x per week even though i'm tired, but it boost up the system.
Good for u bro! having a healthy sex life after marriage is the essence to further cementing the roots of marriage.
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Old 26-02-2005, 12:26 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Yes, bro sunny302, marriage life is not a bed of roses for the wifey's a torny path ahead....(rose is with torn) lot's of sacrified and time management, many couples had jump into it thinking that it is a very blissfull life, but after the kids come along, your life change...for better or worst it's all depend on how you managed your marriage life.
I have seen a few marriage that broke down due to fault of both parties, the hubby goes cheonging and left the wifey at home, wifey found out and cold war communication, only sms thru hp...sighz...and they end up divorced..worst, hubby accused wifey having affairs cos she used to work late..that's not for us to discuss.

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Old 26-02-2005, 12:41 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by john teo
Brother, I was there also!! Is't it a must to sew when its a natural birth.???
I saw doctor snip to enable baby to come out and stitch the cut!
Is Bro Cheri referring to another Stitching to tighten the vagina??
Well according to what I know, the "sewing" is not bcos of snipping to enable to allwo the baby to come out but to retighten the vigina!

Although it is sewed back, it was not as tight as it use to be!
Old 26-02-2005, 12:50 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

after the kids come along, your life change...for better or worst it's all depend on how you managed your marriage life.
I have seen a few marriage that broke down due to fault of both parties, the hubby goes cheonging and left the wifey at home, wifey found out and cold war communication, only sms thru hp...sighz...and they end up divorced..worst, hubby accused wifey having affairs cos she used to work late..that's not for us to discuss.[/QUOTE]
It is happening to me now but only stage two but have not reach stage three yet. . i think i talk more to the maid than my wife. Ever since the arrival of the two boys four months ago, i have had three times only ?
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Old 26-02-2005, 01:00 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by sunny302
From my own experience after 20+ yrs of marriage, I believe Communication in the key here as its the essence to bonding a solid relationship; be it b4 or after marriage.

When two ppl share a common wavelength and talk to one another, many things can it sex or any other problems that one may have in their daily life. Cheers!
yesss....rise my hands & legs to agree on what you say....communication is very will lead to trust & believing....both party will know what their daily needs....communicaton make wonders...
Old 26-02-2005, 01:23 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by Bangkok Master
Definately man! My gf is expecting our first child and she's about 5 months pregant and we had not had sex for the last 3 months due to the fact that she heard from someone mentioning that it might affect the head of the baby. So I "lan lan" never got to bonk her for the last 3 months, luckily she knows that I'm a high sex drive person so she allows me to go for commercial sex and I proceed to acquired a "KIG"(affair) but subsequently broke off the relationship cos I felt damm bloody guilty for that and now I have to content to "PCC".

I really agreed that once your lady is pregant, she will gradually lose interest in sex and all she is concern is about the child and hence neglecting the "sex part". So a lot of men will take it as an excuse to flirt outside but I must say that we men have ourselves to blame for the "CHAO CHU"(ti ko).

I agree w u hands down. My wife giving birth soon. I have not touch her for abt 7mth!!!!!!! overall during her pregancy, we do it only 3 times!!!!!!!!!!!! most of the time is i pcc while reading the forum. I cannot imagine what my sex life will be after givin birth
Old 26-02-2005, 02:11 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by ahbengsony
Ever since the arrival of the two boys four months ago, i have had three times only ?
Bro...don't be sad....just try to have better com wif the misses and I'm sure she will recriprocate wif time..cheers
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Old 26-02-2005, 02:27 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by kingcopa
I cannot imagine what my sex life will be after givin birth
Bro kingcopa,

Just make sure u take care of the missses as woman tends to go into depression after her delivery(post-natal blues). Wif u supporting & understanding her needs during this crucial period,I'm sure your marriage life will improve further & move into another milestone...cheers
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Old 26-02-2005, 05:28 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Yes, u guys had to go on night shift after she had give birth....let her rest and you do the feeding and changing of diapers for the newborn. That's wat i do when my wifey is on confinement..but real tired as you know u had to get up in the middle of the night to feed baby...change diapers....and next day you had to work in the office hours..But it is worth it as my daughter is abt 5 yrs now and i see the result of bringing her up...there's no replacement for bringing up a child....

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Old 26-02-2005, 07:17 PM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by Cheri_Popper
Well, I am married with 2 kids between the age of 6-8. Both of them sleep in the same room as me & wifey citing "afraid of the dark" reason!

What I will do is that sometimes I sneaked back from the office in the afternoon to have a "quickie" as both my kids then are in school!

If not, wait till they are sound asleep before doing "it" in the bathroom!
I am married with a boy 8 years old now and he squeeze in between my wifey and I on the queen size bed, citing the same reason "afraid of dark". When he is sound asleep, we will try different stunts as quietly as we can .......
Old 27-02-2005, 03:38 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

When my son was born in Phayao, I wasn't there as I was working. But when I was there and saw my son, who was then 7 days old, I swear to God he was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my whole damn life.

While he was an infant, sex with my wife was not a problem since my stepson slept with his grandmother in the other room and my son doesn’t cry in the night. But when my mother in law passed away, my 2 sons now sleep in the same room as us, with my younger son (5 years old) in between me and my wife, while my elder son (10 years old) sleeps on the floor.

We couldn't really make love in the night while both of them are sleeping as the movements and sound would probably wake them up and I sure won't want them to see me and my wife in a 69 position. This situation is now actually a blessing in disguise for us and in fact our love-making sessions have even improved.

Since my working hours is control by me, I now have love-making sessions with my wife in the mornings or afternoons about 2 to 3 times a week whenever I’m in Hatyai (I traveled out often). After sending my 2 sons to school, my wife and I would go for breakfast together since it’s more economical than cooking at home. Back at home, we would take our bath together and of course during bath, there’s always foreplay. We would then proceed to the bed and without any interruption, can enjoy ourselves for a couple of hours, thereafter, just relax together lying in bed.

On those days when we are not making love and I am free in the morning, we would spend lying on the couch together watching VCDs which will be about 2 hours too. So I can really say that for me, having kids has actually improved our sex live together.

Only one potential problem has arises,… that is my wife has just discovered that she’s pregnant again and is having morning sickness, kekeke

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Old 27-02-2005, 04:03 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
Only one potential problem has arises,… that is my wife has just discovered that she’s pregnant again and is having morning sickness, kekeke

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bro TV, congra for a happy problem afterall...
Old 27-02-2005, 10:10 AM
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Re: Does Having Kids Affect Your Sex Life With Your Spouse?

Originally Posted by wankmehappy
bro TV, congra for a happy problem afterall...
Actually was "trying" for the past few months as my "master" advised me to have a family nucleus of 5 members which is the ideal for harmony.

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