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Old 30-04-2013, 07:34 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Originally Posted by ningcaichen View Post
last time, i hang around FL dome everyday for the best deal in town and go through the FRs carefully....there was only one FL dome long ago...later they split into 2 to 3...only the original FL Dome 1 was totally infested with OKT threads then...sometimes later all the FL dome sections are under OKT which leave me to no choice but to venture into other sections like Health centre for there also gone case i stay in discussion chit chat only....
It's great , the OKT has kill their own business . Now all my friends and colleagues want only to goes oversea for service.
Old 30-04-2013, 10:04 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

ever since they put out contact out for everyone to see.. i know the true FRs will drop after sometimes... because no one will write true FRs to get reputation to gain more contacts from TS...
Old 30-04-2013, 10:10 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Actually last time I didn't know they can delete FRs. Was always wondering why one FR also don't have. Now I know ler. I realize that OKT even changed the descriptions of the service after deleted my FR! I think need to strike off this OKT and never try his girls anymore. Maybe sticking to girls with most FRs would be safer.
Old 01-05-2013, 12:49 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

I agree that the "HC massage and KTV" section are too messy like the FL section.

Most importantly, it lose the real information sharing that make SBF popular from days at delphi. I was zapped because of a seemingly unfavourable FR before too.

Maybe the boss can come out with a rating system for the OKTs.
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Old 01-05-2013, 01:07 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

It is better to self-hunt than to search thru dome here...

U can at least look at the quality n nego with the price. there are so many girls in geylang for u to choose rather than looking at the pics here.
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Old 01-05-2013, 01:21 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Do agree.. The forums were good source of info last time.. Reliable as they were contributed by bros here. Now, can't determine.. Unless the gal has many positive FRs, then maybe worth to try.... Big Boss Sam must think why this site is popular... It's because bros can get reliable info.. If users start to lose interest due to no truthful Frs.. The OKts have no one to advertise to also... Cheers....
Happy new year to all bros..
Old 01-05-2013, 01:45 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Originally Posted by jack_daniels View Post
Just ranting.
OKTs cannot delete FRs. They don't have such privileges.

I set up this site more than 10 years ago to exchange information about legal whores and Health Centre chicks. I never wanted freelancers to crash the scene.

However, as the site grew, I simply could not keep them out. There was so much spam I gave up trying. I spent hours daily trying to remove FL ads.

I finally decided that if I couldn't beat them, I'd have to join the party so I created the FL section and subcontracted it out for someone else to run.

The money I collect is used to run the forum. Without it, I wouldn't be able to keep this site going for so long.

The mod is in charge of keeping order and his job is next to impossible to do well. When negative FRs appear, the OKT concerned will claim that it is posted by a competitor trying to sabotage his business and he will request the mod to remove the "sabo" FR. There is no way to verify such claims unless someone is appointed to fuck every single girl who is featured and come up with an independent report card which is then verified by another team to ensure there is no bias. [This would be a great job to start off with but I can bet my last dollar that after a while, the review team would be bought over by the OKT with the deepest pockets and the issue of biased reporting would surface all over again.]

If you want my honest advice, it would be to stick to the legal houses. However, I have to keep in mind that without adverts, the site would shut down as the traffic has grown to the point where it costs thousands of dollars monthly to run.

As the saying goes, it is best not to try to break anyone's rice bowl so I guess the best attitude to adopt is that if there is nothing good to say, it would be best to say nothing.

Remember sammyboy is much more than just a site full of whore ads. If it was, it would never have grown so popular. It's a place where people talk about sex, their love lives, their marriages, their heart aches, their fetishes and their fears.

Gangbangs have been arranged from this site. Sugar daddies have been netted and so have suger mummies.

Treat this place as a sex site and not just a whore mart and you won't be disappointed.

Happy May day.
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Old 01-05-2013, 03:00 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
OKTs cannot delete FRs. They don't have such privileges.

I set up this site more than 10 years ago to exchange information about legal whores and Health Centre chicks. I never wanted freelancers to crash the scene.

However, as the site grew, I simply could not keep them out. There was so much spam I gave up trying. I spent hours daily trying to remove FL ads.

I finally decided that if I couldn't beat them, I'd have to join the party so I created the FL section and subcontracted it out for someone else to run.

The money I collect is used to run the forum. Without it, I wouldn't be able to keep this site going for so long.

The mod is in charge of keeping order and his job is next to impossible to do well. When negative FRs appear, the OKT concerned will claim that it is posted by a competitor trying to sabotage his business and he will request the mod to remove the "sabo" FR. There is no way to verify such claims unless someone is appointed to fuck every single girl who is featured and come up with an independent report card which is then verified by another team to ensure there is no bias. [This would be a great job to start off with but I can bet my last dollar that after a while, the review team would be bought over by the OKT with the deepest pockets and the issue of biased reporting would surface all over again.]

If you want my honest advice, it would be to stick to the legal houses. However, I have to keep in mind that without adverts, the site would shut down as the traffic has grown to the point where it costs thousands of dollars monthly to run.

As the saying goes, it is best not to try to break anyone's rice bowl so I guess the best attitude to adopt is that if there is nothing good to say, it would be best to say nothing.

Remember sammyboy is much more than just a site full of whore ads. If it was, it would never have grown so popular. It's a place where people talk about sex, their love lives, their marriages, their heart aches, their fetishes and their fears.

Gangbangs have been arranged from this site. Sugar daddies have been netted and so have suger mummies.

Treat this place as a sex site and not just a whore mart and you won't be disappointed.

Happy May day.
Well said boss!
Old 01-05-2013, 06:44 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

If that is the case, since the FL sections is dominated by the OKTs who have a commercial interest in censorship, you might consider to earmark a section or thread where normal bros can complain without having their posts removed. The only repercussions they should face is having their points removed. No matter how many sabo cases, I am sure the brothers here are smart enough to discern.

To the OKTs, they must also understand that if a gal sounds too perfect, bros here no matter how horny will be suspicious. Having negative frs is also a way to gain feedback and get ur gals to provide better service. If ur gal is good u shld not need to worry abt other competitors tearing you down.

To boss sammyboy

And it's kinda ironic isn't it, when you allow your sub moderator to censor and suppress unfavorable reviews in other to keep the site profitable when sammyboy itself faces persecution and censorship from the local authorities and Gahmen control ISPs.

This site is a business whether you like it or not and I am sure the brothers here will appreciate your efforts and the silent majority will understand. This is a forum where people are expected to say things, whether good or bad. And you of all people would know that the bad and controversial things draw the most traffic and people as well. Unfortunately, what I am hearing is "you can break other people rice bowls" just don't break keep the order as it is cos as long as the ad dollars come in, I don't mind suppressing your views becos this is my site and I can do as I please.
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Old 01-05-2013, 07:33 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

I absolutely agree with everything Boss says; makes perfect sense actually. After all, isn't the Forum for sharing in the first place, with interactive exchange of thoughts, experiences, ideas....and so much more
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Old 01-05-2013, 08:46 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Think the way now is if u visit a section, and if there are too many OKT advertisement, then future dun visit that section lor... now FL 1, 2, 3 all occupied by lots of OKTs advertisement, now the Health Centre section oso start to hv, hopefully the other section, esp this Adults Discussion section will not be "invaded" by OKTs advertisement... nowsaday, everytime i log in to this forum. I will only come to this section.. a good section for discussion on sex related stuff.
Old 01-05-2013, 09:00 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

I found out the hard way that good and positive FR that stayed displayed on the post are writen by OKT's own people. Very well writen and all the points they bring up are what bros here looking for. (Playing on emotions?)

I believe the writer nv even met the girl. If you read carefully some sentences in the so called "FR" are just copy and paste job.

Some popular words they use are:
- Super GFE (target those who are looking for girlfriend feeling)
- Pleaser (for those who are purely for sexisfaction)
- Let me warn you she is super .... (for those who alr played until sian, looking for something new)

To the bunch of writers it's just a writing job, no emotion attached. Just like lawyers handling divorce cases every day.
Old 01-05-2013, 09:18 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

I think its a great forum n cant imagine life without it. Sure its not perfect but it sure beats a hell of a lot of other forum n nothing comes close!
Old 01-05-2013, 09:45 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

first of all, i want to say that SBF is still a great forum! my comments below are specific to the FL Domes.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
OKTs cannot delete FRs. They don't have such privileges.
Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
The mod is in charge of keeping order and his job is next to impossible to do well. When negative FRs appear, the OKT concerned will claim that it is posted by a competitor trying to sabotage his business and he will request the mod to remove the "sabo" FR.
boss, OKTs don't have such privileges but they have very obedient mods. same same lah

as suggested by bro IwantbustyKim, please allow some sections or threads where normal bros can complain without having their posts removed

Note: FRs are just references. 1 is an Example, 2 is a Coincidence, 3 is a Trend. Most importantly, one man's meat could be another man's poison. Therefore, do you trust the men who posted the FRs?

Old 01-05-2013, 09:48 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

what happen?? She look so pretty
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