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Old 28-10-2013, 10:33 AM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Originally Posted by acidicavex View Post
Ya sis Maybe he need stopper to plug the hole hmm wait Maybe to plug his..... we will nv know.
the guy uses buttplug??? LOL
Old 28-10-2013, 10:35 AM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Originally Posted by WOOHOO View Post
the guy uses buttplug??? LOL
Well that what I can think of for his need to ask gf n parents.
sent me an angel with a pair of lovely legs in hosiery
Old 28-10-2013, 10:57 AM
Michelle8484 Michelle8484 is offline
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Hi all thanks for reply actually I haven met him yet, this is what he said

Him: at least I dun lie to my gf
Him: if u cannot accept it so be it
Him: i can easily find anther girl

Anyway before I was approach by him got 1 person did warned be about this certain sugardaddy acting like a casino high roller, the person even gave me the last 4 digit of the guys number 6132 which at first I ignore thinking wont so lucky that guy contact me to be his sugarbaby end up really did. I find the number familiar so I tally it and it matches maybe I am wrong but he is really 1 funny and weird guy.
Old 28-10-2013, 11:24 AM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Originally Posted by lglg666 View Post
Have already returned your favor with thanks....cheers
Thank you, lglg666!!!


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Old 28-10-2013, 12:34 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Originally Posted by Michelle8484 View Post
Hi all thanks for reply actually I haven met him yet, this is what he said

Him: at least I dun lie to my gf
Him: if u cannot accept it so be it
Him: i can easily find anther girl
Haha! Point 2, you know definitely he is bs wan!
How can you 'not accept'? No reason why that would be the case.
If he wants to tell his whole family, nothing u can do right?

Anyway, I notice Singapore got a lot of weird weird ppl like this.
So, Im not surprised If he really go ask his gf.

On your part, if you want 2 do what u are doing, you should be smarter a bit.
These kinds are BS wan. Juz like gals who want the money transferred to WU first. Or the gal ask the guy to show cock n face on internet cam! Haha
dont pm about xchanging pts!
Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views.
Old 28-10-2013, 01:38 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Originally Posted by Michelle8484 View Post
Him: at least I dun lie to my gf
So is he implying that you are lying to your bf, even if you have one. Well that none of his biz. Or he is just so hen pecked. Gf only simi lj also must report, become his wife lagi jialat. Go shit must summit application form. If she did not approve, he really lan lan need to use butt plug liao.
Originally Posted by Michelle8484 View Post
Him: if u cannot accept it so be it
The standard old trick. That can only worked on those SBs that left on the shelf too long. If u are those eye candies, forgetting that 1 funny weird guy is going to be a good choice made.
Originally Posted by Michelle8484 View Post
Him: i can easily find anther girl
By all means ask him to find another girl. If he come back begging for you, dun hesitate to increase your asking. If he ask why, tell him last time that price you think not worthy, now you come back to me thus proving i am more than worthy of the initial asking. It is only fair for you to increase to cover for bad call he made earlier.
Old 28-10-2013, 01:45 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Originally Posted by Michelle8484 View Post
Hi all thanks for reply actually I haven met him yet, this is what he said
Haha, this is really funnie stuff.

The SB/SD thing should be a discreet rs, first time me hearing must seek gf approval, next u may have request to meet parents.

Good luck!
Old 28-10-2013, 01:45 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Sorry just feel like asking a few more question encounter another guy again this time here goes the details.

Basically we have agreed on everything including meeting up this coming wed but suddenly he text me this

Him: I am curious.. you contacted so many SD
Him: why need to do that if you confirm to meet me

Me: ?
Me: what do you mean

Him: I'm not into a girl who flirt ard with so many SD

Me: How u know i contacted many sd show prove?
Me: I only gave my number to 2 forum members once of them is you, another is the guy who ask me to talk to his girlfriend. Please show prove if you wish to blame me for something which is not true.

Him: No need to, I dun need to explain. I am serious

Me: I am serious too

Him: But if you not let me know

Me: you are the one keep on insisting there is something, seriously lets just call it off since you are such paranoid about stuffs. Did you even pay me yet? No!! then what is even the issue about the flirt thing. Plus I did not flirt around also you can ask around.

Him: Do you need to ask the whole world about ur curiousity?

Me: I am asking about another guy not even talking about you?

Him: I did, Different people give different opinion

Me: what does it got to do with you anyway ?Ok is enough lets just call it off

Him: Which u think suits u, up to u your choice
Him: you seem not sincere at all
Him: want to be discreet but open to whole SB

Me: Stop spamming I will post about you.

Him: I'm really disappointed

Me: You are talking no sense seriously I dun think I can get you.
Me:no wonder your previous SB run away. Your emotion is too much for a lady to handle.

Him: If you do then you are not fair. I told u..

Me: Lucky I did not commit to a guy like you.

Him: me too, If i never read yr latest posting, I would have not know.
Him: If you post.. I'll post yr number too ( which sentence did I said I will post about your number? )
Him: but yr actions is too much, threatening me for no reason.
Him: dun judge abt my previous SB.. she is just a bitch who cheated other ppl. What's around comes ard. (Me thinking " glad that you know dun judge then why you keep judge me with her when we about to start? saying she cheat you so means I will cheat you too? now you know how to say dun judge" )

Me: Post my number is fine I am single I dun really care.

Him: I am not like you think, post others, i do if ppl do to me, i do not spoil other ppl rice bowl, not my principle.

Him: if my sd treats me well , I'll respect her
Him: I'm sorry if we start on the wrong foot, never in my mind to decive anyone, not hurt you.

So morale of it he was pissed that I posted about the first guy asking me to talk to his gf, and he saying that I am flirting.

Please be judge how to handle this type of guy !
Old 28-10-2013, 02:04 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

/ignore... dun need to be so upset.
If its not right, moved on...
Old 28-10-2013, 02:05 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Wahahah. You are also quite fierce hor. Anyway you din identify who the person. Any damage done on those SDs, I dun think so. But not really everything can post out one, unless they crossed your line. Just ignored him ba.

However if you meet the third guy and still having issues. I suggest that you might have to reconsider to do self reviewing. Good luck in your search.
Old 28-10-2013, 02:08 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Originally Posted by <<totally>> View Post
Wahahah. You are also quite fierce hor. Anyway you din identify who the person. Any damage done on those SDs, I dun think so. But not really everything can post out one, unless they crossed your line. Just ignored him ba.

However if you meet the third guy and still having issues. I suggest that you might have to reconsider to do self reviewing. Good luck in your search.
say me till like this I quite simple lady leh but as you can see all I posted is true de, they out of nowhere when meeting confirm suddenly got some funny message de leh.
Old 28-10-2013, 02:08 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Originally Posted by iwc282 View Post
/ignore... dun need to be so upset.
If its not right, moved on...
Hi saw your thread about the SB very keen but too bad I am A cupper
Old 28-10-2013, 03:08 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Originally Posted by Michelle8484 View Post
Sorry just feel like asking a few more question encounter another guy again this time here goes the details.

Basically we have agreed on everything including meeting up this coming wed but suddenly he text me this

Him: I am curious.. you contacted so many SD
Him: why need to do that if you confirm to meet me

Me: ?
Me: what do you mean

Him: I'm not into a girl who flirt ard with so many SD

Me: How u know i contacted many sd show prove?
Me: I only gave my number to 2 forum members once of them is you, another is the guy who ask me to talk to his girlfriend. Please show prove if you wish to blame me for something which is not true.

Him: No need to, I dun need to explain. I am serious

Me: I am serious too

Him: But if you not let me know

Me: you are the one keep on insisting there is something, seriously lets just call it off since you are such paranoid about stuffs. Did you even pay me yet? No!! then what is even the issue about the flirt thing. Plus I did not flirt around also you can ask around.

Him: Do you need to ask the whole world about ur curiousity?

Me: I am asking about another guy not even talking about you?

Him: I did, Different people give different opinion

Me: what does it got to do with you anyway ?Ok is enough lets just call it off

Him: Which u think suits u, up to u your choice
Him: you seem not sincere at all
Him: want to be discreet but open to whole SB

Me: Stop spamming I will post about you.

Him: I'm really disappointed

Me: You are talking no sense seriously I dun think I can get you.
Me:no wonder your previous SB run away. Your emotion is too much for a lady to handle.

Him: If you do then you are not fair. I told u..

Me: Lucky I did not commit to a guy like you.

Him: me too, If i never read yr latest posting, I would have not know.
Him: If you post.. I'll post yr number too ( which sentence did I said I will post about your number? )
Him: but yr actions is too much, threatening me for no reason.
Him: dun judge abt my previous SB.. she is just a bitch who cheated other ppl. What's around comes ard. (Me thinking " glad that you know dun judge then why you keep judge me with her when we about to start? saying she cheat you so means I will cheat you too? now you know how to say dun judge" )

Me: Post my number is fine I am single I dun really care.

Him: I am not like you think, post others, i do if ppl do to me, i do not spoil other ppl rice bowl, not my principle.

Him: if my sd treats me well , I'll respect her
Him: I'm sorry if we start on the wrong foot, never in my mind to decive anyone, not hurt you.

So morale of it he was pissed that I posted about the first guy asking me to talk to his gf, and he saying that I am flirting.

Please be judge how to handle this type of guy !

he just playing with you.
ignore him.
Old 28-10-2013, 03:45 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

Probably the second guy think u r already his gf or partner! Trying to control u, if u r really his sb, probably he will control who u mix with and who r ur friends too!

But well sbf is a interesting forum with lot of werido ppl!

Gd luck in searching for ur sd!
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 28-10-2013, 03:49 PM
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Re: A very curious question please help thanks.

hmmmm this thread gives me an impression of a continuation of this thread
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