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Old 17-11-2013, 02:03 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by BMW69 View Post
You're completely wrong you know.

1. Just because a guy is on this forum doesn't mean that he looks for fl or casual sex. Some people are here just to read and look at the picture exchange thread. Flirting doesn't mean casual sex.

2. Why won't the guy always be there for TS just because he's in this forum? Can't you be in this forum and stay faithful to your gf? If you can't, shame on you. Again, flirting doesn't mean he'll stray.

3. What if he's in the forum but has rarely posted anything in the past? What past baggage are you taking about. Maybe he's flirting in the chatroom

If you're here to start a fight, I suggest you scram
Well, this is a open forum isnt it? Everyone is entitled to their views and well, everyone is entitled to their zap, just zap openly then

First, please read what I wrote carefully, I never say all guys here are bad and definitely will stray. If no past, no baggage so be it. Basically i am addressing the TRUST issue!!

What i am referring to is the trust issue about knowing the other half here especially knowing about the history and the past and I am asking the gals to ask themselves, can they TRUST their bf?? Probe them to think long term and where their relationship is heading to. If the r/s is heading to nowhere, just take things easy.
Enjoy the r/s then and don't think too much, if it end, let it end then.

OMG ....... are u her bf?? if yes, I will scram
Old 17-11-2013, 02:07 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by purepulp View Post
Generalizing that everyone in here is a sex pervert is as good as saying anyone with a mustache is your father.

There are many reasons why people come in here. Yes some come in to flirt, some come in to 'understand' the commercial sex scene, maybe some come in here because this is a place you can openly talk about sex without the stigma of being judged?

How many of you can honestly say that you can openly talk to your real life friends about sex, fetishes or problems?

And I though this place is meant for adults...
I agree with you pure pulp! I'm in this forum but just sharing experiences that I can't seem to talk about with anyone else. It's also interesting to read the threads here.

To TS, I wouldn't mind if my bf was surfing around on forums like SBF cause I'm doing the same thing BUT if he's flirting around and meeting ladies behind your back, I'd be quite concerned. Have a good talk. Ask him the reasons behind his actions etc, see if both of you are heading in the same direction.

Good luck TS!
Old 17-11-2013, 02:17 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by justanothergirl View Post
I agree with you pure pulp! I'm in this forum but just sharing experiences that I can't seem to talk about with anyone else. It's also interesting to read the threads here.

To TS, I wouldn't mind if my bf was surfing around on forums like SBF cause I'm doing the same thing BUT if he's flirting around and meeting ladies behind your back, I'd be quite concerned. Have a good talk. Ask him the reasons behind his actions etc, see if both of you are heading in the same direction.

Good luck TS!
Basically it's all about trust, let's say ur other half is a old time samster know countless samstresses and probably has hundreds of samstress contact in his phonelist, some might be old flings while some are probably open and rather suggestive, how much can u trust him?

Even if he really did nothing, will u let this doubt be a hinder to the relationship?

Btw if there's trust, these shouldn't be a concern.
Old 17-11-2013, 03:02 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by crood View Post
Basically it's all about trust, let's say ur other half is a old time samster know countless samstresses and probably has hundreds of samstress contact in his phonelist, some might be old flings while some are probably open and rather suggestive, how much can u trust him?

Even if he really did nothing, will u let this doubt be a hinder to the relationship?

Btw if there's trust, these shouldn't be a concern.
I'm just referring to the bf meeting ladies behind her back. If it's nothing then why the need to hide?

And yes, I agree it all boils down to trust. I myself wouldn't mind too much about my partner's past because that's all there is to it; past. Unless he has done something to hinder the trust while we're together, I don't see why I shouldn't trust him.
Old 17-11-2013, 03:07 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by crood View Post
Btw if there's trust, these shouldn't be a concern.
Agreed..hmmn...wonder if I should also try to search for a gf from here?
Old 17-11-2013, 04:18 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by justanothergirl View Post
I'm just referring to the bf meeting ladies behind her back. If it's nothing then why the need to hide?

And yes, I agree it all boils down to trust. I myself wouldn't mind too much about my partner's past because that's all there is to it; past. Unless he has done something to hinder the trust while we're together, I don't see why I shouldn't trust him.
very subjective.. i've seen my fair shares of failed relationships because of trusts.. be it trust too much, or no trusts at all.. i think it boils down to the character of the two couples.. trust too much, got betrayed.. gave trust, but got misunderstood as not concerned.. don't trust, means no confidence.. a little don't trust, means petty..
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Old 17-11-2013, 04:26 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Agreed..hmmn...wonder if I should also try to search for a gf from here?
depends on your character.. if you are those who play your game and let her play her own game too, then i think it won't be a problem.. but if you play and don't let her play, problems will come..

i ever told a biz friend to close one eye when it comes to men playing outside.. end of the day, so long as he comes home to you, just let water flow.. to find a man who can resist fooling around is very difficult.. but to find a man who knows when to draw a line and prioritise his own family, i think it is most important.. ultimately, don't find a man who puts too much feelings into outside relationship, turning your family upside down inside out..
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Old 17-11-2013, 05:06 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by justanothergirl View Post

And yes, I agree it all boils down to trust. I myself wouldn't mind too much about my partner's past because that's all there is to it; past. Unless he has done something to hinder the trust while we're together, I don't see why I shouldn't trust him.
Yup, no trust then better not find a bf from here.

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Agreed..hmmn...wonder if I should also try to search for a gf from here?
hehe what type u looking for? support
Old 17-11-2013, 05:12 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

This was meant to be a hypothetical question. Otherwise, this thread would be in the "matters of the heart" section or something. Didn't expect people to misconstrue it as I'm ranting or seeking advice.

Just wanted fellow samstresses input from their PoV, after all they have to be open minded to some sort of degree to be on this forum. And fellow bros can also find out from the female pov too. Sharing is caring no?

Plus, if anyone is in a similar situation, might give some insight.

So for anyone who questioned Why I'm "playing hypocrite" (to put it bluntly), hope this sets the story right. I've seen enough of others getting shot down on such questions to do the same.

And a big thanks out For those who have given their valuable comments
Old 17-11-2013, 05:18 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by TempLust View Post
Welcome back. Hope things are well with yah.

Your typo actually is quite fitting to ur topic. FB a bit LL, BF then a little pissed lah. Especially if you found ur BF here. How would you know he is not looking for another GF here to dump you for right ?

The caveat though is, he found you the same way so you know his pattern liao. So...why you complaining now ?
Thanks yea.
Well, it's really a discussion topic, not personal, so no, I'm not complaining. Just wondering how fellow samstresses would cope. Thought it can shed light for bros as well if they were the guy in question

Originally Posted by prettymannequin View Post
I'm guessing TS knew her boyf from outside, but realised he frequents SBF.

Have a good talk with him about it. Is what he's doing here acceptable to you? If not, let him know what your concerns are.

He's also probably concerned that you're here and getting hit on...
Hmm, that's true. Given ratio of males to females, it's a valid should the gal reassure the guy then? Other than just trust alone..hmm..more for thought...

Originally Posted by PPGirl View Post
agreed. known my bf from here too n we are celebrating 1st year anniversary
TS..then u got to be careful .. that is sign of betraying
But how u find out he is chatting or flirting with other samstress ?
Anyway ur topic is want to know everyone reaction or do u prefer to know what u should do?
Wow! Congrats PPGirl! Wishing you both a happy anniversary and many more ahead!.
I supposing in chat rooms and some bros&sis are closer and even personal friends so might hear things? Especially if on a thread or chat room
But yeah, it's more of what should be done. Thanks for bringing that up to clarify

Last edited by kittymae; 17-11-2013 at 05:28 PM. Reason: Typo
Old 17-11-2013, 05:27 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by cpcpcp91 View Post
think its more a question of "what can/will you do?"

either problems he's keeping to himself or he simply cannot be satisfied

but im not an r/s expert don't take me too srs lol
Yes! That's what I wanted to ask actually. Thanks!

Originally Posted by justanothergirl View Post
I agree with you pure pulp! I'm in this forum but just sharing experiences that I can't seem to talk about with anyone else. It's also interesting to read the threads here.

To TS, I wouldn't mind if my bf was surfing around on forums like SBF cause I'm doing the same thing BUT if he's flirting around and meeting ladies behind your back, I'd be quite concerned. Have a good talk. Ask him the reasons behind his actions etc, see if both of you are heading in the same direction.

Good luck TS!
Thanks sis, good point. Although this is hypothetical, but yeah,There shouldn't be double standards like one party can, the other can't. But how would u broach the subject to him? Assuming u didn't know ur bf from here,and find out later he also frequents Sbf?
Old 17-11-2013, 05:35 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by crood View Post
Basically it's all about trust, let's say ur other half is a old time samster know countless samstresses and probably has hundreds of samstress contact in his phonelist, some might be old flings while some are probably open and rather suggestive, how much can u trust him?

Even if he really did nothing, will u let this doubt be a hinder to the relationship?

Btw if there's trust, these shouldn't be a concern.
Hmm, true. I suppose it's a warning to anyone who finds a bf/gf here to keep an open mind and trust if they really wanna be in a relationship together.
Might be the girl with a long list of bros contacts instead. Who knows.
Best to be upfront about it? After all being a forumer here, he/she should know about what goes on offline?
If can't trust and be open about it, then not worth it I suppose.

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Agreed..hmmn...wonder if I should also try to search for a gf from here?
Lol. Well if u are/decide to, then wishing u a happy ending!
Old 17-11-2013, 05:54 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Without reading the amendment I was wondering where else your FB would be if not here.

Flirting online is harmless I guess. But if he met others without telling you, especially if its one-to-one meetups with samstresses, perhaps you would have cause for concern? Group meetups should be fine no?

Then again, I doubt many samstresses would actually meet a samster alone, unless it's specifically for one reason.
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Old 17-11-2013, 07:31 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by kittymae View Post
Hmm, true. I suppose it's a warning to anyone who finds a bf/gf here to keep an open mind and trust if they really wanna be in a relationship together.
Might be the girl with a long list of bros contacts instead. Who knows.
Best to be upfront about it? After all being a forumer here, he/she should know about what goes on offline?
If can't trust and be open about it, then not worth it I suppose.

Lol. Well if u are/decide to, then wishing u a happy ending!
Yes sis, this is what i say want to say, u will never know what goes behind in the private life as well.

No trust better dont get too serious... a relationship wont last long without trust. If u really love him, trust him.
Old 17-11-2013, 07:47 PM
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Re: Fellow sis: ur reaction if ur fb is on this forum.....

Originally Posted by crood View Post
If the r/s is not heading to somewhere in years to come, just take things with an open heart, u feel happier this way.
Wah Crood, your points just sky-rocketed overnight!
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