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Old 24-08-2005, 01:26 AM
pierced6g pierced6g is offline
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

I had this fantasy. I've constructed a time machine and travelled back in time. With me brought simple thing like pen and pencil only. After showing the king the pen and pencils, he was so impressed and i became the king's best man. With that, i was given the green light to fuck any girl or any amount of girl i like. Imagine the girl in the old days. didn't have to worry so much about STD cause haven't evo yet. Mostly virgin too (unless i screwed them before) And all girl had been trained to please.
Old 24-08-2005, 09:01 AM
sof1800 sof1800 is offline
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

Originally Posted by Wonker
Hmm.. my fantasy not so violent lah..
Actually am married for 5+ years now... actually fantasise wife gets molested (non violent! And NOT violent rape)... but rather seduced or coaxed willingly by another guy... really turns me ON! It's not the 'act of fucking' but the suspense of her resisting (trying) that gets me on. So far she has agree to take nude pics etc... and go braless i public (I love the stares she attracts)... but then we got pregnant...and we stopped.
Have you fantasized your pregnant wife being molested or seduced to have sex with another guy, or more kinky: gang bang? Pls don’t feel offended, just discussing fantasy, so naturally a lot of kinky stuff comes to my mind.

I once watched a AV where the lead actress was shopping with her baby in a stroller. Several guys followed her back to her house where they threatened to harm the baby if she did not have sex with them. Of course this being an AV, the actress gave in to their demand. And as usual, she started resisting but ended up enjoying the gang bang session. Best part is: Her husband returned home just after the several guys left, saw the state his wife was in, became angry but horny and had sex with his wife. So his wife’s shopping session became a good long sex session. The actress was damn pretty.
Old 24-08-2005, 09:44 AM
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

Another simple one I had was an office one.
My chio colleague has the biggest boobs I've ever encountered... and the scent is def overpowering at times

We were distant initially and some idiot spred some rumour abt me so she kept distance but as her work colleague often see her... and contact.
Once she perspire a little... wah liao can faint. The scent of a woman... esp the type we love can send didi to next dimension ahahahah

Once she actually dropped pencil and picked up... sweat man. I estimate D to 3D... heh. Nothing happened but I had fantasy about a quiet night when everyone left and we two alone... we were getting quite close

Note: Nothing happen and I still respect her as colleague only. After all, I've moved on... I now look at the fantasy and place it in my memories. Later found she was married leh. Oii, who out there fantasising about an affair already ah. Wahahhhahaha
Old 24-08-2005, 11:08 AM
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

Originally Posted by pierced6g
I had this fantasy. I've constructed a time machine and travelled back in time. With me brought simple thing like pen and pencil only. After showing the king the pen and pencils, he was so impressed and i became the king's best man. With that, i was given the green light to fuck any girl or any amount of girl i like. Imagine the girl in the old days. didn't have to worry so much about STD cause haven't evo yet. Mostly virgin too (unless i screwed them before) And all girl had been trained to please.
last time got 'hua liu ping' = sexual disease.
Old 24-08-2005, 11:13 AM
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

jacky.. more sg girls ler..
Old 24-08-2005, 11:40 AM
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

Too many fantasies - I have an active imagination...

A few off the top of my head:

- Getting 'ordered' to give pleasure to a lady boss...
- Threesome with a hot MILF and her chio daughter...
- Negotiating a contract with a sultry lawyer over sex...
- Being a ladies' shoes salesman and getting seduced by leggy customers...
- Getting caught surfing SBF by my syt secretary and then blackmailed into becoming her sex slave...

... the list goes on!!
Old 24-08-2005, 12:18 PM
plumshirt plumshirt is offline
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

Wow... suddenly passed this site once.
So many sharing

Ladies and guys... sharing data... enjoy

"Thoughts are but thoughts
They pass us by
Work mixed with play
Helps balance the day." - all work hard n play hard rite?
Old 24-08-2005, 12:41 PM
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

More Confessions on Netscape - no comments... hope she finds rite guy - violent one - HOT!!!

We're all human... look through and see so many confessions - sex and non sex related...

Owww. this is such an interesting world
Old 24-08-2005, 01:25 PM
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

This post is technical. Will resume normal sequence asap

Scared because your sexual fantasies sometimes get violent? Don't worry. Most people's erotic daydreams aren't always pleasant, a new study shows--and that's normal...article link:

Why one says No! and other says Yes!
James Park Imprinted Sexual Fantasies: A New Key for Sexuality

Ah good olde Kinsey Research


84% of the males in the sample indicated that they were sometimes aroused by thinking of sexual activities with females (p. 665, Female).
89% of males reported having used sexual fantasy with masturbation (p. 225, Kinsey Data, College Sample).
Only 3-4 males, out of more than 5000 in the sample, had experienced ejaculation by fantasy alone (p. 517-8, Male).


31% insisted they had never been aroused by thinking about males or sexual relations with them.
69% of females reported erotic fantasies about males, (p. 665, FEMALE).
64% of the female sample used fantasy as part of masturbation, (p. 164, Female).
Some 2% of females in the sample had reached orgasm by fantasizing erotic situations (without any tactile stimulation), (p. 163, FEMALE).

Huh!!! - Guys on guys? Stunning

Dr Victoria's research unveils fantasies tend to be formed early in life... and remain constant and rigid. Hard to change what turns someone on after late childhood... regardless behaviour reprogramming and psychological insight later in life...Hmmm...
Old 24-08-2005, 01:58 PM
brokenunderwear brokenunderwear is offline
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

heh guys do u all have fantasies about gers wearing short skirts..........
Old 24-08-2005, 02:11 PM
plumshirt plumshirt is offline
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

Darn, talk about bumping into Amazon scouts

Ah a site of male fantasies:,00.html

A technical article

Non technical - - whoah.
Old 24-08-2005, 05:47 PM
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Re: A Real Encounter

True encounter:
Once upon a time as a secondary school student...
I was in semi conscious state [asleep] on bus when I felt someone move towards me... the maneouvre seemed natural and it came in contact with my knee. The person tried to move but seem unable to for whatever reason.

The movement of the rickety bus went on and I noticed the rhythm against my knee was not too natural... in fact, it later became stronger - stirring my body to awaken.

I did not raise my head and watched. What I found was a lady whose crotch area was gently banging my knee... Shit, a young boy seeing such encounter loses control easily. My didi reacted... that caused me to panic and I raised my head. I guessed she realised, panicked and moved on before I could get good look at her. My knee felt little moist upon touch... hehe, now, I know it was her cum.

I wonder how long she was at it while I slept... she was quite chio from brief side glance...but moved off too quickly once she noticed my head rising. Didn't catch notice to realise where she moved to since many alighted at that stop... Thinking of this past makes me recall the innocence of my young days.

That gave me some interesting fantasies later about women... but thatz all I'm sharing for now...hehe

Any Bro/Sis care to share yours?
Old 24-08-2005, 06:38 PM
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

My sexual fantasy is similar to bro IMOM..
( I am a submissive male)

Another one involving two females and me : a 30 year old lady being told to lift up her skirt for me ( I was tied to the chair, naked) to view her panties by 18 year old teenage gal..

Then 18 year old teenage gal pulled down the panties of the 30 year old lady for me to view, and said her pussy too hairy and needed shaving..

And she took out razor and shaved the 30 year old lady's pussy...(or order that lady to shave pussy herself, while we watch and 18 year old then perform HJ on my cock... she then order 30 year old woman to took off her blouse ....I told 18 year old I wanna cum... She order me to hold on and she pound harder and harder on my cock....while 30 year old is told to finger herself....I told 18 year old I cannot TAHAN... she then order 30 year old woman to quickly unhook her bra and hold up the bra cup under my cock and 18 year old then grabbed my cock and shook it and I cummed into bra cup..

After I cummed, 30 year old is told to lick my cock clean, and we are made to drink my cum and lick from bra cup...
Old 24-08-2005, 07:02 PM
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Red face Re: Sexual Fantasies

Another one involving HC...(Just an imagination only)

"Went to BHC to seek May .. Paid for 90 mins session...

After a while, May come and I went to her.... fondle her breasts, lift her skirt to examine her panties .. and told her to get Vivian... few minutes later, Vivian come....I told Vivan to lift her skirt up ...and May pull down Vivian's panties.. Vivian then took off May dress...

May and Vivian massage me.. May massage my back .. Vivian do my legs..

May then move to front to massage my head, I use finger to autoroam her pussy...

Then Vivian put her hands between my legs and fondle my balls..

And later I was asked to turn around and May frenchkiss me while Vivian perform BJ on me... Later, Vivian sat on me and perform FJ while May spread her legs wide and Vivian finger her.. I fondle May's breasts..

Later, May want to FJ me..... and Vivian lick my nipples... and then french kiss me.... I said I cannot tahan.. They told me to hold on... for a little while..

Then I begged them to let me release my cum..May then took my underwear and told me to release and I cummed , then she used my underwear to clean and make me lick.. I lick my cum on my underwear while they laugh and humiliate me..

After session, I paid them $200 each.. "

Just my fantasy only...

Old 24-08-2005, 10:50 PM
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Re: Sexual Fantasies

Thanks to Bros for contribution...
Oh, that post was not a fantasy but had one or two related ones later...

Here's something for the ladies... and of the ladies...

Looking deeper into your fantasies and what they may mean:,00.html,00.html,00.html

Unleashing the Inner Kitten,00.html,00.html

Ground Rules for Fantasies

Hope you like it everyone
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