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Old 10-03-2014, 06:50 PM
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Re: Story: Fair Weathered Friends

Im sure the young boy needs release !! Wake her up !!

Thumbs up !
Old 11-03-2014, 08:52 PM
pyrokinets pyrokinets is offline
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Re: Story: Fair Weathered Friends

Michael entered his home. The first thing he noticed was a weird smell in the air. A combination of alcohol and something else he didn’t recognize. He saw Ryan coming out of the kitchen. Ryan stopped in his tracks when he saw Michael.

“Jeez dude! You scared me!” Ryan said.

“Sorry. I just got back. What were you doing?”

“Oh, just cleaning up. Made a small mess earlier…”

“Wanna go shoot some hoops?”

“Sorry man. I gotta go. Emergency,” Ryan replied, not meeting Michael’s eyes.

“Oh. Okay then. I’ll see you in school tomorrow.”

“Yeah. See you.”

Ryan left in a hurry. Michael started upstairs towards his room. Chloe’s door was ajar, so he peeked in. She was in bed sleeping, covered from neck to toes under a blanket. Are all college students so free? He wondered with amazement. Glancing down, he saw that there was a pile of clothes on the floor beside the bed. A pair of black boyshorts panties lay on top of the pile.
Shit, jie, are you serious? He thought. He felt his dick stirring as he pictured his sister nude under the covers.

Ashamed, he continued towards his room next door but heard a funny sound coming from further down the hallway. Curious, went to investigate. It sounded like someone was moaning in the maid’s room. Quietly, he opened the door a little and peeked in.

Their Indonesian maid Siti was on her bed clad in T-shirt but no pants. Her legs were spread apart and her hands were on her hairy crotch frigging furiously like her life depended on it. What the fuck? Michael thought, snapping his head back out of the room. What the hell is going on?

Elsewhere, Ryan had hopped on a bus heading downtown. He disembarked at the hospital and made his way to the cancer ward. There were no visitors in his Aunt Valerie’s room. His Aunt had no friends. He went in and stood before her bed, studying her.

She was sleeping, or knocked out by morphine, he didn’t know for sure. Her once attractive features had withered away, leaving only what looked like a dried corpse. Ryan didn’t know why he came here. Solace? Consolation? Peace? Then he remembered what happened several hours ago. He had molested his best friend’s older sister.

He had never wanted to face his Aunt Valerie again. To Ryan, the cancer was a godsend. Aunt Valerie was a spinster who preferred to be cut off from the outside world. She lived alone until the day he arrived after his parents’ accident.

Aunt Valerie was a ruthless guardian. She dictated every aspect of his life, from the clothes he wore, to the food he ate, to the hours he slept. Things changed when he hit puberty at 12. She had seduced him. It wasn’t so bad at first. What pubescent boy didn’t want sex? But then she became abusive shortly after. She became focused only on her own pleasure.

Every day for the next four years, Ryan was subjected to her sexual abuse. She trained him to pleasure her in every way possible. If he was unsatisfactory in any way, she would cane him. It didn’t matter if he derived no enjoyment from her sessions. He was expected to read her mind, guess what would please her, and get her off no matter what.

It was an uphill battle too. As Ryan got better and better in pleasuring her, her appetite for sex kept increasing. It kept Ryan working hard around the clock and through the calendar to improve his skills. But Aunt Valerie’s ultimate fulfillment was always one step beyond his reach.

When she got hospitalized, Ryan thought he was free. He didn’t want to have anything to do with her anymore. He would wash every trace of her memory from his self.

But after what had happened with Chloe, he realized that his experience with Aunt Valerie would always be a part of him. It was ingrained into his nature now, hammered into his soul. He had instinctively known how to play Chloe’s body like a fiddle. Now he wondered if it applied to all women. The possibilities seemed endless.

What he went through with his Aunt Valerie was something no person should have to live through. She was the most cruel, demeaning, sadistic bitch he had ever encountered. She had corrupted his childhood innocence and destroyed his sense of self-worth. Who knows how much psychological damage has been left in her wake.

He hated her. Period. He hoped she would rot in hell.

“Thank you,” he said to her before turning to leave, never to return.
Old 11-03-2014, 08:59 PM
pyrokinets pyrokinets is offline
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Re: Story: Fair Weathered Friends

She was sexy, beautiful, smart, plus she had an upbeat and enthusiastic manner about her. It was like Serena and Danielle melded into one, Michael thought. It has been a full week since he first saw that Prefect girl make her rounds on that block. The first time he saw her, there was an instant attraction. Unfortunately, she never noticed him, so the attraction was one sided. There was something else about this girl which he found attractive, but couldn’t quite put a finger on it.

The Prefect wasn’t from his class, so there was only so much he knew about her. The girl was only one of three new girls he had been ‘checking out’ on a regular basis in his quest to find ‘The One’. Add Serena and Danielle into the mix and that would make 5 candidates so far.

“Hey you.”

He turned around. Danielle was staring right up at him.

“What are you doing? Staring into space?” She asked.

“Yeah. Thinking about something.”

“Here, I made this for you,” She said and handed him a Tupperware lunchbox.


“It’s just fried mee, but my family says my fried mee tastes the best.”


“I need to go see a teacher about something. Meet you back in class okay?”


And off she went. Looking down at the lunchbox, he popped it open and glanced inside. The fragrant smell hit him, causing him to salivate almost immediately. The meticulous details in the preparation of the ingredients caught his eye. This fried noodles was a product of love.

Fuck… What am I doing? Michael thought to himself. Danielle was such a sweet girl. He was on the verge of an epiphany. Maybe it isn’t about finding ‘The One’, he thought. Maybe anyone can be ‘The One’, and he just has to focus on cultivating the relationship till it blooms like a flower.

“That smells delicious!” Someone said behind him.

Fuck. Why is everyone sneaking up on him from behind today? He turned and saw that it was Serena.

“Did your mother make that?”

“No. Errrr… my girlfriend did.”

Serena looked surprised. She was speechless for a moment. “Hmmm… So you lied back then,” she said and narrowed her eyes at him.

“Wha? No… It’s just a recent thing.”

“Oh. Okay. I guess I was too slow then,” she said, biting her lip.

“Are you flirting with me? I’m taken.”

“That’s exactly why I’m flirting with you. Single guys are no fun to flirt with,” she said with a laugh.

She threw him a coy and mischievous look before turning to walk away. Well Serena dear, you let that one slip right out of your hands, she told herself. She didn’t feel hurt, just loss. She had really liked Michael.

Serena had wanted to ask Michael if he wanted to eat with her at the canteen. Now she headed there alone. She bought a bun and looked around for a seat. That was when she spied Ryan and Patrick sitting at a table in the corner. Ryan was chewing on a sandwich with a blank look on his face while Patrick was slumped over the table, looking like life dealt him a card with a middle finger.

“Hey guys, Mind if I join you?” Serena asked cheerfully when she walked up to them.

“THE Serena Lin asking to sit with us mortals,” Patrick mumbled. “It’s official. The world is ending.”

“What the? Are you… Patrick are you drunk?” Serena asked, sitting down beside him.

“What are you doing here? Why aren’t you with Michael?” Patrick asked her back.

“He’s not coming. His girlfriend packed him a meal.”


“Huh, your head. Why are you drunk in school?”

“Aren’t you his girlfriend?”

“Who? Michael’s? No.”

In that instant, Patrick burst into tears. He covered his eyes and ran away leaving his two classmates gaping in their seats.

“What the… The fuck did you do?” Ryan asked in surprise.

“I-I dunno, gosh,” Serena replied.

“You didn’t give him one of your ‘let’s just be friend’s’ speech did you?” He said jokingly.

“Oh my, somebody’s still sore,” She teased back. “You’re not drunk too are you?”

“Nope, someone once told me it just makes things worse.”

“That someone sounds smart.”

“That someone then stole my vodka.”

She laughed.

“But seriously though, I thought you’d have Michael wrapped around your finger by now,” Ryan said.

“Mmmm. It would seem someone else has sneakier fingers.”

“You don’t know who?”

“Nope. Don’t care. None of my business. It’s Michael’s loss.”

“I’ll say. It’s Danielle by the way, his new girlfriend.”

“No way!” Serena gasped. “That explains Patrick.”

“What explains Patrick?”

“Patrick and Danielle used to be together. Then she broke it off shortly after.”

“No way…”

“Poor Patrick. He looks pretty broken up about it,” she said. “I wonder if Sam is alright.”

“Who the fuck is Sam?”

“He’s the guy Danielle left Patrick for.”

“And how do you know this?” Ryan asked.

“I’m a girl. And I keep my ears peeled,” Serena replied.

“I never heard of Danielle jumping around so many guys.”

“That’s because you don’t listen. You just talk crap and think about sex.”

“Ahhh… Sex… It’s the best…”

“Shuddup you. But seriously, I can’t believe you guys know almost nothing about Danielle. She’s a notorious man-eater.”

“I’m beginning to think you’re just jealous of her.”

“I won’t lie. I was disappointed when Michael told me he has a girlfriend. But when you told me it was Danielle, I wasn’t anymore. I’d give it 3 months tops before she finds another gullible guy to latch on to.”

“You women are scary.”

“Heh heh. And you guys are dumb.”

“Makes me think, as much as I didn’t know about Danielle, I know even less about you.”

“Mmmm… I find a little bit of mystery keeps the boys on their toes.”

“And all that dirty laundry… uh… means cum on your clothes?”

“God! Ryan!”

“Hey, I think it actually rhymes.”

“You’re a sick perverted lost cause,” she said, popping the last bite of her bun in her mouth. “I’m going back to class,” she told him and stood up. Ryan caught her smiling back at him before she left.

That’s progress, right? He thought to himself as he smiled back at her.
Old 24-03-2014, 01:40 AM
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Re: Story: Fair Weathered Friends

monday morning bump... calling for TS
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