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Old 14-10-2005, 11:03 AM
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Re: ICT Happenings

Originally Posted by SamiHyypia
only went once during my nsf years to australia for live firing...
LIVE FIRING???!!! human target arh!!??
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Old 14-10-2005, 11:05 AM
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Re: ICT Happenings

actually got the plan leh...we visited crazy horse in adelaide during R&R. wa kao..the striptease pole dance and lap dance...woohooo...the tits is out of this world..wanted to look for some aussie pussy...but no budget leh..nsf damn poor one
Old 14-10-2005, 12:22 PM
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Re: ICT Happenings

Originally Posted by Horsepower
ICT damn shiok becoz can give excuses about nite training and don't answer phone calls from OC, but actually having nites out at nite spots and bonking away

But now no more ICT liao
Same same, used this same trick too.
But on mindef reserved nw, so no more excuse, lol.
Old 14-10-2005, 12:35 PM
K123456 K123456 is offline
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Re: ICT Happenings

Bro, what happen next... pls keep up the potentially good story and if it proof to be really good. a lot of bro here will up your points
Old 14-10-2005, 06:46 PM
wildcard wildcard is offline
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Re: ICT Happenings

Bro Techienator and Bro K123456 thanks for the support
Bro Cannon always use the army as an excuse then C.O won't question ma. Anyway u had ur glory days during your ICT right.

Bro sammihyypia, look forward to your ICT its gonna be fun and full of adventures. Like what bro horsepower said any phone call from C.O just say having night training can liao.

Let’s back track a bit, as I’ve mentioned before jane’s no. was passed to me by a friend, who got her no. through the chatroom at MSN. Apparently after getting her no(and also others from the chatroom), he decided to go for the others so he passed me hers. What a bro he was. But it was not till almost a year later that I sms her.


After hanging up, I kept looking at my watch as my detail was almost over but at that point of time, it seems damn bloody long. When the time came, I went back to my bunk to have a shower and got changed. On my way there, I called my friend (lets call james)and asked what he was doing. He told me that he had just ended a section of phone sex with one of his flings. Told him that I was going to meet jane and will give him a FR the next day. During the journey, I started to fantasize about her, it just gave me an instant hard on and I told myself that I’m going all the way this time round.

When I got there, called her and in 5 mins she was down. She was wearing a translucent black top and mini skirt(those elastic type). When she was in the car, could smell liquor on her but who cares. I asked her about her earlier date but instead of telling me, she started kissing me any initiation from me and we started frenching again trust me she was damn good at it. At that instance, I let my hands do the talking. Upon reaching her breasts, I could feel that her tits were rock hard(she was wearing those non-padded model) and I started to rubba rubba them and she gave out a soft moan. Then I continued my journey downwards. To my delightment, she was in thongs, I love…….. women in thongs. She was already wet when I got there but non the less I enhance her pleasure by fingering her.

Suddenly she stopped and I thought to myself “damned, what now”. She said that wanted to go else where as she wasn’t comfortable as we were just below her flat. The carpark was an open air type but it was not brightly lit. So I asked her where she wanted to go and a reply was “as long it is not here”. So I drove to another carpark(a multi-storey one) and she told me to drive to the top most level and damn it was open air and in the center of 4 blk of flats. What the hack, I drove and found a lot. After parking I left the engine running and the air-con on. Jane started to make her way to the back seat and I follow suit. I know that this time is the real one.

We started our warm-up once more. In least than 5 mins, we were bare and her hands started to roam as well. She started to with my balls groping it now and then after that to my shaft giving it strokes and making it drool. I slowly made my way down to her shaved pussy (I’m a sucker for cunnilingus) the view was fantastic. As a matter of fact, I’m having a hard-on just thinking of it now. Her clit was in plane view(hood was up just like my dick). Started on her lips and slowly progressing to her clit. From there, started to suck on it in a rhythmic sequence; full suck and at the same time use the tongue to twirl round the clit then let go. Repeat the process but with half the sucking power. Its like fishing, once you have a catch, you play with it. Letting it go then pulling it back again. Same principle. By this time she was so damn wet and moaning like those jap vcds. Now it was my turn, I sat up and she automatically knew what to do. She deep throat the whole shaft and the feeling was like…….. indescribable (one word shiok!). she also suck on my balls the feeling was like I’m on cloud no.9 and she used her tongue to tease the little head. When she was up, I went straight for her succulent pink tits and started to finger fuck her as well. This went on for a couple of minutes and now we were all geared up for exercise black hole and I realized that I had forgotten to buy the condom on my way there. I told her about it and she just told me to pull it out when I was cumming. At that point of time, I just went ahead(resistance is futile; small head had already taken over big head). We started humping in the missionary position I could hear the watery sound that was made with every stroke I made. Then it was time for the jockey to ride her stallion, a good rider she was. After a few rounds around the track, its back to the standard position. Kept humping and finally I pulled it out and unload onto her. She cleaned up and we hugged for a while and got dressed. Sent her back home at the carpark, we sort of gave each other a good night kiss(the feeling was like gf and bf during the courtship days) and she told me that she would like to meet up again and my reply was “me too” That’s the end of the first outing.

Hope bros out there like it.

Welcome all feedbacks and comments

Will post my second outing with jane soon
Old 14-10-2005, 06:56 PM
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Re: ICT Happenings

WE certainly like it bro....

Will be standing by for the 2nd outing w Jane.....
Old 14-10-2005, 07:43 PM
techienator techienator is offline
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Thumbs up Re: ICT Happenings

bro wildcard, no prob on that... will up u once i hav the point available... keep it coming... standing by for ur next outing... me also hope to hav such luck but lady luck not smiling on me... haiz...
Old 14-10-2005, 11:41 PM
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Re: ICT Happenings

i only remember i saw this sexy naughty girl during ict book in. Was pumping her that night in the my mind during shower
Old 14-10-2005, 11:45 PM
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Re: ICT Happenings

wa.. ict also can be so happening...
looking forward to hear bout yr other meetings.. hehe
Old 14-10-2005, 11:48 PM
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Re: ICT Happenings

nice one there... hope to see more of ur happenings wif her bro wildcard... haha...
Old 20-10-2005, 02:47 PM
iceman35 iceman35 is offline
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Re: ICT Happenings

Bro wildcard,

Wat take you so long

we are waiting

many cheer
Old 20-10-2005, 04:01 PM
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Re: ICT Happenings

Originally Posted by Nismo
hi there,

I don't mean to be picky on details, but I wasn't aware that reservist personnel are required to perform weekend duties. I mean, unlike active days, a mistake could see a soldier assigned extra (usually, weekend guard) duties. But surely NOT for reservist personnel, right???

Even BOS, COS, BDO - if any, are assigned to either active or NSFs. At least in my unit that is.

Perhaps I'm mistaken.

actually, some reservists are called up for ICT to do guard duty... have a friend in the navy. his always do duty in his ICT... work 1 day, off 1 day.. shiok man.....
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