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Old 31-10-2005, 03:37 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by sg_boytoy
Bro extremeX, item #21 - what's CDIS ah? I really cannot remember or don't know leh

Also, #25 - I don't remember batu lesung, is it a boy's game or girl's game? What's teng-teng also ah
I only know tat CDIS was a Educatuon ministry affiliated that did those local educational videos for primary / sec / JC..somthing like "community/curricuilum developement blah blah.....

miss those days..a bowl of fish ball noodles cost 10cents and during my sec skool days....a pkt of marlboros came in 10sticks and cost $1.20

Old 31-10-2005, 04:11 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

1) talked about movies, i remembered the seats were written on colourful tickets using the thick colour pencil. then there will be indian uncles selling kacang putehs. and Lin Zhen Ying was everyone's favourite "dao zhang" in every HK horror movies.

2) and last time the prime time chinese drama starts on 6.45pm and ends at 7.30pm, then follow by "Si Dai Tong Tang".

still remember sbc had many productions on SAF? "kong jun", "hai jun" and "xin bing xiao zhuan"

and their very own series of horror drama, "mi li ye"

3) for those who are into basketball, chicago bulls seemed to be everyone's favourite team because of His Airness.

4) dragonball should be most boys' favourite comic.

5) and there used to be some shop with different game console, where you pay 1 dollar to play for half and hour. and depending the popularity of the game, the price will varied.

6) Idols card machine. if you got any of the shiny 4 heavenly king cards, your friends will be impressed. and zhou hui min was most boys' angel...

7) 6am in the morning, if your parents listened to the radio, the taiji qigong 18 style music will be broadcast and the guy went "xi~~~~.....hooo~~~"

8) the boy bands of the 80s include "hong hai er", "xiao hu dui", "chao meng", "xin shao nian ju le bu", "xiao song xiao bo"

9) and can anyone remember zoe's kiss to ex PM Goh when she got 1st in star search?

10) most should know who ah meng is.
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Old 31-10-2005, 04:31 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

wah bro, ur post realy brought bac swet memories.......... everytink u mention seems 2 b the same as wat i had been thru. could u been from the same sch as me previously????

i tink u left out the popular songs den.... hong qing ting,, n domino dancing ( pet shop boys )
Old 31-10-2005, 05:38 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
my time is those secret pap agents in ntu as student leaders.. kekeke
Old 31-10-2005, 05:43 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by zeus

4) dragonball should be most boys' favourite comic.

5) and there used to be some shop with different game console, where you pay 1 dollar to play for half and hour. and depending the popularity of the game, the price will varied.

6) Idols card machine. if you got any of the shiny 4 heavenly king cards, your friends will be impressed. and zhou hui min was most boys' angel...

7) 6am in the morning, if your parents listened to the radio, the taiji qigong 18 style music will be broadcast and the guy went "xi~~~~.....hooo~~~"

8) the boy bands of the 80s include "hong hai er", "xiao hu dui", "chao meng", "xin shao nian ju le bu", "xiao song xiao bo"

9) and can anyone remember zoe's kiss to ex PM Goh when she got 1st in star search?

10) most should know who ah meng is.
Haha... nice ones.. funny number 7

Btw i got a feeling Sam will zap us who post here ... this thread is not sex related.
Old 31-10-2005, 10:30 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by jackylee
...Btw i got a feeling Sam will zap us who post here ... this thread is not sex related.
Okay... that time CHIJ still in Victoria Street. After school hang out around Centrepoint with Convent GF macam like having a Miss Universe by your side. All the "hiong" girls' schools were in town - MGS, SCGS and of course CHIJ, ha ha ha , incidentally, my CO was a Convent girl
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She could see from my face that I was,
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But we shared a moment that will last till the end...
Old 31-10-2005, 10:50 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

It really brings back memory.
Not to forget, rushing back from school to catch the cartoons:
Thunder Cats

Playing games like:
Humb Tum Bola
Tua Beh Long
+++ Kah

To know that your queing partner is a gal, and you are to hold hand with her, that is the day when you asked "WHY ME?!?!?!"

How do you hold a gals hand?
By using your little finger and hold her little finger.

Visiting the school dentist is like visiting hell.

Secondary school: Always praying to the sky to rain, so that you can have a good view of the bra when all the gals got drenched.

Fighting behind Technical Block is always a must.

Memories Memories and Memories
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Old 31-10-2005, 10:54 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by hunter89
... Secondary school: Always praying to the sky to rain, so that you can have a good view of the bra when all the gals got drenched...
Sigh... I was in an all-boys' school until I went to JC, my raging hormonal Secondary school days not very "song"
can see?
Semi-retired Member of the League of Extra-horny Gentlemen

She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end...
Old 31-10-2005, 11:00 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

how can forget "A&W" ?
Old 31-10-2005, 11:06 AM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by sg_boytoy
Sigh... I was in an all-boys' school until I went to JC, my raging hormonal Secondary school days not very "song"
Bro, your secondary school days are not very "song", but when you are in our shoes, by looking at their translucent blouse with all those lacy bra, you will get an instant hardon.... remember, our school pants are quite tight during those days and once you have a hardon, it is so damn obvious and very malu.... It is also driving us crazy... can see, but cannot touch... MORE AGONY !!!!!
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Old 31-10-2005, 12:14 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

errr.. my growing up was full of soccer and only soccer... and i think my time was when -

1. Watching Ian Rush, Jan Molby, Peter Beardsley, John Alridge, Steve Nicol, Alan Hansen and the rest of the reds kick ball every weekend (ok ok, so I was and still am a Pool fan! hahaha!)

2. Watching Diego Maradona single-handledly DESTROY England with his hands and feet. FARKIN SHIOK!

3. Fantasizing about doing a Marco van Basten super volley which he did against Russia.

4. PLaying Subuteo (did i spell it correctly?!) @ home and thinking I am KING KENNY.

5. Soccer players all have ugly hair-styles and their shorts never go below their knees.

6. Glued to the TV every Sunday morning coz that was the only time they showed the EPL highlights.

7. Shouting REFREEE KAYU @ the National Stadium everytime he flashed a card at Sundram or Fandi or Malek.

8. "Drinks, Koropok, Popiah" was chant I look forward to every weekend.

9. Rubbing my eyes in disbelief watching Sundram scoring with that ridiculously bicycle kick against Brunei at the stadium.

10. Scolding Graeme Souness week in week out for buying all those crap players that started the downfall of Pool and i'm still scolding him now!

when.. that's what i can recall for now during my growing up years....

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

I like BBBJ.
I like CIM too.
I like Girls Who Swallow Even More.
Old 31-10-2005, 12:29 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by tanmikel
how can forget "A&W" ?
A&W, A&W, A&W,
That's where you go
When you're hungry, when you're hungry, when you're hungry...
As a bear!

Steady jiggle
can see?
Semi-retired Member of the League of Extra-horny Gentlemen

She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end...
Old 31-10-2005, 12:33 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by hunter89
... looking at their translucent blouse with all those lacy bra, you will get an instant hardon.... it is so damn obvious and very malu.... It is also driving us crazy... can see, but cannot touch... MORE AGONY !!!!!
Eh... I forgot, during my time in an all-boys' secondary school, indeed we got a pre-U section as well, where the girls were in white translucent blouses, ke ke ke , but you're right also lah, can see, cannot touch is very agonising
can see?
Semi-retired Member of the League of Extra-horny Gentlemen

She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end...
Old 31-10-2005, 01:12 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Thanks for a great thread and the memories! I think you might be just a *little bit* my junior. Just wanted to add my 2 cents:

...11. Movie tickets used to cost only $3.50...

The earliest I can remember is probably $2 for stall seats, $3 for circle seats, something like that. Speaking of which, a typical "date" involved going to Swensens or Picnic at Scotts (does anyone still call it that?) then going for a movie. You'd try to get a circle seat and sit right at the back row. You almost never end up watching the movie but such was the cost of a little privacy for 1.5 hrs!

...18. The most vulgar thing you said was asshole and idiot and THE MOST EXTREME WAS 'super white' just couldn't bring yourself to say the hokkien relative...

umm... not true.

...21. CDIS were your bestfriend...

That's Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore? Remind us again why they were our bestfriend?

...46. You brought every single book to school, even though there was one thing called the timetable...

Nope, I packed according to the timetable, unless I was lazy the previous evening.

47. You rode a blue school bus to school when you were old enough. The driver's wife was the grumpy "conductor-cum-door-keeper."

48. A pack of smokes cost $2.40 for a 20-pack (big) or $1.20 for a 10-pack (small). My first ever ciggie was a Salem. It was menthol and disgusting. I smoked it in front of the McDonalds at Far East. I was in school uniform. Sue me.

49. The only aircon bus was the 168. It came down from AMK, along Thomson Rd., Scotts Rd., Orchard Rd., and made a loop in front of the National Museum before heading back to AMK along Orchard Blvd. You used to joyride on this bus after school before heading home. During secondary school, a ride on this bus with a 'date' in school uniform would often be considered scandalous.

50. You attended 'tea dances'.

51. Hairstyles. At a time guys would get the 'sidepunk' while girls would opt for a 'bob'.

52. Parties were called 'functions'. If you were lucky the organizer would hire a DJ. Joan Jett has never had a bigger following anywhere else besides S'pore in the late 80s.

53. You could still eat seafood in Punggol. It was a long trek there and it felt like the other end of the world. There was ducksh*t in the water. That sanitary East Coast Seafood Centre did not exist. Those restaurants used to line a lonely stretch of Changi Road, near an army camp.

Yes, those were the days.

Last edited by raverboy; 31-10-2005 at 01:23 PM.
Old 31-10-2005, 01:26 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

of all the games u played.... no one remembered 'block catching' or 'soccer with plastic bottles or empty cans' ???
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