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Old 17-09-2015, 12:39 PM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Bro, if you love your wife, n you are prepared to take the kid as your own. I salute you.

If go to court, chances are that the court may side your wife, if the bio father DID NOT pay for the expenses( not sure on that, only you know). During the hospitalisation, is a police report filed? Hopsital records? These will prove useful in challenging the ex boyfriend. Court see evidence, not arguments in courts, or black face. Stay calm during the process.

Changing the surname? That comes after this court case. Possible to change too... Since you are married to the mother legally, when give birth, the kid name should be under her name, according to law.

Hope more brothers can contribute more to advise.
Yes police case was filed, bf was arrested and detain for 24hrs, my wife let him go bcoz he pleaded on his knees. But it happen nearly 2 years back, not sure if still can use against him.
Old 17-09-2015, 08:17 PM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by LeiGuy View Post
Hi Sammybros,

I need some advises but cant bring it up in real life, hope some sammy bros here can shed some light.

bio father never provide for mother n son for a year plus until recently. What is his chances at custody n visitation?

Another question, once i married my wife, am i lawfully binded by singapore law to raise and provide for the child which bears bio father's surname?

Next question how can i change the child surname to mine without approval of bio father?

Any sammy bros have similar situation mind to share how you handle it?
Biological father always got rights. Maybe nt sole custody, could b joint.

Think u have to provide for the child. Not 100% sure so u better check.

Don't think u can change now since its a birth cert.
Changing surname is stupid esp now when u know you're fighting with him over custody. The court won't b impressed

N when child gets older, he will see birth cert n can change back.
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Old 17-09-2015, 08:43 PM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

jus pm you
Old 18-09-2015, 06:36 AM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Biological father always got rights. Maybe nt sole custody, could b joint.

Think u have to provide for the child. Not 100% sure so u better check.

Don't think u can change now since its a birth cert.
Changing surname is stupid esp now when u know you're fighting with him over custody. The court won't b impressed

N when child gets older, he will see birth cert n can change back.
Thanks to all Sammybros for advice here and in pm, last night discuss with my wife and decided to fight for custody as chances of winning are pretty much cfm, atmost it be a joint custody as bio father has no chance at sole custody. Problem now is child can't go oversea unless both side approve... so family holidays are gone if bio father dont allow..

I wonder if that bio father visits this forum
Old 18-09-2015, 07:34 AM
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atmos atmos atmos
Re: Married my wife with a son

Friend, he wont stand a chance gaining custody of the child if ur wife had been taking care of the kid since birth and financially ok till now. Lets say even tou he is finanially stable or better well off than her, he had got noting to win too. about changing of surname to urs, its relatively easier, as you & her are legally married, change of surname will need appproval from her and i think the admin charges is 2k about there. Regarding the side Biological father of the kid i cant comment much as i had nvr encounter before.
cut short. change name = both or 3 parties agree = 2k = happy family.
Old 18-09-2015, 10:00 AM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by LeiGuy View Post
Hi Sammybros,

I need some advises but cant bring it up in real life, hope some sammy bros here can shed some light.

1 year ago i married my gf who is currently my wife and she has a 1 yr plus old son (i'm not the biological father of this child). Recently, the bio father appear again and went to court to have his right at custody of the child. Me and my wife loves the child and is prepare to fight for custody. But many obstacles appear rightafter, when my wife give birth to the child, it is the bio father sign the papers, baby's cert bears bio father name, but bio father never provide for mother n son for a year plus until recently. What is his chances at custody n visitation?

Another question, once i married my wife, am i lawfully binded by singapore law to raise and provide for the child which bears bio father's surname?

Next question how can i change the child surname to mine without approval of bio father?

Any sammy bros have similar situation mind to share how you handle it?
Bro, you luv your wife and married her, so you have to luv everything of her and stand by her side to support her, and you have to luv her son as your own child too.
Bonk safety and happily.
Old 18-09-2015, 01:09 PM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by LeiGuy View Post
Thanks to all Sammybros for advice here and in pm, last night discuss with my wife and decided to fight for custody as chances of winning are pretty much cfm, atmost it be a joint custody as bio father has no chance at sole custody. Problem now is child can't go oversea unless both side approve... so family holidays are gone if bio father dont allow..

I wonder if that bio father visits this forum
It's already court case meh?
If it is, ask court permission to go overseas Lo.
N show court you n wife are nt flight risk n u all got ties to community. It can b months to year plus till case settled.
dont pm about xchanging pts!
Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views.
Old 18-09-2015, 04:06 PM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by LeiGuy View Post
Yes police case was filed, bf was arrested and detain for 24hrs, my wife let him go bcoz he pleaded on his knees. But it happen nearly 2 years back, not sure if still can use against him.

I think it is better to straighten all out once and for all. The longer you drag, the more problems it will arise in future. Everything can be use in court as long it is evidence.

Looks like chances you winning the rights to sole custody of kid is very given the police case, he did not pay for maintenance of kid, the kid under wife name and so on. From what you written, this BF may not be financially stable either, which is a big demerit to him also. Remember, the court see black n white documents as evidence n weigh accordingly. If you have proof that you paid for the schoolings, hospital bills, etc, take it all out, your chances are good.

After this legal case is over, you can proceed to change name if both of you agree.

Lastly, I hope you bring up this kid with love, and that's what he needs. Please don't mention about " u are like your father" comments, even he is naughty. Kids take after those who nuture him n love him.

all the best
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Old 18-09-2015, 04:09 PM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by LeiGuy View Post
Thanks to all Sammybros for advice here and in pm, last night discuss with my wife and decided to fight for custody as chances of winning are pretty much cfm, atmost it be a joint custody as bio father has no chance at sole custody. Problem now is child can't go oversea unless both side approve... so family holidays are gone if bio father dont allow..

I wonder if that bio father visits this forum :
That does not matter. His own actions warrant much anger among samsters here as well. From experience, samsters here are mostly quite supportive n can read on who is right or wrong.

No worries. Plus there is nothing much he can do here either. Most advice given here is to help u, hope u just proceed on and have a good life n have a happy family.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 18-09-2015, 04:30 PM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by baby hunter View Post
there're two type of custody, join custody & sole custody. If they're not officially married. it is very high chance that your wife will get the sole custody. (unless your wife wanna give up the right)
even though, the bio father will still have the responsible to provide support to the kid till they're 21 yo.
Not really true about this statement... As TS mentioned he and his wife is now married. As long as the mother is re-marry, the previous husband can don't pay for the alimony/maintainance to the kids. If he still have some 'conscience', maybe he will pay... But even he don't, he don't break the rules as well.


I think we have similar situation, or probably should say 'had'. I married my wife (now ex) whom is a Single mother of 2. Slightly different is that she and the father of the child, is not officially married. But their birth-cert indicate the guy as their father's name.

After I married with my wife, I went for adoption to have the 2 kids to change their surname under mine (Which in a way, quite regretted about this).

Due to some unforseen circumstance, my wife and I divorced... And well, I had to continue paying the alimony/maintainence to the kids till the youngest hit 21... Unless she re-marry again...
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Old 19-09-2015, 09:39 AM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by Kuan Aik Hong View Post
My salute to you ....I will never consider a single mum in the first place. As I will be a resources to her and her kids . Respect you and wish u all d best.
Even if she is Kervyn Lim?
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Old 19-09-2015, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by BiRd13 View Post

I think we have similar situation, or probably should say 'had'. I married my wife (now ex) whom is a Single mother of 2. Slightly different is that she and the father of the child, is not officially married. But their birth-cert indicate the guy as their father's name.

After I married with my wife, I went for adoption to have the 2 kids to change their surname under mine (Which in a way, quite regretted about this).

Due to some unforseen circumstance, my wife and I divorced... And well, I had to continue paying the alimony/maintainence to the kids till the youngest hit 21... Unless she re-marry again...
Ouch! This must be a painful financial burden to you now. She could deliberately remain single, or even if seeing another man but remain unmarried, to continue living on the alimony/maintenance until the youngest turns 21 (18 is the independent adult age in some/most western countries).
Old 19-09-2015, 10:28 AM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by LeiGuy View Post
Thanks to all Sammybros for advice here and in pm, last night discuss with my wife and decided to fight for custody as chances of winning are pretty much cfm, atmost it be a joint custody as bio father has no chance at sole custody. Problem now is child can't go oversea unless both side approve... so family holidays are gone if bio father dont allow..

I wonder if that bio father visits this forum
Good luck to you.

You need to engage a lawyer and all will be resolved. Anywhere, the court may allow bio father rights to visit son but this I am unsure.
Old 19-09-2015, 10:50 AM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by maxman View Post
Ouch! This must be a painful financial burden to you now. She could deliberately remain single, or even if seeing another man but remain unmarried, to continue living on the alimony/maintenance until the youngest turns 21 (18 is the independent adult age in some/most western countries).
Yes. But well, it's a choice I made.... I don't have any regrets over it though since it had happened.
I'm just an old, forgetful bird, that drink lemonade to become smarter...

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Old 19-09-2015, 10:50 AM
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Re: Married my wife with a son

Originally Posted by Jessie View Post
Even if she is Kervyn Lim?
No way I wont ever consider a single mum as I dont want to be a resources ..I only just wants her body thats all. I look at long term .
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