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Old 11-10-2015, 05:56 PM
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Re: Moving out

Originally Posted by Cheesebeast View Post
And i was gonna spend more time with her tmr. To be continued...
Bro Cheesebeast, and we'll be spending more time catching your story tmr... please continue...
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Old 11-10-2015, 06:05 PM
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Re: Moving out

nice start,, more actions pls.. upped u
welcome to the paradise of sex !!
Pm after up my rep.. you will be in the Q thanks
Old 11-10-2015, 06:08 PM
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Re: Moving out

Originally Posted by spluder101 View Post
Hope got anal gangbang
Looking forward to it.
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Old 11-10-2015, 10:42 PM
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Re: Moving out

camping for more
Old 11-10-2015, 11:14 PM
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Re: Moving out


The next morning i woke up to a beautiful sunshine. I looked at the clock on my table - 7.40am. My body was slightly aching from the intense workout yesterday. I crawled out of bed and made way for the bathroom for a shower.

Mum - zach im leaving for work now! Don't forget to help aunty yinna later alright. Love you dear!

For a moment i forgot i was helping yinna with her packing. The thought of her brought memories of our encounter the previous day. What a steaming day it was. I took my beauty shower while feeling excited for the days event. After i got out of the shower, i quickly got dressed. Nothing too fanciful since i was only gonna help her pack so a blue dry fit shirt and black shorts would do. I left for her house.

Her front gate was left unlocked, perhaps she was anticipating my arrival. I invited myself inside, approaching her door slowly. As i stepped closer, i could hear the sound of machines coming from her house. I knocked on the door a couple of times, waiting for a response. After several minutes of no response, i grew tired of waiting and turned the doorknob. Surprisingly it was unlocked.

Me - hi, is anybody home?

As i peered into the living room, i saw yinna running on the treadmill. She had her earpiece on. Yinna paused her treadmill and removed her earpiece when she saw me at the door.

Me - im sorry to disturb your workout. I' ll come back later

Yinna - oh hi zac. Im sorry i didn't hear you. Please come in. Im almost done anyways

I stepped into the living room as yinna approached me. Yinna was clad in a dark blue nike sports bra, black fbt shorts and blue adidas shoes. She definitely looks different without make up on. She didn't have the prettiest face however it was definitely above average. She had really chiselled features- cheekbones, defined jawlines, probablu from all the exercise she did. But what really drew my attention was her toned body. She had a really athletic body with toned muscles. Not like the masculine type of body but the sexy feminine kind. Her toned abs was the ultimate highlight. It was such a sexy and toned V which sort of navigated the way to her sweet love part. Her supple boobs fitted so wel in that sports bra. Wow i thought to myself, a true goddess figure.

Yinna - have a seat first. Let me go get changed first ok

I took a seat at couch while yinna made her way upstairs. While she was walking up the stairs, i tried to peek up her shorts to get a glimpse of her undies but was unsuccessful. I waited at the living room while yinna got changed. I was still in awe at her figure. It was simply breath taking. She could have easily posed for a sports ad with that kind of body. I never expected her to have an athletic figure. I've never seen her exercise before and always thought she was slim because of her genes. Never did i expect her to be the exercising type.

Yinna soon arrived downstairs. She wore a fitting white t shirt with a micky mouse logo and still had the same fbt shorts on. Her yellow bra she had on was quite noriceable underneath that thin white cotton t shirt.

Me - thats a cute t shirt u have on

Yinna - really? You don't think it looks too childish

Me - nonsense! It totally suits your personality. Cute and friendly

Yinna laughed at my response. To be honest, i was quite surprised by my boldness. Her high pitch laugh sent echoes through the living room

Yinna - im sorry i know my laugh is a little annoying

Me - to be honest, i think its really adorable

Yinna smiled at my compliment.

Yinna - your mum warned me about your cheesy comments. You're a real smooth talker aren't you

I smiled and kept quiet. Though my comments were cheesy at times, i really meant every word i said to her. The packing went smoothly that day. As we spoke more and more, we began being more comfortable with one another. Normal conversations led to jokes then teases. She really was a sweet girl. A trophy gal for any guy. I couldn't understand how her husband could divorce someone as sweet as her.

The time was almost 9pm and we were more or less done with the packing. She had to move the items by tonight as her husband will pack his things the next day.

Yinna - ok so now i need to drive my things to my condo and i need your help

Me - its getting late, i dont know if my mum will mind me coming home late

Yinna - dont worry, you're with me. Its gonna be ok

I believed yinna's words and began storing the boxes in the backseat and boot. We then made way for her condo. Througout the car ride, i tried to take our conversation to the next level - sexual flirtation.

Me - so is being sexy a part of your job?

Yinna - you really think im sexy? Hahha. Well i'm in a adverting branch so really important to keep my image

Me - you got any advances from your male colleagues. Caught them staring at you before?

Yinna - they know i was married so nobody approach me that way

Me - Well i would totally make a move on you if were working together

Yinna - huh? You think im that pretty? But im so old already

Me - i think you're really beautiful

Our conversations were along those lines during the ride. We finally arrived at her condo in the south.

To be continued...
Old 12-10-2015, 12:06 AM
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Re: Moving out

nice story...camping....
Old 12-10-2015, 12:16 AM
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Re: Moving out

More please ....
Old 12-10-2015, 12:59 AM
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Wink Re: Moving out

carry on TS
Old 12-10-2015, 02:05 AM
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Re: Moving out

Waiting too
Old 12-10-2015, 02:25 AM
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Re: Moving out

Happening in the condo?
Old 12-10-2015, 07:52 AM
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Re: Moving out

Stay tuned for more details guys
Old 12-10-2015, 04:03 PM
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Re: Moving out


Yinna drove the car to the lobby of the condo, just in front of the guard post. We took out the boxes one by one and went up to the 21st floor which was her unit. There were well over 20 boxes of stuff so it took us a few trips before we were done. Yinna went to park the car as i waited at her condo.

Her condo was really cosy with a nice ambience. It was one of those studio apartments where the bedroom, living room and kitchen were crammed into a small space. There was a queen size bed in the bedroom seperated by a sliding door to the living room. Her living room had little furnitures, just a small L shaped couch surrounding a small coffee table facing a television. The bathroom was across the living room. Her condo had a large window as a wall. Being located at the 21st floor, it had a majestic view of the city. The time was almost 9.30 pm and the moon was in clear view.

The aircon of the condo was at the right temperature, making the room feel cool and the marble tiles chilly. Just then yinna came.

Yinna - how do you find the place? Nice? I know its a little small but it will have to do for now

Me are you kidding? This place is awesome. If i had this place to myself, i would totally convert it into a movie game apartment and never leave!

Yinna giggled at my response. Her sweet high pitch laugh echoed the aparrment. She covered her mouth to control her volume, giving me that cute eye smile. So adorable i thought to myself.

Yinna - its getting late. Cannot make too much noise. Dont wanna wake the neighbors. Wow you really do have some nerd in you huh...

I turned away in embarassment. Her condo gave me a little nerdy imaginations.

Yinna - no need to paiseh, all guys are like that. I think its kinda cute.

I smiled at her compliment. Every compliment from a beauty like her was like sweet melody to my ears. She would have been any guys ideal type i said to myself.

Yinna - okay lets not waste time and get to work

We shifted the furnitures around to make way for her boxes. Lightly dragging the sofa to the sides so that the bigger boxes could fit the living room, strategically making sure the walkway wasnt affected and so on...

As the night was cool, we soon switched off the air con and opened the window to allow in thw cool breeze of the night. We worked hard through the night, even breaking sweat from all the work. With all the sweat piling onto yinna's body, her white mickey mouse shirt got drenched, turning it near invisible and sticking onto her figure. Her athletic figure was really noticeable underneath that drenced figure hugging shirt. Her yellow bra and straps was also clearly at this point of time. She had a nice hourglass figure, a jealousy for any woman and envy of any men. The moonlight accentuated her toned abs, the light shadow cast gave it an extra sexy definition.

Yinna - ok i think we're done for the day. Are you thirsty? I'll get you some drink

I sat on the floor while yinna went to the kitchen. I was admiring her rear view as her hips swayed from side to side while she walked. Its these little feminine actions that really turns me on. As i waites for yinna to get me a drink, all sorts of fantasies filled my head. It was only me and yinna in the whole unit. I imagined myself having sex with her on her queen sized bed in cowgirl position. Her boobs bouncing up and down as i pumped my dick into her sweet vagina. How amazing the sex would be!

Yinna - here you go

Yinna handed me a can of green tea. I was still in my sexual fantasy when she handed my drink. Good thing i was seated on the floor as my erection could not be seen. I gulped a huge load of saliva which piled from my sexual imaginations and took my drink.

Me - thanks

I drank my green tea in silence as yinna looked out the window. I took small sips of my drink while admiring her sexy hour glass figure rear view. Yinna then turned to me.

Yinna - its getting late. Dont wanna to worry your mum. Lets head home now

I sighed to myself. Nothing special was going to happen tonight i guess. We left the condo and yinna sent me home.

To be continued...
Old 12-10-2015, 04:07 PM
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Re: Moving out

Thank you TS for sharing.
Old 12-10-2015, 09:10 PM
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Re: Moving out

Haha come on people show me more love of u want more saucy details!!
Old 12-10-2015, 09:41 PM
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Re: Moving out

Thanks for updating
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