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Old 11-12-2015, 04:17 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

You can continue to have sex with your pregnant wife after the 1st trimester.

In any case, regardless of whether she is pregnant, it is never correct to visit pros when you are married.

However, we are men, and we are visiting this forum.. I don't believe there are men who would rather die than let another women touch their 2IC in here. So as long as your bank account allows, enjoy yourself with pros, but remember the rule!
You can sleep with anybody but can only LOVE YOUR WIFE.
Old 12-12-2015, 12:01 AM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Originally Posted by Gambit7 View Post
I noticed that this topic is quite meaningless. Your wife is pregnant with your baby and you are thinking of finding prostitutes?

1. Sex is safe even during pregnancy.

2. Why don't you fill up ur mind with other things beside sex with prostitutes? Yes I understand that sex is important, but it's not your whole life is depending upon that rite? Try to care for your wife, be with her whenever you have the chance, and be more appreciative of her having to go thru pregnancy for ur baby. In turn, she will do the same for you. This is what we called: marriage.

3. I'm sorry to say this but prostitutes are dirty. Look at how many customers they served in a day? In a month? Why risk of exposing yourself to disease unnecesarily and for the joy of that 1 hour?

You are gonna have baby soon, the joy of your life and your lovely wife. Please cherish them for them are your eternal joy.
very well said..👍🏻 up-ed ur points..
Women gg thru pregnancy & then childbirth is not an easy task...imagine carrying a load (more than 6kg everyday & everywhere u go) with you for the next 9 months...
and then 9 mths later...the contractions & the labour pains of pushing the baby out. U shld try watching childbirth video on youtube & if u dun feel the pain for ur wife...i seriously dunno wat will
Old 12-12-2015, 11:30 AM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Originally Posted by Sevenstorm View Post
My wife got pregnant that means no sex for me for some time.

Should i visit pros and release.

How did you guys manage it?
Why do you ask this question when you have fucked prostitutes when your wife was not pregnant. Does this time give you better justifications?
Old 12-12-2015, 01:33 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Originally Posted by Xyberduke View Post
In any case, regardless of whether she is pregnant, it is never correct to visit pros when you are married.

However, we are men, and we are visiting this forum.. I don't believe there are men who would rather die than let another women touch their 2IC in here. So as long as your bank account allows, enjoy yourself with pros, but remember the rule!
You can sleep with anybody but can only LOVE YOUR WIFE.
well said!!
Old 12-12-2015, 04:14 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Originally Posted by Xyberduke View Post
You can sleep with anybody but can only LOVE YOUR WIFE.
+1 Well said
Men give love for sex & women offer sex for love.
Old 15-12-2015, 11:35 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Originally Posted by Sevenstorm View Post
My wife got pregnant that means no sex for me for some time.

Should i visit pros and release.

How did you guys manage it?
No problem bro... we all have our needs
Old 24-12-2015, 03:31 AM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

you shouldn't. yes a man does have needs. but you wouldn't die when no one is helping you right. what are your hands for.
my husband did prostituting when i was 9months+ pregnant. during my confinement, he is bloody dumb not to have clear his text, leaving 1 text behind. asked him, he deleted the text and obviously he wouldn't admit. and still blame me for imagining the 1 text myself, saying i have depression. in the end he still lan lan have to admit.

i was so traumatized by what he does. i got into depression visiting polyclinic, refer to cgh prescribed with pills. fights with husband everyday and i did not enjoy the times i should be spending with my baby. now my boy is 1years+, i am so regretful that i am not able to be calm and mature enough to think wisely not to argue with my husband and put all my anger to my husband and baby. thinking baby is not worth loving, he is born out of his cheating. thinking that my husband don't love our baby. till now it's been 1year+ it's still hard for me to let go. it's easy to say forgive but not forget. betrayal during pregnancy is the worst betrayal ever! kindly think twice b4 you allow yourself to break your family.

wife got pregnant becos of you. it's best not for you to betrays here while she's pregnant. you be hurting her the most at such period where she needs love the most.
Old 24-12-2015, 04:56 AM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Originally Posted by gothicmei View Post
wife got pregnant becos of you. it's best not for you to betrays here while she's pregnant. you be hurting her the most at such period where she needs love the most.
Visiting a prostitute is not cheating. Cheating would be if he declared his love for some other woman while still being married to you.
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Old 04-01-2016, 08:19 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Better don,bro.U still can have sex with ur wife.Juz b gentle.Rem your wife is bearing your baby that bears YOUR surname!!Keep the $$ u intend to use on pros to buy useful things for your impending baby..
Old 13-01-2016, 10:48 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

You should not visit any pro when she is pregnant (even she wasn't you should also not think of going). Yes , she may not readily able to have sex with you. During the 9 months . But if you have the urge , talk to her . Maybe she is willing to give you a good handjob ...
Old 21-01-2016, 12:05 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Visiting a prostitute is not cheating. Cheating would be if he declared his love for some other woman while still being married to you.

Absolutely agree
Old 21-01-2016, 10:36 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

visit pros when wife is pregnant is akin to wife visiting ducks when you are impotent...

if she does that to song boh?
Old 22-01-2016, 10:25 AM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Tiagong ok to visit pros after wife give birth...
And if your baby is not a girl...
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Old 22-01-2016, 03:12 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Originally Posted by Sevenstorm View Post
My wife got pregnant that means no sex for me for some time.

Should i visit pros and release.

How did you guys manage it?
Sex was damn good when my wife was pregnant!! :P seriously no joke. drive is sky high!
Old 22-01-2016, 05:06 PM
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Re: Is it wrong to visit pros when wife is pregnant

Originally Posted by Uncouth View Post
Sex was damn good when my wife was pregnant!! :P seriously no joke. drive is sky high!
UP you for good post!
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