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Old 19-04-2016, 01:17 AM
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

Originally Posted by TinaChris View Post
No such luck too
same here
Old 20-04-2016, 12:01 AM
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Sec 2! If you report police, she will go jail
In retrospect, yes of course. But back then I didn't know of course. Plus I would be lying if I said I did not totally enjoy it.

I remembered her to be a very caring and gracious host. I would not want her to go to jail.
Old 20-04-2016, 01:15 AM
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

Originally Posted by lister_ View Post
I used to work as a car salesman once as I was in between jobs. There was a german expat woman (not an expat's wife, an actual expatriate woman lol) who was shopping around for cars. I learnt a bit of german in the past, so I spoke in her language and she was pleased. For the longest time ever she just kept looking at me instead of the car I was trying to sell her, and in the end she said she wouldn't buy but I gave her my card.

A week later she messaged me out of the blue and asked me to go to the theatre with her (forgot what show it was, but it was at esplanade). I was attached that time, and due to having lost my job, I declined on reason of money, but she said she'll treat me. My curiosity got the better of me and I went through with the date, expensive seats and dinner and everything. During the show, she touched my knee repeatedly, until I asked her whether she was ok. She whispered in my ear but due to the noise and german being a third language I could only catch bits and pieces and it sounded really dirty.

At the end of the night, from the tone of her voice and her body language, it was almost as if I was obligated to follow her home, and so I did.

We fucked.

Over breakfast, she told me she had a great time, and asked me how much I wanted. Frankly at that point I felt disgusted with myself, but I was broke as fuck so I took the $1000.
Not bad leh, can bonk and got $$ to take
Old 20-04-2016, 10:16 AM
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

Some of you may think I'm a loser but I've been seeing women for quite a while already, as I just started working in life and office was a Raffles place, met a lot of ppl from OLs, to Directors of companies. Hence I had a thing for OLs. However I could never match their spending power as just started out in work.

Somehow these OLs knew of my plight and will pass me cash whenever we are together and sometimes I will ask for assistance especially near end month. As my working life picked up, I never dare to share how much I earn hence always act poor. Some women were nice to the extend they pass me their credit cards to use. But I was new to such things and spent more than I should. Then they will clamp down on the cards. Which finally we will stop seeing each other.

However the sex part is always lingering and works for both parties as we need it in life. Now current status, met a OL whom is 6 years my senior, as she is a high flyer and earns way much more than me, we managed to hook up and I always invest in these outings, be it dinner or drinks. Then somehow, she knew I was not rich enough to afford the outings in the long run. How she knew?

Well my shirts are old, my ties are old, my car belongs to the company and watch are old too. Then the buying of things started. From Hermes, to Ferragaamo, Cartier to Chopard, and my car just got bigger. Funny thing is that she is married and so am I.

But when we are together, sometimes I feel obligated to make love to her and when I fail to have a erecting I can sense she is pissed off. So need to find other days to make it up to her. If you guys thinks it is a story too good to be true, it is the emotional part that makes this journey hard to bear. There is almost nothing in life that I need if I am at her beck and call (which she does't do that) but the sense of emptiness when you need her around just to talk.

She does not give me a monthly allowance but I have excess to a bank account when ever I need money. We've been together for 4 years now and I know my wife knows about it but we never really spoke of it. And now, I write this, I begin to ask myself what do I really want in life and a relationship with women whom have a higher spending power than you.
Old 21-04-2016, 06:38 AM
fallen69angel fallen69angel is offline
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

Originally Posted by memphisprints View Post
Some of you may think I'm a loser but I've been seeing women for quite a while already, as I just started working in life and office was a Raffles place, met a lot of ppl from OLs, to Directors of companies. Hence I had a thing for OLs. However I could never match their spending power as just started out in work.

Somehow these OLs knew of my plight and will pass me cash whenever we are together and sometimes I will ask for assistance especially near end month. As my working life picked up, I never dare to share how much I earn hence always act poor. Some women were nice to the extend they pass me their credit cards to use. But I was new to such things and spent more than I should. Then they will clamp down on the cards. Which finally we will stop seeing each other.

However the sex part is always lingering and works for both parties as we need it in life. Now current status, met a OL whom is 6 years my senior, as she is a high flyer and earns way much more than me, we managed to hook up and I always invest in these outings, be it dinner or drinks. Then somehow, she knew I was not rich enough to afford the outings in the long run. How she knew?

Well my shirts are old, my ties are old, my car belongs to the company and watch are old too. Then the buying of things started. From Hermes, to Ferragaamo, Cartier to Chopard, and my car just got bigger. Funny thing is that she is married and so am I.

But when we are together, sometimes I feel obligated to make love to her and when I fail to have a erecting I can sense she is pissed off. So need to find other days to make it up to her. If you guys thinks it is a story too good to be true, it is the emotional part that makes this journey hard to bear. There is almost nothing in life that I need if I am at her beck and call (which she does't do that) but the sense of emptiness when you need her around just to talk.

She does not give me a monthly allowance but I have excess to a bank account when ever I need money. We've been together for 4 years now and I know my wife knows about it but we never really spoke of it. And now, I write this, I begin to ask myself what do I really want in life and a relationship with women whom have a higher spending power than you.
Me not smart, fate doesn't have me working in CBD. If not, I might share the same situation.

Soft rice, better than no rice.
Old 24-04-2016, 12:59 AM
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

TS, any more sexy story to share.
Old 24-04-2016, 03:14 AM
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

i won't say fuck for money but last time I out of job then my gf she was the 'breadwinner'.
I got used to the lifestyle of free and easy and not working so after we broke up I started new relationships only with ladies with means to support me. I've never need to work another day since. I wouldn't call this fuck for money because I really love them too.
Old 25-04-2016, 07:36 AM
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

Originally Posted by diputs1269 View Post
TS, any more sexy story to share.
Besides that, just sex as per normal.

The main point of this thread is rather to share how issit like to be a manwhore
"I love 3some because I get to multi-task. One hand squeeze, the other hand dig. That makes me a 3someking"
Old 30-05-2016, 10:54 PM
MrMuscleman MrMuscleman is offline
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

Originally Posted by memphisprints View Post
Some of you may think I'm a loser but I've been seeing women for quite a while already, as I just started working in life and office was a Raffles place, met a lot of ppl from OLs, to Directors of companies. Hence I had a thing for OLs. However I could never match their spending power as just started out in work.

Somehow these OLs knew of my plight and will pass me cash whenever we are together and sometimes I will ask for assistance especially near end month. As my working life picked up, I never dare to share how much I earn hence always act poor. Some women were nice to the extend they pass me their credit cards to use. But I was new to such things and spent more than I should. Then they will clamp down on the cards. Which finally we will stop seeing each other.

However the sex part is always lingering and works for both parties as we need it in life. Now current status, met a OL whom is 6 years my senior, as she is a high flyer and earns way much more than me, we managed to hook up and I always invest in these outings, be it dinner or drinks. Then somehow, she knew I was not rich enough to afford the outings in the long run. How she knew?

Well my shirts are old, my ties are old, my car belongs to the company and watch are old too. Then the buying of things started. From Hermes, to Ferragaamo, Cartier to Chopard, and my car just got bigger. Funny thing is that she is married and so am I.

But when we are together, sometimes I feel obligated to make love to her and when I fail to have a erecting I can sense she is pissed off. So need to find other days to make it up to her. If you guys thinks it is a story too good to be true, it is the emotional part that makes this journey hard to bear. There is almost nothing in life that I need if I am at her beck and call (which she does't do that) but the sense of emptiness when you need her around just to talk.

She does not give me a monthly allowance but I have excess to a bank account when ever I need money. We've been together for 4 years now and I know my wife knows about it but we never really spoke of it. And now, I write this, I begin to ask myself what do I really want in life and a relationship with women whom have a higher spending power than you.
Whoever believe u must be a retard haha look t your posts , so good lobangs need to snipe upskirt and post bra.. U are just a sick deluded loser
Old 30-05-2016, 11:24 PM
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

I go out often with a female friend who has at least 3x my monthly income, although she does not have to "earn" it.

The good part is, when we go out, everything is paid for by her. She doesn't even allow me to queue up to buy food for her because she wants to pay for every single thing. In exchange, she would sometimes asks me to do misc stuff like finding info, driving her car to bring her to places, plan things etc.

There is evidently a level of sexual tension between both of us. In the past, we have done the deed many times but that was the past. Now, she would actually get a bit touchy from time to time, having her hands over my back, holding my arm, smack my thigh when we are laughing.

The relationship can be described as "it is complicated". I felt like her personal assistant and a friend who is more than just a friend but less than a lover.
Old 31-05-2016, 10:56 AM
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Re: Guys, have you all slept with women for money before?

I would like this kind of life. Lol...
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