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Old 10-11-2006, 12:22 AM
Toyota Honda Toyota Honda is offline
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Hi Bros and if there are any sisters..

Well, I am actually quite curious. Will girls actully be still interested in guys in their early 30s or fiorties? I mean.. There are so many young hunks and metrosexuals who are definitely considered better catch than thouse group of 'uncles' I mentioned above. How do you guys do that man...

I personally never have any ONS before cos I seldom pub..

Now already in my late 20s and w/o a gf.. I do miss the feeling of having someone.. And frankly, I am beginning to fear singlehood for the rest of my life..
Old 10-11-2006, 01:06 AM
84gunner 84gunner is offline
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by Toyota Honda
Hi Bros and if there are any sisters..

Well, I am actually quite curious. Will girls actully be still interested in guys in their early 30s or fiorties? I mean.. There are so many young hunks and metrosexuals who are definitely considered better catch than thouse group of 'uncles' I mentioned above. How do you guys do that man...

Now already in my late 20s and w/o a gf.. I do miss the feeling of having someone.. And frankly, I am beginning to fear singlehood for the rest of my life..
limpeh is early 30s, & fuck until gotta conserve energy!!!

simply put, u juz gotta meet the rite gal at the rite place, rite time, rite atmosphere & rite mood.

fat & ugly? limpeh rather pcc at home. actually, oso dunnit. worse come to worst, there's always commercial sex! pay me oso I gotta consider! tat may be considered "public service", 公德?

I got my korean gf in Bangkok, oso started by ONS. dunnit to mention, in PRC, dunnit to worry u no enuf $$$, u better worry u no enuf energy to fuck!!!

recently, a Thai engineer is starting to get close & "sticky", tat's y din logon as much liao. limpeh login those instant messaging chats only kena "stuck" or "harassed", or sai nai, watever u wanna call it. other reason is of course busy wif work & travel schedule.

In europe & australia, the gals "queue up" to "taste" me!!! knn, all of them says, the never tried asian dick b4, n I am the only asian dick "available" to them "at the right time". my highest record, limpeh kena groped by 8 University gals 2gether in Netherlands!!!

yr fear, shows tat basically, u feel inferior, even if there's nothing wrong wif u! u do not have the confidence in yrself, etc etc. Remember, everyone's greatest enemy is himself. Once u can overcome or control this enemy, u'll be a different person!

it is precisely such feelings u have inside yrself, that u'll kena "eaten" up by SGP gals big time, especially if u have abit of $$$, not to mention alot, not to mention further, if u are ok looking!!! u'll kena pay upside down, inside out by SGP gals.

u worry no gf, no gals? pls, u are juz so narrow-minded, looking at SGP only. u really got eyes no see tarzan. SGP gals so stuck-up, materialistic, demanding, etc etc. gimme free oso I gotta consider. once u able to set yr eyes outside SGP, there's millions!!!!

SGP has population of 4 million. Assuming half are female, u have 2 million. divide them into equal portions of fuckable, too young & too old. u have about 660k. among these 660k fuckable, deduct away those attached / married. using this concept, look at the population in Thailand, PRC, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Philippines, Msia, Indonesia, etc. Not to mention, many, if not most, of these countries, the female population is more than the male, u really have millions!!! chuck aside SGP gals, u really have millions of gals!!! give up 1 tree, and u can enjoy the forest...
Old 10-11-2006, 01:15 AM
84gunner 84gunner is offline
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by Toyota Honda
Hi Bros and if there are any sisters..

Well, I am actually quite curious. Will girls actully be still interested in guys in their early 30s or fiorties? I mean.. There are so many young hunks and metrosexuals who are definitely considered better catch than thouse group of 'uncles' I mentioned above. How do you guys do that man...

Now already in my late 20s and w/o a gf.. I do miss the feeling of having someone.. And frankly, I am beginning to fear singlehood for the rest of my life..
limpeh is early 30s, & fuck until gotta conserve energy!!!

simply put, u juz gotta meet the rite gal at the rite place, rite time, rite atmosphere & rite mood.

fat & ugly? limpeh rather pcc at home. actually, oso dunnit. worse come to worst, there's always commercial sex! pay me oso I gotta consider! tat may be considered "public service", 公德?

I got my korean gf in Bangkok, oso started by ONS. dunnit to mention, in PRC, dunnit to worry u no enuf $$$, u better worry u no enuf energy to fuck!!!

recently, a Thai engineer is starting to get close & "sticky", tat's y din logon as much liao. limpeh login those instant messaging chats only kena "stuck" or "harassed", or sai nai, watever u wanna call it. other reason is of course busy wif work & travel schedule.

In europe & australia, the gals "queue up" to "taste" me!!! knn, all of them says, the never tried asian dick b4, n I am the only asian dick "available" to them "at the right time". my highest record, limpeh kena groped by 8 University gals 2gether in Netherlands!!!

yr fear, shows tat basically, u feel inferior, even if there's nothing wrong wif u! u do not have the confidence in yrself, etc etc. Remember, everyone's greatest enemy is himself. Once u can overcome or control this enemy, u'll be a different person!

it is precisely such feelings u have inside yrself, that u'll kena "eaten" up by SGP gals big time, especially if u have abit of $$$, not to mention alot, not to mention further, if u are ok looking!!! u'll kena pay upside down, inside out by SGP gals.

u worry no gf, no gals? pls, u are juz so narrow-minded, looking at SGP only. u really got eyes no see tarzan. SGP gals so stuck-up, materialistic, demanding, etc etc. gimme free oso I gotta consider. once u able to set yr eyes outside SGP, there's millions!!!!

SGP has population of 4 million. Assuming half are female, u have 2 million. divide them into equal portions of fuckable, too young & too old. u have about 660k. among these 660k fuckable, deduct away those attached / married. using this concept, look at the population in Thailand, PRC, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Philippines, Msia, Indonesia, etc. Not to mention, many, if not most, of these countries, the female population is more than the male, u really have millions!!! chuck aside SGP gals, u really have millions of gals!!! give up 1 tree, and u can enjoy the forest...
Old 10-11-2006, 08:04 AM
Darknites Darknites is offline
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by Toyota Honda
Hi Bros and if there are any sisters..

Well, I am actually quite curious. Will girls actully be still interested in guys in their early 30s or fiorties? I mean.. There are so many young hunks and metrosexuals who are definitely considered better catch than thouse group of 'uncles' I mentioned above. How do you guys do that man...

I personally never have any ONS before cos I seldom pub..

Now already in my late 20s and w/o a gf.. I do miss the feeling of having someone.. And frankly, I am beginning to fear singlehood for the rest of my life..
I never had any ONS before as well... was married early.. started chionging late in my life just under 30...

but at this stage of my life... I envy those friends of mine who are not married.. sigh... the grass always looks greener on the other side...
Old 10-11-2006, 09:14 AM
CoolBlack CoolBlack is offline
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Hi bros,
Actually there is a same thread that has been around in the "outing" section.

Anyway these are my views on ONS.

Sometimes is not whether you are young or old, good looking or not.....there are few factors that also determines the outcome:
a) opportunities
b) chemistry
c) luck (lots of it!)
d) how drunk is the gal!!!

The above is decided by fate, the below are factors that you can control :
a) spend lots of money to attract gals (buying bottles, drinks,etc.)
b) hang out with good looking guys that can attract gals
c) hang out with ugly guys but who knows lots of good looking gals
d) get yourself "plastic" surgery to look attractive!

I personally do not think that all hope are lost for us (older bros)
Nowadays gals are more sophisticated and it would take more than a "pretty" face to attract them.
Gone are the days that big spenders attracts the they are capable to buy their own drinks and do party on their own.
They too are out to relax, enjoy and even trying to get ONS!
So for us "old birds", we may not have what it takes to get immediate results but with a little patience, we too will score.
Pointers to assist us in our quest:
1) get to know management of the establishment - this would help to get previlages, e.g. no need to Q, priorty for tables, etc.
This would definately help with the babes.
2) get to know the bar tenders/waiters - they would usually know who are the best targets and even introduce you to some
3) do not have too high an expectation - knowing new contacts will definately build up your pool of "party friends" for future use
4) bring these "party friends" for your next outings - new babes are more comfortable should they see that you are with a mixed group
5) "party friends" might bring/introduce you to more babes!

With some luck, who knows but you may score with these party friends!

So to me, having a "one shot one kill" night is a bonus.....but enjoying the night and getting new contacts will always be the thrill.

Just let your hair down....chill out....and see what the night brings you!

Party on!
Old 10-11-2006, 10:07 AM
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
U mean the gal in the NEW PAPER NEW FACE contest ah...

hope she not tat slutty lei....
Which one?
Old 10-11-2006, 10:26 AM
dna_gene dna_gene is offline
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by ShadowBro
but at this stage of my life... I envy those friends of mine who are not married.. sigh... the grass always looks greener on the other side...
WOW! You just said aloud my inner feeling! Hai~ Turning 30 and stuck. Too bad responsibility gets the better of me! ^_^ Anyway I still have my share of fun, just that I lost many chances too due to my status. That's the price to pay for being married i guess... Bro, at least that shows that we are fucking responsible men! Hahahaha!
Theory of Nympho - Good boy must trust her, bad boy must thrust her!

I fucking love my gal and i love fucking my gal!

Last edited by dna_gene; 10-11-2006 at 10:40 AM.
Old 10-11-2006, 01:46 PM
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by ShadowBro
I never had any ONS before as well... was married early.. started chionging late in my life just under 30...

but at this stage of my life... I envy those friends of mine who are not married.. sigh... the grass always looks greener on the other side...
Well we share same plight bro. No point envy other.
Old 10-11-2006, 01:54 PM
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by kingcopa
Well we share same plight bro. No point envy other.
No need to envy, no need to pity...

Me too married, not too long ago, and like you guys, tot that my ONS chapter in my life book has ended, FULL STOP, PERIOD whatever you may call it, after marriage...

You'll be surprised, our OPEN-market value may have just gone up after marriage...

I recently found this out myself personally, first hit after marriage.
remember to up me if you can!
Old 10-11-2006, 01:57 PM
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by kingcopa
Well we share same plight bro. No point envy other.
keke... apart from the lack of freedom to chiong during "family time"... actually not so bad lar... we all have our fair share of fun still...

Bro dna_gene... you chiong TNs one or not? never see you active in those areas... if you interested.. we can chiong together sometimes..
Old 10-11-2006, 02:24 PM
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by guppiesguppies
You'll be surprised, our OPEN-market value may have just gone up after marriage...
I cannot agree lesser... In fact, there are gers that look especially for married men, coz they are also married... No commitment; No string attached. It's like they are looking for the feeling of being wanted...


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Old 10-11-2006, 02:30 PM
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by guppiesguppies
No need to envy, no need to pity...

Me too married, not too long ago, and like you guys, tot that my ONS chapter in my life book has ended, FULL STOP, PERIOD whatever you may call it, after marriage...

You'll be surprised, our OPEN-market value may have just gone up after marriage...

I recently found this out myself personally, first hit after marriage.

Is it??? how come i dun realise that?
Old 10-11-2006, 02:50 PM
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by kingcopa
Is it??? how come i dun realise that?
Have you been looking at the right places?

Cheers / Tissue
Disclaimer: A Mum-of-2, lover of good sex & a Woman's point of view. All non believers stay away.
Old 10-11-2006, 02:56 PM
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by tissue
Have you been looking at the right places?

Cheers / Tissue
Hmmmm mayb i shld be more hardworking
Old 10-11-2006, 06:51 PM
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Re: ONS- One Night Stand

Originally Posted by 84gunner
yr fear, shows tat basically, u feel inferior, even if there's nothing wrong wif u! u do not have the confidence in yrself, etc etc. Remember, everyone's greatest enemy is himself. Once u can overcome or control this enemy, u'll be a different person!

u worry no gf, no gals? pls, u are juz so narrow-minded, looking at SGP only. u really got eyes no see tarzan. SGP gals so stuck-up, materialistic, demanding, etc etc. gimme free oso I gotta consider. once u able to set yr eyes outside SGP, there's millions!!!!

SGP has population of 4 million. Assuming half are female, u have 2 million. divide them into equal portions of fuckable, too young & too old. u have about 660k. among these 660k fuckable, deduct away those attached / married. using this concept, look at the population in Thailand, PRC, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Philippines, Msia, Indonesia, etc. Not to mention, many, if not most, of these countries, the female population is more than the male, u really have millions!!! chuck aside SGP gals, u really have millions of gals!!! give up 1 tree, and u can enjoy the forest...
Bro ur "analyze" is rely inspiring! haha.... cos i'm indeed feelin quite inferior from the series of "failures" in recent yrs.
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