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Old 09-07-2017, 10:45 PM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Originally Posted by yying View Post
Ultimately I chose the nice guy to spend the rest of my life

For fun, excitement, drama - bad guy
For security, stability, life long partner - nice guy

hey sis, i dont know what is going on in her mind, she puts real feelings into those fck boys, i dont understand why?
Old 09-07-2017, 10:46 PM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Originally Posted by arl127 View Post
Go and read the thread, picking up girls in KTV by Warbird. He has done a good narrative points. That should help you.
Dude tat warbird is full of rubbish. He loads of money to throw at prc gals. Do u know how he look like? He is the true definition of money makes the world goes round. Without of money all d his all called lps will spit at his face. Lol
Old 09-07-2017, 10:46 PM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Bad boys finish first. Nice guys finish last.
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Old 09-07-2017, 10:56 PM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Originally Posted by 3someking View Post
Bad boys finish first. Nice guys finish last.
Thats so true. Bad boys always finish first.
Old 10-07-2017, 12:02 AM
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Originally Posted by 3someking View Post
Bad boys finish first. Nice guys finish last.
LOL... so TS gotta wait until the last to pick up the rotten pussy after the bad guys finish enjoying it?
Old 10-07-2017, 12:06 AM
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Originally Posted by nicktiger View Post
hey sis, i dont know what is going on in her mind, she puts real feelings into those fck boys, i dont understand why?
Damn it, you ask question like this, people how to answer. At least give a bit of your background, the girl's background, the bad boy's background, etc.
Old 10-07-2017, 12:27 AM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Originally Posted by nicktiger View Post
hey sis, i dont know what is going on in her mind, she puts real feelings into those fck boys, i dont understand why?
Hmm cos the sex was really good?
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Old 10-07-2017, 12:35 AM
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Originally Posted by JAVgent View Post
nice guy finishes last.. speaking from experience.

For you, one option is to go find a nice girl who likes you more than you like her.. then constantly hope she doesn't get snatched/eaten by the wolves you are talking to here.

The other option is to turn into one of those wolves.

I learnt best option is to have 2 faces... wolf for the girl you like, and nice guy for everyone else.

I am still a nice guy now you know
Nice guys....sometimes don't even get to finish the race! LOL.
Yes, Bro. Never eat and shit in the same place if you are serious about the job in that company.
TS should understand, some girls are wife material, some girls are destined to be girlfriends (and usually the pretty ones).
Old 10-07-2017, 12:38 AM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Originally Posted by nicktiger View Post
thanks bro, but i dont agree with any of your options, like option one, im taking advantage of a nice girl and option 2 is a irresponsible act.
I understand.. but let me help to break down your problem:

1. you say you are a nice guy
2. you observe that the girl you like like bad guys
3. you conclude you need help to get the girl you like to like you

So what can you do? You need to know what is within your means to change

a. you cannot change other ppl. despite what you think and wish, other ppl need to be willing to change first. and that won't happen without something drastic happening. this means that point 2 above is not something you can control.
b. you can change yourself.
- this means that you can change point 1 above (i.e. not be nice guy)
- or you can change point 3 above (i.e. change target.. which is what I was trying to tell you in option 1 in my first post)

tl;dr: if you do not change anything, the situation won't change itself.

post note: if you think after a while, the girl will get hurt and will come running to you for support and stuff... you may be right. but note that at that point.. you are a spare tyre. You may get some time with her, but she won't be yours (based on point 2 above)

post note 2: i'm very much surprised that no one advised you to change target. serious.
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Old 10-07-2017, 01:28 AM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

As long as you're financially stable, why afraid you don't have a partner? Let the love finds you, and not chasing over love. If the time is right, the right one will come in your life. Focus on the things you love to do.

Remember, girls love guys that have ambition and dream!

P.S: Well, what I said it's only my opinion and not what all of the girls are thinking. Some are just bitches
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Old 10-07-2017, 01:43 AM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Originally Posted by nicktiger View Post
Im in a dilemma, well most of girl friends would said that im a nice guy. thats what they say yea.

But i dont think i am and i have this idea in mind, lets say if im a nice guy, and potray me as an object, i would be a nice object right, people would want to buy and own me right.

But girls around me tend to like just treat as a friend only and prefer starting a relationship with those boys that even have rumours of cheating on their girlfriend.

I dont know what to do to get the girl that i like to like me, because she seems to be more interested in those guy that would hurt her instead of loving her.

Any advice senior ?

The hidden definition of Nice Guy is boring and predictable.
If you are a girl, would you want to hang out or go on a date with such a guy?

Truth be told, married man are deemed more attractive than single ones.
Observe from your friends or read up on the topic, guys tend to get more advances after they become attached.
Why? Because they are 'proven to be worthy'.
I know the irony: It's like going for your first job interview and get rejected because you don't have experience.
But if you don't get a first job, how do you gain experience right?

As for 'girls prefer starting a relationship with those boys that even have rumours of cheating on their girlfriend',
it is the sense of excitement and mystery that make them attractive to girls.
Yes you got it, nice guys don't have these qualities.

Actually, the most important quality is Self-Confidence.
You get self confidence by being good at what you do. Be it your studies, job, hobby, sports etc...
When you have Self-Confidence, you'll have the same aura as those guys you are envious of.
What? It takes too long to become good at those things and build self-confidence?

Then perhaps you can take the short-cut by reading up on pickup guides eg
Download the free eBook and practise. Fake it till you make it.

Once you gotten your first girlfriend (assuming you hadn't), you'll be on a roll.
And along the way, you might attract your original target and get on with her (assuming your feelings for her haven't changed).

All the best dude!
Old 10-07-2017, 03:53 AM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Originally Posted by nicktiger View Post
hey bro, thanks for the piece of advice, but im abit confused? i dont get what you really mean. hope you could explain further.
some things you have to experience first , then you will know what other seniors are talking about . if you were to say your girlfriends like fuckboys , can i say there are fuckgirls too ? since they themselves know fuckboys dont last long in relationships . anyways dont rush into a relationship ba , rush for ur career first instead . maybe you can go make more friends and widen your circles first

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Old 10-07-2017, 08:08 AM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
I would say this works 100% on PRC girls, 80% on Singaporean girls, 60% on Malaysian girls.
I think so too
Old 10-07-2017, 08:25 AM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

Ts, I don't think you are the only problem here, you mentioned before 26 is mature to you in terms of a matured woman. This means the girl you like is probably younger than 24?

You may be a contributing factor in terms of the way you behave or whatever, but the girl is also at fault.

What she lacks is mental maturity, from the way you have described it, she's still after the "bad boy", she isn't ready to settle down and she hasn't grown enough to appreciate a stable person over someone who can bring excitement but not security.

To be crude, she has to get screwed over a few more times emotionally to get it. Some women mature faster, yours just happens to still be a teenager.

If you really want to move on or settle it, tell her you can't be friends with her anymore. She asks why and you say:
"Cause I like you too much and I don't want to ruin our friendship, since you don't feel the same and won't give me a chance then it's better if I fucked off"

She either says bye, which means you never really meant that much to her in the first place, so this is saving yourself.

Or she tells you to stay, and might even give you a chance, which is what you want. But if you fuck that up then too bad.

Only stay if she's willing to give you a chance, if not then just fuck off, she may be the best shit to you right now, but there is always another girl meant for you so don't think that way.
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Old 10-07-2017, 10:21 AM
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Re: Nice guy or Fck boy

TS, nice guy usually cannot get pussy.
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