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Old 16-05-2007, 06:10 PM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

Originally Posted by kelwong135 View Post
What happen to ur friend?How he kana rip off???
Hi bro,

He was made to pay all those bloody surcharges which were written in Thai. Somemore the drinks and ladies drinks were around 250-300Baht. In all, he paid around 2500baht for a stupid show like that. So pls stay away from Patpong. besides these 'Thai Girl Show' are nothing to shout about. But if you never try it before and since its a novelty items, you can try ask the tour concierge at Nana hotel. Beside the Check-in desk. Maybe they can help you. Last time it was around 500-600Baht when i went to such show back in Pattaya.

Good luck bro
Old 21-05-2007, 02:50 PM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

In Patpong, the bars on the ground floor are all O.K. Only beware of the ones at first floor, the girls will order drinks and charge you for it.once , I was charged 5000 baht for drinks but after the owner's daughter intervention i was charge only 1500 baht.Lucky she was there and help me out.
Old 29-05-2007, 03:47 PM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

Personally, i think patpong is a crap place. ( full of ladyboy, ugly girls and rip-off joints)
Go at your own risk!

i recommend Long Gun in Soi Cowboy. Show start at 9p.m. but no live sex though.
Old 31-05-2007, 12:42 PM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

Take other and my advise:
Forget about the " sexy shows " offers from tuk tuk drivers, touts in Patpong st. Do not go for these shows especially in upstairs level of a shoph in Patpong. You WILL get RIP OFF by a big bill.

Better if you bar fine a SYT and get a handsome thai and watch them screw in your own bedroom. Create a tiger show yourself. Its cheaper, less dangerous for yourself than in an upstairs bar in Patpong, you can also film the act and join in yourseld !.
Old 31-05-2007, 05:47 PM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

Suziewong's show started at around 10.45 last night, there were lesbian shows on, with full on frenching and pussy licking. not bad.

drinks are abit steep there compared to the whole street though. 140 a beer
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Old 01-06-2007, 02:08 AM
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Thumbs down Re: tiger shows in bkk

Dear brudders,
IMHO, Patpong nowadays is no longer its old fame. Still remember my virgin tiger show in Patpong almost 10 years ago. It's so different nowadays. Really a lot of rip off place in Patpong. So better forget about Tiger Show la!
Just recently in Feb this year, I went there with my phuu ying. Out of curiosity, I went inside because the pimp outside said it's free to watch the show, how stupid I was!! Yup, the show was free to watch, but you MUST pay for the drinks which was 300THB per glass of beer!! I said no thanks and prepared to walk off... You know what? They prevent me from going away and said that I must pay up for the 2 cans of beer on my table even if I didn't touch it at all!! There was quite a commotion until I warned them that I'll call the police that they let us off! That was a close shave and that'll be the last I'll even take a look at this kind of outlet! So, brudders, be warned!
yours fuckfully,

Urban Rod
Old 01-06-2007, 03:25 AM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

IMHO, Patpong nowadays is no longer its old fame.
Had the same experience when I went BKK for the 1st time 2yrs back...Tricked into going up the stairs n paid 300B for a bottle of beer...Not content with the rip off, the gals n waitresses keep coming around every min to ask for tips in various forms...I barely had the chance to look at the show proper throughout the ordeal....Left the place with my untouched beer after 10mins as I really can't stand the barrage of nonsense from these people....Ended chatting to a street hawker along Patpong who was well-versed in English...TCSS for quite a while n told him this is my 1st trip to BKK...His general warning - No tuks tuks n No tiger shows in Patpong....Guess his warning came too late....
Pls pm me for return favour.
PS - minimun 5 pointers pls. Tks.
Old 01-06-2007, 06:51 AM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

remember went to a tiger show in patpong few years back.
its only after some thai touting with a laminated kind of menu and was attracted by the cheap price.
went up,they started to play some fire stunts and slowly realise its ladyboys!
thats not all,the gimmick part is,they will swarm to your table to ask for tips!
even a couple next to my table pass them some,went off!
for me,i quickly put a few hundred baht and go off before they come attacking!
Old 01-06-2007, 09:33 AM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

Originally Posted by Urban Rod View Post
Dear brudders,
IMHO, Patpong nowadays is no longer its old fame. Still remember my virgin tiger show in Patpong almost 10 years ago. It's so different nowadays. Really a lot of rip off place in Patpong. So better forget about Tiger Show la!
Just recently in Feb this year, I went there with my phuu ying. Out of curiosity, I went inside because the pimp outside said it's free to watch the show, how stupid I was!! Yup, the show was free to watch, but you MUST pay for the drinks which was 300THB per glass of beer!! I said no thanks and prepared to walk off... You know what? They prevent me from going away and said that I must pay up for the 2 cans of beer on my table even if I didn't touch it at all!! There was quite a commotion until I warned them that I'll call the police that they let us off! That was a close shave and that'll be the last I'll even take a look at this kind of outlet! So, brudders, be warned!
The last time i was there to walk around, the pimp outside were so aggressive in touting for business. they shove the menu and pics onto me when i pass by, just when i was about to return it to them, they pulled my arms and kinda of "manhandled" me to drag me in! My mate and me resisted violently and it almost turn into a street fiasco! gotta run away from them! unbelievable! Damn, ain't gonna go past that area! bros, take heed and be warn!

Old 01-06-2007, 05:47 PM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

Originally Posted by tomvoyeur View Post
Had the same experience when I went BKK for the 1st time 2yrs back...Tricked into going up the stairs n paid 300B for a bottle of beer...Not content with the rip off, the gals n waitresses keep coming around every min to ask for tips in various forms...I barely had the chance to look at the show proper throughout the ordeal....Left the place with my untouched beer after 10mins as I really can't stand the barrage of nonsense from these people....Ended chatting to a street hawker along Patpong who was well-versed in English...TCSS for quite a while n told him this is my 1st trip to BKK...His general warning - No tuks tuks n No tiger shows in Patpong....Guess his warning came too late....
speaking of tuk-tuk, now everytime i see tuk-tuk, i feel like beat them up and burn their fucking shit vehicle!!!!

stupid me already knew about the infamous scam in grand palace but still fell for it! (lies such as grand palace closed lah, 7 days promotion today last day lah, represent the king to show tourist around lah, end up wanna bring me to jewellery store so that son-of-a-bitch can collect petrol voucher! Pui! Pui!)

tiger shows in patpong are full of fat,ugly girls. My friend also kanna threaten there before, with a gun in their pocket somemore...
Old 02-06-2007, 03:50 AM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

Originally Posted by white_smk View Post
speaking of tuk-tuk, now everytime i see tuk-tuk, i feel like beat them up and burn their fucking shit vehicle!!!!

stupid me already knew about the infamous scam in grand palace but still fell for it! (lies such as grand palace closed lah, 7 days promotion today last day lah, represent the king to show tourist around lah, end up wanna bring me to jewellery store so that son-of-a-bitch can collect petrol voucher! Pui! Pui!)
lol.. why do u even walk near tuktuks..
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Old 02-06-2007, 01:05 PM
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Re: tiger shows in bkk

A tuk tuk driver pushed a pic of naked girls in a soapy MP in my face. He said the usual nonsense about " good massage, young girls, etc ". I said " No " in English. He got mad, grabbed my arm, and screamed in English " No want girl ", then, in Thai " Go home ". This was in front of Landmark Hotel, Sukhumvit Rd in broad daylight.
I grabbed his hand and flung it away and said in perfect Thai, very coldly and very loudly ( as there are many Thais on that stretch of road ) , " Khun khap ba an, khun f --k--g ba aah, khun a f--k--g disgrace to the Lord Buddha and his Royal Highness the Thai King ! ". He stood there, liked a zombie, absolutely stunned because all the passing decent Thai citizens just stared at him in disgust. He though i was a dumb tourist. He did not expect this dumb tourist to speak Thai and used both his holiness to tarnish his " face " so beautifully.
So, fellow members, do learn to speak some of the local lingo. It helps.
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