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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 04-01-2003, 04:02 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Plump and "big" HC gals

Originally posted by NOKIA6100
Novena also got carol,
is she short fat, tanned.
round eye.
with big boods, and big butt??
she quite chatty, speak hokien well, can speak other dialects and madarin, local s'pore gal.
face jude, but body putting on weight.
formerly merlin, and princess/allson

Sorry, can't answer your question becos I didn't ask/notice/remember. I can only remember that I almost fainted to see such a fat gir working in HC. Her specialty is in JG but nothing compared to Cindy's JG.
Old 06-01-2003, 05:06 PM
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btw, what is the advantage(s) of plump and "big" hc girl ?
"big" defines as build ?

I do understand if the girls are petite, good to carry and easier to handlle in many difficult sex positions.

Old 07-01-2003, 10:27 PM
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"Pui Chee Ho Loot". Ever heard of this hokkien phrase? That mean fat cunt is a better cunt to fuck.
Old 20-01-2003, 05:29 PM
Makan&Drink Makan&Drink is offline
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Plump HC ger

Tried Sharon from PP de sauna. On the plump side but face ok.
Very accommodating, can finger till wet, can bm, bj & fj.
Speaks good english, this is what I like coz i m an english helicopter.

Once she came in, told her no massage just want to fool around. Ask her to lie down, started to finger her until wet after that ask her to make me shiok. She started to bm me whilst i still was fingering her. She cannot tahan so bj me. Took condom from her barang2 and told me to fj her.

After all over paid her. Value for $$.
Old 21-01-2003, 02:05 AM
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Thumbs up Try CoCo of Casanova

This gal was a Taiwanese. She still has a very strong Taiwanese accent.
She is quite plump but during her earlier years she should be of the seductive type. She has very big BREAST, very fair complexion and sexy looking.
Old 09-03-2003, 12:01 AM
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Talking BM + BBBJ for $60/= ONLY!!!

Hi Brudders!

Nothing to do on a Saturday night, so went to try something different.

Went down to PP de Sauna @ Level 6, People's Park Complex, and ask for recommendations.

Was given Zack.

Big, plumb girl about 30+ yrs old.

Strong and hard massage, the way I like it.

Then came the question:

1. BM + HJ $50/=
2. BM + BBBJ $70/=

I then chose option 2, but ask the price be reduced to $60/=. She agreed! (Guess times are bad)

She then take off her top, and her breasts are HUGE! Abt 36D at least.

Overall here's the rating:

Looks: 6/10 (wld be higher if you don't mind large girls)
Attitude: 8/10 (speaks excellent English too! Claims she used to be from Electrolux. Allows fingering and she gets wet!)
Massage: 7/10
BM: 8/10
BBBJ: 9.5/10 (I'm quite apprehensive abt unprotected BJ though, but she assured me that she goes to the doctor frequently)
RTF? Yes, to F*@K her good

Somehow, big plumb aunties tend to give much better service than the young ang pais.
Old 09-03-2003, 02:26 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Plump and "big" HC gals

Originally posted by girllover
Hahaha Bro gedangsa, she massaged me before, really damn fat. BTW she only does HJ and JuaGen only.

Bro Goose, can try KK of Youth, meaty but service damn good, just that I am really afraid of fat girls.
bro, understandable lar... maybe she so fat until cannot do FJ leh?????????

Old 28-06-2003, 11:53 PM
thimyew thimyew is offline
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Re: BM + BBBJ for $60/= ONLY!!!

Originally posted by cumgiver
Hi Brudders!

Nothing to do on a Saturday night, so went to try something different.

Went down to PP de Sauna @ Level 6, People's Park Complex, and ask for recommendations.

Was given Zack.

Big, plumb girl about 30+ yrs old.

Strong and hard massage, the way I like it.

Then came the question:

1. BM + HJ $50/=
2. BM + BBBJ $70/=

I then chose option 2, but ask the price be reduced to $60/=. She agreed! (Guess times are bad)

She then take off her top, and her breasts are HUGE! Abt 36D at least.

Overall here's the rating:

Looks: 6/10 (wld be higher if you don't mind large girls)
Attitude: 8/10 (speaks excellent English too! Claims she used to be from Electrolux. Allows fingering and she gets wet!)
Massage: 7/10
BM: 8/10
BBBJ: 9.5/10 (I'm quite apprehensive abt unprotected BJ though, but she assured me that she goes to the doctor frequently)
RTF? Yes, to F*@K her good

Somehow, big plumb aunties tend to give much better service than the young ang pais.
zack? i visit there for some years liaos i think u refering to zack as in the lady boss rite but yeap u gives a really hard massage but i neber kanna special she never ask i never bother to ask cause her massage is really good thou.
Old 30-06-2003, 06:10 PM
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Try Bali 21 if you like fat ladies, look for merce, ask what she does, there is another fat gal there, never tried her. Usually stick to one only. Merc about 35 and above. V accomodating and good skills, the other girl, me not so sure. I personally like fatter gals. So don't flame me if you don't like her looks!
Old 03-07-2003, 06:54 PM
kamarsutra kamarsutra is offline
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hi guys... just making my contribution. I am also a fat ladies/aunties man. tried quite a few....

niko of world spa - most voluptuos body and the most beautiful pair of breast that I have ever seen and tasted. Only thing is World Spa is a rip-off, really expensive place.

Sharon of pp - Very plumb, speaks very good english, one of the horniest fat girl, can do almost anything with/to her

Veron of skill - very accomodating, patient, treats you well

Sugar of Dorris - very huge breast but heard that service standard drop, maybe just not her day...

There are others... and generally I feel fat/plumb/aunties give better service. I simply love the look of a well rounded girl....
Old 04-07-2003, 01:07 AM
lovetocum lovetocum is offline
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hello bros,

i was wondering if u all like the 'pui pui' type, then icq and irc have a lot what. Why not go there sian a few? I heard 'pui pui' girls are very horny and every time 'lao zhui' one (drip cunt juice).
Love, Thy Will Be Done. Cum, Thy Fuck Be Done.
Old 22-09-2003, 01:43 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Plump and "big" HC gals

Originally posted by girllover
Hahaha Bro gedangsa, she massaged me before, really damn fat. BTW she only does HJ and JuaGen only.

Bro Goose, can try KK of Youth, meaty but service damn good, just that I am really afraid of fat girls.
Hi Bros, does anyone knows if KK of Youth HC is still working there, cos each time I called up, the recep kept saying she is on long leave
Thanks for any info...
Old 23-09-2003, 08:26 AM
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Old 07-10-2003, 08:27 PM
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Any more of this "big" "plump" girls that bros can recommend.
Old 08-10-2003, 06:40 PM
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if u dun mind fake breast... try apple of Lexon
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