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Old 11-10-2005, 01:55 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

bloated stomach is one of the symptoms? sharks. thats worth worrying.

Originally Posted by dt3305
Allow me to side track a bit. Tested negative at 4th week but at 5th week, started not feeling well. Body ache, bloated stomach, light headeness, headache, dry throat...have seen GP and he say it is stomach flu and given some medictation but it just won't go away.

Any bro can advise if negative at 4th week is a good indictation? I know 12th week negative will be conclusive but can't help feeling worried. My encounter was considered low risk and agreed by Afa counsellor and DSC doctor.
Old 11-10-2005, 09:27 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

hi bros..

have been clear for 1mth test..
now 2 mths liao, suddenly i have bloated stomach and sever "lao sai", fever at 38,lost of appitate, lose weight due to my lose of this synpthoms of HIV??My lao sai have been ard for 5 dayz liao..seen a GP give mi some medicine, told mi is food poisoning..other than this, there is no physical synptoms like rashes..
Pls advice...mi quite worried...
Old 11-10-2005, 10:14 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

When you are worried, any syptoms will be blow out of will liken it to HIV...I have been through hell of a 3 months and enough is more FJ with Wl anymore...

For the HIV self test kit, it is a step in the wrong direction. As what Afa director said, they could have tested negative during the window period and went on to do raw. Maybe the self test kit should come with a warning and detailed information on the window period of 3 months.

Just imagine, you go to a disco, you want to bonk the gal, you bought the self test kit from the disco and viola, both negative..and you book hotel and bonk raw like mad...then you discovered you got HIV....who do you sue? Govt?
Old 11-10-2005, 10:29 AM
badtzboy badtzboy is offline
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

hi bros..

wat is the most snificant synptoms that our body will producr if we have hiv??
Old 12-10-2005, 10:13 AM
dt3305 dt3305 is offline
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

If you back track this thread, you will find tons of information or you can acess DSC website for the information.

Most people do not have the syptoms, those minority who has it, experienced flu like symptoms, with fever(70%), malaise soon after the exposure and it last 2 to 3 weeks. But this can be caused by so many other things, like the stress and worry you are going through which caused you to be sick. There are a few real time case whereby they experienced high fever continously for abt 1 week and it won't susbide despite taking panadol and fever medication. It later proved to be HIV+.
Best is take the test at 4th week and repeat at 12th week for conclusive result. But from my own experience, if your sex is protected and the condom did not slip or leak, you don't have to worry. Just remember the rules, full protection for BJ and FJ and watch out if you or the gal has cuts(anywhere, especially genital area), ulcers(in mouth). After the sex, check the condom, fill with water and watch for any leakage...
Old 12-10-2005, 08:58 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

hi bros...

just went to AFA to check...
heng negative...

now waiting for the 3rd mths liao....
27 more days to go....
Old 13-10-2005, 11:09 AM
dt3305 dt3305 is offline
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Congrats bro...
Old 17-10-2005, 01:33 PM
dt3305 dt3305 is offline
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

I have checked with Afa abt the self test kit and they say its still on trial and not for sale to the public yet.

I would like to assume a scenario. If you had protected sex with a KTV gal twice in 2 days, both protected (for BJ and FJ and condom intact, no slippage or breakage) but there were some frenching(only tongue to tongue but not licking inside of mouth, will it posed any risk of transmission of any STDs? The KTV has sex with a customer abt 4 weeks back and the condom broke. The guy swear he has nothing infectious. From that encounter till she had sex with the 2nd guy, there was no more sex with other guys.The KTV gal went for test at Afa after 4 weeks and it was negative. So what abt the 2nd guy who had sex with her twice in a role 4 weeks after that encounter? Is he at risk? he may have a slight pain in his gum at the 2nd session but not ulcer...anyone can advise? HIV risk and herpes risk?
Old 17-10-2005, 04:36 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by dt3305
Is he at risk? he may have a slight pain in his gum at the 2nd session but not ulcer...anyone can advise? HIV risk and herpes risk?
Since it is estimated that at least 30% to 40% of commercial sex workers are infected with the Herpes 2 virus, the risk of catching herpes is always high regardless of the circumtances and whether or not protection was used.

It all depends upon whether the sex worker happens to be having an episode of asymptotic shedding or an outbreak at the time.

In other words, it's a classic case of Russian Roulette.

HIV risk is a lot lower though.
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Old 17-10-2005, 05:57 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
Since it is estimated that at least 30% to 40% of commercial sex workers are infected with the Herpes 2 virus, the risk of catching herpes is always high regardless of the circumtances and whether or not protection was used.

It all depends upon whether the sex worker happens to be having an episode of asymptotic shedding or an outbreak at the time.

In other words, it's a classic case of Russian Roulette.

HIV risk is a lot lower though.
Assumed she does not have episode of asymptotic shedding and any outbreak during the 2 session, the risk of herpes would be relatively low or zero if she has no herpes in the first place.

As for HIV, since she has tested neagtive at 4th week, its a good indication but since here encounter was condom broken, she is at relatively high risk, assuming that guy is HIV+, so a conclusive result at 3rd month would be the answer. DSC website states that kissing is not a common mode of transmission for any STDS as the saliva has an inhabiting action on any bacteria or virus unless blood is present, which in these scenario, there is no exhange of blood.
Old 27-10-2005, 01:21 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

According to Afa, the self test kit still on trial and cost $10 each...

If you find you need to take a test, just go on there early at about 7.15pm...when shutter gate open...go in and be first in the 8pm, you will get your result...
Old 11-11-2005, 03:17 AM
Shaun_G Shaun_G is offline
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Hey there. got a question that i need to ask. Say if u HIV+, how many years would one have with medication and how many years without medication>?
Old 11-11-2005, 05:27 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by Shaun_G
Hey there. got a question that i need to ask. Say if u HIV+, how many years would one have with medication and how many years without medication>?
The average lifespan of an individual without medication is about 8 - 10 years. With medication, the lifespan can be longer, but there are no specific numbers.
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Old 01-12-2005, 08:12 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Latest Statistic provided by Joint United Nations Programme on Hiv/Aids

Source from

Number of people living with HIV in 2005 Total 40.3 million (36.7–45.3 million)
Adults 38.0 million (34.5–42.6 million)
Women 17.5 million (16.2–19.3 million)
Children under 15 years 2.3 million ( 2.1–2.8 million)

People newly infected with HIV in 2005 Total 4.9 million ( 4.3–6.6 million)
Adults 4.2 million ( 3.6–5.8 million)
Children under 15 years 700 000 (630 000–820 000)

AIDS deaths in 2005 Total 3.1 million (2.8–3.6 million)
Adults 2.6 million (2.3–2.9 million)
Children under 15 years 570 000 (510 000–670 000)

The ranges around the estimates in this table define the boundaries within which the actual numbers lie, based on the best available information.

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Old 01-12-2005, 08:16 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

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