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Old 27-09-2004, 01:50 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by HighLife
yeah, , mine own composition........

sure you can copy it to sian gals..........thot gals of our era are too practical to appreciate stuff like that........
Bro, Nice poem. I am really surprise to hear that you have wrote it yourself... Hope you can meet someone who can really appreciate you and be touched by your poems...
Old 27-09-2004, 03:26 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Hitman
"小李神刀,冠绝天下,出手一刀,例不虚发." - 《多情剑客无情剑》

阁下对金大侠与古大侠的小说认识之深,与记性之好,令在下望尘莫及。望有日能与microso ft 兄煮酒论英雄。不知阁下对倪匡的卫斯理与原振侠系列事否也有所研究?
Hee! Nah jus happen 2 noe abit. Jus enuff to bull my way thru. kerker.

卫斯理 first 70 books or so r pretty gd. IMHO, problems arises starting frm the part he wrote abt how his wife become an ailen, a wonderwomen alike daughter, etc. No more action. He can solve mystery simply by listerning 2 other ppl stories. The story line get so incredible tat i find it quite riduclious. Sigh. Guess he ran out of idea....

原振侠 stories at time can be boring especially the endless enatnglement btn himself and 黄娟, 海棠 and 玛仙. More like love stories then science fiction.

木兰花, 罗开, 年轻人 n 高达. Not very nice so i din really follow.

Old 27-09-2004, 04:15 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by MachoDevilX
Bro, Nice poem. I am really surprise to hear that you have wrote it yourself... Hope you can meet someone who can really appreciate you and be touched by your poems...

surprise ? Bro, how can you doubt my ability.........anyway thanks to all bros for the good comments.

I only write poems when the "feelings" cum........I use to try chinese ones as well.
We always stand the strongest in the weakest moment of our lives.

Last edited by HighLife; 27-09-2004 at 04:22 AM.
Old 27-09-2004, 04:29 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Microsoft
Hee! Nah jus happen 2 noe abit. Jus enuff to bull my way thru. kerker.

卫斯理 first 70 books or so r pretty gd. IMHO, problems arises starting frm the part he wrote abt how his wife become an ailen, a wonderwomen alike daughter, etc. No more action. He can solve mystery simply by listerning 2 other ppl stories. The story line get so incredible tat i find it quite riduclious. Sigh. Guess he ran out of idea....

原振侠 stories at time can be boring especially the endless enatnglement btn himself and 黄娟, 海棠 and 玛仙. More like love stories then science fiction.

木兰花, 罗开, 年轻人 n 高达. Not very nice so i din really follow.
used to be a fan of Ni Kuang more than 10 years ago........agreed that his standard has dropped compared to when he first started......become very commercialised.........always remember his claim that his fastest record is to write a book within a to ensure quality like that
We always stand the strongest in the weakest moment of our lives.
Old 27-09-2004, 04:43 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Microsoft
卫斯理 first 70 books or so r pretty gd. IMHO, problems arises starting frm the part he wrote abt how his wife become an ailen, a wonderwomen alike daughter, etc. No more action. He can solve mystery simply by listerning 2 other ppl stories. The story line get so incredible tat i find it quite riduclious. Sigh. Guess he ran out of idea....

原振侠 stories at time can be boring especially the endless enatnglement btn himself and 黄娟, 海棠 and 玛仙. More like love stories then science fiction.

木兰花, 罗开, 年轻人 n 高达. Not very nice so i din really follow.
Yup, agreed, towards the later stage of his stories, he is merely narrating other people's adventures instead of getting involved... So I also stopped many years ago..

Wah piangzz, you guys no need to sleep one ah?? So early in the morning, log in to SB liao...

I'm three hours behind, so it's only midnight here... gotta go now. Good night guys... or rather Good Morning!
Old 27-09-2004, 09:15 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by HighLife
used to be a fan of Ni Kuang more than 10 years ago........agreed that his standard has dropped compared to when he first started......become very commercialised.........always remember his claim that his fastest record is to write a book within a to ensure quality like that
Some ppl say those later stage books are written partial by his son. Dunno how far tat true.

Old 27-09-2004, 11:47 AM
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Smile Re: What is True Love?

Dear Brothers
I would like to thank Brother 911 for posting such a magnificient poem and to brother High for such a great follow up with his own personal effort. Indeed we have raised the bar on this thread. Keep up the good work. Cheers Yohjimbo
Old 27-09-2004, 10:26 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by MachoDevilX

you truly love her but she must truely love back too. takes two to clap.
i am NOT Orgasmic.
Old 27-09-2004, 10:33 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

[QUOTE=Hitman望有日能与microsoft 兄煮酒论英雄。[/QUOTE]

Aaaay... Hitman 兄. 不如叫雞论英雄你看如何? Hehe!

Old 27-09-2004, 10:56 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Microsoft
Aaaay... Hitman 兄. 不如叫雞论英雄你看如何? Hehe!
Old 27-09-2004, 11:10 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by 0rGASMIC
you truly love her but she must truely love back too. takes two to clap.
Of course lah. If it's only one way, it is just called " Yi Xiang Qing Yuan"... And not "Liang Xiang Qing Yuan"... Love always takes two hands to clap and it is never easy to be able to find the one who you loves and loves you as well. And it is even more difficult to find someone you loves ,who loves you, and can lived with you... Chim hor..
Old 27-09-2004, 11:14 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by HighLife
surprise ? Bro, how can you doubt my ability.........anyway thanks to all bros for the good comments.

I only write poems when the "feelings" cum........I use to try chinese ones as well.
Oh... Of course surprise lah... Never know that you are so poetic and "talented"... Kekeke... And can even write when you "cum"...
Old 28-09-2004, 12:14 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Hitman

转眼秋中, 借花敬佛, 赠君一词, 愿君珍重.

空山新雨後, 天氣晚來秋。
明月松間照, 清泉石上流。
竹喧歸浣女, 蓮動下漁舟。
隨意春芳歇, 王孫自可留。

Old 30-09-2004, 11:14 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Well, I thought I had 'retired' from such posts (as I mentioned to another bro), but I seem to be in the mood tonight...


True love....

It may have its roots in passion, in family ties and in friendship.
It may be just fleeting, it may be growing.

It is foremost, putting the happiness of another before your own.
A spouse, a parent or a sibling. A friend or even a rival.

It will consume us, frustrate us and it may even break us.
It will lift us, carry us and teach us.
It can make us be more than what we can be, or it can bring out the worst in us.

When we do something for someone that we would not normally do and we feel happy after doing it, it may be - it may just be true love.
When we allow someone to love us the way they do, even if it is not the way we like it, it may just be true love.

Above all, it is what we each individually define it to be.
We are all different, our neural pathways as unique as thumbprints. When one defines true love in his heart and he feels he has it, then he has it. It matters not that others define it differently and do not think it is true love - he thinks it is, he is experiencing it, and so it is.

Einstein didn't have love in mind when he came up with his relativity theory - but it is applicable in a sense.... True love, like time, is relative and not an absolute, universal constant. As we each grow and travel the road of life, the definition will change and evolve... but the one constant, like the speed of light in Einstein's relativity, is the way it makes us feel and what it can make us do...

To somewhat plagiarise a famous phrase - Love and Let Love. It is one of the saddest things when one loses the ability to love and be loved. I have had a few loves in my short and insignificant life on this earth, but those are stories for another day....
Old 01-10-2004, 03:33 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Wow. Finally another bro have contribue to his opinion of what is "True Love". Thanks bro Imon. Any more bros/sis willing to contribute his/her love stories, quotes or opinions... ?

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