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Old 07-05-2016, 11:33 PM
prickhunter prickhunter is offline
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Re: L18h5

Xiao Yu 1805

Was having the frog porridge at GL and decided to check out the beauties along lorong 10,12 and 14 as it was still too early to head back home. Settled for a ulu house in L14H31. Kept selecting the girls and asking the okt if got others. He was quite nice and did not hurry me and finally rang on the phone and told me what i was looking for – a syt type petite sized girl from 1805. I sat there and waited. After waiting for more than 30mins, she was still not here and i got impatient, the okt was very plesant and did not show any signs of irritation and i left the house headed for 1805 which was the final destination. Arrived at 1805 and fianlly saw what i wanted and that was Xiao Yu, yes she is the petite syt type that i was looking for. I liked young girls (under 25) with innocent face and xiao yu seemed like a short korean chick that was made for me. I am not very tall so her 1.56m frame and 40kg+ frame was suitable for me. She looked really cute with her hair tied up to a bun and her hair is in the shade of light brown tinge. She has those type of GND looks of a korean student studying in Overseas Family School (OFS), sorry i am fantasing but she reminded me of my korean classmate when i was in jc. Cute is the term i give to her. She has no traces of being womanly, just purely girly innocence and her boobs are really small at 32A, in not less than that. My... she looks like she has teenager boobs. Her abalone is congruent to her looks and personality and is pinkish red and raw. I like her blemish free skin without any traces of scar and tattoos. In the bedroom after she stripped off, i almost could not believe that this is commercial sex. She is so GND and so sweet looking and her blur looks would let you mistake her for a teenager. Sex with her was quite SOP with nothing to scream about. In fact she seemed to be a little shy which actually made the sex more exciting. This is just bonking a high school lass. There were no aggressive kisses and frenching, just light lips to lips brushing and touching. I wanted to paint and finger her and she coyly rejected me as she seem uncomfortable. I did not want to force her as i almost could not bear to.OMG, i almost fell in love with her. After the whole session, she gave me a light massage which is too weak and almost like playful presses. Chatted with her a little and could not help noticing her innocent looking eyes and her sometime blur expression that added to the high school girl effect. This girl is the go to girl in case you are not looking for hard and fast commercial sex. I may RTF her as we seemed to click quite well and will hope for better svc next time round.
Old 07-05-2016, 11:40 PM
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Re: 3033

FR on AC (chiobu Milf)
look: 6.5 (have a beautiful sexy smile and rather sharp features)
complex: fair
boob: A handful;, maybe a B cup
rear: slightly curvy
overall: slender
age: early 30s??

Try her out and give your comments!
Old 08-05-2016, 06:53 AM
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Re: Lorong 28 House 31A

WL: Li Li number 018
Homebase: L28H31A (from L18H20)

Had a good shot on a plus sized girl today. Her name is Li Li. Born in 1990 and comes from guanzhou. She has former experience working in Dongguan. If I am not mistaken, she is the elder sister of another WL called Ye Zi.

Li Li, is one of the more fleshy WL that i have tried and i picked her as she her boobs are really huge. I think she has one of he largest boobs in GL at 38C, still not saggy as she is relatively young. She has hair which is slightly longer than shoulder length and jet black in colour. As i have mentioned before, she is Ye zi's sister so naturally her looks are of canny resemblance to her sis and to me is the girl next door type, those girls that you see roaming about in the HDB void deck. So why am i writing this FR? I can't forget her and especially her huge 38C melons which engulfed my face. Her nipples were of attractive pinkish shade and small virgin like. Though she is fleshy, she is not plump and her tummy is flat and i find her presentable, she is of regular height about 1.6m. In the bedroom, during the FJ with her, i noticed her pusssy to be very tight and it is able to contract and grab my penis when i climax which added to my sensation. Service wise, she allows only light kissing so is not very high on the GFE section. Her cathbath and AR is sop. A spoiler is that she only does AR under the cover of the CD. I also tried to paint her and was rejected outright. Almost no fingering too.sad. But all of these were overcome by my deep impression of her huge melons topped with pink nipples and her special skill of contracting pussy. I am still very new in GL and have no idea of what is the 1 dragon service so maybe dudes here can advise me on that and i also unable to comment how she fared for the 1 dragon service since i did not know what it was. Personally i would rate her overall service a 7/10 as there are some services that she does not allow and that is a spoiler.
Old 08-05-2016, 07:24 AM
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Re: 1805/1820: The Clone Wars

Originally Posted by prickhunter View Post
hey..... moderator... what is wrong with you?????????????????????????????

I am a genuine punter and customer.

Why shift my thread to here. I posted it in 1805 not here. please move it back thanks
Originally Posted by ozonee View Post
WL: Li Li number 018
Homebase: from L18H20

hello, thxs for posting the FRs on xiao yu and li li

sorry about shifting your posts here....currently all post about 1805/1820 from new accounts and moderated accounts will be shifted here.
FR is only a chance, not a guarantee
The more FRs the better to get a more accurate picture

Last edited by comm; 08-05-2016 at 08:10 AM.
Old 08-05-2016, 10:59 AM
prickhunter prickhunter is offline
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Re: 1805/1820: The Clone Wars

Originally Posted by comm View Post
hello, thxs for posting the FRs on xiao yu and li li

sorry about shifting your posts here....currently all post about 1805/1820 from new accounts and moderated accounts will be shifted here.
Can I suggest you running a check against the ip address. You will find out that I am a unique poster not a clone.

I received favourable service on Xiao yu and kinda of good chemistry with her so I wrote for her.

As a moderator, you are behaving blindly shifting all of the account just because we are new? you are discriminating us genuine punters yet doing nothing to stop those clone accounts from zapping us
Old 08-05-2016, 11:06 AM
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Re: Frenching / BBBJ - PRC (Cat 60/80/100)

if not mistaken, most girls in these CAT do not do Frenching and also AR. That is the reason why I do not frequent them
Old 08-05-2016, 11:31 AM
konbanwawa konbanwawa is offline
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Re: 1805/1820: The Clone Wars

Originally Posted by prickhunter View Post
Can I suggest you running a check against the ip address. You will find out that I am a unique poster not a clone.

I received favourable service on Xiao yu and kinda of good chemistry with her so I wrote for her.

As a moderator, you are behaving blindly shifting all of the account just because we are new? you are discriminating us genuine punters yet doing nothing to stop those clone accounts from zapping us
Please give the moderator a break. The CB promoters and fake FR writers try every trick in the book to slip in incorrect info about girls and their services, especially from 1805/1820, and mod is trying to control them. I don't think it's an easy task.
Old 08-05-2016, 12:09 PM
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Re: 1805/1820: The Clone Wars

Originally Posted by prickhunter View Post
Can I suggest you running a check against the ip address. You will find out that I am a unique poster not a clone.

I received favourable service on Xiao yu and kinda of good chemistry with her so I wrote for her.

As a moderator, you are behaving blindly shifting all of the account just because we are new? you are discriminating us genuine punters yet doing nothing to stop those clone accounts from zapping us
Its great that you are writing a FR on Xiao Yu, dun worry people can still read your FRs in this thread..... sadly recently there has been too many clone accounts giving Fake FRs of this house, even fake boobs they say is real boobs. so ur FR might be unjustly affected by the clone accounts

Regarding posting good FRs or making bad comments on 1805/1820 WLs, new accounts, clone accounts and moderated accounts have their posts shifted here to 'contain the fighting' and to cut down on Fake FRs that are as fake as masa boobs. (I dun mind to squeeze masa fake boobs but i dun like fake frs)

Last edited by comm; 08-05-2016 at 09:24 PM.
Old 08-05-2016, 12:59 PM
Loloclub Loloclub is offline
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Re: 1805/1820: The Clone Wars

When I see other bros agrue..I start to laugh...I have tried girls from 1820(001)..service is good..8/10..I have call her twice..I have read the fr too from 1820 thread..I just read the fr then just give it a try..I know 150 is too much..bros here wan to spend 150 wisely.. But when you read the fr from the thread you can say it's 50/50 chance...I can say that I'm lucky..for the last 2 visit never disappointed.. I will be more angry if I have to pay 150 and get a suck service because my salary is low(1xxx per month) so I need to spend 150 wisely...every time I wan to find 150 I will just go to 1820..the time I always make a visit is after 11 pm..the shop almost close but still can get a good service 001 never show her tiredness even I can see her tiredness i mean she never give me a black can say I'm a clone or give a fake fr up to you.. The keyboard warriors only know how to type and agrue but never try the girls I think? This is just my opinion thanks
Old 08-05-2016, 01:23 PM
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Re: 1805/1820: The Clone Wars

Originally Posted by Loloclub View Post
When I see other bros agrue..I start to laugh...I have tried girls from 1820(001)..service is good..8/10..I have call her twice..I have read the fr too from 1820 thread..I just read the fr then just give it a try..I know 150 is too much..bros here wan to spend 150 wisely.. But when you read the fr from the thread you can say it's 50/50 chance...I can say that I'm lucky..for the last 2 visit never disappointed.. I will be more angry if I have to pay 150 and get a suck service because my salary is low(1xxx per month) so I need to spend 150 wisely...every time I wan to find 150 I will just go to 1820..the time I always make a visit is after 11 pm..the shop almost close but still can get a good service 001 never show her tiredness even I can see her tiredness i mean she never give me a black can say I'm a clone or give a fake fr up to you.. The keyboard warriors only know how to type and agrue but never try the girls I think? This is just my opinion thanks
qian duo duo does give good service, good for you that you picked her.

also...thxs for coming out to speak for 001....this is what this forum is about...sharing of genuine info

WLs that work hard everyday to give good service, no matter what $$ category they are.....i hope bros can speak out for them and also give them good FRs as they have no presence in the cyber world

As for the 'clone' thing...dun worry about it, the most important thing in a cyber forum is to be able to speak out what you want. Those who tried qian duoduo before will know whether u are telling the truth or not

Last edited by comm; 08-05-2016 at 02:51 PM.
Old 08-05-2016, 04:04 PM
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Re: 1805/1820: The Clone Wars

All fake FR here. U try u know
Old 10-05-2016, 11:01 AM
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Re: L18h5

How come all FR so good, so hard to believe.

Originally Posted by comm View Post
thxs for
speaking up and sharing about the wls you find are good

every forum depends on its members to share info , and when it comes to the online world, every geylang wl depends on their customers to speak out for them at sammyboy
Old 10-05-2016, 07:55 PM
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Re: L18h5

If everyday good new like I strike 4D daily. Will u believe me
Old 10-05-2016, 07:57 PM
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Re: LORONG 18 HOUSE 20 FR collection Bonk FR Bonk FR Bonk FR Bonk FR Bonk FR Bonk FR

Wow all FR so good like if one strikealways Toto everyday
Old 10-05-2016, 09:12 PM
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Re: 2033

Mi Na (English speaking Chi Babe) – 2033/1805

Was sitting at my usual joint 2033 and looking around for some fresh new faces. Non suitable. The manly okt was nice to pull one girl called Mi Na from 1805. He told me that she could speak English. Not bad! And I was not disappointed.

Looks: 7.5
Looks much better than before. She's a young & sweet looking gal with a nice
chiseled face and feminine features, sweet smile and long straight black hair. She is the GND type

Body: 7.5
Her body looks stunning with clothes on and I was not disappointed when the
clothes came off but her tits are a bit small and disappointingly at A cups. However, her butt is perky which i like

A lot better than my previous visit. Spends a long time in this department.
OK suction and she tries to deepthroat too.

AR: Never try.

FJ: 7
Very natural, responsive and proactive. Really like her facial expressions when it is crumpled in pleasure.

She is quite a amiable girl with high PR skills. She gives good GFE from her conversational skills and she will lighten the mood with her English sentences which made me laugh in surprise. She does not rush and and is not commando type of girl so recommend to bros who are going for GF treatment
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