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Old 17-06-2007, 07:49 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

I'm very new to Beijing. Just came in and will be staying till Sat.

If anyone going out to chiong, please PM me. I would like to see how BJ has transform.

To Mark, thanks for your info. But too bad I'm alone. Too bored to chiong alone.
Old 18-06-2007, 12:11 AM
The Wanderer The Wanderer is offline
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Bro Mark

Thanks for the prompt reply. Can't wait to be back in Beijing for action. Will be there end of this month. Stay tune for my FR !

BTW, what is our SMIB identification, you mention it was in the SMIB Yahoo Group, but I can't find any reference to it. Please pm me if you don't mind.

The Wanderer

Originally Posted by Mark Lim View Post
Bro, pls check your pm. hollywood is similar to itaewon. mami sun fei is also my long time friend. you can tabao straight also.
Old 18-06-2007, 02:14 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

I've been to some of the KTVs in BJ and here is a summary:

花都- expensive but superior hardware, RMB500 tips, room rate and drink extra expensive. 3 guys can easily set u back RMB 3k just for the drink. However, girls' quality (in terms of look and education level) is good.

昆泰嘉华- RMB 400 to 500 tips. Room rate and drink are more reasonable. Good quality girls too.

中服- RMB 400 tips. Room rate and drink reasonable. Good quality girls.

米兰之都- RMB 300 tips. There is one section (south area) where girls can be really wild. Strip naked, dancing etc.

Old 18-06-2007, 02:17 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Pls check below info i found fr some of the taiwanese website. These guys are good.

For Bro travel in and out of China, pls do us a favor when u r out of China, go to Google, type 北京性息 and u should get lots of insight info. Pls share whatever interested info here.


1、建設大廈(西客站南廣場)。推薦此處,找媽咪舒敏,當年東方極紅的小姐之一,人很漂亮,也會辦事,絕不 宰客。對手下小姐要求很嚴,若客人對小姐不滿意小費可以打折,給她的小費隨意,決不會為一兩百塊錢追著客人 要。
2、東方飯店一層和頂層(北緯路)。三年前曾經火暴一時,每晚高峰期都要排隊等房,兩個小時左右就要翻台, 當然小姐也極為開放,進屋不到半小時准全部脫光,啤酒不喝往身上倒,稱之為啤酒浴,五六個小姐一絲不掛在房 間裏扭來扭去,真是酒林肉池,春光滿室。可惜後來全國嚴打,東方被列為重點檢查對象,收斂了很 多。
3、蘇源錦江飯店(廣安門)。包房條件最好,收費較高。去年秋天在這裏玩發現小姐串台,一生氣少給了100 元小費,媽咪竟然不讓走,憤然離開,再未去過。
以上四家為同一個老闆,個人認為玩得是否開心關鍵看媽咪,媽咪要求嚴,小姐自然不敢怠慢客人。另外前門飯店 和東方飯店因為名氣太大被重點監視,小姐的玩法也要受限制。
消費嘛,基本差不多,包房100元/小時,啤酒40元/聽,果盤150元左右,小吃30~40/份,結帳都可以打折,只是媽咪的方式不同,有免包房費的,有送啤酒的,有整體加在一起後乘以係數的。總之全 部台費大約200元左右/人。小費公價:小姐300元/人,老媽300元。
最關鍵的玩法忘了,基本程式包括789脫衣服到光光,拔陰毛,最後集體的5分鐘左右脫衣舞。個別小姐還會表 演抽煙、飲酒、倒立、鬥奶等。
5、紫金萬壽宮(子宮,半步橋)。兩年前曾出過事,跳脫衣舞現場被捉,媽咪和小姐都被判刑。前面提到的舒敏 也曾在此當過媽咪,因為感覺不安全後離開的,離開不久就出事了。現在也算是南城較火的地點,前幾天聽朋友說 小姐可以現場打飛機。最近沒有去過,不敢亂講話。
6、月亮島(右安門九頭鳳飯店院內)。推薦此處。說實話,小姐比較開放,進門先給小弟檢查身體,小弟也不客 氣,互相檢查。今天只我們一台客人(非典時期),老媽索性與我們一起。擲股子脫衣服,一會已是滿室春光,小 姐連老媽都一絲不掛。小姐說服務員會偷看,本人憐香惜玉,允許每人披一件襯衫,下面以餐巾紙為坐墊。後玩7 89,小姐們表演紅旗飄飄(餐巾紙夾在屁股後面左右搖)、維維鬥奶(兩個小姐磨乳房)、高山流水(小姐脫下 內褲,大腿根夾住酒杯敬酒)、拔毛留念(當然是下面的)等,我們哥倆也損失慘重,不幸被小姐拔取陰毛幾根, 表演溜小鳥(被小姐牽著小弟弟走),破處(餐巾紙蒙住色盅用小弟弟捅破),還要我們表演鬥雞遭到我們的拒絕 ,太噁心了。小姐可以,兩個大男人磨小弟弟,受不了。
7、另外聽說豐台體育場西面大井路上的大都休閒俱樂部也相當火暴,小費只要200,消費也低多了。只是沒有 驗證。
Old 18-06-2007, 02:19 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing


14.奥体东门小百合, 23岁,酥胸圆臀,真正的兼职的重庆辣妹,长的很可爱,皮肤好13366865998,300,自己住小两 居室,卧房有空调,能洗澡,说马哥的朋友.

2006.4 洋橋萬寶瀚陪浴
【干炮細節】:早就從網上看到了洋橋萬寶瀚陪浴的美名,一直沒有機會驗證一下,昨天晚上正好在附近辦事,看 看時間還早,決定去嘗試一下,一進門服務生的熱情就讓自己有了一種上帝的感覺,換好衣服直接和服務生說要一 個大包間,進房一看,裝修得不錯:雙人按摩浴缸、63寸背投電視、三張大雙人床,接著就像皇帝宣妃一樣一個 一個挑XJ,我看了6個,選了30號一個19歲的重慶小妹,1.55M,長得小巧玲瓏(個人愛好),接著就 是共浴、全活,個人感覺小姐比較敬業,做起來很賣力,由其在毒龍的時候進入很深,有一種很爽的感覺,特別強 調一下的是各項服務用的都是牛奶,感覺就是不一樣,KJ時我要求用69式,仔細檢查了XJ的BB,很嫩,用 手指插入時感覺很緊,無異味,期間瞭解到這的管理比較正規,XJ都會定期體檢,一旦有客人投訴染病,公司會 對XJ進行處理,所以決定不帶套ML,XJ用嘴含牛奶把DD洗了一遍,女上位進入,一快一慢,一淺一深,真 的是有一種飄飄欲仙的感覺,由於前戲太多,本狼10分鐘就交了貨,完事以後洗洗正好一小時到鐘,XJ很禮貌 的告辭,並且建議下次再來點12號,四川小妹,皮膚很白,胸大身材好,關鍵是活好。
換好衣服出門買單:48(浴資)+120(包間費)+600(全套)=768,個人感覺在北京的洗浴中心中 ,這裡的性價比還是不錯的,下次還要再來。
Old 18-06-2007, 08:20 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Mark Lim View Post
SMIB Bros, all new SMIB membership applications have been processed.

the SMIB network has attracted great interest from many bros in SBF. we now have 58 members, 12 from Group A and 46 from Group B.

welcome all new members, please remember to sign up for the BJStar Yahoo Group to access exclusive information on beijing ktvs.

i look forward to your active participation and for experienced bros to help new comers. our collective objective is to have some fun time in beijing together.

Mark Lim
bro mark

can i join the group ?
Old 19-06-2007, 02:19 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by busybody View Post
bro mark

can i join the group ?
sure bro.pls send me your application. read the link under my signature for details.
Old 19-06-2007, 02:48 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

had an interesting session with bro replacemt_killer & bro funcpad last night at itaewon. tcss whole night full of lame jokes. will leave to you guys to post FRs, haha ...

maybe i will post my chinese doctor gf FR when i have time.

thanks bros for the meet up. cheers.

Mark Lim
Old 20-06-2007, 01:07 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Dear Senior Bros,

Does anyone of you have any information regarding the KTV next to Crowne Plaza Par View Wuzhong Beijing? There are some Korean character follow by the word KTV at the entrance, anyone have been there?
I have just arrived Beijing today for some business trip, and my overseas counterpart have suggested going there, but being new to Beijing, i have no idea at all regarding this KTV, any information that i may get will be very much appreciated.

Thank you so much
Old 20-06-2007, 08:47 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Hi All,

My first post in this thread.

Went to a traditional body massage near Novotel Hotel yesterday night. No Hanky Panky type...However, sianning the massage girl to become gf...she start talk dirty and made me real big down there.

The funniest thing is she offer her cousin to spend 1 night with me....of course with a fee(cos she is a VIRGIN). I'm not too sure whether shd I take the offer.

Left the center without any action but got her number.

Damage : rmb 138 + 50(tips)
Old 20-06-2007, 02:58 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Hello, all,

I would like to share my experience with you guys. To be honest, I tried to post one around two weeks ago, but when I hit send, I guess the server had a problem and did not post mine. So this is already a 3 weeks old experience. Clearly, if you want to up my power, I won't mind.

I guess if Bro Mark remember, I was the one show said that I would be touching down late in BJ, and yes I was that one. So I was late that night, and decided not to go to KTV. So I got one of the number and called up the OKT to send a MM here for an o/n. It was agreed with 1,500 for o/n. And the OKT (don't ask me, as he is not trust worthy, you will know) brought two MMs for me to choose. I took one up, and paid in advance on 1,500. If you want to know, she is around 21, and claimed that she is a student, studying English, not very tall, not super pretty, but cute type.

When she was up in my room, it was around 11:30. She then suddenly told me that O/N mean 2 Qs, and she needs to leave by 1am. R%$%^, that's my thought, but clearly I did not want to ruin the mood and what else can I do, so I said that's fine. I know that I can't perform twice in that short period of time.

So we took the shower together, and we washed me, not so bad. When we finished showing, she then told me that if the first time takes too long, there is only one time. What the heck, I think. But given that I know that I cannot perform twice, I did not want to argue with her, and say that's fine.

We then proceed to the bed. This is something really pissed me off, she did not allow me to touch her here, touch her there, and no BJ. Then I really got fired on my stomach. I stopped everything, sent her out of my room.

If you want to ask me whether I got back the 1,500, of course, not, don't be stupid. Money gone is gone.

Then clearly with the help of bro Mark, I got some numbers from the KTV mami. So I called one from Fu xxx, and asked her whether she can send one to my hotel. Normally, I do not do that as I did not even go to KTV!! But I have think skin, so I tried. The Mami was nice, and she did send a very good one to my room.

The girl is from North East China, around 168 tall, skinny. Skin is not super good, but what the heck, she has a good personality. I like her. Very much like girlfriend. I opted for a O/N. So we took time and the rest is history. The first time was good. Then when I want to sleep, she couldn't sleep, and she was next to me, so I couldn't sleep. I then decided to send her back home early. Yeah, what a waste, I still feel regreted because I did not try the second time. But I don't think I have a choice because I had meetings on the next day.

So she left, I still keep her number. I am debating whether I should give her a call again when I go back to Beijing. She is nice, I missed her, and I missed the second time, but I am also worried that I will sink.

So the whole night cost me 3,500 with one shot. Frankly I enjoy it. I feel great that I sent the first bitch home early so I did not ruin my mood. I learn something. If I call, don't pay in full, pay half first. And clearly, I know that the bros here with a lot of power are very trust worthy. This is a good place to know people and to share experience. And hope in the future I can help some of the new comers as well.
Old 20-06-2007, 09:58 PM
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SMIB Network update

Bros, woo ... after so many nights of ktvs, finally got away from liquors, songs and women tonight. so can spend time updating the SMIB membership.

we now have 65 members, 14 are from group A. 11 are permanently based in beijing, while a few are shuttling between cities. details of group A members are available in the yahoo group now.

i have assigned each member a SMIB membership number. you can find yours in the database section. pls also check your details for effective communications. let me know if there is any error.

i had an interesting experience last week in the chaoyang hospital. will post an fr later to share with bros here.

Mark Lim
Old 21-06-2007, 03:19 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Went to Fubang last night...

This place is a bit ex for me. I went by myself and got the 700 RMB for small room. Room is classified by VIP being the biggest then A to D (D being the smallest).

This is the 2nd time that i've been to this place. I was surprised because when i walked in, the DJ instantly remembered me from the first time i went (like 3 months ago). I arrived at around 8pm, and because the DJ recognized me, she got me the same mommy. Maybe the DJ remembers me because the last time i went to that KTV, i tried to bone the DJ and have her go out with me. I like the amateur feeling "been where no one has gone before-type feeling". But i wasn't successful. I think if i really tried to work at her, i could get her (after a few dinners and dates but she's not worth that effort... not cute enough)

I'm not sure if the mommy sensed that my chinese isn't local and gave me limited service, but they only had three round of 15 girls that can "go out" (So maybe a total of 50 girls) I don't think i arrived too late... I picked one of the girls out of the 50. The girl i picked "Li Na" from Hei Long Jiang was pretty cute, thin 20 year old girl with nice white skin, nice B cup good for someone her frame. Then we drank a bit touched a bit of her up and down.. (And Wa Lau! I think her feet stunk.. She must have done alot of walking that day) And after a while, i got a bit bored and asked the mommy to bring more girls for me to check out. This was about 9 o clock..

She told me that the only remaining girls were girls who could not go out.. I was surprised.... I thought there would be alot more girls!! So i picked another girl who was actually more attractive, but more innocent looking. White skin. I love white skin. AFter like 11, i decided to take off. So, the room is 700 and for each of the girls i gave 300 (DJ, Mommy, and the two girls). I think that is standard price.. But i always feel like i am getting ripped off.. The Mommy's actually really friendly. I asked her for a receipt. I like to expense claim some of this stuff from my company. Heh.. I can't claim the whole thing, but i can claim part of it. She gave me three empty receipts, such that i can fill in the date / amount. I'm not sure if it is official, but i know my company accepts it.

After i left and got to my place, we did the normal shower, and lay in bed deal. I think that this is where you really have to shine. You have to butter her up. I told her how beautiful she is and how happy I am to be with her. Then i started kissing her mouth to mouth with some tongue. Got that GFE rhythm going. And her nipples were nice, sticks out perfectly. (I don't like those nipples that bend back inside and you have to suck on them to get them to come out). I was getting really Fking horny.

Then she started licking and sucking my little brother. I didn't even ask her. She did it on her own. My little brother has a bad habit of drooling "liu ko shui". Haha.. She licked that drool up too! haha! Then in order to get her more horny, i put on a CD and used my little bro to play with her little sis. After like a minute of that, she was really wet, and so i started boning her. She was moaning and groaning. I can tell she was really getting in to it. And when i went to switch positions, i look down at her lil sister and she had a little bit of white juice dribbling down. I love that shit... That turned me on even more (when a girl cums). I had her get on top of me and i was boning her from the bottom until i couldn't take it any more and busted my load. It felt so fcking good...

She then gave me her number and said that she needed to let her sister in to her home. And i she asked for 1200. I'm not sure if that is too much, but i gave it to her..

Fubang Inter Club
Mommy - 13910862067

Happy Cheonging!
Old 21-06-2007, 08:57 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by horlicksrocks View Post
Went to Fubang last night...

This place is a bit ex for me. I went by myself and got the 700 RMB for small room. Room is classified by VIP being the biggest then A to D (D being the smallest).

She then gave me her number and said that she needed to let her sister in to her home. And i she asked for 1200. I'm not sure if that is too much, but i gave it to her..

Happy Cheonging!
Bro, price a bit high for Fubang. but no problem, company pay right ? haha ...
open door for sis or apartment mate is a standard excuse to leave early. actually you dun have to pay the overnight rate since she is leaving early. anyway, as long as you enjoy it, it's worth the money. have fun!
Old 21-06-2007, 09:18 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by b049822 View Post
Hello, all,


So the whole night cost me 3,500 with one shot. Frankly I enjoy it. I feel great that I sent the first bitch home early so I did not ruin my mood. I learn something. If I call, don't pay in full, pay half first. And clearly, I know that the bros here with a lot of power are very trust worthy. This is a good place to know people and to share experience. And hope in the future I can help some of the new comers as well.

Glad u had fun but 3500 is really blowing away too much money. Read the posts here and others on Bejing and u can find tips easily.
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